Trumpophobia is Skyrocketing Along With His Polls

Ask anyone if they are better off under Biden.

Pelosi might say yes, she did a lot of insider trading.
Actually we're talking about Trump here. If he is elected again it is going to be worse than anything you have ever seen.
You'll be wishing for the good old days of Biden.
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This is not looking good. God I'm glad I'm well to do or better off than most. It's like I'm about to get mugged and I know it. About to get fucked over. This must be what liberal Germans felt in 1935 when they warned people but they could not see it. Today the Not sees are back. Wow! And with support of the blacks, hispanics, arabs, jews, ukrainian Americans, etc. Wow!

There is still time and polls don't mean shit. You have no idea who's showing up to vote. Lots of 18 year olds who like abortion. What about the recent losses Republicans have had in red states? Last year, 2022 election. You're leading in polls meanwhile we're winning elections. But I am worried. Good! That will get out the vote.

Godwin response is noted and as required made fun of.

Thats an unintended consequence of the lawfare campaign waged against trump and MAGAs by the Deep State and the democrat party since 2016

Like the Man said, if you live by the sword, you die by the sword

Whatever new power the president has thanks to trump’s defense of himself and recent supreme court decisions will be there for the next president, no matter which party the president is from

They could have just let Trump go on and fade away, but they kept attacking him.

They could have just prosecuted the violent people on J6, but they decided to political persecute anyone there that day.
100% correct

My fear is that it will result is mass civil disturbances if Trump wins, coupled with Dems refusing to give up the Presidency, even officially, or by the executive branch civil servants refusing to follow Trump's directives.
My fear is that it will result is mass civil disturbances if Trump wins, coupled with Dems refusing to give up the Presidency, even officially, or by the executive branch civil servants refusing to follow Trump's directives.
That would be the end of America
My fear is that it will result is mass civil disturbances if Trump wins, coupled with Dems refusing to give up the Presidency, even officially, or by the executive branch civil servants refusing to follow Trump's directives.

1. Kyle Rittenhouse showed us how to handle rioters.

2. Dems can't "fail to give up the presidency". The Secret Service switches from old to new president. The Chief Justice will swear in the new president as scheduled. The democrats can whine like in 2016, but that's all they can do.

3. The Exec Branch workers who don't work, or who don't follow directives can be replaced. You're proving our point about the deep state needing to be rooted out.

1. Kyle Rittenhouse showed us how to handle rioters.

2. Dems can't "fail to give up the presidency". The Secret Service switches from old to new president. The Chief Justice will swear in the new president as scheduled. The democrats can whine like in 2016, but that's all they can do.

3. The Exec Branch workers who don't work, or who don't follow directives can be replaced. You're proving our point about the deep state needing to be rooted out.

In places where it's likely to be the worst, most people are unarmed.

They have been screaming at the top of their lungs for almost a decade now "Trump will be the end of Democracy". Their base will all but demand they at least try something.

They need to be rooted out, but the bull pile is so big it may take months or even years to get through the legality of getting rid of even the most uncompliant members of said Deep State.
Imagine all the crimes Trump will commit unafraid he will ever get charged.

Imagine what puppet Biden will do with no futrue elections to worry about. He is riding the fence with Israel. If he is elected, he will go fully Muslim. Any of you that believe that he or the Democratic Party gives a crap about Israel has not been paying attention. Imagine the border. He will probably fire all the border patrol and start dropping debit cards from airplanes instead. There is already a large segment of Democratic politicians who are ok with illegals voting in local elections. That group would grow and allowing them to vote in federal elections isn't far off. Democrats and Biden are very dangerous to our Democracy.
Imagine all the crimes Trump will commit unafraid he will ever get charged.

Let me remind you why he fired Rex Tillerson. Trump got sick of Rex telling him "you can't do that it's illegal".
See that’s sort of the problem dems are having, they’ve been imaging all the crimes against trump for years now…and now the public sees its all a hoax
Today college is unaffordable and Republicans want us to go be plumbers. What happened?

Liberal leadership is exactly why colleges have become unaffordable. Student loans for worthless degrees were given out like candy for years. Biden is now forgiving many of these loans. Colleges and students are salivating at the prospect of having the government essentially signing a blank check for student loans.

And it's uneducated blue collar whites who are underpaid by their employers, who are going to put Republicans back in the White House

Are Democrats the party of the rich now? Education or not, Republicans always tended to make more money than Democrats, but that has evened out over the years due to unions overpaying workers in large, populous urban areas. A garbage collector in NYC making more than a small business owner, for example. Is the garbage collector more informed than the business owner all of a sudden.

Successful people, based on average salaries, have trended Republican for decades. Just because wages have been artificially inflated for those that used to make less, doesn't mean they now know what is best for them.
In places where it's likely to be the worst, most people are unarmed.

They have been screaming at the top of their lungs for almost a decade now "Trump will be the end of Democracy". Their base will all but demand they at least try something.

They need to be rooted out, but the bull pile is so big it may take months or even years to get through the legality of getting rid of even the most non-compliant members of said Deep State.
1. Most people will protect their property from rioters.

2. Democrats can keep yelling, no one cares.

3. Get them gone, then settle the legalities. Remember when

Mick Mulvaney fires all 25 members of consumer watchdog’s advisory board​

1. Most people will protect their property from rioters.

2. Democrats can keep yelling, no one cares.

3. Get them gone, then settle the legalities. Remember when

Mick Mulvaney fires all 25 members of consumer watchdog’s advisory board​

When the rioters are better armed that the people, you have a problem.

It's when they stop yelling and go all Weather Underground will be when I get really concerned.

When you try to do that to career civil servants, it's going to get messy. Necessary, but messy.
Libs disagree, but I see little difference overall in character among most presidential candidates

Trump is the true anti establishment person who is loathed by the old bulls - and even more so by the old cows like pelosi

Because he’s the outsider that fence sitters always claimed they wanted

But really didnt
Nobody wants this fake ass orange boomer bag O' shit besides other boomers. Look at the reception it got from libertarians.

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