Trump's Approval Ratings Collapse After Instigating Anti-American Seditious Riot

Throwing Mike Pence under the bus was the last straw.
He should just walk away and appreciate his many accomplishments.
The letter Pence wrote would disagree.
/——/ Piglosi seethes with rage.
Throwing Mike Pence under the bus was the last straw.
He should just walk away and appreciate his many accomplishments.
The letter Pence wrote would disagree.
/——/ Piglosi seethes with rage.
Is there any way to stop democrats from lying? Everything they say is a lie. It's like a disease.
Throwing Mike Pence under the bus was the last straw.
He should just walk away and appreciate his many accomplishments.
The letter Pence wrote would disagree.
/——/ Piglosi seethes with rage.
Is there any way to stop democrats from lying? Everything they say is a lie. It's like a disease.
/——/ It’s like asking a snake not to slither and hiss.
Heard Twitter's market share dropped by about a billion when they banned the President of the United States. True? Talk about delusions of grandeur Twitter may have set the record.
In 2016 Trump got 65m
In 2020 Trump got 74m
Stop lying.

in 2016, he got 46.1% of the vote
In 2020, he got 46.9% of the vote.

I'm sorry you never got to the point in math where they explained percentages to you.

Also, Trump only got 63 million in 2016. Math is clearly not your strong suit.
Throwing Mike Pence under the bus was the last straw.
He should just walk away and appreciate his many accomplishments.
The letter Pence wrote would disagree.
/——/ Piglosi seethes with rage.
Is there any way to stop democrats from lying? Everything they say is a lie. It's like a disease.

It's not Democrats that are constantly being kicked of social media for lying. It's not the Democrats who keep getting caught committing crimes.
Throwing Mike Pence under the bus was the last straw.
He should just walk away and appreciate his many accomplishments.
The letter Pence wrote would disagree.
/——/ Piglosi seethes with rage.
Is there any way to stop democrats from lying? Everything they say is a lie. It's like a disease.

It's not Democrats that are constantly being kicked of social media for lying. It's not the Democrats who keep getting caught committing crimes.
That's because, you fugly funt, social media is communist run.
Nobody who hasn't drank the Kool-Aid will be surprised.

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It gives us a good idea of how big the base is. That's still a lot of people who support and/or perpetrate domestic terrorism.

Trump still symbolizes populism and the opposition to democrats.
The democrats didn't gain any of Trump's voters.

They don't get it. They all seem to think everything in America just appeared in 2016. It's the logic of the retarded.
Not much different than the loons who claim one party or the other is "done" every election.
When was there a sedition?
Real Seditionists would be armed and violent.
These people were ushered in by the police.
99% of them even stayed inside the velvet ropes.
They were just Protesters.
The Dirty Dems are hyping hate and fear again.
Maybe Libnutts are afraid of little old ladies with a flag.

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