Trumps base - Authoritarian and anti democratic conspiracy theorists

A Vox/Morning Consult survey found that “44% of white respondents nationwide scored as ‘high’ or ‘very high’ authoritarians”. There were authoritarian voters in both political parties, but “more than 65% of people who scored highest on the authoritarianism questions were GOP voters”. They asked respondents what made them fearful and found that they “most fear threats that come from abroad” but they also feared internal threats that they viewed as undermining the stability of the social hierarchy. These internal threats could be “in the form of rising diversity” or “any changes, political or economic, that disrupt social hierarchies” or were viewed as threatening authoritarian voters’ “status quo as they know it”.

Its a long and thoughtful article that attempts to explain trumps win in 2016. Its not complete as it doesnt mention low education standards but it is a thoughtful piece.
Another troll thread. The authority telling us how we should act and how we all should be. Pretty ironic, isn’t it?

How is your death rate for Covid? Worse than the US. Has GB ever made amends for their racism and slavery of blacks? Nope, yet the troll continues to assault the US every chance he gets and fails to point out his countries faults in racism, sexism, slavery and their mishandling of Covid-19.

Anyone else notice that he starts a thread and then quickly runs from it. Again, he is a troll.
more lies and hate from those who lie and hate thee most.

Democrats keep pushing, lying, cheating, calling white people vile names because they do want us to come out and fight. The democrat mobs are already in our streets and our places where we live. Thry are burning and destroying our lives. And now this snot whimp calls us, authoritarian. There is no place in society for democrats. You will either allow yourself to be a modern day slave dictated to by democrats to pay for your authoritarianism or soon you will have to fight. Voting is the next battle that must be won.
There is no place in society for democrats.
Says a bloke who is definitely not authoritarian.
Thanks mate, you have made my day.
You clearly appear to think that your opinion is of value to me in some way. My apologies for allowing you to think that.

Please get this all out in one post. I'll thank you, and then we can get past this boring conversation.

I don't care if you value my opinion or not. I am not here to seek your approval, or to give you mine.

But when you write something that is not true, and try to lecture me by posting lies, I will call you on that.

Here is an example, you keep saying you're independent, but with every your post you prove you're not, but that you are leftist. We all know that, you know that, so why don't you drop the act?
There is no place in society for democrats.
Says a bloke who is definitely not authoritarian.
Thanks mate, you have made my day.
"There is no place in society for democrats."

Absolutely correct, leftists are authoritarians. American Democrats are authoritarians. There should be no place for them in modern society.

You should know that, you live in monarchy, with parliament that gives you false impression of democracy, while you still all bowing to queen.
There is no place in society for democrats.
Says a bloke who is definitely not authoritarian.
Thanks mate, you have made my day.
Democrats are in the streets destroying private property, killing, and beating the innocent. Here you have started a thread that is thinly disguised bigotry. Your hatred has no place, democrat hatred has no place in the USA. You are proving that even now.
I don't care if you value my opinion or not. I am not here to seek your approval, or to give you mine.

But when you write something that is not true, and try to lecture me by posting lies, I will call you on that.

Here is an example, you keep saying you're independent, but with every your post you prove you're not, but that you are leftist. We all know that, you know that, so why don't you drop the act?
It is not an act, they are delusional lunatics.

A Vox/Morning Consult survey found that “44% of white respondents nationwide scored as ‘high’ or ‘very high’ authoritarians”. There were authoritarian voters in both political parties, but “more than 65% of people who scored highest on the authoritarianism questions were GOP voters”. They asked respondents what made them fearful and found that they “most fear threats that come from abroad” but they also feared internal threats that they viewed as undermining the stability of the social hierarchy. These internal threats could be “in the form of rising diversity” or “any changes, political or economic, that disrupt social hierarchies” or were viewed as threatening authoritarian voters’ “status quo as they know it”.

Its a long and thoughtful article that attempts to explain trumps win in 2016. Its not complete as it doesnt mention low education standards but it is a thoughtful piece.
Well.... Yeah.

I will bought we all knew this??
lol neo-fascist sexual deviants, most into sick S&M fetishes, whine about Trump again.

The least educated voters, blacks and latinos, the highest drop out rates, all vote mostly Democrat. lol another retarded claim by left wing deviants and sickos shot down with the greatest of ease.

'Long and thoughtful' means his lips were moving as he read it, and he never actually finished it.
This is how the Nazi's attacked their political opponents. Stop it. Trump was very authoritarian don't you think if this is true?

New book claims Trump suggested shooting protesters 'in the legs or something'

Really? I'm no expert, but didn't the brownshirt tactics look more like Antfia and BLM? Just name calling? I would think that the Jews of Germany would disagree that their attacks were limited to that.
So ANTIFA are the authoritarians? Don't you have to be in charge to be the authoritarian leader?

Trump wanted to send in the military to sick them on American people. Shoot them in the legs. That's authoritarian my friend.

Now you will say the guys lying.
So ANTIFA are the authoritarians? Don't you have to be in charge to be the authoritarian leader?

Trump wanted to send in the military to sick them on American people. Shoot them in the legs. That's authoritarian my friend.

Now you will say the guys lying.

Yes, Antfia are authoritarian and totalitarian.

The way they have been attacking Free Speech rallies and marchers for years, makes that very clear.
This is how the Nazi's attacked their political opponents. Stop it. Trump was very authoritarian don't you think if this is true?

New book claims Trump suggested shooting protesters 'in the legs or something'

No......blm/antifa burning, looting and killing for 7 months while their political masters in the democrat party ordered the police to do nothing, is how the national socialists attacked their political opponents...

Notice.....almost all of the burning, looting and killing happened in black neighborhoods by white democrats in blm and antifa......
These are people who adore and idolize a brash, arrogant, pugilistic nationalist who promises to save the country by ridding it of millions of undesirables.

They cheer when he eliminates people he perceives as enemies, anyone who steps out of line. They even like it when he kneecaps the freaking CDC in the middle of a disease crisis.

Ring any bells, over there in Europe? Trumpism is arrogant, bigoted, paranoid authoritarianism. The world has seen it before. We didn't learn.
The CDC kneecapped itself, you fucking liar.
Yes, Antfia are authoritarian and totalitarian.

The way they have been attacking Free Speech rallies and marchers for years, makes that very clear.
Antifa is a political protest movement comprising autonomous groups affiliated by their militant opposition to fascism and other forms of extreme right-wing ideology.
Authoritarianism to even a minute level cannot work and is ineffective. I will not live according to democrat NOR republican ideals.

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