Trumpophobia is Skyrocketing Along With His Polls

I know 3 people personally who heavily rely on medicaid but vote Trump. When I ask them why they say "IDK, it's time for change?"

Not realizing the change is eliminating social safety nets and programs they rely on. It's them they hate.

How do they dupe these people? By telling them Democrats are giving illegals these benefits which means it's cutting into their benefits. Brilliant.
They’re not being duped. That would mean that they are informed but are just being lied to. What they are (from your description) is apathetic on the issues.

Back in 2012, I bet one of my co-workers a steak dinner at Goode Company over in Houston that Obama was going to beat Romney. Had a wonderful steak dinner for free. The reason I bring it up was that directly on Romney’s website--I mean spelled out in black and white--was his plan to get rid of Title X and Title XX. My co-worker’s position was grant funded through Title X. I even printed it out and showed it to her. She still voted for Romney because he was more “moral” than Obama according to her.

It is hard to believe but the blob isn’t duping anyone when it comes to the issues. Its more important for folks like Mac-7 to exert some form of cruelty and pain on someone else than to have a competent, respectable president. He and other Trump supporters have a bizarre psychosis to where they (finally?) feel vindicated because someone with the same poor character is able to contend for the Presidency. This is why they make up so much crap about try to justify voting for the guy who makes fun of handicapped people, fucks porn stars while being married to another woman, lies with such abandon that it’s not even worth fact-checking him any longer--“like trying to nail jello to the wall” is how Megan Kelly put it--and she still supports this despicable pervert even after he said she was on the rag after a debate.
Evidently they won't need Medicare or Social Security once Trump is elected, because the money will just start pouring in the door for them.

So I guess that makes sense.
Or, maybe they've seen the downside of state dependency.
Most Americans don't appreciate the liberal policies that created the middle class they live in. Or the system where a commoner can rise to the CEO ranks. Because anyone can go to college. Today college is unaffordable and Republicans want us to go be plumbers. What happened? LOL

And it's uneducated blue collar whites who are underpaid by their employers, who are going to put Republicans back in the White House. They think Trump will kick illegals out and that will bring their wages up. But Trump's an illegal employer!

My only wish is they get a woman pregnant in a pro life state and they make the average income which is $45K a year. Suck on that idiots.

Tell us why college is unaffordable, bobo? I'll fill you in. Administrators keep jacking up tuition and giving more and more to themselves as they build mult-million dollar buildings that they don't need. Its really that simple. I paid about 1200 dollars a semester at UT and paid if off before finals each semester. Tuition wasn't increasing by 30 percent each year either. Now, education is appalling and expensive. After four years of public high school and four years of college these kids are still lacking in some of the most fundamental english and math skills. Its embarrassing but thats what 10k a semester gets you now.
As Trump continues to show leads in critical swing states,
It's ALL a set up for the NEXT cries of "Stolllen" Election Part III.
Pretend trump is leading and spread the fake news.
OP, are you ready to publicly state that the polls are always right and to expect whatever they predict?
Yup, they are telling their sheep that the ONLY way trump loses is if the (D) cheat and steal the Election.
Same story, part III.
Then they shouldn't apply for it. If they're so strong and independent, they should be strong and independent.
Yes, yes. Take their money for programs that they oppose (but are forced to pay for anyway) and then shame them for trying to get some of it back. That's pretty fucked up Mac!

I don't think they're thinking. They're just emoting.
Lots of them sure. Most people are doing that.

But there are good reasons to oppose the welfare state.

Most Democrats seem to see government as a way to get free shit. And the can't conceive that others would vote "against their interests" to reject free shit. They want to pretend that anyone doing so is just stupid or hoodwinked. Maybe they're rejecting the state dependency because they're in the thick of it and see the damage it does to society?
Yes, yes. Take their money for programs that they oppose (but are forced to pay for anyway) and then shame them for trying to get some of it back. That's pretty fucked up Mac!

Lots of them sure. Most people are doing that.

But there are good reasons to oppose the welfare state.

Most Democrats seem to see government as a way to get free shit. And the can't conceive that others would vote "against their interests" to reject free shit. They want to pretend that anyone doing so is just stupid or hoodwinked. Maybe they're rejecting the state dependency because they're in the thick of it and see the damage it does to society?
The two ends need to get over themselves, and start communicating and innovating us out of this disaster.

But those who bitch about the government but enjoy its benefits are hypocrites.
When you arrest an illegal, they have to cooperate or go to jail. OR maybe we even trade citizenship for turning in their illegal employer. Chances are there are a lot more illegal workers in that business.

I think the Dairy industry is all illegals. And the law can't raid them. For the record, I'm ok with undocumented workers coming here to do seasonal migrant work they've been doing for companies on the southern border for centuries. I mind the illegal employers in IL. Or VA. Or KY.

Do you have a problem with this?

Three McDonald's franchisees in Kentucky pay $212K in fines after federal investigations find 305 minors — including 10-year-olds — working illegally. LOUISVILLE, KY – Working in a kitchen late at night near dangerous cooking equipment is a reality for many adults in the food service industry.

I don't. Everify

Cristhian Rivera, the man accused in the death of Mollie Tibbetts, worked for a Brooklyn-area farm owned by the brother of a prominent Iowa Republican.
I dont mind some seasonal workers in agriculture

But only the hesd of household

No families
But those who bitch about the government but enjoy its benefits are hypocrites.

And I think that's a sick, cruel point of view. As long as they vote against it, they're not hypocrites. They're saying "X shouldn't be state funded, but as long as my taxes are paying for X, i'm going to get my share". They'd be idiots to do otherwise.
The problem we have is the poor quality of character among Baby Boomers in general

And it only gets worse with each new generation
Then please explain how all these cult members think that trump has ANY quality redeeming characteristic.

Which characteristics of trump are you most PROUD of and would share with your children and grandchildren?

Pathological Lying
Cheating on Spouses
Master of Division and Spreading Hate
Screwing over Contractors you Hire, basically saying, let's go to court.
Breaking Promises
Not taking Responsibility "No, I don't take ANY responsibility at ALL." djt

These are qualities and characteristics you wish for your ancestors?

I don't think you do, I do think you will DENY that these are trump characteristics.
They’re not being duped. That would mean that they are informed but are just being lied to. What they are (from your description) is apathetic on the issues.

Back in 2012, I bet one of my co-workers a steak dinner at Goode Company over in Houston that Obama was going to beat Romney. Had a wonderful steak dinner for free. The reason I bring it up was that directly on Romney’s website--I mean spelled out in black and white--was his plan to get rid of Title X and Title XX. My co-worker’s position was grant funded through Title X. I even printed it out and showed it to her. She still voted for Romney because he was more “moral” than Obama according to her.

It is hard to believe but the blob isn’t duping anyone when it comes to the issues. Its more important for folks like Mac-7 to exert some form of cruelty and pain on someone else than to have a competent, respectable president. He and other Trump supporters have a bizarre psychosis to where they (finally?) feel vindicated because someone with the same poor character is able to contend for the Presidency. This is why they make up so much crap about try to justify voting for the guy who makes fun of handicapped people, fucks porn stars while being married to another woman, lies with such abandon that it’s not even worth fact-checking him any longer--“like trying to nail jello to the wall” is how Megan Kelly put it--and she still supports this despicable pervert even after he said she was on the rag after a debate.
The group at my work who agreed unemployment is high, the stock market is down and we are in a recession all confuse those things with inflation. And they wrongly blame Biden for it. Not saying he's completely unresponsible but let's not forget this mess started on Trump's watch.

"Donald Trump is missing in action. He should be on this stage tonight. He owes it to you to defend his record where they added $7.8 trillion to the debt that set the stage for the inflation that we have," DeSantis said.
They’re not being duped. That would mean that they are informed but are just being lied to. What they are (from your description) is apathetic on the issues.

Back in 2012, I bet one of my co-workers a steak dinner at Goode Company over in Houston that Obama was going to beat Romney. Had a wonderful steak dinner for free. The reason I bring it up was that directly on Romney’s website--I mean spelled out in black and white--was his plan to get rid of Title X and Title XX. My co-worker’s position was grant funded through Title X. I even printed it out and showed it to her. She still voted for Romney because he was more “moral” than Obama according to her.

It is hard to believe but the blob isn’t duping anyone when it comes to the issues. Its more important for folks like Mac-7 to exert some form of cruelty and pain on someone else than to have a competent, respectable president. He and other Trump supporters have a bizarre psychosis to where they (finally?) feel vindicated because someone with the same poor character is able to contend for the Presidency. This is why they make up so much crap about try to justify voting for the guy who makes fun of handicapped people, fucks porn stars while being married to another woman, lies with such abandon that it’s not even worth fact-checking him any longer--“like trying to nail jello to the wall” is how Megan Kelly put it--and she still supports this despicable pervert even after he said she was on the rag after a debate.
I loved Bill Maher's take on this. He certainly criticized Democrats too but in the end said

“We handed out 4 trillion dollars of free money, 280 billion of which was just flat-out stolen in what the AP called ‘the greatest grift in US history’ and which started an inflationary spiral that we now blame on Biden. So we’re gonna bring back Trump?! The guy who ignored COVID like it was the dinner check?!”

“Talk about not learning anything,” Maher concluded.
They’re not being duped. That would mean that they are informed but are just being lied to. What they are (from your description) is apathetic on the issues.

Back in 2012, I bet one of my co-workers a steak dinner at Goode Company over in Houston that Obama was going to beat Romney. Had a wonderful steak dinner for free. The reason I bring it up was that directly on Romney’s website--I mean spelled out in black and white--was his plan to get rid of Title X and Title XX. My co-worker’s position was grant funded through Title X. I even printed it out and showed it to her. She still voted for Romney because he was more “moral” than Obama according to her.

It is hard to believe but the blob isn’t duping anyone when it comes to the issues. Its more important for folks like Mac-7 to exert some form of cruelty and pain on someone else than to have a competent, respectable president. He and other Trump supporters have a bizarre psychosis to where they (finally?) feel vindicated because someone with the same poor character is able to contend for the Presidency. This is why they make up so much crap about try to justify voting for the guy who makes fun of handicapped people, fucks porn stars while being married to another woman, lies with such abandon that it’s not even worth fact-checking him any longer--“like trying to nail jello to the wall” is how Megan Kelly put it--and she still supports this despicable pervert even after he said she was on the rag after a debate.
Libs disagree, but I see little difference overall in character among most presidential candidates

Trump is the true anti establishment person who is loathed by the old bulls - and even more so by the old cows like pelosi

Because he’s the outsider that fence sitters always claimed they wanted

But really didnt
Then please explain how all these cult members think that trump has ANY quality redeeming characteristic.

Which characteristics of trump are you most PROUD of and would share with your children and grandchildren?

Pathological Lying
Cheating on Spouses
Master of Division and Spreading Hate
Screwing over Contractors you Hire, basically saying, let's go to court.
Breaking Promises
Not taking Responsibility "No, I don't take ANY responsibility at ALL." djt

These are qualities and characteristics you wish for your ancestors?

I don't think you do, I do think you will DENY that these are trump characteristics.
If we could pour a gallon of truth serum down their throats, I suspect this is what many of them would say:

"Yes, he's a liar. Yes, he's a con man. He's not very intelligent or articulate. He's an embarrassment whenever he speaks. He ignores laws and doesn't care about the Constitution. He knows he lost in 2020, but he's too insecure to admit it. He's only out for his own glory and validation, and he's clearly not emotionally well. He really does represent the worst of America. He is essentially a child.

"HOWEVER, I believe that America has gone so far down the wrong path that all of that is secondary to me. I'm sorry, I know this isn't good, I know I have to ignore a ton of ugly, but I just don't care at this point. I see him as the one and only person who, through the force of his own damaged personality, would fix the things I want to see fixed. Even if he has to break every law in the book. I think America has truly reached a "do or die" moment, and this is our last chance. He's my guy, no matter what."

Y'know what? I could respect that. I may disagree with it, but I could respect it. But what they're doing, this cosplaying and bullshitting, is an insult to the country.
Libs disagree, but I see little difference overall in character among most presidential candidates

Trump is the true anti establishment that is loathed by the old bulls - and even more so by the old cows like pelosi

Because he’s the outsider that fence sitters always claimed they wanted

But really didnt
Trump is the establishment. He's the enemy. The companies not paying their fair taxes? He's guilty. The companies hiring illegals? He's guilty.
Thats an unintended consequence of the lawfare campaign waged against trump and MAGAs by the Deep State and the democrat party since 2016

Like the Man said, if you live by the sword, you die by the sword

Whatever new power the president has thanks to trump’s defense of himself and recent supreme court decisions will be there for the next president, no matter which party the president is from

The Lawfare campaign?

“When she first got in and was named speaker, I met her. And I’m very impressed by her. I think she’s a very impressive person. I like her a lot. But I was surprised that she didn’t do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush. It was almost – it just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which personally I think would’ve been a wonderful thing,” Trump told Blitzer in the interview.

“Impeaching him?” Blitzer asked.

“Absolutely. For the war. For the war,” said Trump, referring to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. “Well, he lied. He got us into the war with lies, and I mean, look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant and they tried to impeach him, which was nonsense. And yet Bush got us into this horrible war with lies. By lying. By saying they had weapons of mass destruction. By saying all sorts of things that turned out not to be

Trump says he agrees ‘100 percent’ with ‘lock her up’ chants about Clinton​

10/16/20 3:22 PM ET

And before you cry about the Stormy Daniels case


Trump made what Hillary did a felony then broke that law.

Fact Check: Did Trump Sign Into Law Felony for Which He's Indicted?​


In 2018, as part of legislation that extended the FISA Amendments Act, Trump signed changes to U.S. Code that upgraded the sentencing protocol for the crime of mishandling classified documents.

Previously punishable by no more than one year in jail, the change meant those found guilty could face up to five years behind bars, upgrading the crime from a misdemeanor to a felony.
If we could pour a gallon of truth serum down their throats, I suspect this is what many of them would say:

"Yes, he's a liar. Yes, he's a con man. He's not very intelligent or articulate. He's an embarrassment whenever he speaks. He ignores laws and doesn't care about the Constitution. He knows he lost in 2020, but he's too insecure to admit it. He's only out for his own glory and validation, and he's clearly not emotionally well. He really does represent the worst of America. He is essentially a child.

"HOWEVER, I believe that America has gone so far down the wrong path that all of that is secondary to me. I'm sorry, I know this isn't good, I know I have to ignore a ton of ugly, but I just don't care at this point. I see him as the one and only person who, through the force of his own damaged personality, would fix the things I want to see fixed. Even if he has to break every law in the book. I think America has truly reached a "do or die" moment, and this is our last chance. He's my guy, no matter what."

Y'know what? I could respect that. I may disagree with it, but I could respect it. But what they're doing, this cosplaying and bullshitting, is an insult to the country.
Mac1958 is an undercover agent for joe biden and only pretends to be bipartisan

I think he likes what biden is doing to the country and wants to continue it
The two ends need to get over themselves, and start communicating and innovating us out of this disaster.

But those who bitch about the government but enjoy its benefits are hypocrites.

No, they're not. I wasn't around to vote against SS but Im not giving it away because I have been forced to participate. Now, if it were an opt in or out and I opted in and complained about govt then I would be a hypocrite.

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