Trump's Black Ex-Girlfriend: He's not Racist!

Trump only became a Racist AFTER he announced that he was running as a Republican. Prior to that, blacks LOVED him.


Trump became a racist when he found that it would get him votes with the déplorables

WTF? Guess again. Would a racist have a black girlfriend? Think about it...
I’m a racist and I’ve dated black women. I’ve also fucked wetbacks.
You are a racist against your own race.

People like you tend to date out almost exclusively.
I’m dating a 26 year old Belarusian. I’m 48.

I grew up with racist parents like you. They wanted me to marry a Greek. I tell them if they wanted me to marry a Greek they shouldn’t have moved to America
Trump only became a Racist AFTER he announced that he was running as a Republican. Prior to that, blacks LOVED him.


Trump became a racist when he found that it would get him votes with the déplorables

WTF? Guess again. Would a racist have a black girlfriend? Think about it...
I’m a racist and I’ve dated black women. I’ve also fucked wetbacks.
You are a racist against your own race.

People like you tend to date out almost exclusively.
No I’m not a racist against my own race. I just don’t like white racists. Next thing you’ll do after you stop hiring blacks is you’ll start discriminating against people with brown hair.

I’ll never agree with you racists.
This just in, a man who is not racist was discovered in Portland Oregon. Stanley Jenkins!!! Congratulations Stanley, you are the only non racist person in the entire world!!!
Trump only became a Racist AFTER he announced that he was running as a Republican. Prior to that, blacks LOVED him.


Trump became a racist when he found that it would get him votes with the déplorables

WTF? Guess again. Would a racist have a black girlfriend? Think about it...
I’m a racist and I’ve dated black women. I’ve also fucked wetbacks.
You are a racist against your own race.

People like you tend to date out almost exclusively.
No I’m not a racist against my own race. I just don’t like white racists. Next thing you’ll do after you stop hiring blacks is you’ll start discriminating against people with brown hair.

I’ll never agree with you racists.
I have brown hair idiot.
Trump only became a Racist AFTER he announced that he was running as a Republican. Prior to that, blacks LOVED him.


Trump became a racist when he found that it would get him votes with the déplorables

WTF? Guess again. Would a racist have a black girlfriend? Think about it...
I’m a racist and I’ve dated black women. I’ve also fucked wetbacks.
You are a racist against your own race.

People like you tend to date out almost exclusively.
I’m dating a 26 year old Belarusian. I’m 48.

I grew up with racist parents like you. They wanted me to marry a Greek. I tell them if they wanted me to marry a Greek they shouldn’t have moved to America
She is going to dump your dumb ass old man.
Trump became a racist when he found that it would get him votes with the déplorables

WTF? Guess again. Would a racist have a black girlfriend? Think about it...
I’m a racist and I’ve dated black women. I’ve also fucked wetbacks.
You are a racist against your own race.

People like you tend to date out almost exclusively.
No I’m not a racist against my own race. I just don’t like white racists. Next thing you’ll do after you stop hiring blacks is you’ll start discriminating against people with brown hair.

I’ll never agree with you racists.
I have brown hair idiot.

Your reply illustrates what idiots I am dealing with here. Ever hear this saying stupid?

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Trump became a racist when he found that it would get him votes with the déplorables

WTF? Guess again. Would a racist have a black girlfriend? Think about it...
I’m a racist and I’ve dated black women. I’ve also fucked wetbacks.
You are a racist against your own race.

People like you tend to date out almost exclusively.
I’m dating a 26 year old Belarusian. I’m 48.

I grew up with racist parents like you. They wanted me to marry a Greek. I tell them if they wanted me to marry a Greek they shouldn’t have moved to America
She is going to dump your dumb ass old man.

Is Melania going to dump Trump?

It’s creepy to think about: Melania Trump was an infant when her husband was a full-grown man. Melanija Knavs was born in 1970

I was born in 1970 too!

Melania encountered Donald Trump at a night club called the Kit Kat Club in 1998 when she was 28 and he was 52. My girl will be 26 in a couple days. I'm only 48. Why would she dump me when Melania love don? LOL.

That’s a 24-year age difference for the couple. My girl and I are only 22 years apart.

Trump is 72 years old. Can you imagine a beautiful 48 year old woman like Melania is attracted to a 72 year old man?


When he met her he wasn't so old


I would never marry this girl because one day I'll be old like Trump and she would take all my money. Melania is just waiting for him to die.

Yes my girl will some day dump me because I will never knock her up or put a ring on it like Trump did.
Trump became a racist when he found that it would get him votes with the déplorables

WTF? Guess again. Would a racist have a black girlfriend? Think about it...
I’m a racist and I’ve dated black women. I’ve also fucked wetbacks.
You are a racist against your own race.

People like you tend to date out almost exclusively.
I’m dating a 26 year old Belarusian. I’m 48.

I grew up with racist parents like you. They wanted me to marry a Greek. I tell them if they wanted me to marry a Greek they shouldn’t have moved to America
She is going to dump your dumb ass old man.

You're only 29? I talk to my girl about why she doesn't meet a guy her own age who is successful. It's because no guys your age are successful.

Even if you are, you're probably still paying off your student loans. You don't have a pot to piss in.

Did you go to college? Are you successful? I'm curious who is this 29 year old conservative I'm talking to. Is he a rich kid or a racist idiot?
Trump only became a Racist AFTER he announced that he was running as a Republican. Prior to that, blacks LOVED him.



Today on Howard Stern they took old Donald Trump quotes about loving Hillary and how Democrats do a better job when they are in charge and they called a right wing political talk show host. It was hillarious to listen to this conservative woman arguing with Donald Trump.

Donald Trump used to love the Clinton's. Doesn't that tell you something? Maybe he meant it and maybe he didn't mean it. The point is him holding Al Sharpton's hand or him fucking a black woman, that he never considered marrying, doesn't prove he's not a racist. He may not be so racist he won't fuck a black girl or take her out in public, but hell for god sakes look at her. Is she even black? Barely.

Young, who has a Black mother and a White father, told the newspaper that she never hid her race from him.

She’s “horrified” by his comments on the violence in Charlottesville, in which Trump asserted a moral equivalence between White supremacists and anti-racism counterprotesters.

While Trump didn’t have close friendships with African Americans, Young said he courted Black celebrities, which to her indicates that he is open-minded.

At the same time, Young admitted that her ex-boyfriend knew little about other cultures and leaned toward stereotypes.

She recalled his surprise that Black people would flocked to the U.S. Open tennis tournament to watch the Williams sisters play. He had no clue that African Americans were interested in the sport.

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