Trumpophobia is Skyrocketing Along With His Polls

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Trump Pushed Officials to Prosecute His Critics, Ex-U.S. Attorney Says

My post was about Biden and the democrats weaponizing law enforcement. Are you trying to say that since you think Trump did it, you should be allowed to do it as well?
It's just the same mystification bullshit the Marxists talk about just dumbed down by you.
Yea like Sleepy Joe, Ron Desantimonious or Nikki Bird Brain Haley. Funny how you love it when Trump does it but it's Marxist if we do it back.

You don't know what Marxist means.
Yea like Sleepy Joe, Ron Desantimonious or Nikki Bird Brain Haley. Funny how you love it when Trump does it but it's Marxist if we do it back.

You don't know what Marxist means.

I know far more than you, having actually read parts of Das Kapital and the Communist Manifesto.
My post was about Biden and the democrats weaponizing law enforcement. Are you trying to say that since you think Trump did it, you should be allowed to do it as well?

Seems like what Trump is doing. Since Joe had a couple top secret classified documents, he used that as his excuse to sell top secrets.

And since Hillary used private emails and didn't get in trouble, even though he made a big stink over it, Trump used private emails too.

Only one problem. He made what she did a felony. So it wasn't a felony when she did it but it sure was when he did it. Is Trump stupid? We know Rudy is.

Did you hear he (Rudy) mocked the prosecutors online saying they only had 1 day left to serve him or the case would be dropped? They saw that and went and served him. If he just didn't post that he would have got away with it. So I have to believe Trump isn't much smarter than Rudy.
Seems like what Trump is doing. Since Joe had a couple top secret classified documents, he used that as his excuse to sell top secrets.

And since Hillary used private emails and didn't get in trouble, even though he made a big stink over it, Trump used private emails too.

Only one problem. He made what she did a felony. So it wasn't a felony when she did it but it sure was when he did it. Is Trump stupid? We know Rudy is.

Did you hear he (Rudy) mocked the prosecutors online saying they only had 1 day left to serve him or the case would be dropped? They saw that and went and served him. If he just didn't post that he would have got away with it. So I have to believe Trump isn't much smarter than Rudy.

You have any actual evidence of the thing in bold that wouldn't be dumped right in the CT forum?
I know far more than you, having actually read parts of Das Kapital and the Communist Manifesto.
Of course you've read it. Mein Kompf too I bet.

So what you are saying is by me giving Trumpler a nasty nickname, I'm being a Marxist? Well then so is Trump right?
Seems like what Trump is doing. Since Joe had a couple top secret classified documents, he used that as his excuse to sell top secrets.

And since Hillary used private emails and didn't get in trouble, even though he made a big stink over it, Trump used private emails too.

Only one problem. He made what she did a felony. So it wasn't a felony when she did it but it sure was when he did it. Is Trump stupid? We know Rudy is.

Did you hear he (Rudy) mocked the prosecutors online saying they only had 1 day left to serve him or the case would be dropped? They saw that and went and served him. If he just didn't post that he would have got away with it. So I have to believe Trump isn't much smarter than Rudy.
Did you say that Trump sold top secrets? Do you have any proof of that? Sounds to me like Trump could sue you for defamation.
You have any actual evidence of the thing in bold that wouldn't be dumped right in the CT forum?

'Strong evidence' Trump hid documents

HID, not had. Biden had top secret documents. Trump HID top secret documents. One letter makes a big difference.
Of course you've read it. Mein Kompf too I bet.

So what you are saying is by me giving Trumpler a nasty nickname, I'm being a Marxist? Well then so is Trump right?

I've tried to read through Mein Kampf, but between how terrible of writer he is and how Mad I get at the leaders in the 30's not reading it themselves it's hard to get through.

No, your "Not see" snark is just mystification in a dumber wrapping.
Did you say that Trump sold top secrets? Do you have any proof of that? Sounds to me like Trump could sue you for defamation.

He hid top secret documents. He didn't just have them, he hid them. Why would he do that? Why not just give them back? I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation.
He hid top secret documents. He didn't just have them, he hid them. Why would he do that? Why not just give them back? I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation.

So, your answer should have been simply "no", but you can't admit to being a tired room temperature IQ hack.
1. I was young in the 60s and 70s, and the issue then was the VN war and the draft, very heated protests, I can still remember girls putting their bare boobs up against very scary looking bayonets.
I call bullshit on the Left/Antifa starting the shooting, they would be very outgunned.

"The left" is heavily armed. 90% of the illegal weapons belong to "the left", like for instance all those cheap Chinese pea shooters that keep killing people in Chicago.

Righties shouldn't mess around. I come to the table with a 50 BMG auto that'll put a hole in a Coke can from half a mile out. I don't intend to get anywhere near leftard pea shooters.

2. The U/G never blew anything consequential up, and they can't blow shit up if they can't get explosives. The 100,000 Chinese and 50,000 Russians Biden let in are more of an urgency to remove than leftist "weathermen".

These days u/g activity is mostly looting.

My hippie dad would be rolling over in his grave seeing the modern left. Buncha pack rats raised by wolves.

3. The Laws haven't changed in 4-years. Besides, Biden ignores Laws, so Trump can ignore Laws.

Everyone ignores laws. What differentiates sanity are the reasons. I have a feeling we'll start seeing some tax strikes. It's one of the few effective ways to bring a government to heel.
I've tried to read through Mein Kampf, but between how terrible of writer he is and how Mad I get at the leaders in the 30's not reading it themselves it's hard to get through.

No, your "Not see" snark is just mystification in a dumber wrapping.

Sorry not buying it


Trump campaign deletes video mentioning 'unified Reich'​

It's a bullshit question to begin with.

You know how when you are selling something illegal like cocaine you have to give a potential buyer a little taste of what you have before they buy?

Former President Donald Trump acknowledged on tape in a 2021 meeting that he had retained “secret” military information that he had not declassified, according to a transcript of the audio recording obtained by CNN.

“As president, I could have declassified, but now I can’t,” Trump says, according to the transcript.

CNN obtained the transcript of a portion of the meeting where Trump is discussing a classified Pentagon document about attacking Iran. In the audio recording, which CNN previously reported was obtained by prosecutors, Trump says that he did not declassify the document he’s referencing, according to the transcript.

Or maybe it's all just innocent and Trump is just a fucking retard who should never have power again?

Foreign Policy reports tense meetings between sides after president revealed classified info to Russians​

So, your answer should have been simply "no", but you can't admit to being a tired room temperature IQ hack.

The transcript of the audio recording suggests that Trump is showing the document he’s discussing to those in the room. Several sources have told CNN the recording captures the sound of paper rustling, as if Trump was waving the document around, though is not clear if it was the actual Iran document.

“Secret. This is secret information. Look, look at this,” Trump says at one point, according to the transcript. “This was done by the military and given to me.”

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