Trumps base - Authoritarian and anti democratic conspiracy theorists

But...they just didn't do it right...but this time....if the left wingers murder over 100 million people, then they can get it done the right way....those other guys just didn't murder enough people to make socialism work....

This, specific form of socialism, American socialism, have never been tried. It will work this time.
Your image is pretty accurate. Every time you (or any leftist in general) are asked to provide example, or proof, you ignore it or leave blanks, and then you claim you did it.
You'll notice I didn't refer to Left or Right in that image.

This behavior is typical of nutters on BOTH ends. And you both deny it.

You folks sure do love to illustrate how similar your behaviors can be.

A Vox/Morning Consult survey found that “44% of white respondents nationwide scored as ‘high’ or ‘very high’ authoritarians”. There were authoritarian voters in both political parties, but “more than 65% of people who scored highest on the authoritarianism questions were GOP voters”. They asked respondents what made them fearful and found that they “most fear threats that come from abroad” but they also feared internal threats that they viewed as undermining the stability of the social hierarchy. These internal threats could be “in the form of rising diversity” or “any changes, political or economic, that disrupt social hierarchies” or were viewed as threatening authoritarian voters’ “status quo as they know it”.

Its a long and thoughtful article that attempts to explain trumps win in 2016. Its not complete as it doesnt mention low education standards but it is a thoughtful piece.
more lies and hate from those who lie and hate thee most.

Democrats keep pushing, lying, cheating, calling white people vile names because they do want us to come out and fight. The democrat mobs are already in our streets and our places where we live. Thry are burning and destroying our lives. And now this snot whimp calls us, authoritarian. There is no place in society for democrats. You will either allow yourself to be a modern day slave dictated to by democrats to pay for your authoritarianism or soon you will have to fight. Voting is the next battle that must be won.
Without a coherent definition of the term ("authoritarianism"), the article is meaningless.

EVERY national politician promises to suppress the activities of his political enemies.

The Guardian is shit. Always has been shit. Always will be shit. Those who read it have shit for brains.
You'll notice I didn't refer to Left or Right in that image.

This behavior is typical of nutters on BOTH ends. And you both deny it.

You folks sure do love to illustrate how similar your behaviors can be.

I referred to you specifically, and also to leftists in general. That's your tactics, "wrap up smear", remember?

I commented on your "we didn't learn" claim.

No, you leftists didn't learn, after so many examples of socialism, and evil that comes with it, you still want it.

Those who did learn, got your point, and we don't want it.
Okie dokie!
I don't know what that is. But believe whatever you'd like.

But I do know what that is, and I respond on it by calling you for what you are.

You know your playbook (Alinsky's "rules"), but I know it too, and I am not backing down.

A Vox/Morning Consult survey found that “44% of white respondents nationwide scored as ‘high’ or ‘very high’ authoritarians”. There were authoritarian voters in both political parties, but “more than 65% of people who scored highest on the authoritarianism questions were GOP voters”. They asked respondents what made them fearful and found that they “most fear threats that come from abroad” but they also feared internal threats that they viewed as undermining the stability of the social hierarchy. These internal threats could be “in the form of rising diversity” or “any changes, political or economic, that disrupt social hierarchies” or were viewed as threatening authoritarian voters’ “status quo as they know it”.

Its a long and thoughtful article that attempts to explain trumps win in 2016. Its not complete as it doesnt mention low education standards but it is a thoughtful piece.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

From an Authoritarian and anti democratic conspiracy theorists .........

Meanwhile, obama used the IRS to deny tax exempt status to conservative groups before an election. He went after journalists and spied on them..... He used the FBI, CIA, DOJ and STate department to get illegal FISA warrants to spy on Trump and his people and then rail roaded General Flynn and several other Trump associates with fake charges........

That is their most affective strategy - actually maybe their only strategy.

they will always accuse their opponent of what they are guilty of.

Always and with out fail.

They get out ahead of the story and then claim whataboutism.
But I do know what that is, and I respond on it by calling you for what you are. You know your playbook (Alinsky's "rules"), but I know it too, and I am not backing down.
You see how nice you are when you are called on your bullshit.
You clearly appear to think that your opinion is of value to me in some way. My apologies for allowing you to think that.

Please get this all out in one post. I'll thank you, and then we can get past this boring conversation.
Hmmmm...odd, in your response you still failed to point to one authoritarian thing he has done......while I listed several by obama.....

Still waiting for even one from Trump.......

You are not working with a honest partner here.

You are attempting to play Chess with him, him and a few of his friends are playing Chutes and Ladders and somehow believe that they are defeating you.
It is absolutely irrational. There is no mass Killing in the streets As a matter of fact that is exactly what an authoritarian who wants to declare marshal law would say.

This poster has shown no proof that he lives in any type of reality and should simply be ignored until he does.
I think that the low intellectual capacity of trumpers on this forum validates the article.
You are all motivated by fear and hatred and any conman who confirms that is treated like a God.
I am one of the most libertarian fuckers on earth, limey. How do you explain that?

By "disrupt the social hierarchy" I assume they mean THE CONSTITUTION!!!

A Vox/Morning Consult survey found that “44% of white respondents nationwide scored as ‘high’ or ‘very high’ authoritarians”. There were authoritarian voters in both political parties, but “more than 65% of people who scored highest on the authoritarianism questions were GOP voters”. They asked respondents what made them fearful and found that they “most fear threats that come from abroad” but they also feared internal threats that they viewed as undermining the stability of the social hierarchy. These internal threats could be “in the form of rising diversity” or “any changes, political or economic, that disrupt social hierarchies” or were viewed as threatening authoritarian voters’ “status quo as they know it”.

Its a long and thoughtful article that attempts to explain trumps win in 2016. Its not complete as it doesnt mention low education standards but it is a thoughtful piece.
Tommy, you should have some respect for authority.

You come on here all the time talking of how other people should live, think, talk and act to suit you. You must think yourself quite the authority.

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