Trumpism: This is what PUSHBACK looks like

Not at all. That's why I pointed out how we went from bad to worse. There is really no way to take money out of politics unfortunately. They will find a way around it.

There's one way to take money out of politics. Limit government power, and thereby make politicians less valuable.

Right. The problem is finding politicians willing to vote to make themselves less valuable.

There are people who run on the concept of limited government. There are people who would be willing to run for that purpose. We the voters need to be willing to work for that and resist the urge to say, ". . . except for MY sacred ox."

Do you see that happening? I don't think democracy can get us out of this one.

Do I see what happening? The majority of people waking up from their jaded, apathetic lethargy and realizing that all the things they bitch about can be traced back to them and their own passivity?

I think it's possible.

I hope you're right. But I've been pissing up that rope for decades. The mouth-breathers just wanna watch TV.
The majority of people waking up from their jaded, apathetic lethargy and realizing that all the things they bitch about can be traced back to them and their own passivity?

I think it's possible.

It's called greed. I believe there are two common phrases that have been rendered all but obsolete anecdotes in current American society.

1. He who has the gold makes the rules.
2. The fish rots from the head.

I think both are perfect descriptors of our current society. You are free to try and to figure out why.

Our society is fine. If you want to be poor, be irresponsible, drop out of school, don't get a job, and you can be poor. If you want to be middle-class, get a decent paying job, training for a job, or become a professional in a line of work, and you'll be middle-class. If you want better than middle-class, attend college, work and save money to start your own business, and learn about investments like the stock market or real estate. You need to take a lot of risks, and make sacrifices like an older car, an older model cell phone with just enough time that you need, don't get married or have children, and you can take a shot at being wealthy.
The majority of people waking up from their jaded, apathetic lethargy and realizing that all the things they bitch about can be traced back to them and their own passivity?

I think it's possible.

It's called greed. I believe there are two common phrases that have been rendered all but obsolete anecdotes in current American society.

1. He who has the gold makes the rules.
2. The fish rots from the head.

I think both are perfect descriptors of our current society. You are free to try and to figure out why.

Our society is fine. If you want to be poor, be irresponsible, drop out of school, don't get a job, and you can be poor. If you want to be middle-class, get a decent paying job, training for a job, or become a professional in a line of work, and you'll be middle-class. If you want better than middle-class, attend college, work and save money to start your own business, and learn about investments like the stock market or real estate. You need to take a lot of risks, and make sacrifices like an older car, an older model cell phone with just enough time that you need, don't get married or have children, and you can take a shot at being wealthy.

Your generic, folksy, 'common sense' opinion aside, you focused on the individual, not society in general. Swing and a miss.
The majority of people waking up from their jaded, apathetic lethargy and realizing that all the things they bitch about can be traced back to them and their own passivity?

I think it's possible.

It's called greed. I believe there are two common phrases that have been rendered all but obsolete anecdotes in current American society.

1. He who has the gold makes the rules.
2. The fish rots from the head.

I think both are perfect descriptors of our current society. You are free to try and to figure out why.

Our society is fine. If you want to be poor, be irresponsible, drop out of school, don't get a job, and you can be poor. If you want to be middle-class, get a decent paying job, training for a job, or become a professional in a line of work, and you'll be middle-class. If you want better than middle-class, attend college, work and save money to start your own business, and learn about investments like the stock market or real estate. You need to take a lot of risks, and make sacrifices like an older car, an older model cell phone with just enough time that you need, don't get married or have children, and you can take a shot at being wealthy.

Your generic, folksy, 'common sense' opinion aside, you focused on the individual, not society in general. Swing and a miss.

So what explicitly were you talking about in Society that doesn't work? Not that we're perfect, but certainly we have the best society in the world. I don't let what other people have bother me. Why should it? If they have a lot or they have a little, it doesn't affect me any, because I just worry about what I have and how satisfied I am in life.
The majority of people waking up from their jaded, apathetic lethargy and realizing that all the things they bitch about can be traced back to them and their own passivity?

I think it's possible.

It's called greed. I believe there are two common phrases that have been rendered all but obsolete anecdotes in current American society.

1. He who has the gold makes the rules.
2. The fish rots from the head.

I think both are perfect descriptors of our current society. You are free to try and to figure out why.

Our society is fine. If you want to be poor, be irresponsible, drop out of school, don't get a job, and you can be poor. If you want to be middle-class, get a decent paying job, training for a job, or become a professional in a line of work, and you'll be middle-class. If you want better than middle-class, attend college, work and save money to start your own business, and learn about investments like the stock market or real estate. You need to take a lot of risks, and make sacrifices like an older car, an older model cell phone with just enough time that you need, don't get married or have children, and you can take a shot at being wealthy.

Your generic, folksy, 'common sense' opinion aside, you focused on the individual, not society in general. Swing and a miss.

So what explicitly were you talking about in Society that doesn't work? Not that we're perfect, but certainly we have the best society in the world. I don't let what other people have bother me. Why should it? If they have a lot or they have a little, it doesn't affect me any, because I just worry about what I have and how satisfied I am in life.

Fabulous. Heck, I believe I'm more satisfied and content than most, and you know what? It doesn't amount to a hill of beans to anyone else. What concerns me when our levels of satisfaction and contentment blinds us to the willful corruption and criminality going on daily by those we choose to represent us within our wasteful, bloated government apparatus. I'll give you an example: Does our Justice system really dispense objective justice when identity/gender/race/economic status is quite clearly a factor?
The majority of people waking up from their jaded, apathetic lethargy and realizing that all the things they bitch about can be traced back to them and their own passivity?

I think it's possible.

It's called greed. I believe there are two common phrases that have been rendered all but obsolete anecdotes in current American society.

1. He who has the gold makes the rules.
2. The fish rots from the head.

I think both are perfect descriptors of our current society. You are free to try and to figure out why.

Our society is fine. If you want to be poor, be irresponsible, drop out of school, don't get a job, and you can be poor. If you want to be middle-class, get a decent paying job, training for a job, or become a professional in a line of work, and you'll be middle-class. If you want better than middle-class, attend college, work and save money to start your own business, and learn about investments like the stock market or real estate. You need to take a lot of risks, and make sacrifices like an older car, an older model cell phone with just enough time that you need, don't get married or have children, and you can take a shot at being wealthy.

You can't take a shot at being wealthy without capital and the current economy doesn't allow the majority of the population to accumlate capital. 40% of Americans aren't benefitting from Trump's economy. They're worse off.

When Ronnie Reagan was elected, you had a 20% chance of working your way out of poverty, provided you got an education and worked hard. Today, you have a 2% chance.

Today a good education comes with an average of $40,000 in student loans. And there aren't enough middle class jobs for all of the university graduates, so the competition for good paying jobs is intense, with more and more university grads ending up in low paying service jobs, waiting for a chance to move up and out.

We see the results in the declining birth rate, later ages for marriage, first home purchase and new car purchases. Many 20 somethings are deciding not to have children because day care costs $275 per week, per child. Unless you're making big bucks, you can't afford day care for more than one child.
The majority of people waking up from their jaded, apathetic lethargy and realizing that all the things they bitch about can be traced back to them and their own passivity?

I think it's possible.

It's called greed. I believe there are two common phrases that have been rendered all but obsolete anecdotes in current American society.

1. He who has the gold makes the rules.
2. The fish rots from the head.

I think both are perfect descriptors of our current society. You are free to try and to figure out why.

Our society is fine. If you want to be poor, be irresponsible, drop out of school, don't get a job, and you can be poor. If you want to be middle-class, get a decent paying job, training for a job, or become a professional in a line of work, and you'll be middle-class. If you want better than middle-class, attend college, work and save money to start your own business, and learn about investments like the stock market or real estate. You need to take a lot of risks, and make sacrifices like an older car, an older model cell phone with just enough time that you need, don't get married or have children, and you can take a shot at being wealthy.

You can't take a shot at being wealthy without capital and the current economy doesn't allow the majority of the population to accumlate capital. 40% of Americans aren't benefitting from Trump's economy. They're worse off.

When Ronnie Reagan was elected, you had a 20% chance of working your way out of poverty, provided you got an education and worked hard. Today, you have a 2% chance.

Today a good education comes with an average of $40,000 in student loans. And there aren't enough middle class jobs for all of the university graduates, so the competition for good paying jobs is intense, with more and more university grads ending up in low paying service jobs, waiting for a chance to move up and out.

We see the results in the declining birth rate, later ages for marriage, first home purchase and new car purchases. Many 20 somethings are deciding not to have children because day care costs $275 per week, per child. Unless you're making big bucks, you can't afford day care for more than one child.

And yet, someone comes along and wants to change those policies that led to that, and you just accept what the status quo establishment tells you about them, without a single question.
The majority of people waking up from their jaded, apathetic lethargy and realizing that all the things they bitch about can be traced back to them and their own passivity?

I think it's possible.

It's called greed. I believe there are two common phrases that have been rendered all but obsolete anecdotes in current American society.

1. He who has the gold makes the rules.
2. The fish rots from the head.

I think both are perfect descriptors of our current society. You are free to try and to figure out why.

Our society is fine. If you want to be poor, be irresponsible, drop out of school, don't get a job, and you can be poor. If you want to be middle-class, get a decent paying job, training for a job, or become a professional in a line of work, and you'll be middle-class. If you want better than middle-class, attend college, work and save money to start your own business, and learn about investments like the stock market or real estate. You need to take a lot of risks, and make sacrifices like an older car, an older model cell phone with just enough time that you need, don't get married or have children, and you can take a shot at being wealthy.

You can't take a shot at being wealthy without capital and the current economy doesn't allow the majority of the population to accumlate capital. 40% of Americans aren't benefitting from Trump's economy. They're worse off.

When Ronnie Reagan was elected, you had a 20% chance of working your way out of poverty, provided you got an education and worked hard. Today, you have a 2% chance.

Today a good education comes with an average of $40,000 in student loans. And there aren't enough middle class jobs for all of the university graduates, so the competition for good paying jobs is intense, with more and more university grads ending up in low paying service jobs, waiting for a chance to move up and out.

We see the results in the declining birth rate, later ages for marriage, first home purchase and new car purchases. Many 20 somethings are deciding not to have children because day care costs $275 per week, per child. Unless you're making big bucks, you can't afford day care for more than one child.

Capital is residual money left over from paying bills. People have access to that money, but that money becomes less and less available when you have the newest smart phone, unlimited everything, 450 cable channels, ten of which you use, and four video game systems.

You can't eat out four or more times a week and expect to get capital. You can't do it by starting a family before you're an adult yourself. There are plenty of jobs out there, and many of them are pretty good paying. But you can't get those jobs if you don't give up the dope. That's a major problem for industry right now. They can't find sober workers.

I have no idea where you get your statistics from, I really think you make them up as you go along, because you never provide sources even when asked. But if 40% are not doing better under Trump's economy, then they will never do better, because an economy doesn't get much better than this. So you can't blame Trump for bad individual choices in life.

We landlords are doing fantastic right now and have been for the last several years. Why? Because younger people don't want the responsibility of home ownership. They like coming home, and if anything is wrong, not have to deal with it. Just place a phone call. So that's part of the housing decline, just lack of interest. The other thing is government over regulation that makes building a new home so expensive. In spite of that, even housing is doing well these days.

Homebuilder confidence jumps to highest level in 20 years
While I'm sure as hell no fan of Trump, or many of his fans, I think I'm understanding this whole thing more now. Unfortunately, I think it's pretty clear the Democratic Party hasn't learned a fucking thing.

As people like Matthews and Carville and Bloomberg and Manchin try to sound the alarm bells for the party, it's clear that the party has been taken over by the loonies who insist that PC and Identity Politics are at the core of the party's worldview.

To put this as succinctly as I can, I think Trumpism is PUSHBACK against years and years of weaponized PC and Identity Politics. It's a primal scream of pent-up frustration. Burn it down, While much of it is pretty ugly to me, I do understand it, because I don't think that much of what the hardcore leftists who are in control of the party is actually American liberalism. I was called a racist for being against the ACA.

I warned about it long before Trump came down the elevator. I just didn't know how strong it would be.

June 23, 2013:
Always nice to see pushback against the PC Police.

November 14, 2015:
Spin & deflect for the PC-Protected religion, and you'll get the pushback you deserve. Tough shit. Be responsible for your words.

July 27, 2013:
Looks like the PC Police are seeing that their phony "you're a racist" schtick isn't scaring some folks like it used to. It's still relatively effective, but the pushback is getting stronger. Hopefully the momentum will continue, and they'll have to actually engage in intellectually honest conversation for a change.

This doesn't mean that the Democrats will lose in November. I sure don't know. But I think I do understand this.

Post 199: Should Dean's life be ruined for saying the N-word 30-40-50 years ago?
Post 49: The French people have some serious balls
Post 135: How Obama Poisoned Race Relations in America

The majority of people waking up from their jaded, apathetic lethargy and realizing that all the things they bitch about can be traced back to them and their own passivity?

I think it's possible.

It's called greed. I believe there are two common phrases that have been rendered all but obsolete anecdotes in current American society.

1. He who has the gold makes the rules.
2. The fish rots from the head.

I think both are perfect descriptors of our current society. You are free to try and to figure out why.

Our society is fine. If you want to be poor, be irresponsible, drop out of school, don't get a job, and you can be poor. If you want to be middle-class, get a decent paying job, training for a job, or become a professional in a line of work, and you'll be middle-class. If you want better than middle-class, attend college, work and save money to start your own business, and learn about investments like the stock market or real estate. You need to take a lot of risks, and make sacrifices like an older car, an older model cell phone with just enough time that you need, don't get married or have children, and you can take a shot at being wealthy.

Your generic, folksy, 'common sense' opinion aside, you focused on the individual, not society in general. Swing and a miss.

So what explicitly were you talking about in Society that doesn't work? Not that we're perfect, but certainly we have the best society in the world. I don't let what other people have bother me. Why should it? If they have a lot or they have a little, it doesn't affect me any, because I just worry about what I have and how satisfied I am in life.

Fabulous. Heck, I believe I'm more satisfied and content than most, and you know what? It doesn't amount to a hill of beans to anyone else. What concerns me when our levels of satisfaction and contentment blinds us to the willful corruption and criminality going on daily by those we choose to represent us within our wasteful, bloated government apparatus. I'll give you an example: Does our Justice system really dispense objective justice when identity/gender/race/economic status is quite clearly a factor?

The problem is it's not clearly anything. What they do is give you the statistics, and leave out how they became that way. Their intent is for you to conclude it's government and not individuals themselves.

It's not hard to stay out of trouble. I did it all of my life. Yeah, I've had few traffic tickets in my life, one outstanding parking ticket because I let somebody use my car, and they threw the ticket away, but outside of that, never seen a jail or prison cell. It's not just me, it's actually most of society.
Here we go again - for the gazillionth time.

Of course, there was going to be a backlash to any and all requirements all, even Those people, be treated with respect, and also against the centuries of white identity standard slowly being dissolved. It is nothing less, and nothing more, than the last hooray of traditional White male supremacy, and its rear-guard fight against a more equitable future, and the modicum of decency required to make it happen.

And so, while disgusted with the tsunami of racism and misogyny emerging from the crowd of Trumpletons, instigated at the very top, Mac still can't possibly find a way out of that wet paper bag of old habits. Of course, Mac is well aware that women and minorities got a bad deal, but for heaven's sake, do not ever try to change that, because Trump! Or so he intones time and time again, shrill as ever, convinced his not learning anything for a decade proves - PROVES!!!! - he was right all along...

No, he is no White male supremacist - he just finds accommodating White male supremacists more important than to strive for something better, and, in so doing, he invents a far left in control of... something, to be blamed for the racist, misogynist boneheads and their rage.

Are there actually bone heads that dont think white males are supreme?
Their results certainly have been.

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