Trump won. Now look what is happening.

No, doofus.....I am curious as to why these states where the President was leading and that should have gone to him, mysteriously stop counting then produce thousands of only Biden votes the next morning. Sleeping you say?
“Should have gone to him”? What kind of entitled bullshit is that?

The state goes to him if he gets enough votes. We will know that only after the votes are actually counted which, shockingly, TAKES TIME. We’ve known for weeks that Trump was going to lead on Election Day votes and trail as the absentees are counted. There’s nothing mysterious about this at all if you were paying attention.
I am paying attention and blue Arizona....were called very prematurely while others with Trump leading....stopped counting. So it will play out, and any fraud will be discovered so think what you want but anyone with a shred of common sense would smell a pelosi here.
The Dems are blatantly cheating. 100,000 ballots mysteriously appear in Michigan AFTER the deadline for ballots to be in by. And EVERY one for Biden. Wisconsin with more votes than registered voters. Funny how when Trump was on the verge of victory all the counts stopped at once. Nevada is still in play with a less than 9,000 vote difference. A win there gives it to Trump. For the retarded lefties who’ll cry here it is. Trump at 214. Georgia (16) North Carolina (15) Pennsylvania (20) Alaska (3) and he got one from a district in Maine (1). Thats 55 more. Equaling 269. Nevada means 275. Or when Michigan or Wisconsin get overturned due to fraud.

There's just no evidence of it.

Republicans have cried wolf on this exact issue so many times.

Remember 2016 when Trump insisted there was widespread voter fraud.....and then nothing. His 'Voting Integrity Commission' quietly disbanded without finding evidence of widespread voter fraud.

Remember 2018 when Trump insisted there was widespread voter fraud.....and then nothing. As recently as 6 weeks ago, his OWN government confirmed that there was no evidence of widespread voter fraud.

You should remain open to the possibility that 'cheating' is just what conservatives are telling themselves to soothe the butthurt of losing a fair election.
I was speaking in jest. You're such a miserable person. Ugh. Ugly, miserable, weak person. Can you even do a pushup? Fatty.
You’re not funny and you’re a spoiled brat. Everything is about you.

Which is one of the reasons this country is such a mess.
Yep....can no longer blame Trump so let's blame a business owner from Boston. LMAO...what a loser you are.
I was speaking in jest. You're such a miserable person. Ugh. Ugly, miserable, weak person. Can you even do a pushup? Fatty.
You’re not funny and you’re a spoiled brat. Everything is about you.

Which is one of the reasons this country is such a mess.
The country is a mess because an idiot like Joe Biden can be puppeted into the presidency. And you are the idiots.
The Dems are blatantly cheating. 100,000 ballots mysteriously appear in Michigan AFTER the deadline for ballots to be in by. And EVERY one for Biden. Wisconsin with more votes than registered voters. Funny how when Trump was on the verge of victory all the counts stopped at once. Nevada is still in play with a less than 9,000 vote difference. A win there gives it to Trump. For the retarded lefties who’ll cry here it is. Trump at 214. Georgia (16) North Carolina (15) Pennsylvania (20) Alaska (3) and he got one from a district in Maine (1). Thats 55 more. Equaling 269. Nevada means 275. Or when Michigan or Wisconsin get overturned due to fraud.

There's just no evidence of it.

Republicans have cried wolf on this exact issue so many times.

Remember 2016 when Trump insisted there was widespread voter fraud.....and then nothing. His 'Voting Integrity Commission' quietly disbanded without finding evidence of widespread voter fraud.

Remember 2018 when Trump insisted there was widespread voter fraud.....and then nothing. As recently as 6 weeks ago, his OWN government confirmed that there was no evidence of widespread voter fraud.

You should remain open to the possibility that 'cheating' is just what conservatives are telling themselves to soothe the butthurt of losing a fair election.
How did Wisconsin have more votes than registered voters?
The Dems are blatantly cheating. 100,000 ballots mysteriously appear in Michigan AFTER the deadline for ballots to be in by. And EVERY one for Biden. Wisconsin with more votes than registered voters. Funny how when Trump was on the verge of victory all the counts stopped at once. Nevada is still in play with a less than 9,000 vote difference. A win there gives it to Trump. For the retarded lefties who’ll cry here it is. Trump at 214. Georgia (16) North Carolina (15) Pennsylvania (20) Alaska (3) and he got one from a district in Maine (1). Thats 55 more. Equaling 269. Nevada means 275. Or when Michigan or Wisconsin get overturned due to fraud.

There's just no evidence of it.

Republicans have cried wolf on this exact issue so many times.

Remember 2016 when Trump insisted there was widespread voter fraud.....and then nothing. His 'Voting Integrity Commission' quietly disbanded without finding evidence of widespread voter fraud.

Remember 2018 when Trump insisted there was widespread voter fraud.....and then nothing. As recently as 6 weeks ago, his OWN government confirmed that there was no evidence of widespread voter fraud.

You should remain open to the possibility that 'cheating' is just what conservatives are telling themselves to soothe the butthurt of losing a fair election.
How do you know what there is evidence of?
The Dems are blatantly cheating. 100,000 ballots mysteriously appear in Michigan AFTER the deadline for ballots to be in by. And EVERY one for Biden. Wisconsin with more votes than registered voters. Funny how when Trump was on the verge of victory all the counts stopped at once. Nevada is still in play with a less than 9,000 vote difference. A win there gives it to Trump. For the retarded lefties who’ll cry here it is. Trump at 214. Georgia (16) North Carolina (15) Pennsylvania (20) Alaska (3) and he got one from a district in Maine (1). Thats 55 more. Equaling 269. Nevada means 275. Or when Michigan or Wisconsin get overturned due to fraud.

There's just no evidence of it.

Republicans have cried wolf on this exact issue so many times.

Remember 2016 when Trump insisted there was widespread voter fraud.....and then nothing. His 'Voting Integrity Commission' quietly disbanded without finding evidence of widespread voter fraud.

Remember 2018 when Trump insisted there was widespread voter fraud.....and then nothing. As recently as 6 weeks ago, his OWN government confirmed that there was no evidence of widespread voter fraud.

You should remain open to the possibility that 'cheating' is just what conservatives are telling themselves to soothe the butthurt of losing a fair election.
Learn to read dumbfuck. I spelled it out for you. That commission did not fail. States refused to have voter rolls inspected idiot. You need to admit your side is cheating. Though Trump will take it to court to stop you.
Illinois law processes ballots upon receipt and counts them day of election.

Not all states allow this.

Now is a good time to remind you that I’m smarter than you. I know more.
No need to bother counting votes in commie Illinois.
Trump reached 270, did he?
Everyone knows what they are trying to pull. Their gift from God, Covid-19, allowed the democrats to manipulate the election in ways that have never been available before and they are making the most of it. Trump is significantly ahead in four key states and they will not call them. Yes, it was close, that was expected, but they set the system up hoping they could swing the election with phantom votes that would suddenly appear out of nowhere. Too early to call? The election was yesterday.

The hateful ignorance that put a corrupted stooge up against an incumbent president stinks to a level that makes the piles of human waste on liberal city sidewalks smell as sweet as the roses at a funeral. The fact that so many voters had such a dumb unawareness of what is actually happening is testament to the Orwellian, Marxist inspired US press that hid the criminal malpractice of its chosen candidate like a propaganda platform from the bowels of the former Soviet Union.

The manufactured, salivating hatred of a mind-controlled population is an ugly reminder that we as a democracy are never very far away from the socialist slavery of the People’s Republic of China, the primary cheerleaders of Biden’s support. Trump is such a threat to the statist machinery of elitist government that a biological component appeared as an insurance policy guarding against the liberties of the people with fear and a herd mentality of group compliance.

Trump won the election on the day of the election but like race officials in a marathon, the democrats keep extending the finish line to give their second-place runner a chance. They want days or weeks to pass so underhanded swindles can get a foothold and undermine the obvious victory with lawyers and judges raising technicality flags everywhere.

This was planned but planning often goes awry in unpredictable ways. There was a sleeping giant in America that was disturbed by Trump and that giant was mud in the eye of the government swamp. The government is going to lose this time just as did last time because not enough of the people were fooled.

Like Biden, the government wanted something so bad that betraying the people and stealing it was on the table. This is how the swamp operates. Trump has too much of a lead in too many important states. Any "lo and behold" votes will be fraud.
Calling the game in the 3rd quarter?
How about we wait until all the votes are counted.

Tell that to the dummies who called Arizona for Biden with 500,000 ballots uncounted.

As for "all the votes are counted", how about we only count the legal ones? Democrats aren't even attempting to hide the voter fraud at this point.
The Dems are blatantly cheating. 100,000 ballots mysteriously appear in Michigan AFTER the deadline for ballots to be in by. And EVERY one for Biden. Wisconsin with more votes than registered voters. Funny how when Trump was on the verge of victory all the counts stopped at once. Nevada is still in play with a less than 9,000 vote difference. A win there gives it to Trump. For the retarded lefties who’ll cry here it is. Trump at 214. Georgia (16) North Carolina (15) Pennsylvania (20) Alaska (3) and he got one from a district in Maine (1). Thats 55 more. Equaling 269. Nevada means 275. Or when Michigan or Wisconsin get overturned due to fraud.

There's just no evidence of it.

Republicans have cried wolf on this exact issue so many times.

Remember 2016 when Trump insisted there was widespread voter fraud.....and then nothing. His 'Voting Integrity Commission' quietly disbanded without finding evidence of widespread voter fraud.

Remember 2018 when Trump insisted there was widespread voter fraud.....and then nothing. As recently as 6 weeks ago, his OWN government confirmed that there was no evidence of widespread voter fraud.

You should remain open to the possibility that 'cheating' is just what conservatives are telling themselves to soothe the butthurt of losing a fair election.
Learn to read dumbfuck. I spelled it out for you. That commission did not fail. States refused to have voter rolls inspected idiot. You need to admit your side is cheating. Though Trump will take it to court to stop you.

We're having a civil conversation. Please be polite.....or I'm going to treat you the way you're treating me.

And yes, the commission DID fail. Many States did turn over their voter rolls. The commision found nothing to back its claims. The FBI has found nothing to back those claims. The Justice Department has found nothing.

Again, all Trump's government. And they have failed utterly to ever back up his claims.

Its the same recycled conspiracy from 2016 and 2018. Again, without any evidence to back it up.
I am paying attention and blue Arizona....were called very prematurely while others with Trump leading....stopped counting. So it will play out, and any fraud will be discovered so think what you want but anyone with a shred of common sense would smell a pelosi here.
Fox News called Arizona. That was their decision. It wasn’t shared by others. The state hasn’t said anything. This is not some liberal plot.

When did states stop counting? Middle of the night when people were exhausted. Is it strange? No, not if you have a lick of common sense.
The Dems are blatantly cheating. 100,000 ballots mysteriously appear in Michigan AFTER the deadline for ballots to be in by. And EVERY one for Biden. Wisconsin with more votes than registered voters. Funny how when Trump was on the verge of victory all the counts stopped at once. Nevada is still in play with a less than 9,000 vote difference. A win there gives it to Trump. For the retarded lefties who’ll cry here it is. Trump at 214. Georgia (16) North Carolina (15) Pennsylvania (20) Alaska (3) and he got one from a district in Maine (1). Thats 55 more. Equaling 269. Nevada means 275. Or when Michigan or Wisconsin get overturned due to fraud.

There's just no evidence of it.

Republicans have cried wolf on this exact issue so many times.

Remember 2016 when Trump insisted there was widespread voter fraud.....and then nothing. His 'Voting Integrity Commission' quietly disbanded without finding evidence of widespread voter fraud.

Remember 2018 when Trump insisted there was widespread voter fraud.....and then nothing. As recently as 6 weeks ago, his OWN government confirmed that there was no evidence of widespread voter fraud.

You should remain open to the possibility that 'cheating' is just what conservatives are telling themselves to soothe the butthurt of losing a fair election.
Learn to read dumbfuck. I spelled it out for you. That commission did not fail. States refused to have voter rolls inspected idiot. You need to admit your side is cheating. Though Trump will take it to court to stop you.

We're having a civil conversation. Please be polite.....or I'm going to treat you the way you're treating me.

And yes, the commission DID fail. Many States did turn over their voter rolls. The commision found nothing to back its claims. The FBI has found nothing to back those claims. The Justice Department has found nothing.

Again, all Trump's government. And they have failed utterly to ever back up his claims.

Its the same recycled conspiracy from 2016 and 2018. Again, without any evidence to back it up.
The fraud is not done yet....and it will be determined as it continues even now.
One of the reasons time limits are placed on contested events is so a resolution can be reached and a winner declared.
Ever watch the World Series? No time limit. The game ends when 27 outs are recorded.
Same thing here unless you think that certain people's vote shouldn't count.
Is it the voters fault if the people counting the votes don't get it done when Ray9 dictates?

Pssst!!! 27 outs IS a limit, moron.

It's like you don't understand the concept of rules, or something.
The Dems are blatantly cheating. 100,000 ballots mysteriously appear in Michigan AFTER the deadline for ballots to be in by. And EVERY one for Biden. Wisconsin with more votes than registered voters. Funny how when Trump was on the verge of victory all the counts stopped at once. Nevada is still in play with a less than 9,000 vote difference. A win there gives it to Trump. For the retarded lefties who’ll cry here it is. Trump at 214. Georgia (16) North Carolina (15) Pennsylvania (20) Alaska (3) and he got one from a district in Maine (1). Thats 55 more. Equaling 269. Nevada means 275. Or when Michigan or Wisconsin get overturned due to fraud.

There's just no evidence of it.

Republicans have cried wolf on this exact issue so many times.

Remember 2016 when Trump insisted there was widespread voter fraud.....and then nothing. His 'Voting Integrity Commission' quietly disbanded without finding evidence of widespread voter fraud.

Remember 2018 when Trump insisted there was widespread voter fraud.....and then nothing. As recently as 6 weeks ago, his OWN government confirmed that there was no evidence of widespread voter fraud.

You should remain open to the possibility that 'cheating' is just what conservatives are telling themselves to soothe the butthurt of losing a fair election.
Learn to read dumbfuck. I spelled it out for you. That commission did not fail. States refused to have voter rolls inspected idiot. You need to admit your side is cheating. Though Trump will take it to court to stop you.

We're having a civil conversation. Please be polite.....or I'm going to treat you the way you're treating me.

And yes, the commission DID fail. Many States did turn over their voter rolls. The commision found nothing to back its claims. The FBI has found nothing to back those claims. The Justice Department has found nothing.

Again, all Trump's government. And they have failed utterly to ever back up his claims.

Its the same recycled conspiracy from 2016 and 2018. Again, without any evidence to back it up.
The fraud is not done yet....and it will be determined as it continues even now.

Again, what fraud?

Conservatives have cried wolf on this over and over again. And you still have no evidence. Worse, Trump's own government confirmed that there was no evidence of widespread voter fraud as recently as 6 weeks go.

You're literally offering your accusation as your evidence. Just like conservatives did in 2016. Just like conservatives did in 2018.

And it isn't.
I am paying attention and blue Arizona....were called very prematurely while others with Trump leading....stopped counting. So it will play out, and any fraud will be discovered so think what you want but anyone with a shred of common sense would smell a pelosi here.
Fox News called Arizona. That was their decision. It wasn’t shared by others. The state hasn’t said anything. This is not some liberal plot.

When did states stop counting? Middle of the night when people were exhausted. Is it strange? No, not if you have a lick of common sense.
Arizona is making plenty of noise now. Any states that stopped counting and needed to continue, fine. How many reported thousands of only Biden votes the next morning first thing?

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