Trump's Approval Ratings Collapse After Instigating Anti-American Seditious Riot

Nobody who hasn't drank the Kool-Aid will be surprised.

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So how exactly did Trump instigate anything? Did he say anything supportive of the storming? Did he say anything nearly as encouraging of the riot as mayors and governors did all summer long?

Well let us see, for month he has been claiming the theft of an election without proof, he also coordinated speakers who spoke inflammatory speeches, he had a rally on the 6th for some unknown reason since he is no longer running for president. Do you need a pair of glasses to see how he motivated people to carry the lie to the point of rioting?

courts refused to hear the proof, liar.
Nobody who hasn't drank the Kool-Aid will be surprised.

View attachment 441639

So how exactly did Trump instigate anything? Did he say anything supportive of the storming? Did he say anything nearly as encouraging of the riot as mayors and governors did all summer long?

Well let us see, for month he has been claiming the theft of an election without proof, he also coordinated speakers who spoke inflammatory speeches, he had a rally on the 6th for some unknown reason since he is no longer running for president. Do you need a pair of glasses to see how he motivated people to carry the lie to the point of rioting?

courts refused to hear the proof, liar.

The courts didn't "refuse to hear the proof", fool. Because there was NONE. The courts refused to hear the CASES because they had "no validity in fact or in law". Donald Trump wasn't trying to overturn the election because he had evidence of "fraud". He was trying to overturn the election because he LOST.

For 5 years, you were told that Donald Trump was a liar and a crook, and unfit for office. YOU refused to hear the proof. YOU defended his every illegal act. You slagged anyone who disagreed with you. Today, here you sit on your priveleged white ass, claiming that Trump had every right to incite a riot over the his lie that the won the election.

You remind me of a woman with an abusive husband. He lies, he cheats, and he takes all of her hard earned money, and spends it on other women, and when I asked why she stays with him, she says "Because I love him". You're that kind of fool. Trump lies, steals money from the public purse, and crashed the economy, and you're still voting for him. Supporting him. Worshipping him.

Is hating on Democrats really working that well for you?
Trump still symbolizes populism and the opposition to democrats.
The democrats didn't gain any of Trump's voters.

Depends how you define "Trump voters."

Biden almost certainly didn't win many of Trump's hardcore base.

But he won suburban voters, particularly women by a big margin, improving on Hillary's margins from 2016. That's ultimately why Biden won. So enough voters who voted for Trump in 2016 voted for Biden in 2020 to swing the election.
Nobody who hasn't drank the Kool-Aid will be surprised.

View attachment 441639

So how exactly did Trump instigate anything? Did he say anything supportive of the storming? Did he say anything nearly as encouraging of the riot as mayors and governors did all summer long?

Well let us see, for month he has been claiming the theft of an election without proof, he also coordinated speakers who spoke inflammatory speeches, he had a rally on the 6th for some unknown reason since he is no longer running for president. Do you need a pair of glasses to see how he motivated people to carry the lie to the point of rioting?

courts refused to hear the proof, liar.

Yeah, that is how courts work they refuse to allow evidence..
Nobody who hasn't drank the Kool-Aid will be surprised.

View attachment 441639

So how exactly did Trump instigate anything? Did he say anything supportive of the storming? Did he say anything nearly as encouraging of the riot as mayors and governors did all summer long?

Well let us see, for month he has been claiming the theft of an election without proof, he also coordinated speakers who spoke inflammatory speeches, he had a rally on the 6th for some unknown reason since he is no longer running for president. Do you need a pair of glasses to see how he motivated people to carry the lie to the point of rioting?

courts refused to hear the proof, liar.

Yeah, that is how courts work they refuse to allow evidence..

/——-/ Yeah, Spanky, they never even looked at the evidence. If they had you would have posted the link.
Nobody who hasn't drank the Kool-Aid will be surprised.

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It gives us a good idea of how big the base is. That's still a lot of people who support and/or perpetrate domestic terrorism.

Trump still symbolizes populism and the opposition to democrats.
The democrats didn't gain any of Trump's voters.

Don't want 'em. Just want the whole sorry lot to disappear. They are slaves to Putin.
Nobody who hasn't drank the Kool-Aid will be surprised.

View attachment 441639

So how exactly did Trump instigate anything? Did he say anything supportive of the storming? Did he say anything nearly as encouraging of the riot as mayors and governors did all summer long?

Well let us see, for month he has been claiming the theft of an election without proof, he also coordinated speakers who spoke inflammatory speeches, he had a rally on the 6th for some unknown reason since he is no longer running for president. Do you need a pair of glasses to see how he motivated people to carry the lie to the point of rioting?

courts refused to hear the proof, liar.

Yeah, that is how courts work they refuse to allow evidence..

/——-/ Yeah, Spanky, they never even looked at the evidence. If they had you would have posted the link.

Why rehash this stupid shit daily, out of sixty cases the evidence was lacking...If it existed at all..The states looked into it, the DOJ looked into it, the DHS looked into it. They found nothing to support what the president was alleging. Yet here you sit still spouting the same shit over and over without any proof whatso ever that a judge has ruled as admissible. You my friend are a sucker through and through to defend a man who is known to be a fraudster...Trump University and his charitable fund abuses.
Nobody who hasn't drank the Kool-Aid will be surprised.

View attachment 441639

So how exactly did Trump instigate anything? Did he say anything supportive of the storming? Did he say anything nearly as encouraging of the riot as mayors and governors did all summer long?

The only thing worse than the Trump-incited attack on America's democracy is rightists lying that Trump wasn't responsible.
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Nobody who hasn't drank the Kool-Aid will be surprised.

View attachment 441639

It gives us a good idea of how big the base is. That's still a lot of people who support and/or perpetrate domestic terrorism.

Trump still symbolizes populism and the opposition to democrats.
The democrats didn't gain any of Trump's voters.

Don't want 'em. Just want the whole sorry lot to disappear. They are slaves to Putin.

That is really foolish sounding and ignorant.
Putin is left wing and supports socialism.
Russia supports socialism.
Trump is right wing.
Trump is a capitalist and supports capitalism.

Wanting people to "disappear" is what dictatorship want and do, like the Holocaust.

I am a real left wing, progressive, liberal.
And you clearly are not.
Nobody who hasn't drank the Kool-Aid will be surprised.

View attachment 441639

So how exactly did Trump instigate anything? Did he say anything supportive of the storming? Did he say anything nearly as encouraging of the riot as mayors and governors did all summer long?

The only thing worse than the Trump-incited attack on America's democracy is rightists lying that Trump wasn't responsible.

I am not a Trump supporter or right wing in any way, but you wrong about this.
It is Congress that is the threat to democracy in the US.
Congress has been committing crimes for decades, like Vietnam, lying about Iraqi WMD, murdering Qaddafi, ending democracy in Egypt, attempting to murder Assad, illegal economic sanctions against the civilians of Iran, Russia, etc.
Congress has not yet given us the public health care all other significant countries have.
They imprisoned millions illegally with the war on drugs, 3 strikes, federal gun control, etc.
Congress NEEDS to be occupied MORE often, until they start acting like a democratic republic should be.

This partisan nonsense is all BS to hide the fact both parties have to be equally at fault.
In retrospect, imo both parties share some blame in making Americans ignorant of what "stealing" an election is. It is not illegal to keep poor blacks from voting by making it harder to vote … if they are dems. It is not illegal to harvest votes like Calif does …. if the legislature makes it legal. And it's not illegal to have mail in ballots that just have signatures to prove who filled them out … if that's the state law. But it is "stealing" if one party attempts an insurrection when the other party got more legally cast votes.

Andrew Johnson's voters called his first presidential campaign a "corrupt bargain," when he didn't get the presidency despite having a plurality between three candidates. They didn't try an insurrection. They won the next two.

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