Trump's and Conservatives' Lack of Integrity after Jumping to Yet Another Conclusion


Gold Member
Jan 1, 2017
Fallacious reasoning:

Why the "deafening silence" from USMB's Conservatives who only days/weeks ago jumped on the "bandwagon" of recriminations about the FBI agents who exchanged disparaging remarks about Trump?

Perhaps, in the wake of today's revelation about one of those agents, those members have issued retractions of their claims, inferences, etc. about the FBI that either were based on the text conversation between the two agents or their remarks that were castigatory of the agents themselves?

What revelation one might ask. This one: Controversial FBI agent co-wrote initial draft of explosive Comey letter reopening Clinton email probe.

More important, however, than the "radio silence" USMB members have done in recompense for their sophistic/specious rush to judgment and resulting claims deriving from Strzok's text message, is Trump's and his Congressional allies quiescence in the wake of the revelation. Who among us can forget that Trump, on account of Strzok's text message, accused the agent of treason. Trump was not alone in alleging that Strzok's having composed and sent the text(s), and by inference the FBI, is unequivocally probative in showing bias within the FBI.
Republicans have argued that texts between Strzok and Page show clear bias in the FBI’s investigations into Clinton’s use of the email server and Russia’s involvement in the election. (Source)

Now it's one thing to rush to judgement. It's wholly another to do so, have one's conclusion all but blown out of the water and in turn not own the fact that one was premature in forming and airing one's conclusion, and that Trump and Conservatives have not recanted their earlier remarks is but the most recent integrity lapse they've exhibited on a national scale....And they did so why? Only, it seems, for political purposes because what the GOP had pointed to as a key and clear indicator of bias, a key data point the GOP and Trump claimed put the "there there" as goes the allegation that the FBI is biased, just "flew out the window." Do they truly not realize that the FBI (and every other unit of the USIC) is the wrong organization to use as a political pawn or a whipping boy to exculpate themselves in the "court of public opinion" for their own guilt, ineptitude, misstatements and/or misdeeds, or what have you?
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