Trumpophobia is Skyrocketing Along With His Polls

1. I was young in the 60s and 70s, and the issue then was the VN war and the draft, very heated protests, I can still remember girls putting their boobs up against very scary looking bayonets.
I call bullshit on the Left/Antifa starting the shooting, they would be very outgunned.

2. The U/G never blew anything consequential up, and they can't blow shit up if they can't get explosives. The 100,000 Chinese and 50,000 Russians Biden let in are more of an urgency to remove than leftist "weathermen".

3. The Laws haven't changed in 4-years. Besides, Biden ignores Laws, so Trump can ignore Laws.

Bombs, sabotage, improvised weapons. They will have anger on their side.

Those are also a problem, especially if they coordinate with the lefties here.

The left will sue sue and sue some more and get complaint judges to issue orders halting whatever Trump wants to do.
Bombs, sabotage, improvised weapons. They will have anger on their side.

Those are also a problem, especially if they coordinate with the lefties here.

The left will sue sue and sue some more and get complaint judges to issue orders halting whatever Trump wants to do.
1. Snipers & better guns, we have cold-blooded determination on our side.

2. Exactly. Traitor Joe let in his Chinese and Russian spies and guerilla army to wreak havoc when the time comes.

3. LOL. If Trump learned anything about the courts it is a non-compliant judge will eventually make the right decision.
If Trump wins, in NY they just may be. The left has been whipped into a frenzy I haven't seen before, I'm too young to remember the late 60's early 70's.

The Underground popped up to blow shit up all the time.

They have had 4 years to prepare for round 2. Don't underestimate them.

And all the violence by the left will be Trump's fault. That is how it works in the liberal world. Their bad behavior is always somebody else's fault.
1. Snipers & better guns, we have cold-blooded determination on our side.

2. Exactly. Traitor Joe let in his Chinese and Russian spies and guerilla army to wreak havoc when the time comes.

3. LOL. If Trump learned anything about the courts it is a non-compliant judge will eventually make the right decision.

Not in NYC. the left would run rampant for weeks as the NYPD runs for their suburban homes and the Lefty governor hold off on bringing in the guard.

One possible scenario of many.

They have had 4 years to prepare for it.
Not in NYC. the left would run rampant for weeks as the NYPD runs for their suburban homes and the Lefty governor hold off on bringing in the guard.

One possible scenario of many.

They have had 4 years to prepare for it.
1. No one cares what happens in the shitholes like NYC & CA. Smart people are leaving them to the animals.

2. Explain why else Traitor Joe would let in 100,000 Chinese and 50,000 Russians?

3. They could have 100-years to prepare, it won't matter. Gone is gone.
Godwin response is noted and as required made fun of.

I called you guys Not Sees. There is a difference. Not much though.
Like 16, the Left got Trump elected.
Don't blame it on the Left. The deplorables elected him in '16 with the help of the anachronistic, un-democratic, EC. And the deplorables will vote for him again despite him being a rapist, orchestrating a failed coup, stealing from a charity, cheating on his taxes, pardoning criminals for his own benefit, endorsing authoritarian governance, having violated a gag order, effing a porn star, botching the COVID response, being responsible for Iran developing a nuke, embracing Putin, surrounding himself with felons, grifting donations,...................the list is far too long to recite.
Like 16, the Left got Trump elected. They’re doing it again. Thank you Leftists!

As Trump continues to show leads in critical swing states, as various lawfare-inspired cases against him seem to the public to be more persecutions than prosecutions, and as Joe Biden appears daily more incoherent and lost, the left on spec has resorted to warning the nation about all the supposedly catastrophic consequences of a future Trump presidency.

Read it all from VDH.

I really, really wonder how Trump would have actually done this round if it hadn't been for the left's taking democracy away, abuses of power, weaponizing law enforcement, etc. All of that stuff took their eyes off the inflation wrecking ball and showed Americans their true colors. And, they mistakenly and naively believed that if Biden won in 2020 the whole country would just be united against Trump and we would all live happily and inclusively ever after.
1. No one cares what happens in the shitholes like NYC & CA. Smart people are leaving them to the animals.

2. Explain why else Traitor Joe would let in 100,000 Chinese and 50,000 Russians?

3. They could have 100-years to prepare, it won't matter. Gone is gone.

Some of us have family we can't leave, and places like that are bell weathers for what happens in other places.

Because he wanted 10M south and central Americans for votes and cheap labor so bad that he didn't care about the others?

I wish I had your optimism.
Another made up snark term by people without anything of substance to add.
I came up with it myself. Probably the first person to think of it. Just like Trump when he realized US is spelled just like us. But no one will give me the credit.

You fucking not see. LOL.
weaponizing law enforcement
Like this?

Trump Pushed Officials to Prosecute His Critics, Ex-U.S. Attorney Says

I came up with it myself. Probably the first person to think of it. Just like Trump when he realized US is spelled just like us. But no one will give me the credit.

You fucking not see. LOL.

It's just the same mystification bullshit the Marxists talk about just dumbed down by you.

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