Trump won. Now look what is happening.

I agree with you. IDC if Biden won because if he did he deserved it as Trump alienated many women voters. But I'd like to know and not have to wait while the parties sue one another. The system needs to be better and more transparent IMO.
Waiting is not the end of the world. Everyone needs to stop acting like spoiled brats.

All this does is divide us further. The system is obviously broken and not trusted.

according to Trump. And actually Dick Nixon and Al Gore lost with more class, even though they had a better argument that the result was "fixed."

Huh? The system is broken. We still don't know who won and its the next morning. I agree that his tweet was stupid. Is stupid. In this day and age of tech and we still don't know?!??! Something is amiss.

You're nuts, ShortBus. The system is not broken just because you don't like it.

Exactly. No matter if Biden or Trump wins, the election showed the system is not broken. Trump with a 43% approval rating and soon to be having 3000 death PER DAY that could have been prevented has either won or come very close, and the only reason can be is that an awful lot of people think his ideas are pretty good even if he's a pretty awful person. I think that shows an electorate that can hold multiple thoughts at the same time and come to a decision.

Subjective. What is broken is how slowly we count ballots not how we vote. In this day and age of modern day tech, we should be better and 3k a day are dying? What?

It matters not if it takes a few days to count the ballots. What's important is that all valid ballots are counted and counted accurately. If that takes a few days, so be it. That's not broken.

Why can they not be counted accurately like they have been prior to this year? Hire more people. Hell they spend 100s of millions on the election. Broken is the wrong word. It is inefficient is the better one. So if a plumber tells you he'll fix your toilet on the 3rd but arrives on the 10th you're OK with it? LOL

Republic legislators in WI, MI and PA wouldn't change state law to allow counting of mail in ballots until after the in-person voting was over.

So you have that.

The right did everything they could to prevent folks from voting. Now because they're losing, they cry the process is broken.

Huh? I just want to know who won and not wait 10 days to find out. You're as usual lying. What a stupid walking corpse you are.

You won't have to wait 10 days, ShortBus. You'll likely know by around this time tomorrow.

Really? With lawsuits pending and such? So you believe PA will know by tomorrow? Walking Corpse please stop trolling.

Biden doesn't necessarily need Pennsylvania. He's close to winning Michigan and then all he needs is Nevada where he has a very slim lead. Nevada resumes counting tomorrow at noon. If Biden wins Nevada tomorrow, Biden wins the election regardless of how Pennsylvania falls.


Arizona is going Trump. It was called early by mistake.
Last edited:
the law prevents what? checking signatures on arrival? impossible. fking impossible. that's as stupid as a demofk. you forget who your target audience is with me. go shake your dirty undies somewhere else.
Your ignorance doesn’t change the facts. What I said is absolutely true.

All this does is divide us further. The system is obviously broken and not trusted.

according to Trump. And actually Dick Nixon and Al Gore lost with more class, even though they had a better argument that the result was "fixed."

Huh? The system is broken. We still don't know who won and its the next morning. I agree that his tweet was stupid. Is stupid. In this day and age of tech and we still don't know?!??! Something is amiss.

You're nuts, ShortBus. The system is not broken just because you don't like it.

Exactly. No matter if Biden or Trump wins, the election showed the system is not broken. Trump with a 43% approval rating and soon to be having 3000 death PER DAY that could have been prevented has either won or come very close, and the only reason can be is that an awful lot of people think his ideas are pretty good even if he's a pretty awful person. I think that shows an electorate that can hold multiple thoughts at the same time and come to a decision.

Subjective. What is broken is how slowly we count ballots not how we vote. In this day and age of modern day tech, we should be better and 3k a day are dying? What?

It matters not if it takes a few days to count the ballots. What's important is that all valid ballots are counted and counted accurately. If that takes a few days, so be it. That's not broken.

Why can they not be counted accurately like they have been prior to this year? Hire more people. Hell they spend 100s of millions on the election. Broken is the wrong word. It is inefficient is the better one. So if a plumber tells you he'll fix your toilet on the 3rd but arrives on the 10th you're OK with it? LOL

Republic legislators in WI, MI and PA wouldn't change state law to allow counting of mail in ballots until after the in-person voting was over.

So you have that.

The right did everything they could to prevent folks from voting. Now because they're losing, they cry the process is broken.

Huh? I just want to know who won and not wait 10 days to find out. You're as usual lying. What a stupid walking corpse you are.

You won't have to wait 10 days, ShortBus. You'll likely know by around this time tomorrow.

Really? With lawsuits pending and such? So you believe PA will know by tomorrow? Walking Corpse please stop trolling.

Biden doesn't necessarily need Pennsylvania. He's close to winning Michigan and then all he needs is Nevada where he has a very slim lead. Nevada resumes counting tomorrow at noon. If Biden wins Nevada tomorrow, Biden wins the election regardless of how Pennsylvania falls.


Arizona is going Trump. It was called early on a mistake.

It's not going to trump.
If they stop counting now, Biden wins. They still need to keep counting in NC, PA, MI, GA, because of the very close senate races there.
Untitled drawing - 2020-11-04T093856.242.png
the law prevents what? checking signatures on arrival? impossible. fking impossible. that's as stupid as a demofk. you forget who your target audience is with me. go shake your dirty undies somewhere else.
Your ignorance doesn’t change the facts. What I said is absolutely true.
no it's not. simply wave your dirty undies in another direction.

So you know, there were text message systems set up to confirm the receipts of mail in ballots after signatures were confirmed. My family was contacted to come in and help back in October to verify signatures. Guess who for, demofks. it's fking laughable what you try and push off as fact.

All this does is divide us further. The system is obviously broken and not trusted.

according to Trump. And actually Dick Nixon and Al Gore lost with more class, even though they had a better argument that the result was "fixed."

Huh? The system is broken. We still don't know who won and its the next morning. I agree that his tweet was stupid. Is stupid. In this day and age of tech and we still don't know?!??! Something is amiss.

You're nuts, ShortBus. The system is not broken just because you don't like it.

Exactly. No matter if Biden or Trump wins, the election showed the system is not broken. Trump with a 43% approval rating and soon to be having 3000 death PER DAY that could have been prevented has either won or come very close, and the only reason can be is that an awful lot of people think his ideas are pretty good even if he's a pretty awful person. I think that shows an electorate that can hold multiple thoughts at the same time and come to a decision.

Subjective. What is broken is how slowly we count ballots not how we vote. In this day and age of modern day tech, we should be better and 3k a day are dying? What?

It matters not if it takes a few days to count the ballots. What's important is that all valid ballots are counted and counted accurately. If that takes a few days, so be it. That's not broken.

Why can they not be counted accurately like they have been prior to this year? Hire more people. Hell they spend 100s of millions on the election. Broken is the wrong word. It is inefficient is the better one. So if a plumber tells you he'll fix your toilet on the 3rd but arrives on the 10th you're OK with it? LOL

Republic legislators in WI, MI and PA wouldn't change state law to allow counting of mail in ballots until after the in-person voting was over.

So you have that.

The right did everything they could to prevent folks from voting. Now because they're losing, they cry the process is broken.

Huh? I just want to know who won and not wait 10 days to find out. You're as usual lying. What a stupid walking corpse you are.

You won't have to wait 10 days, ShortBus. You'll likely know by around this time tomorrow.

Really? With lawsuits pending and such? So you believe PA will know by tomorrow? Walking Corpse please stop trolling.

Biden doesn't necessarily need Pennsylvania. He's close to winning Michigan and then all he needs is Nevada where he has a very slim lead. Nevada resumes counting tomorrow at noon. If Biden wins Nevada tomorrow, Biden wins the election regardless of how Pennsylvania falls.


Arizona is going Trump. It was called early on a mistake.


Keep hope alive.
What we are witnessing is the state protecting itself from an upstart that encouraged the people to challenge it. Those of us who are older recognize the footprints of authoritarianism we were warned about in school before the teacher's unions became part of the state.

Propaganda ramparts have been erected in the form of social media and the president's complaints are censored in the name of protecting the people from "dangerous speech" that could "mislead" them. This was a common practice in the former Soviet Union where no one was allowed to print anything critical of the government. Facebook and Twitter are examples of Soviet style censorship right out in the open.

President Trump has been found guilty of "slandering the state" and too many have never been taught actual history because education in the US is a state-partnered entity that has adopted authoritarianism as a means of doing business.'re seeing the people reject an incompetent President.

Your fantastically elaborate conspiracy theory is not only factually void....its unnecessary. Biden won because he earned the vote of more people than Trump did.

All this does is divide us further. The system is obviously broken and not trusted.

according to Trump. And actually Dick Nixon and Al Gore lost with more class, even though they had a better argument that the result was "fixed."

Huh? The system is broken. We still don't know who won and its the next morning. I agree that his tweet was stupid. Is stupid. In this day and age of tech and we still don't know?!??! Something is amiss.

You're nuts, ShortBus. The system is not broken just because you don't like it.

Exactly. No matter if Biden or Trump wins, the election showed the system is not broken. Trump with a 43% approval rating and soon to be having 3000 death PER DAY that could have been prevented has either won or come very close, and the only reason can be is that an awful lot of people think his ideas are pretty good even if he's a pretty awful person. I think that shows an electorate that can hold multiple thoughts at the same time and come to a decision.

Subjective. What is broken is how slowly we count ballots not how we vote. In this day and age of modern day tech, we should be better and 3k a day are dying? What?

It matters not if it takes a few days to count the ballots. What's important is that all valid ballots are counted and counted accurately. If that takes a few days, so be it. That's not broken.

Why can they not be counted accurately like they have been prior to this year? Hire more people. Hell they spend 100s of millions on the election. Broken is the wrong word. It is inefficient is the better one. So if a plumber tells you he'll fix your toilet on the 3rd but arrives on the 10th you're OK with it? LOL

Republic legislators in WI, MI and PA wouldn't change state law to allow counting of mail in ballots until after the in-person voting was over.

So you have that.

The right did everything they could to prevent folks from voting. Now because they're losing, they cry the process is broken.

Huh? I just want to know who won and not wait 10 days to find out. You're as usual lying. What a stupid walking corpse you are.

You won't have to wait 10 days, ShortBus. You'll likely know by around this time tomorrow.

Really? With lawsuits pending and such? So you believe PA will know by tomorrow? Walking Corpse please stop trolling.

Biden doesn't necessarily need Pennsylvania. He's close to winning Michigan and then all he needs is Nevada where he has a very slim lead. Nevada resumes counting tomorrow at noon. If Biden wins Nevada tomorrow, Biden wins the election regardless of how Pennsylvania falls.


Arizona is going Trump. It was called early on a mistake.

It's not going to trump.

Why? Impeached Trump's only down by 94K votes. :ack-1:

Did I mention the remaining ballots to be counted are mail-in ballots which are mostly Democrat votes?
I agree with you. IDC if Biden won because if he did he deserved it as Trump alienated many women voters. But I'd like to know and not have to wait while the parties sue one another. The system needs to be better and more transparent IMO.
Waiting is not the end of the world. Everyone needs to stop acting like spoiled brats.
I am a spoiled brat. I agree with you there.

All this does is divide us further. The system is obviously broken and not trusted.

according to Trump. And actually Dick Nixon and Al Gore lost with more class, even though they had a better argument that the result was "fixed."

Huh? The system is broken. We still don't know who won and its the next morning. I agree that his tweet was stupid. Is stupid. In this day and age of tech and we still don't know?!??! Something is amiss.

You're nuts, ShortBus. The system is not broken just because you don't like it.

Exactly. No matter if Biden or Trump wins, the election showed the system is not broken. Trump with a 43% approval rating and soon to be having 3000 death PER DAY that could have been prevented has either won or come very close, and the only reason can be is that an awful lot of people think his ideas are pretty good even if he's a pretty awful person. I think that shows an electorate that can hold multiple thoughts at the same time and come to a decision.

Subjective. What is broken is how slowly we count ballots not how we vote. In this day and age of modern day tech, we should be better and 3k a day are dying? What?

It matters not if it takes a few days to count the ballots. What's important is that all valid ballots are counted and counted accurately. If that takes a few days, so be it. That's not broken.

Why can they not be counted accurately like they have been prior to this year? Hire more people. Hell they spend 100s of millions on the election. Broken is the wrong word. It is inefficient is the better one. So if a plumber tells you he'll fix your toilet on the 3rd but arrives on the 10th you're OK with it? LOL

Republic legislators in WI, MI and PA wouldn't change state law to allow counting of mail in ballots until after the in-person voting was over.

So you have that.

The right did everything they could to prevent folks from voting. Now because they're losing, they cry the process is broken.

Huh? I just want to know who won and not wait 10 days to find out. You're as usual lying. What a stupid walking corpse you are.

You won't have to wait 10 days, ShortBus. You'll likely know by around this time tomorrow.

Really? With lawsuits pending and such? So you believe PA will know by tomorrow? Walking Corpse please stop trolling.

Biden doesn't necessarily need Pennsylvania. He's close to winning Michigan and then all he needs is Nevada where he has a very slim lead. Nevada resumes counting tomorrow at noon. If Biden wins Nevada tomorrow, Biden wins the election regardless of how Pennsylvania falls.


Arizona is going Trump. It was called early on a mistake.

It's not going to trump.

Why? Impeached Trump's only down by 94K votes. :ack-1:

Trump only won in 2016 by 78,000 votes.
They missed the deadline. Now they know how many they need. It should be obvious what is going on here. They stopped counting on election night because they didn’t like where it was headed. In fact, these states all stopped counting at about the same time, with the exemption of NV. Phone calls were likely made to stop. They needed to have time to “fix’ the situation that was clearly headed in the wrong direction for them.

NV is taking a day off today, which is absolutely absurd.

The President has lawyers watching their every move.

The AL Franken "victory" in Minnesota shows how the Democrats keep counting until they have enough.
The difference is that we have a fighter leading The Republican Party now.
Not such pussy fucking establishment fuck that will just roll over.
They kept counting all the ballots. Is that not what elections are for?
Creating all the ballots you mean??
Nope counting legally cast ballots.
Then why did they stop counting them?
Because Trump would have had to be declared the winner last night....they are stealing this election....and since everyone knows Biden is a one termer all the rinos want to run against him in he isn't going to get help from his own party.....its sad to see how we vote in America today.....
They missed the deadline. Now they know how many they need. It should be obvious what is going on here. They stopped counting on election night because they didn’t like where it was headed. In fact, these states all stopped counting at about the same time, with the exemption of NV. Phone calls were likely made to stop. They needed to have time to “fix’ the situation that was clearly headed in the wrong direction for them.

NV is taking a day off today, which is absolutely absurd.

The President has lawyers watching their every move.

The AL Franken "victory" in Minnesota shows how the Democrats keep counting until they have enough.
The difference is that we have a fighter leading The Republican Party now.
Not such pussy fucking establishment fuck that will just roll over.
They kept counting all the ballots. Is that not what elections are for?
Creating all the ballots you mean??
Nope counting legally cast ballots.
Then why did they stop counting them?
Because Trump would have had to be declared the winner last night....they are stealing this election....and since everyone knows Biden is a one termer all the rinos want to run against him in he isn't going to get help from his own party.....its sad to see how we vote in America today.....
And there you have it.
So you know, there were text message systems set up to confirm the receipts of mail in ballots after signatures were confirmed. My family was contacted to come in and help back in October to verify signatures. Guess who for, demofks. it's fking laughable what you try and push off as fact.
What state?
They missed the deadline. Now they know how many they need. It should be obvious what is going on here. They stopped counting on election night because they didn’t like where it was headed. In fact, these states all stopped counting at about the same time, with the exemption of NV. Phone calls were likely made to stop. They needed to have time to “fix’ the situation that was clearly headed in the wrong direction for them.

NV is taking a day off today, which is absolutely absurd.

The President has lawyers watching their every move.

The AL Franken "victory" in Minnesota shows how the Democrats keep counting until they have enough.
The difference is that we have a fighter leading The Republican Party now.
Not such pussy fucking establishment fuck that will just roll over.
They kept counting all the ballots. Is that not what elections are for?
Creating all the ballots you mean??
Nope counting legally cast ballots.
Then why did they stop counting them?
Because Trump would have had to be declared the winner last night....they are stealing this election....and since everyone knows Biden is a one termer all the rinos want to run against him in he isn't going to get help from his own party.....its sad to see how we vote in America today.....

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