Trump's BS boast he created the greatest economy in history

Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
You and the BBC Libtrard Journos are idiots.

Trump attained the highest rate of employment, in total numbers and as a percent of the working population, with the highest GDP numbers and highest Market levels as well.

Your idiots at the BuberBunglerCrapathon were talking rate of growth, and Trump still beats any one else with unadjusted tweaked numbers.

So to summarize your post: WAAAAA WAAAAAA Trump is a Meany! ORANGE MAN BAD!
"Trump attained the highest rate of employment, in total numbers and as a percent of the working population, with the highest GDP numbers and highest Market levels as well."

What blithering idiocy.

We had a record number of employment under Obama too. We had record highs in the market under Obama too. We had a record high percentage of employment under Clinton.

And highest GDP numbers under Impeached Trump? That claim proves you're delirious. Impeached Trump never had a year above 3%. He never had a quarter above 3.5%, the only president to achieve that.

Seriously, why are you pretending to care?
I care when I see schmucks lie like that.
I presume no business wants to invest in your area.
Regions where police can do their job and not be convicted by a jury are booming.

What the fuck does that have to do with national unemployment and GDP??
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
You and the BBC Libtrard Journos are idiots.

Trump attained the highest rate of employment, in total numbers and as a percent of the working population, with the highest GDP numbers and highest Market levels as well.

Your idiots at the BuberBunglerCrapathon were talking rate of growth, and Trump still beats any one else with unadjusted tweaked numbers.

So to summarize your post: WAAAAA WAAAAAA Trump is a Meany! ORANGE MAN BAD!
"Trump attained the highest rate of employment, in total numbers and as a percent of the working population, with the highest GDP numbers and highest Market levels as well."

What blithering idiocy.

We had a record number of employment under Obama too. We had record highs in the market under Obama too. We had a record high percentage of employment under Clinton.

And highest GDP numbers under Impeached Trump? That claim proves you're delirious. Impeached Trump never had a year above 3%. He never had a quarter above 3.5%, the only president to achieve that.

Seriously, why are you pretending to care?
I care when I see schmucks lie like that.

Is there any level of economic activity, that it would cause you to support Trump, or even just admit that he did a good job?
I've already admitted he had done a good job. Unfortunately, that came to a crashing halt this year.

I am shocked to hear you say that. utterly shocked.

Well, in that case, the covid lockdowns are obviously the cause of the economic downturn. He put lives ahead of the economy.

I take it you are pushing him to end the lockdowns then?
The lock downs are far from the only cause. As far as pushing for an end to them, I'd keep them in place until either there's a vaccine or until the virus subsides on its own.
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
You and the BBC Libtrard Journos are idiots.

Trump attained the highest rate of employment, in total numbers and as a percent of the working population, with the highest GDP numbers and highest Market levels as well.

Your idiots at the BuberBunglerCrapathon were talking rate of growth, and Trump still beats any one else with unadjusted tweaked numbers.

So to summarize your post: WAAAAA WAAAAAA Trump is a Meany! ORANGE MAN BAD!
"Trump attained the highest rate of employment, in total numbers and as a percent of the working population, with the highest GDP numbers and highest Market levels as well."

What blithering idiocy.

We had a record number of employment under Obama too. We had record highs in the market under Obama too. We had a record high percentage of employment under Clinton.

And highest GDP numbers under Impeached Trump? That claim proves you're delirious. Impeached Trump never had a year above 3%. He never had a quarter above 3.5%, the only president to achieve that.

Seriously, why are you pretending to care?
I care when I see schmucks lie like that.

Is there any level of economic activity, that it would cause you to support Trump, or even just admit that he did a good job?
I've already admitted he had done a good job. Unfortunately, that came to a crashing halt this year.

I am shocked to hear you say that. utterly shocked.

Well, in that case, the covid lockdowns are obviously the cause of the economic downturn. He put lives ahead of the economy.

I take it you are pushing him to end the lockdowns then?
The lock downs are far from the only cause. As far as pushing for an end to them, I'd keep them in place until either there's a vaccine or until the virus subsides on its own.

1. Agreed. The economic cycle was overdue for a down swing. But like you said, Trump had done a good job.

2. Well, the lockdowns are certainly going to inhibit any attempt at restarting the economy so, make you choice and take your lumps, but don't blame Trump if the cause is the lockdown you support.
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
You and the BBC Libtrard Journos are idiots.

Trump attained the highest rate of employment, in total numbers and as a percent of the working population, with the highest GDP numbers and highest Market levels as well.

Your idiots at the BuberBunglerCrapathon were talking rate of growth, and Trump still beats any one else with unadjusted tweaked numbers.

So to summarize your post: WAAAAA WAAAAAA Trump is a Meany! ORANGE MAN BAD!
"Trump attained the highest rate of employment, in total numbers and as a percent of the working population, with the highest GDP numbers and highest Market levels as well."

What blithering idiocy.

We had a record number of employment under Obama too. We had record highs in the market under Obama too. We had a record high percentage of employment under Clinton.

And highest GDP numbers under Impeached Trump? That claim proves you're delirious. Impeached Trump never had a year above 3%. He never had a quarter above 3.5%, the only president to achieve that.

Seriously, why are you pretending to care?
I care when I see schmucks lie like that.

Is there any level of economic activity, that it would cause you to support Trump, or even just admit that he did a good job?
I've already admitted he had done a good job. Unfortunately, that came to a crashing halt this year.

I am shocked to hear you say that. utterly shocked.

Well, in that case, the covid lockdowns are obviously the cause of the economic downturn. He put lives ahead of the economy.

I take it you are pushing him to end the lockdowns then?
The lock downs are far from the only cause. As far as pushing for an end to them, I'd keep them in place until either there's a vaccine or until the virus subsides on its own.

1. Agreed. The economic cycle was overdue for a down swing. But like you said, Trump had done a good job.

2. Well, the lockdowns are certainly going to inhibit any attempt at restarting the economy so, make you choice and take your lumps, but don't blame Trump if the cause is the lockdown you support.
Yes, they do inhibit the economy, but so did his stimulus, which kept people unemployed longer. So does people self-restricting going out even where there is no lock down.
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
You and the BBC Libtrard Journos are idiots.

Trump attained the highest rate of employment, in total numbers and as a percent of the working population, with the highest GDP numbers and highest Market levels as well.

Your idiots at the BuberBunglerCrapathon were talking rate of growth, and Trump still beats any one else with unadjusted tweaked numbers.

So to summarize your post: WAAAAA WAAAAAA Trump is a Meany! ORANGE MAN BAD!
"Trump attained the highest rate of employment, in total numbers and as a percent of the working population, with the highest GDP numbers and highest Market levels as well."

What blithering idiocy.

We had a record number of employment under Obama too. We had record highs in the market under Obama too. We had a record high percentage of employment under Clinton.

And highest GDP numbers under Impeached Trump? That claim proves you're delirious. Impeached Trump never had a year above 3%. He never had a quarter above 3.5%, the only president to achieve that.

Seriously, why are you pretending to care?
I care when I see schmucks lie like that.

Is there any level of economic activity, that it would cause you to support Trump, or even just admit that he did a good job?
I've already admitted he had done a good job. Unfortunately, that came to a crashing halt this year.

I am shocked to hear you say that. utterly shocked.

Well, in that case, the covid lockdowns are obviously the cause of the economic downturn. He put lives ahead of the economy.

I take it you are pushing him to end the lockdowns then?
The lock downs are far from the only cause. As far as pushing for an end to them, I'd keep them in place until either there's a vaccine or until the virus subsides on its own.

1. Agreed. The economic cycle was overdue for a down swing. But like you said, Trump had done a good job.

2. Well, the lockdowns are certainly going to inhibit any attempt at restarting the economy so, make you choice and take your lumps, but don't blame Trump if the cause is the lockdown you support.
Yes, they do inhibit the economy, but so did his stimulus, which kept people unemployed longer. So does people self-restricting going out even where there is no lock down.

So, really hard to judge his economic performance, in this period of his administration.

We can look at his earlier work, or we can look at other factors.

Giving him minuses for not having a good economy during a pandemic, seems unfair and unreasonable.

For the purposes of full disclosure, short term economic performance is not going to be a factor in my decision making.
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
You and the BBC Libtrard Journos are idiots.

Trump attained the highest rate of employment, in total numbers and as a percent of the working population, with the highest GDP numbers and highest Market levels as well.

Your idiots at the BuberBunglerCrapathon were talking rate of growth, and Trump still beats any one else with unadjusted tweaked numbers.

So to summarize your post: WAAAAA WAAAAAA Trump is a Meany! ORANGE MAN BAD!
"Trump attained the highest rate of employment, in total numbers and as a percent of the working population, with the highest GDP numbers and highest Market levels as well."

What blithering idiocy.

We had a record number of employment under Obama too. We had record highs in the market under Obama too. We had a record high percentage of employment under Clinton.

And highest GDP numbers under Impeached Trump? That claim proves you're delirious. Impeached Trump never had a year above 3%. He never had a quarter above 3.5%, the only president to achieve that.

Seriously, why are you pretending to care?
I care when I see schmucks lie like that.

Is there any level of economic activity, that it would cause you to support Trump, or even just admit that he did a good job?
I've already admitted he had done a good job. Unfortunately, that came to a crashing halt this year.

I am shocked to hear you say that. utterly shocked.

Well, in that case, the covid lockdowns are obviously the cause of the economic downturn. He put lives ahead of the economy.

I take it you are pushing him to end the lockdowns then?
The lock downs are far from the only cause. As far as pushing for an end to them, I'd keep them in place until either there's a vaccine or until the virus subsides on its own.

1. Agreed. The economic cycle was overdue for a down swing. But like you said, Trump had done a good job.

2. Well, the lockdowns are certainly going to inhibit any attempt at restarting the economy so, make you choice and take your lumps, but don't blame Trump if the cause is the lockdown you support.
Yes, they do inhibit the economy, but so did his stimulus, which kept people unemployed longer. So does people self-restricting going out even where there is no lock down.

So, really hard to judge his economic performance, in this period of his administration.

We can look at his earlier work, or we can look at other factors.

Giving him minuses for not having a good economy during a pandemic, seems unfair and unreasonable.

For the purposes of full disclosure, short term economic performance is not going to be a factor in my decision making.
There are many reasons beyond just the economy for making a decision. But speaking of the economy, he's a large part of why we're where we are. That's on him, even though he embarrassingly denies any responsibility.
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
You and the BBC Libtrard Journos are idiots.

Trump attained the highest rate of employment, in total numbers and as a percent of the working population, with the highest GDP numbers and highest Market levels as well.

Your idiots at the BuberBunglerCrapathon were talking rate of growth, and Trump still beats any one else with unadjusted tweaked numbers.

So to summarize your post: WAAAAA WAAAAAA Trump is a Meany! ORANGE MAN BAD!
"Trump attained the highest rate of employment, in total numbers and as a percent of the working population, with the highest GDP numbers and highest Market levels as well."

What blithering idiocy.

We had a record number of employment under Obama too. We had record highs in the market under Obama too. We had a record high percentage of employment under Clinton.

And highest GDP numbers under Impeached Trump? That claim proves you're delirious. Impeached Trump never had a year above 3%. He never had a quarter above 3.5%, the only president to achieve that.

Seriously, why are you pretending to care?
I care when I see schmucks lie like that.

Is there any level of economic activity, that it would cause you to support Trump, or even just admit that he did a good job?
I've already admitted he had done a good job. Unfortunately, that came to a crashing halt this year.

I am shocked to hear you say that. utterly shocked.

Well, in that case, the covid lockdowns are obviously the cause of the economic downturn. He put lives ahead of the economy.

I take it you are pushing him to end the lockdowns then?
The lock downs are far from the only cause. As far as pushing for an end to them, I'd keep them in place until either there's a vaccine or until the virus subsides on its own.

1. Agreed. The economic cycle was overdue for a down swing. But like you said, Trump had done a good job.

2. Well, the lockdowns are certainly going to inhibit any attempt at restarting the economy so, make you choice and take your lumps, but don't blame Trump if the cause is the lockdown you support.
Yes, they do inhibit the economy, but so did his stimulus, which kept people unemployed longer. So does people self-restricting going out even where there is no lock down.

So, really hard to judge his economic performance, in this period of his administration.

We can look at his earlier work, or we can look at other factors.

Giving him minuses for not having a good economy during a pandemic, seems unfair and unreasonable.

For the purposes of full disclosure, short term economic performance is not going to be a factor in my decision making.
There are many reasons beyond just the economy for making a decision. But speaking of the economy, he's a large part of why we're where we are. That's on him, even though he embarrassingly denies any responsibility.

I don't see how. He inherited an aging upswing and managed to reinvigorate it, and extend it. That is about as much as could be expected of whom ever was in office.

imo, the rise in lower end wages, was very exciting. I hope to see what happens with that, once the convid passes.
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
You and the BBC Libtrard Journos are idiots.

Trump attained the highest rate of employment, in total numbers and as a percent of the working population, with the highest GDP numbers and highest Market levels as well.

Your idiots at the BuberBunglerCrapathon were talking rate of growth, and Trump still beats any one else with unadjusted tweaked numbers.

So to summarize your post: WAAAAA WAAAAAA Trump is a Meany! ORANGE MAN BAD!
"Trump attained the highest rate of employment, in total numbers and as a percent of the working population, with the highest GDP numbers and highest Market levels as well."

What blithering idiocy.

We had a record number of employment under Obama too. We had record highs in the market under Obama too. We had a record high percentage of employment under Clinton.

And highest GDP numbers under Impeached Trump? That claim proves you're delirious. Impeached Trump never had a year above 3%. He never had a quarter above 3.5%, the only president to achieve that.

Seriously, why are you pretending to care?
I care when I see schmucks lie like that.
I presume no business wants to invest in your area.
Regions where police can do their job and not be convicted by a jury are booming.

What the fuck does that have to do with national unemployment and GDP??
I'll pretend you're not as stupid as that post.
There are locales where, due to crime and high insurance rates, no one wants to start a business and where businesses have left
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
You and the BBC Libtrard Journos are idiots.

Trump attained the highest rate of employment, in total numbers and as a percent of the working population, with the highest GDP numbers and highest Market levels as well.

Your idiots at the BuberBunglerCrapathon were talking rate of growth, and Trump still beats any one else with unadjusted tweaked numbers.

So to summarize your post: WAAAAA WAAAAAA Trump is a Meany! ORANGE MAN BAD!
"Trump attained the highest rate of employment, in total numbers and as a percent of the working population, with the highest GDP numbers and highest Market levels as well."

What blithering idiocy.

We had a record number of employment under Obama too. We had record highs in the market under Obama too. We had a record high percentage of employment under Clinton.

And highest GDP numbers under Impeached Trump? That claim proves you're delirious. Impeached Trump never had a year above 3%. He never had a quarter above 3.5%, the only president to achieve that.

Seriously, why are you pretending to care?
I care when I see schmucks lie like that.

Is there any level of economic activity, that it would cause you to support Trump, or even just admit that he did a good job?
I've already admitted he had done a good job. Unfortunately, that came to a crashing halt this year.

I am shocked to hear you say that. utterly shocked.

Well, in that case, the covid lockdowns are obviously the cause of the economic downturn. He put lives ahead of the economy.

I take it you are pushing him to end the lockdowns then?
The lock downs are far from the only cause. As far as pushing for an end to them, I'd keep them in place until either there's a vaccine or until the virus subsides on its own.

1. Agreed. The economic cycle was overdue for a down swing. But like you said, Trump had done a good job.

2. Well, the lockdowns are certainly going to inhibit any attempt at restarting the economy so, make you choice and take your lumps, but don't blame Trump if the cause is the lockdown you support.
Yes, they do inhibit the economy, but so did his stimulus, which kept people unemployed longer. So does people self-restricting going out even where there is no lock down.

So, really hard to judge his economic performance, in this period of his administration.

We can look at his earlier work, or we can look at other factors.

Giving him minuses for not having a good economy during a pandemic, seems unfair and unreasonable.

For the purposes of full disclosure, short term economic performance is not going to be a factor in my decision making.
There are many reasons beyond just the economy for making a decision. But speaking of the economy, he's a large part of why we're where we are. That's on him, even though he embarrassingly denies any responsibility.

I don't see how. He inherited an aging upswing and managed to reinvigorate it, and extend it. That is about as much as could be expected of whom ever was in office.

imo, the rise in lower end wages, was very exciting. I hope to see what happens with that, once the convid passes.
Um, the rise in lower end wages was due more to hikes in the minimum wage than anything else. Glad to see you're excited about that though. Does this mean Biden can count on your vote?
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
You and the BBC Libtrard Journos are idiots.

Trump attained the highest rate of employment, in total numbers and as a percent of the working population, with the highest GDP numbers and highest Market levels as well.

Your idiots at the BuberBunglerCrapathon were talking rate of growth, and Trump still beats any one else with unadjusted tweaked numbers.

So to summarize your post: WAAAAA WAAAAAA Trump is a Meany! ORANGE MAN BAD!
"Trump attained the highest rate of employment, in total numbers and as a percent of the working population, with the highest GDP numbers and highest Market levels as well."

What blithering idiocy.

We had a record number of employment under Obama too. We had record highs in the market under Obama too. We had a record high percentage of employment under Clinton.

And highest GDP numbers under Impeached Trump? That claim proves you're delirious. Impeached Trump never had a year above 3%. He never had a quarter above 3.5%, the only president to achieve that.

Seriously, why are you pretending to care?
I care when I see schmucks lie like that.

Is there any level of economic activity, that it would cause you to support Trump, or even just admit that he did a good job?
I've already admitted he had done a good job. Unfortunately, that came to a crashing halt this year.

I am shocked to hear you say that. utterly shocked.

Well, in that case, the covid lockdowns are obviously the cause of the economic downturn. He put lives ahead of the economy.

I take it you are pushing him to end the lockdowns then?
The lock downs are far from the only cause. As far as pushing for an end to them, I'd keep them in place until either there's a vaccine or until the virus subsides on its own.

1. Agreed. The economic cycle was overdue for a down swing. But like you said, Trump had done a good job.

2. Well, the lockdowns are certainly going to inhibit any attempt at restarting the economy so, make you choice and take your lumps, but don't blame Trump if the cause is the lockdown you support.
Yes, they do inhibit the economy, but so did his stimulus, which kept people unemployed longer. So does people self-restricting going out even where there is no lock down.

So, really hard to judge his economic performance, in this period of his administration.

We can look at his earlier work, or we can look at other factors.

Giving him minuses for not having a good economy during a pandemic, seems unfair and unreasonable.

For the purposes of full disclosure, short term economic performance is not going to be a factor in my decision making.
There are many reasons beyond just the economy for making a decision. But speaking of the economy, he's a large part of why we're where we are. That's on him, even though he embarrassingly denies any responsibility.

I don't see how. He inherited an aging upswing and managed to reinvigorate it, and extend it. That is about as much as could be expected of whom ever was in office.

imo, the rise in lower end wages, was very exciting. I hope to see what happens with that, once the convid passes.
Don't waste your bandwidth trying to reason with Faun...Faun's a dishonest idiot.
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
You and the BBC Libtrard Journos are idiots.

Trump attained the highest rate of employment, in total numbers and as a percent of the working population, with the highest GDP numbers and highest Market levels as well.

Your idiots at the BuberBunglerCrapathon were talking rate of growth, and Trump still beats any one else with unadjusted tweaked numbers.

So to summarize your post: WAAAAA WAAAAAA Trump is a Meany! ORANGE MAN BAD!
"Trump attained the highest rate of employment, in total numbers and as a percent of the working population, with the highest GDP numbers and highest Market levels as well."

What blithering idiocy.

We had a record number of employment under Obama too. We had record highs in the market under Obama too. We had a record high percentage of employment under Clinton.

And highest GDP numbers under Impeached Trump? That claim proves you're delirious. Impeached Trump never had a year above 3%. He never had a quarter above 3.5%, the only president to achieve that.

Seriously, why are you pretending to care?
I care when I see schmucks lie like that.
I presume no business wants to invest in your area.
Regions where police can do their job and not be convicted by a jury are booming.

What the fuck does that have to do with national unemployment and GDP??
I'll pretend you're not as stupid as that post.
There are locales where, due to crime and high insurance rates, no one wants to start a business and where businesses have left
Dumbfuck, we're not taking about "locales." We're taking about the nation. National employment. National GDP. If you can’t keep up, stay out.
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
You and the BBC Libtrard Journos are idiots.

Trump attained the highest rate of employment, in total numbers and as a percent of the working population, with the highest GDP numbers and highest Market levels as well.

Your idiots at the BuberBunglerCrapathon were talking rate of growth, and Trump still beats any one else with unadjusted tweaked numbers.

So to summarize your post: WAAAAA WAAAAAA Trump is a Meany! ORANGE MAN BAD!
"Trump attained the highest rate of employment, in total numbers and as a percent of the working population, with the highest GDP numbers and highest Market levels as well."

What blithering idiocy.

We had a record number of employment under Obama too. We had record highs in the market under Obama too. We had a record high percentage of employment under Clinton.

And highest GDP numbers under Impeached Trump? That claim proves you're delirious. Impeached Trump never had a year above 3%. He never had a quarter above 3.5%, the only president to achieve that.

Seriously, why are you pretending to care?
I care when I see schmucks lie like that.

Is there any level of economic activity, that it would cause you to support Trump, or even just admit that he did a good job?
I've already admitted he had done a good job. Unfortunately, that came to a crashing halt this year.

I am shocked to hear you say that. utterly shocked.

Well, in that case, the covid lockdowns are obviously the cause of the economic downturn. He put lives ahead of the economy.

I take it you are pushing him to end the lockdowns then?
The lock downs are far from the only cause. As far as pushing for an end to them, I'd keep them in place until either there's a vaccine or until the virus subsides on its own.

1. Agreed. The economic cycle was overdue for a down swing. But like you said, Trump had done a good job.

2. Well, the lockdowns are certainly going to inhibit any attempt at restarting the economy so, make you choice and take your lumps, but don't blame Trump if the cause is the lockdown you support.
Yes, they do inhibit the economy, but so did his stimulus, which kept people unemployed longer. So does people self-restricting going out even where there is no lock down.

So, really hard to judge his economic performance, in this period of his administration.

We can look at his earlier work, or we can look at other factors.

Giving him minuses for not having a good economy during a pandemic, seems unfair and unreasonable.

For the purposes of full disclosure, short term economic performance is not going to be a factor in my decision making.
There are many reasons beyond just the economy for making a decision. But speaking of the economy, he's a large part of why we're where we are. That's on him, even though he embarrassingly denies any responsibility.

I don't see how. He inherited an aging upswing and managed to reinvigorate it, and extend it. That is about as much as could be expected of whom ever was in office.

imo, the rise in lower end wages, was very exciting. I hope to see what happens with that, once the convid passes.
Don't waste your bandwidth trying to reason with Faun...Faun's a dishonest idiot.
Oh, let me tell you how much that hurts my feelings...
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
You and the BBC Libtrard Journos are idiots.

Trump attained the highest rate of employment, in total numbers and as a percent of the working population, with the highest GDP numbers and highest Market levels as well.

Your idiots at the BuberBunglerCrapathon were talking rate of growth, and Trump still beats any one else with unadjusted tweaked numbers.

So to summarize your post: WAAAAA WAAAAAA Trump is a Meany! ORANGE MAN BAD!
"Trump attained the highest rate of employment, in total numbers and as a percent of the working population, with the highest GDP numbers and highest Market levels as well."

What blithering idiocy.

We had a record number of employment under Obama too. We had record highs in the market under Obama too. We had a record high percentage of employment under Clinton.

And highest GDP numbers under Impeached Trump? That claim proves you're delirious. Impeached Trump never had a year above 3%. He never had a quarter above 3.5%, the only president to achieve that.

Seriously, why are you pretending to care?
I care when I see schmucks lie like that.
I presume no business wants to invest in your area.
Regions where police can do their job and not be convicted by a jury are booming.

What the fuck does that have to do with national unemployment and GDP??
I'll pretend you're not as stupid as that post.
There are locales where, due to crime and high insurance rates, no one wants to start a business and where businesses have left
Dumbfuck, we're not taking about "locales." We're taking about the nation. National employment. National GDP. If you can’t keep up, stay out.
Dumbfuck...National employment is based on totaling up locales and the most highly populated locales are where Liberal scum commit the most violent crimes.
GDP has zero to do with the individual.
GDP is a Rush Limbaugh, rolled-up statistic.
When GW, who you hated because of the letter R, was president, GDP was skyrocketing because Wall Street was off-shoring jobs.

By the way, did I mention you're a dishonest idiot?
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
You and the BBC Libtrard Journos are idiots.

Trump attained the highest rate of employment, in total numbers and as a percent of the working population, with the highest GDP numbers and highest Market levels as well.

Your idiots at the BuberBunglerCrapathon were talking rate of growth, and Trump still beats any one else with unadjusted tweaked numbers.

So to summarize your post: WAAAAA WAAAAAA Trump is a Meany! ORANGE MAN BAD!
"Trump attained the highest rate of employment, in total numbers and as a percent of the working population, with the highest GDP numbers and highest Market levels as well."

What blithering idiocy.

We had a record number of employment under Obama too. We had record highs in the market under Obama too. We had a record high percentage of employment under Clinton.

And highest GDP numbers under Impeached Trump? That claim proves you're delirious. Impeached Trump never had a year above 3%. He never had a quarter above 3.5%, the only president to achieve that.

Seriously, why are you pretending to care?
I care when I see schmucks lie like that.

Is there any level of economic activity, that it would cause you to support Trump, or even just admit that he did a good job?
I've already admitted he had done a good job. Unfortunately, that came to a crashing halt this year.

I am shocked to hear you say that. utterly shocked.

Well, in that case, the covid lockdowns are obviously the cause of the economic downturn. He put lives ahead of the economy.

I take it you are pushing him to end the lockdowns then?
The lock downs are far from the only cause. As far as pushing for an end to them, I'd keep them in place until either there's a vaccine or until the virus subsides on its own.

1. Agreed. The economic cycle was overdue for a down swing. But like you said, Trump had done a good job.

2. Well, the lockdowns are certainly going to inhibit any attempt at restarting the economy so, make you choice and take your lumps, but don't blame Trump if the cause is the lockdown you support.
Yes, they do inhibit the economy, but so did his stimulus, which kept people unemployed longer. So does people self-restricting going out even where there is no lock down.

So, really hard to judge his economic performance, in this period of his administration.

We can look at his earlier work, or we can look at other factors.

Giving him minuses for not having a good economy during a pandemic, seems unfair and unreasonable.

For the purposes of full disclosure, short term economic performance is not going to be a factor in my decision making.
There are many reasons beyond just the economy for making a decision. But speaking of the economy, he's a large part of why we're where we are. That's on him, even though he embarrassingly denies any responsibility.

I don't see how. He inherited an aging upswing and managed to reinvigorate it, and extend it. That is about as much as could be expected of whom ever was in office.

imo, the rise in lower end wages, was very exciting. I hope to see what happens with that, once the convid passes.
Don't waste your bandwidth trying to reason with Faun...Faun's a dishonest idiot.
Oh, let me tell you how much that hurts my feelings...
All you are is feelings; your brain hasn't functioned in years, if ever.
And if it didn't bother you, you wouldn't have made the 2nd post.
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
10% unemployment is not great.
Just ignore the pandemic, and just ignore the shut down of the economy that your ilk wanted, and yes it's at 10%, It is coming down nucely now
that the economy opened up. Get rid of the unemployment incentive and it will drop like a rock.

Nobody wanted a shut down dumb ass. It was required.

So if a shutdown was required, how do you blame Trump for the economic decline? Oh, that’s right.... you people are too busy blaming Trump for COVID-19 while giving China and the WHO a pass.

Well no. With a competent president, we would have had the proper PPE, and the shut down would have been effective and mostly over. Our half assed shutdown, and restarting too soon caused thousands of deaths that did not have to happen.
/----/ Yeah, we see how democRATs handle proper PPE:

On March 26, The Daily Wire published an article centering on the Obama administration’s role in using and allegedly failing to replenish the federal stockpile of N95 masks.

“The Obama administration significantly depleted the federal stockpile of N95 respirator masks to deal with the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009 and never rebuilt the stockpile despite calls to do so,” the piece begins.
And Trump was informed of the shortage at inauguration, and he didn't do anything about it.

Another leftist hypocrite who'd fine with Obama's shortfall but blames Trump for not fixing it.

And they talked about PPE's at the inauguration? WTF?
Trump had three years to replenish it. instead...

Another lie. The CDC budget went up every year under Trump. Next ...
He sure likes to spend. You seen that deficit?
Nancy bitches because it's not enough.
Trump even does handouts by executive order now.
Yeah, because it's not a big enough handout for Nan, and Chuckles.
So many bailouts. Remember the farmer bailout?
/---/ I remember democRATs lining up t vote d=for that spending pork barrel.
Trump signs them all. And when congress not spending enough he executive orders more.
/-----/ If Trump signs the DemocRAT spending bill - Orange Man Bad
If Trump vetoes the democRAT spening bill - Orange Man Bad
View attachment 377885
I bet you were one of them fraud tea party people. Deficits only bad when you can blame dems right?
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
You and the BBC Libtrard Journos are idiots.

Trump attained the highest rate of employment, in total numbers and as a percent of the working population, with the highest GDP numbers and highest Market levels as well.

Your idiots at the BuberBunglerCrapathon were talking rate of growth, and Trump still beats any one else with unadjusted tweaked numbers.

So to summarize your post: WAAAAA WAAAAAA Trump is a Meany! ORANGE MAN BAD!
"Trump attained the highest rate of employment, in total numbers and as a percent of the working population, with the highest GDP numbers and highest Market levels as well."

What blithering idiocy.

We had a record number of employment under Obama too. We had record highs in the market under Obama too. We had a record high percentage of employment under Clinton.

And highest GDP numbers under Impeached Trump? That claim proves you're delirious. Impeached Trump never had a year above 3%. He never had a quarter above 3.5%, the only president to achieve that.

Seriously, why are you pretending to care?
I care when I see schmucks lie like that.

Is there any level of economic activity, that it would cause you to support Trump, or even just admit that he did a good job?
I've already admitted he had done a good job. Unfortunately, that came to a crashing halt this year.

I am shocked to hear you say that. utterly shocked.

Well, in that case, the covid lockdowns are obviously the cause of the economic downturn. He put lives ahead of the economy.

I take it you are pushing him to end the lockdowns then?
The lock downs are far from the only cause. As far as pushing for an end to them, I'd keep them in place until either there's a vaccine or until the virus subsides on its own.

1. Agreed. The economic cycle was overdue for a down swing. But like you said, Trump had done a good job.

2. Well, the lockdowns are certainly going to inhibit any attempt at restarting the economy so, make you choice and take your lumps, but don't blame Trump if the cause is the lockdown you support.
Yes, they do inhibit the economy, but so did his stimulus, which kept people unemployed longer. So does people self-restricting going out even where there is no lock down.

So, really hard to judge his economic performance, in this period of his administration.

We can look at his earlier work, or we can look at other factors.

Giving him minuses for not having a good economy during a pandemic, seems unfair and unreasonable.

For the purposes of full disclosure, short term economic performance is not going to be a factor in my decision making.
There are many reasons beyond just the economy for making a decision. But speaking of the economy, he's a large part of why we're where we are. That's on him, even though he embarrassingly denies any responsibility.

I don't see how. He inherited an aging upswing and managed to reinvigorate it, and extend it. That is about as much as could be expected of whom ever was in office.

imo, the rise in lower end wages, was very exciting. I hope to see what happens with that, once the convid passes.
The rise in lower wages was from min wage hikes. Not trump policy.
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
You and the BBC Libtrard Journos are idiots.

Trump attained the highest rate of employment, in total numbers and as a percent of the working population, with the highest GDP numbers and highest Market levels as well.

Your idiots at the BuberBunglerCrapathon were talking rate of growth, and Trump still beats any one else with unadjusted tweaked numbers.

So to summarize your post: WAAAAA WAAAAAA Trump is a Meany! ORANGE MAN BAD!
"Trump attained the highest rate of employment, in total numbers and as a percent of the working population, with the highest GDP numbers and highest Market levels as well."

What blithering idiocy.

We had a record number of employment under Obama too. We had record highs in the market under Obama too. We had a record high percentage of employment under Clinton.

And highest GDP numbers under Impeached Trump? That claim proves you're delirious. Impeached Trump never had a year above 3%. He never had a quarter above 3.5%, the only president to achieve that.

Seriously, why are you pretending to care?
I care when I see schmucks lie like that.

Is there any level of economic activity, that it would cause you to support Trump, or even just admit that he did a good job?
I've already admitted he had done a good job. Unfortunately, that came to a crashing halt this year.

I am shocked to hear you say that. utterly shocked.

Well, in that case, the covid lockdowns are obviously the cause of the economic downturn. He put lives ahead of the economy.

I take it you are pushing him to end the lockdowns then?
The lock downs are far from the only cause. As far as pushing for an end to them, I'd keep them in place until either there's a vaccine or until the virus subsides on its own.

1. Agreed. The economic cycle was overdue for a down swing. But like you said, Trump had done a good job.

2. Well, the lockdowns are certainly going to inhibit any attempt at restarting the economy so, make you choice and take your lumps, but don't blame Trump if the cause is the lockdown you support.
Yes, they do inhibit the economy, but so did his stimulus, which kept people unemployed longer. So does people self-restricting going out even where there is no lock down.

So, really hard to judge his economic performance, in this period of his administration.

We can look at his earlier work, or we can look at other factors.

Giving him minuses for not having a good economy during a pandemic, seems unfair and unreasonable.

For the purposes of full disclosure, short term economic performance is not going to be a factor in my decision making.
Before the pandemic trump couldn’t hit 3% growth while running a trillion dollar deficit with really low interest rates. His performance is weak.
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
10% unemployment is not great.
Just ignore the pandemic, and just ignore the shut down of the economy that your ilk wanted, and yes it's at 10%, It is coming down nucely now
that the economy opened up. Get rid of the unemployment incentive and it will drop like a rock.

Nobody wanted a shut down dumb ass. It was required.

So if a shutdown was required, how do you blame Trump for the economic decline? Oh, that’s right.... you people are too busy blaming Trump for COVID-19 while giving China and the WHO a pass.

Well no. With a competent president, we would have had the proper PPE, and the shut down would have been effective and mostly over. Our half assed shutdown, and restarting too soon caused thousands of deaths that did not have to happen.
/----/ Yeah, we see how democRATs handle proper PPE:

On March 26, The Daily Wire published an article centering on the Obama administration’s role in using and allegedly failing to replenish the federal stockpile of N95 masks.

“The Obama administration significantly depleted the federal stockpile of N95 respirator masks to deal with the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009 and never rebuilt the stockpile despite calls to do so,” the piece begins.
And Trump was informed of the shortage at inauguration, and he didn't do anything about it.

Another leftist hypocrite who'd fine with Obama's shortfall but blames Trump for not fixing it.

And they talked about PPE's at the inauguration? WTF?
Trump had three years to replenish it. instead...

Another lie. The CDC budget went up every year under Trump. Next ...
He sure likes to spend. You seen that deficit?
Nancy bitches because it's not enough.
Trump even does handouts by executive order now.
Yeah, because it's not a big enough handout for Nan, and Chuckles.
So many bailouts. Remember the farmer bailout?
/---/ I remember democRATs lining up t vote d=for that spending pork barrel.
Trump signs them all. And when congress not spending enough he executive orders more.
/-----/ If Trump signs the DemocRAT spending bill - Orange Man Bad
If Trump vetoes the democRAT spening bill - Orange Man Bad
View attachment 377885
I bet you were one of them fraud tea party people. Deficits only bad when you can blame dems right?
Unless you want a nation to fall into the stone age, deficits are necessary.
The issue is people earning money and international trade.
I have a mortgage and lease a car, therefore I am running a deficit,
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
You and the BBC Libtrard Journos are idiots.

Trump attained the highest rate of employment, in total numbers and as a percent of the working population, with the highest GDP numbers and highest Market levels as well.

Your idiots at the BuberBunglerCrapathon were talking rate of growth, and Trump still beats any one else with unadjusted tweaked numbers.

So to summarize your post: WAAAAA WAAAAAA Trump is a Meany! ORANGE MAN BAD!
"Trump attained the highest rate of employment, in total numbers and as a percent of the working population, with the highest GDP numbers and highest Market levels as well."

What blithering idiocy.

We had a record number of employment under Obama too. We had record highs in the market under Obama too. We had a record high percentage of employment under Clinton.

And highest GDP numbers under Impeached Trump? That claim proves you're delirious. Impeached Trump never had a year above 3%. He never had a quarter above 3.5%, the only president to achieve that.

Seriously, why are you pretending to care?
I care when I see schmucks lie like that.

Is there any level of economic activity, that it would cause you to support Trump, or even just admit that he did a good job?
I've already admitted he had done a good job. Unfortunately, that came to a crashing halt this year.

I am shocked to hear you say that. utterly shocked.

Well, in that case, the covid lockdowns are obviously the cause of the economic downturn. He put lives ahead of the economy.

I take it you are pushing him to end the lockdowns then?
The lock downs are far from the only cause. As far as pushing for an end to them, I'd keep them in place until either there's a vaccine or until the virus subsides on its own.

1. Agreed. The economic cycle was overdue for a down swing. But like you said, Trump had done a good job.

2. Well, the lockdowns are certainly going to inhibit any attempt at restarting the economy so, make you choice and take your lumps, but don't blame Trump if the cause is the lockdown you support.
Yes, they do inhibit the economy, but so did his stimulus, which kept people unemployed longer. So does people self-restricting going out even where there is no lock down.

So, really hard to judge his economic performance, in this period of his administration.

We can look at his earlier work, or we can look at other factors.

Giving him minuses for not having a good economy during a pandemic, seems unfair and unreasonable.

For the purposes of full disclosure, short term economic performance is not going to be a factor in my decision making.
Before the pandemic trump couldn’t hit 3% growth while running a trillion dollar deficit with really low interest rates. His performance is weak.
He had America working, that goes a long ways. Less Welfare, Unemployment, and Food Stamps.
Hell, you and your ilk were saying he'll destroy the economy, HE didn't
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
You and the BBC Libtrard Journos are idiots.

Trump attained the highest rate of employment, in total numbers and as a percent of the working population, with the highest GDP numbers and highest Market levels as well.

Your idiots at the BuberBunglerCrapathon were talking rate of growth, and Trump still beats any one else with unadjusted tweaked numbers.

So to summarize your post: WAAAAA WAAAAAA Trump is a Meany! ORANGE MAN BAD!
"Trump attained the highest rate of employment, in total numbers and as a percent of the working population, with the highest GDP numbers and highest Market levels as well."

What blithering idiocy.

We had a record number of employment under Obama too. We had record highs in the market under Obama too. We had a record high percentage of employment under Clinton.

And highest GDP numbers under Impeached Trump? That claim proves you're delirious. Impeached Trump never had a year above 3%. He never had a quarter above 3.5%, the only president to achieve that.

Seriously, why are you pretending to care?
I care when I see schmucks lie like that.

Is there any level of economic activity, that it would cause you to support Trump, or even just admit that he did a good job?
I've already admitted he had done a good job. Unfortunately, that came to a crashing halt this year.

I am shocked to hear you say that. utterly shocked.

Well, in that case, the covid lockdowns are obviously the cause of the economic downturn. He put lives ahead of the economy.

I take it you are pushing him to end the lockdowns then?
The lock downs are far from the only cause. As far as pushing for an end to them, I'd keep them in place until either there's a vaccine or until the virus subsides on its own.

1. Agreed. The economic cycle was overdue for a down swing. But like you said, Trump had done a good job.

2. Well, the lockdowns are certainly going to inhibit any attempt at restarting the economy so, make you choice and take your lumps, but don't blame Trump if the cause is the lockdown you support.
Yes, they do inhibit the economy, but so did his stimulus, which kept people unemployed longer. So does people self-restricting going out even where there is no lock down.

So, really hard to judge his economic performance, in this period of his administration.

We can look at his earlier work, or we can look at other factors.

Giving him minuses for not having a good economy during a pandemic, seems unfair and unreasonable.

For the purposes of full disclosure, short term economic performance is not going to be a factor in my decision making.
Before the pandemic trump couldn’t hit 3% growth while running a trillion dollar deficit with really low interest rates. His performance is weak.
He had America working, that goes a long ways. Less Welfare, Unemployment, and Food Stamps.
Hell, you and your ilk were saying he'll destroy the economy, HE didn't
Larry Kudlow said Trump would destroy the US economy.
Months into Trump's administration and economic policies Larry Kudlow said Trump would destroy the US economy.
Now Kudlow works for Trump and praises Trump every chance he gets,

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