Trump's adminitration is a clusterf*ck

DOJ announces it will; print Census forms without the citizenship question.

Trump comes out later & vows to print them with the question on them.


Trump can't seem to manage anything including himself.

The Census will not include the citizenship question because the Left fought TOOTH and NAIL to exclude it.
REASON GIVEN: Asking people if they were legal citizens would inhibit too many from answering thereby adversely impacting high democratic areas.

They just admitted that voter fraud is real.
Actually, they had proof that the impetus behind the effort was political.

Republucans trying to chear? Go figure.

Actually, they had proof that the impetus behind the effort was political.

How was it political?
Have you been under a rock or are you doing the "I'm a stupid republican" thing?

You must be the Democrat who is too stupid to answer the question.

Creepipus is your usual libtard who can't see the Sun before his eyes, asks you to prove the Moon is there after having already been proven, denies everything, asks answers to irrelevant and circuitous questions designed to change subjects but never actually has any sort of real answer himself for a single thing asked him, so the replies, as with Pogo, are all either:
  1. Answer a question with a question or other deflection.
  2. Answer a question with a basically derogatory ad hominem in an attempt to discredit the asker thereby relieving him of the duty to answer seriously.
Put another way, while the Left is forever trying to pin you down to exact details and minutiae, they themselves never have a straight answer to anything because their entire party is basically a FRAUD and indefensible.
No......Trump is contradicting fake news from the media.
Trump is the liar the fake ,in our WH and only morons believe him
So you're saying Trump is lying about moving forward?
trump only lies when he opens his mouth ,,,he lies about obama ,hillary ,,all dems , the pos is a disgrace

Obama lied every time that asshole opened his mouth. So did that filthy Crooked Hillary bitch but that didn't stop you stupid Moon Bats from voting for either one, did it?
If Hillary is Crooked, why is she not in jail.... What charges have the DOJ filed?

Come on is Trump just incompetent? how can a criminal just let walk the streets like that?
Hillary and Obama had 8 years to set up a cover for their crimes.
The Mueller investigation wasn't so much an investigation but a coverup.
Mueller's team destroyed evidence during the investigation and the journalist that exposed this ended up dying of some kind of illness. Bre Payton, 26-year-old political journalist, dies in San Diego after being diagnosed with H1N1 flu

Witnesses have been killed and the DoJ has been providing cover for Hillary.
Now there's a good possibility all of that will be exposed and charges filled in federal court against former Obama officials.
THE SUPREME COURT heard the arguments and ruled that it needed more litigation at lower court levels.

I know that. This is why Trump ought to hang in there and fight until it is resolved and get the question put on the census as it should be. Look at the democrats squirm as their last holy bastion of crookedness is on the verge of getting exposed! The democratic party is a party of anti-American fringe groups and illegal people not even citizens.

I think the Republicans should just shut the fuck up about it. They won the case that had to do with Gerrymandering that they shouldn't have won... Wilbur Ross got busted in a lie... so the best thing to do would be leave the shit alone for now.
What we don't care about is your "interpretation" of the law kid.

Sorry but I am not the one that interprets the law, the Supreme Court does and they say Trump and his Administration are not following it.

How in the world of fucks can you support a president that is PAYING over $700 PER DAY to treat people like shit ON PURPOSE to push his agenda?

No deflection, no interpretations, no partisan bullshit... HOW IN THE FUCK CAN YOU DEFEND THAT?

LOL, look kid. Post sources, you like all Progs are a liar. If those folks want to stay in a Marriott they can pay for it. Nobody owes them shit, if they don't like it they can go home. I'm no Rumpy, prove your shit or shut the fuck up.

I'm not a progressive, and it is quite sad that it has gotten to a point that if a person has empathy they are suddenly a progressive. What's that say about Trump supporters like you?

The U.S. is a major reason why the home countries of many of these people are so bad they are willing to risk their lives to leave. If you don't know that, you either don't know your history, you're a liar, or just incompetent.

Prove I am a Rumpey boy, otherwise fuck yourself. Don't think I didn't notice you can't prove your lies.

I think you have more than proven how you like it rumpey. :eek:

It's pretty easy to spot a Trump supporter on this forum... it's the ones that don't understand a President isn't a monarch and there are 3 co-equal branches of government that are important in maintaining law and order.

(smile) Ya got nothin, I get it. Fuck off kid
All the bullshit dems are pulling these days will make convincing normal Americans that it's time to fight back that much easier.
Free healthcare for illegals,open borders,illegals voting,fag story hour at the library,men in womens bathrooms.....etc.
Common liberals,do you actually think these things are good for America?

If you care so much about the financials of this all, you should be asking who the fuck is running the department that is paying OVER $700 PER DAY to house immigrants in such shitty conditions. You know who they are paying is pocketing 90% of that, and I guarantee if you dig deep enough they are friends of someone in the Trump Administration.

At $700 a day, that's over $250,000 a year. These immigrants could live off of that year's worth of money for the rest of their lives in their home country.

So if you want to be pissed, be pissed at the person cashing those checks and the fact the Trump Administration is paying it to punish immigrants for seeking asylum with their kids.

Real simple dumbfuck.
Send em back.

Real simple, CHANGE the law or follow the law.

I guess you suddenly don't care about the laws anymore huh? Dumbfuck.

They break our laws daily ya dumbshit.
And why the sudden influx of immigrants when statistics show crime has actually gone down in South America since 2015?
Where were they when shit was really bad?

They break the laws daily because Trump is not following proper asylum procedures. :rolleyes:

He KNOWS that, and you are falling for it.

People from Central and Southern America have been coming to the U.S. for decades... since the collapse of many of the governments there due to the U.S. causing destabilization there that was filled with drug lords, gangs, and others.

The U.S. was a major reason why their countries are so fucked up... like Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. You reap what you sew.

Answer my assessment or STFU.
Creepipus is your usual libtard who can't see the Sun before his eyes.......

CRAPitus is a piece of dogshit, a steaming turd in the middle of the forum.

Jobs are BACK!
Unemployment lowest in 50 Years!!
The economy is BACK!
ISIS is Gone!
North Korea is being dealt with!

God bless Donald Trump, the greatest modern American president!

If you care so much about the financials of this all, you should be asking who the fuck is running the department that is paying OVER $700 PER DAY to house immigrants in such shitty conditions. You know who they are paying is pocketing 90% of that, and I guarantee if you dig deep enough they are friends of someone in the Trump Administration.

At $700 a day, that's over $250,000 a year. These immigrants could live off of that year's worth of money for the rest of their lives in their home country.

So if you want to be pissed, be pissed at the person cashing those checks and the fact the Trump Administration is paying it to punish immigrants for seeking asylum with their kids.

Real simple dumbfuck.
Send em back.

Real simple, CHANGE the law or follow the law.

I guess you suddenly don't care about the laws anymore huh? Dumbfuck.

They break our laws daily ya dumbshit.
And why the sudden influx of immigrants when statistics show crime has actually gone down in South America since 2015?
Where were they when shit was really bad?

They break the laws daily because Trump is not following proper asylum procedures. :rolleyes:

He KNOWS that, and you are falling for it.

People from Central and Southern America have been coming to the U.S. for decades... since the collapse of many of the governments there due to the U.S. causing destabilization there that was filled with drug lords, gangs, and others.

The U.S. was a major reason why their countries are so fucked up... like Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. You reap what you sew.

Answer my assessment or STFU.

Answer your assessment? I did. If the President doesn't follow the asylum laws of the country, and it causes more immigrants to enter illegally rather than through the correct process, that's not the immigrant's fault.

Of course I understand why you don't understand this position... it's because the immigrants are much easier targets, just like the poor and minorities you are always attacking in every thread you get a chance to. You think I'll ever forget you bragging about how much money worth of food you throw away monthly while complaining about poor people getting food stamps?

The influx of immigrants is caused by several years of the U.S. fucking up the governments of Central and south American countries... most Presidents understood that, and is why they put the laws and immigration policies into place, even with Republican presidents like Reagan. Iran/Contra? You forget about that one? Noriega and Panama? History?

Trump has tried his damnedest to figure out a way to please his small base by working around the laws rather than actually doing things correctly, and it is going to blow up in his face. He is one of the most disgusting pieces of shit to ever step foot in this country. Anyone that will purposely put people into the situations he has at the border, including kids all by themselves just to please his base and try to get re-elected, is about as a low piece of scum as they get.

Most of his supporters on here don't really like him, they know he is a liar... they know he is a scumbag crook...

They still support him and everything he does just because he isn't a democrat and instead take any attack on him and his character as a personal attack on them.
Trump's adminitration is a clusterf*ck

The difference between Trump's Administration and Democrats are:
  • Trump's Administration is rough around the edges basically trying to do what's right but makes mistakes due to inexperience and not being plugged into Washington's Corrupt Deep State.
  • Obama's Administration gave the appearance of a fairly well-oiled professional machine due to a lifetime's experience in corruption like the mafia running a crime ring out of the back of an otherwise legitimate looking business.
The Census will not include the citizenship question because the Left fought TOOTH and NAIL to exclude it.
REASON GIVEN: Asking people if they were legal citizens would inhibit too many from answering thereby adversely impacting high democratic areas.

They just admitted that voter fraud is real.
Actually, they had proof that the impetus behind the effort was political.

Republucans trying to chear? Go figure.

Actually, they had proof that the impetus behind the effort was political.

How was it political?
Have you been under a rock or are you doing the "I'm a stupid republican" thing?

You must be the Democrat who is too stupid to answer the question.

Creepipus is your usual libtard who can't see the Sun before his eyes, asks you to prove the Moon is there after having already been proven, denies everything, asks answers to irrelevant and circuitous questions designed to change subjects but never actually has any sort of real answer himself for a single thing asked him, so the replies, as with Pogo, are all either:
  1. Answer a question with a question or other deflection.
  2. Answer a question with a basically derogatory ad hominem in an attempt to discredit the asker thereby relieving him of the duty to answer seriously.
Put another way, while the Left is forever trying to pin you down to exact details and minutiae, they themselves never have a straight answer to anything because their entire party is basically a FRAUD and indefensible.
So, are you saying you don't know what made it political either?

If you guys are so poorly informed why do you bother coming here?
Real simple dumbfuck.
Send em back.

Real simple, CHANGE the law or follow the law.

I guess you suddenly don't care about the laws anymore huh? Dumbfuck.

They break our laws daily ya dumbshit.
And why the sudden influx of immigrants when statistics show crime has actually gone down in South America since 2015?
Where were they when shit was really bad?

They break the laws daily because Trump is not following proper asylum procedures. :rolleyes:

He KNOWS that, and you are falling for it.

People from Central and Southern America have been coming to the U.S. for decades... since the collapse of many of the governments there due to the U.S. causing destabilization there that was filled with drug lords, gangs, and others.

The U.S. was a major reason why their countries are so fucked up... like Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. You reap what you sew.

Answer my assessment or STFU.

Answer your assessment? I did. If the President doesn't follow the asylum laws of the country, and it causes more immigrants to enter illegally rather than through the correct process, that's not the immigrant's fault.

Of course I understand why you don't understand this position... it's because the immigrants are much easier targets, just like the poor and minorities you are always attacking in every thread you get a chance to. You think I'll ever forget you bragging about how much money worth of food you throw away monthly while complaining about poor people getting food stamps?

The influx of immigrants is caused by several years of the U.S. fucking up the governments of Central and south American countries... most Presidents understood that, and is why they put the laws and immigration policies into place, even with Republican presidents like Reagan. Iran/Contra? You forget about that one? Noriega and Panama? History?

Trump has tried his damnedest to figure out a way to please his small base by working around the laws rather than actually doing things correctly, and it is going to blow up in his face. He is one of the most disgusting pieces of shit to ever step foot in this country. Anyone that will purposely put people into the situations he has at the border, including kids all by themselves just to please his base and try to get re-elected, is about as a low piece of scum as they get.

Most of his supporters on here don't really like him, they know he is a liar... they know he is a scumbag crook...

They still support him and everything he does just because he isn't a democrat and instead take any attack on him and his character as a personal attack on them.

The influx of immigrants is caused by several years of the U.S. fucking up the governments of Central and south American countries...

That's awful!

They still need to go back to their shithole.
Actually, they had proof that the impetus behind the effort was political.

Republucans trying to chear? Go figure.

Actually, they had proof that the impetus behind the effort was political.

How was it political?
Have you been under a rock or are you doing the "I'm a stupid republican" thing?

You must be the Democrat who is too stupid to answer the question.

Creepipus is your usual libtard who can't see the Sun before his eyes, asks you to prove the Moon is there after having already been proven, denies everything, asks answers to irrelevant and circuitous questions designed to change subjects but never actually has any sort of real answer himself for a single thing asked him, so the replies, as with Pogo, are all either:
  1. Answer a question with a question or other deflection.
  2. Answer a question with a basically derogatory ad hominem in an attempt to discredit the asker thereby relieving him of the duty to answer seriously.
Put another way, while the Left is forever trying to pin you down to exact details and minutiae, they themselves never have a straight answer to anything because their entire party is basically a FRAUD and indefensible.
So, are you saying you don't know what made it political either?

If you guys are so poorly informed why do you bother coming here?

What did I say? The guy never answers anything put to him. Deflection, deflection, deflection.
Actually, they had proof that the impetus behind the effort was political.

Republucans trying to chear? Go figure.

Actually, they had proof that the impetus behind the effort was political.

How was it political?
Have you been under a rock or are you doing the "I'm a stupid republican" thing?

You must be the Democrat who is too stupid to answer the question.

Creepipus is your usual libtard who can't see the Sun before his eyes, asks you to prove the Moon is there after having already been proven, denies everything, asks answers to irrelevant and circuitous questions designed to change subjects but never actually has any sort of real answer himself for a single thing asked him, so the replies, as with Pogo, are all either:
  1. Answer a question with a question or other deflection.
  2. Answer a question with a basically derogatory ad hominem in an attempt to discredit the asker thereby relieving him of the duty to answer seriously.
Put another way, while the Left is forever trying to pin you down to exact details and minutiae, they themselves never have a straight answer to anything because their entire party is basically a FRAUD and indefensible.
So, are you saying you don't know what made it political either?

If you guys are so poorly informed why do you bother coming here?

I understand why you're afraid to explain why it's political.
It will make the Democrats look bad. And rightly so.
Actually, they had proof that the impetus behind the effort was political.

How was it political?
Have you been under a rock or are you doing the "I'm a stupid republican" thing?

You must be the Democrat who is too stupid to answer the question.

Creepipus is your usual libtard who can't see the Sun before his eyes, asks you to prove the Moon is there after having already been proven, denies everything, asks answers to irrelevant and circuitous questions designed to change subjects but never actually has any sort of real answer himself for a single thing asked him, so the replies, as with Pogo, are all either:
  1. Answer a question with a question or other deflection.
  2. Answer a question with a basically derogatory ad hominem in an attempt to discredit the asker thereby relieving him of the duty to answer seriously.
Put another way, while the Left is forever trying to pin you down to exact details and minutiae, they themselves never have a straight answer to anything because their entire party is basically a FRAUD and indefensible.
So, are you saying you don't know what made it political either?

If you guys are so poorly informed why do you bother coming here?

What did I say? The guy never answers anything put to him. Deflection, deflection, deflection.
It's been in the news.for weeks now. How did you miss it?
Real simple dumbfuck.
Send em back.

Real simple, CHANGE the law or follow the law.

I guess you suddenly don't care about the laws anymore huh? Dumbfuck.

They break our laws daily ya dumbshit.
And why the sudden influx of immigrants when statistics show crime has actually gone down in South America since 2015?
Where were they when shit was really bad?

They break the laws daily because Trump is not following proper asylum procedures. :rolleyes:

He KNOWS that, and you are falling for it.

People from Central and Southern America have been coming to the U.S. for decades... since the collapse of many of the governments there due to the U.S. causing destabilization there that was filled with drug lords, gangs, and others.

The U.S. was a major reason why their countries are so fucked up... like Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. You reap what you sew.

Answer my assessment or STFU.

Answer your assessment? I did. If the President doesn't follow the asylum laws of the country, and it causes more immigrants to enter illegally rather than through the correct process, that's not the immigrant's fault.

Of course I understand why you don't understand this position... it's because the immigrants are much easier targets, just like the poor and minorities you are always attacking in every thread you get a chance to. You think I'll ever forget you bragging about how much money worth of food you throw away monthly while complaining about poor people getting food stamps?

The influx of immigrants is caused by several years of the U.S. fucking up the governments of Central and south American countries... most Presidents understood that, and is why they put the laws and immigration policies into place, even with Republican presidents like Reagan. Iran/Contra? You forget about that one? Noriega and Panama? History?

Trump has tried his damnedest to figure out a way to please his small base by working around the laws rather than actually doing things correctly, and it is going to blow up in his face. He is one of the most disgusting pieces of shit to ever step foot in this country. Anyone that will purposely put people into the situations he has at the border, including kids all by themselves just to please his base and try to get re-elected, is about as a low piece of scum as they get.

Most of his supporters on here don't really like him, they know he is a liar... they know he is a scumbag crook...

They still support him and everything he does just because he isn't a democrat and instead take any attack on him and his character as a personal attack on them.

You spend so much time posting bullshit.
The economy and job market are through the roof for all Americans.
Give me the bad.
Actually, they had proof that the impetus behind the effort was political.

How was it political?
Have you been under a rock or are you doing the "I'm a stupid republican" thing?

You must be the Democrat who is too stupid to answer the question.

Creepipus is your usual libtard who can't see the Sun before his eyes, asks you to prove the Moon is there after having already been proven, denies everything, asks answers to irrelevant and circuitous questions designed to change subjects but never actually has any sort of real answer himself for a single thing asked him, so the replies, as with Pogo, are all either:
  1. Answer a question with a question or other deflection.
  2. Answer a question with a basically derogatory ad hominem in an attempt to discredit the asker thereby relieving him of the duty to answer seriously.
Put another way, while the Left is forever trying to pin you down to exact details and minutiae, they themselves never have a straight answer to anything because their entire party is basically a FRAUD and indefensible.
So, are you saying you don't know what made it political either?

If you guys are so poorly informed why do you bother coming here?

I understand why you're afraid to explain why it's political.
It will make the Democrats look bad. And rightly so.
It's been in the news for weeks now, and it's nothing that makes Democrats look bad, quite the contrary in fact.

Even chief justice Roberts commented on it, just after ruling on it.

Surely you heard about that?
Real simple, CHANGE the law or follow the law.

I guess you suddenly don't care about the laws anymore huh? Dumbfuck.

They break our laws daily ya dumbshit.
And why the sudden influx of immigrants when statistics show crime has actually gone down in South America since 2015?
Where were they when shit was really bad?

They break the laws daily because Trump is not following proper asylum procedures. :rolleyes:

He KNOWS that, and you are falling for it.

People from Central and Southern America have been coming to the U.S. for decades... since the collapse of many of the governments there due to the U.S. causing destabilization there that was filled with drug lords, gangs, and others.

The U.S. was a major reason why their countries are so fucked up... like Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. You reap what you sew.

Answer my assessment or STFU.

Answer your assessment? I did. If the President doesn't follow the asylum laws of the country, and it causes more immigrants to enter illegally rather than through the correct process, that's not the immigrant's fault.

Of course I understand why you don't understand this position... it's because the immigrants are much easier targets, just like the poor and minorities you are always attacking in every thread you get a chance to. You think I'll ever forget you bragging about how much money worth of food you throw away monthly while complaining about poor people getting food stamps?

The influx of immigrants is caused by several years of the U.S. fucking up the governments of Central and south American countries... most Presidents understood that, and is why they put the laws and immigration policies into place, even with Republican presidents like Reagan. Iran/Contra? You forget about that one? Noriega and Panama? History?

Trump has tried his damnedest to figure out a way to please his small base by working around the laws rather than actually doing things correctly, and it is going to blow up in his face. He is one of the most disgusting pieces of shit to ever step foot in this country. Anyone that will purposely put people into the situations he has at the border, including kids all by themselves just to please his base and try to get re-elected, is about as a low piece of scum as they get.

Most of his supporters on here don't really like him, they know he is a liar... they know he is a scumbag crook...

They still support him and everything he does just because he isn't a democrat and instead take any attack on him and his character as a personal attack on them.

You spend so much time posting bullshit.
The economy and job market are through the roof for all Americans.
Give me the bad.

Bullshit? You do understand an economy is only part of what makes a government successful?

I'll give you the bad... another Trump lie was that his 'biggest tax cut ever' would raise wages and help everyone including the middle class... and that companies wouldn't just use them to do stock buy backs and pay themselves bonuses. Do I need to post what REALLY happened from that tax cut?
They break our laws daily ya dumbshit.
And why the sudden influx of immigrants when statistics show crime has actually gone down in South America since 2015?
Where were they when shit was really bad?

They break the laws daily because Trump is not following proper asylum procedures. :rolleyes:

He KNOWS that, and you are falling for it.

People from Central and Southern America have been coming to the U.S. for decades... since the collapse of many of the governments there due to the U.S. causing destabilization there that was filled with drug lords, gangs, and others.

The U.S. was a major reason why their countries are so fucked up... like Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. You reap what you sew.

Answer my assessment or STFU.

Answer your assessment? I did. If the President doesn't follow the asylum laws of the country, and it causes more immigrants to enter illegally rather than through the correct process, that's not the immigrant's fault.

Of course I understand why you don't understand this position... it's because the immigrants are much easier targets, just like the poor and minorities you are always attacking in every thread you get a chance to. You think I'll ever forget you bragging about how much money worth of food you throw away monthly while complaining about poor people getting food stamps?

The influx of immigrants is caused by several years of the U.S. fucking up the governments of Central and south American countries... most Presidents understood that, and is why they put the laws and immigration policies into place, even with Republican presidents like Reagan. Iran/Contra? You forget about that one? Noriega and Panama? History?

Trump has tried his damnedest to figure out a way to please his small base by working around the laws rather than actually doing things correctly, and it is going to blow up in his face. He is one of the most disgusting pieces of shit to ever step foot in this country. Anyone that will purposely put people into the situations he has at the border, including kids all by themselves just to please his base and try to get re-elected, is about as a low piece of scum as they get.

Most of his supporters on here don't really like him, they know he is a liar... they know he is a scumbag crook...

They still support him and everything he does just because he isn't a democrat and instead take any attack on him and his character as a personal attack on them.

You spend so much time posting bullshit.
The economy and job market are through the roof for all Americans.
Give me the bad.

Bullshit? You do understand an economy is only part of what makes a government successful?

I'll give you the bad... another Trump lie was that his 'biggest tax cut ever' would raise wages and help everyone including the middle class... and that companies wouldn't just use them to do stock buy backs and pay themselves bonuses. Do I need to post what REALLY happened from that tax cut?

I'm living high on the hog!!!
Whats your problem?
DOJ announces it will; print Census forms without the citizenship question.

Trump comes out later & vows to print them with the question on them.


Trump can't seem to manage anything including himself.

Can you honestly look at the democratic clown car and say the Trump administration is a cluster fuck? Well if you can then you might just be a deluded idiot.
Last edited:
Have you been under a rock or are you doing the "I'm a stupid republican" thing?

You must be the Democrat who is too stupid to answer the question.

Creepipus is your usual libtard who can't see the Sun before his eyes, asks you to prove the Moon is there after having already been proven, denies everything, asks answers to irrelevant and circuitous questions designed to change subjects but never actually has any sort of real answer himself for a single thing asked him, so the replies, as with Pogo, are all either:
  1. Answer a question with a question or other deflection.
  2. Answer a question with a basically derogatory ad hominem in an attempt to discredit the asker thereby relieving him of the duty to answer seriously.
Put another way, while the Left is forever trying to pin you down to exact details and minutiae, they themselves never have a straight answer to anything because their entire party is basically a FRAUD and indefensible.
So, are you saying you don't know what made it political either?

If you guys are so poorly informed why do you bother coming here?

I understand why you're afraid to explain why it's political.
It will make the Democrats look bad. And rightly so.
It's been in the news for weeks now, and it's nothing that makes Democrats look bad, quite the contrary in fact.

Even chief justice Roberts commented on it, just after ruling on it.

Surely you heard about that?

it's nothing that makes Democrats look bad, quite the contrary in fact.

That's why you're afraid to answer. Because it would make the Democrats look good. Durr…...
DOJ announces it will; print Census forms without the citizenship question.

Trump comes out later & vows to print them with the question on them.


Trump can't seem to manage anything including himself.

Can you honestly look at the democratic clown car and say the Trump administration is a cluster fuck? Well if you can then you might be a deluded idiot.

Its not quite over yet.

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