Trumps base - Authoritarian and anti democratic conspiracy theorists

Authoritarianism to even a minute level cannot work and is ineffective. I will not live according to democrat NOR republican ideals.
The system under which these parties operate needs to be changed so that those are no longer the only two awful choices.

That's up to us.

A Vox/Morning Consult survey found that “44% of white respondents nationwide scored as ‘high’ or ‘very high’ authoritarians”. There were authoritarian voters in both political parties, but “more than 65% of people who scored highest on the authoritarianism questions were GOP voters”. They asked respondents what made them fearful and found that they “most fear threats that come from abroad” but they also feared internal threats that they viewed as undermining the stability of the social hierarchy. These internal threats could be “in the form of rising diversity” or “any changes, political or economic, that disrupt social hierarchies” or were viewed as threatening authoritarian voters’ “status quo as they know it”.

Its a long and thoughtful article that attempts to explain trumps win in 2016. Its not complete as it doesnt mention low education standards but it is a thoughtful piece.
Good can't wait to end the leftist party

A Vox/Morning Consult survey found that “44% of white respondents nationwide scored as ‘high’ or ‘very high’ authoritarians”. There were authoritarian voters in both political parties, but “more than 65% of people who scored highest on the authoritarianism questions were GOP voters”. They asked respondents what made them fearful and found that they “most fear threats that come from abroad” but they also feared internal threats that they viewed as undermining the stability of the social hierarchy. These internal threats could be “in the form of rising diversity” or “any changes, political or economic, that disrupt social hierarchies” or were viewed as threatening authoritarian voters’ “status quo as they know it”.

Its a long and thoughtful article that attempts to explain trumps win in 2016. Its not complete as it doesnt mention low education standards but it is a thoughtful piece.
poor dembot still can’t accept you lost in 2016
So it is a claim he said that? Yet, nothing close to it happened. Obama on the other hand used government agencies to silence political opponents and you didn’t say a word about it. Who are the real authoritarian
No one except for extreme righties would consider Obama an authoritarian leader. He warns about them though.

Yes, his Pentagon chief in a room full of Trump's staff, Trump wanted to call in the US Military to deal with American citizens. And he floated the idea of just shooting them in the legs. Totally illegal, unconstitutional, unfathomable that a United States President would suggest such a thing.

If they are attacking police and people, kill them. But you want to shoot looters?

So it is a claim he said that? Yet, nothing close to it happened. Obama on the other hand used government agencies to silence political opponents and you didn’t say a word about it. Who are the real authoritarian
You would love a Putin style American president wouldn't you? He's not a Democrat or Republican just like you.
Look at this lunacy. How did you escape from your straight jacket to write that claptrap.

Like I said your reading comprehension is something to be desired. As a matter fact, I wrote, as you point out, There is no mass killing in in the streets. That is correct. You morons are arguing there are “violent mobs murdering people”. There was unrest. It has subsided. There are no “violent mobs murdering people“ except in the minds of delusional and fearful Trumpers.

How ironic. I was just talking about right wing alternative facts and how you guys should start your own truthometer site like you have an alternative to wikipedia. Liberal claptrap - Conservapedia

On the first line at the conservapedia site is the term liberal claptrap.

We know where you get your information. LOL
Its a shame that you cant like your own posts. I would be very busy on this classic thread.
You would love a Putin style American president wouldn't you? He's not a Democrat or Republican just like you.
Nice deflection, you are caught. Your claim about me and Putin is disgusting, he is evil and no one should trust him.
No one except for extreme righties would consider Obama an authoritarian leader. He warns about them though.

Yes, his Pentagon chief in a room full of Trump's staff, Trump wanted to call in the US Military to deal with American citizens. And he floated the idea of just shooting them in the legs. Totally illegal, unconstitutional, unfathomable that a United States President would suggest such a thing.

If they are attacking police and people, kill them. But you want to shoot looters?

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Again, was this claimed idea every carried out? no, is is a big nothing and you just like the gossip.

Obama had the IRS purposely held up okaying any groups that were in opposition to his views. Why did he fear opposition? Why did he feel the need to spy on Trump? So are you claiming Obama was not an authoritarian and was just paranoid? The first link is WSJ, the other two links are left wing sites and they disagree with you.

Again, was this claimed idea every carried out? no, is is a big nothing and you just like the gossip.

Obama had the IRS purposely held up okaying any groups that were in opposition to his views. Why did he fear opposition? Why did he feel the need to spy on Trump? So are you claiming Obama was not an authoritarian and was just paranoid? The first link is WSJ, the other two links are left wing sites and they disagree with you.

Okay fine. I'll concede this one. But if you think Trump is above doing this, think again

In a legal settlement that still awaits a federal judge's approval, the IRS "expresses its sincere apology" for mistreating a conservative organization called Linchpins of Liberty — along with 40 other conservative groups — in their applications for tax-exempt status.

And in a second case, NorCal Tea Party Patriots and 427 other groups suing the IRS also reached a "substantial financial settlement" with the government.
Okay fine. I'll concede this one. But if you think Trump is above doing this, think again

In a legal settlement that still awaits a federal judge's approval, the IRS "expresses its sincere apology" for mistreating a conservative organization called Linchpins of Liberty — along with 40 other conservative groups — in their applications for tax-exempt status.

And in a second case, NorCal Tea Party Patriots and 427 other groups suing the IRS also reached a "substantial financial settlement" with the government.
I never said he was above it, you have no proof, just a guy trying to sell books putting out a claim.

Obama's IRS was caught and it is still being settled and an apology from the IRS is pretty hollow. Large sums of money are the cure and hope the IRS doesn't listen to the political arms anymore.
I never said he was above it, you have no proof, just a guy trying to sell books putting out a claim.

Obama's IRS was caught and it is still being settled and an apology from the IRS is pretty hollow. Large sums of money are the cure and hope the IRS doesn't listen to the political arms anymore.
Does doing what he did make Obama an authoritarian leader or just not above playing politics?

And it doesn’t change the fact trumps style is authoritarian and republicans love it.
Antifa is a political protest movement comprising autonomous groups affiliated by their militant opposition to fascism and other forms of extreme right-wing ideology.

Except they use fascist tactics and leftist authoritarianism and totalitarianism has always been a thing.

So, like I said, Authoritarian and Totalitarian.

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