TRUMP’S APPROVAL HITS 53% As Coup-Driven Democrats Plot Impeachment Proceedings — 9 Points Better...

Did you hear that one republican even called for Trump to be put to death? The Death Sentence for treason. Gee, wonder where this kook was all the years Obama and Hillary were around? Can't wait for them to march out the gallows and black hood for Donald for daring to inquire into the vast crimes of the democrats.

Keep it up, idiots, you'll have Trump's ratings up to 72% by election time.
America turned the corner with Nixon's pardon

The again when Slick Willy got a pass

This isn't about justice anymore, because Washington (the America Sodom & Gomorrha) hasn't a shred of dignity left

Doubtless DJT will turn this all around in his favor


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