Trumpophobia is Skyrocketing Along With His Polls

The latest lie about Trump - at least the latest I've seen - is that if he is elected the Republicans are going to pass a national law prohibiting CONTRACEPTION(!). No Republican leader, least of all Trump, has ever even suggested such a thing. Further, it would directly contravene the holding in Dobbs, which you may recall overturned Roe v Wade.

As I've said before, the number of "lies" told and reported BY Trump is a molehill compared to the mountain of lies told by the Left ABOUT Trump, which mountain grows dramatically every day.

Magaturds are just as goofy as libertarians.

I guess the only sane people are good little lemming Democrats. ok.

I don't think so. Unemployment is low,


stock market is up

Read the papers yesterday?

and we are not in a recession.

More bullshit.

Seems like the Clinton years to me. We just need blue collar workers wages to go up. But the feds are raising interest rates to slow that down. With boomers retiring, promotion and job openings are coming or already here. Go out and get a better job. Unions scored big last year. That will help blue collar wages go up.

You really think you'll get a raise?

Gee, no wonder they call you leftards.
That’s not the only concern. There’s a big swath of people in central and southern Virginia who are having trouble buying groceries and filling the tank, all the while they see Biden’s illegals getting free housing and food.

California too.

Angelenos are not amused.

The economy and illegal immigration are the top two concerns. and besides, abortion is legal in Virginia so it will be even less of a concern to Virginians.


The people who vote Democrat in Virginia are the overpaid government workers and pensioners, and the rich lawyers and doctors in McLean and Great Falls who aren’t affected by the poor economy.

Government workers.
It's ALL a set up for the NEXT cries of "Stolllen" Election Part III.
Pretend trump is leading and spread the fake news.

Yup, they are telling their sheep that the ONLY way trump loses is if the (D) cheat and steal the Election.
Same story, part III.
Your bullshit ain't selling.
Liberal leadership is exactly why colleges have become unaffordable. Student loans for worthless degrees were given out like candy for years. Biden is now forgiving many of these loans. Colleges and students are salivating at the prospect of having the government essentially signing a blank check for student loans.

Are Democrats the party of the rich now? Education or not, Republicans always tended to make more money than Democrats, but that has evened out over the years due to unions overpaying workers in large, populous urban areas. A garbage collector in NYC making more than a small business owner, for example. Is the garbage collector more informed than the business owner all of a sudden.

Successful people, based on average salaries, have trended Republican for decades. Just becauseardd wages have been artificially inflated for those that used to make less, doesn't mean they now know what is best for them.
Leftards: the dumbing down of America.
When the rioters are better armed that the people, you have a problem.

It's when they stop yelling and go all Weather Underground will be when I get really concerned.

When you try to do that to career civil servants, it's going to get messy. Necessary, but messy.
1. When have rioters been better armed than the people?
2. Underground is a good place for them. No worries.
3. Mick handled it well. The courts agreed.
1. When have rioters been better armed than the people?
2. Underground is a good place for them. No worries.
3. Mick handled it well. The courts agreed.

If Trump wins, in NY they just may be. The left has been whipped into a frenzy I haven't seen before, I'm too young to remember the late 60's early 70's.

The Underground popped up to blow shit up all the time.

They have had 4 years to prepare for round 2. Don't underestimate them.
If Trump wins, in NY they just may be. The left has been whipped into a frenzy I haven't seen before, I'm too young to remember the late 60's early 70's.

The Underground popped up to blow shit up all the time.

They have had 4 years to prepare for round 2. Don't underestimate them.
1. I was young in the 60s and 70s, and the issue then was the VN war and the draft, very heated protests, I can still remember girls putting their bare boobs up against very scary looking bayonets.
I call bullshit on the Left/Antifa starting the shooting, they would be very outgunned.

2. The U/G never blew anything consequential up, and they can't blow shit up if they can't get explosives. The 100,000 Chinese and 50,000 Russians Biden let in are more of an urgency to remove than leftist "weathermen".

3. The Laws haven't changed in 4-years. Besides, Biden ignores Laws, so Trump can ignore Laws.
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