Trump’s Cabinet Is Attending Weekly Bible Studies Led By A Conservative Pastor

I am sorry, why should I care if a group of people in Trump's administration hold a weekly Bible study? I am trying to muster some "give a fucks", but I am having a bit of trouble.

President Donald Trump speaks during a cabinet meeting in the Cabinet Room of the White House in Washington, DC on Monday, July 31, 2017.

Bible studies are one of the foundational ways that Christians gather to learn about their faith. As a result, these small groups are a very common aspect of life for many American Christians.

But one particular Bible study group has been gaining notoriety in recent months, primarily because of the powerful people who are attending, and the controversial lessons being taught.

Members of President Donald Trump’s Cabinet ― some of the most powerful people in the United States ― have been gathering at a Bible study on Capitol Hill organized by the Christian pastor Ralph Drollinger, according to The Christian Broadcasting Network.

Drollinger is the president and founder of Capitol Ministries, a conservative Christian group that seeks to “evangelize elected officials and lead them toward maturity in Christ.” The group has planted Biblical ministries in state capitols across the country and holds Bible studies for Senators and members of the House of Representatives.

Since Trump arrived in the White House, Drollinger has also been meeting weekly with members of the White House Cabinet. The sessions have been taking place since at least April.

Capitol Ministries claims that key Trump advisors have sponsored Drollinger’s Bible studies ― people like Vice President Mike Pence, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and Department of Energy Secretary Rick Perry. In this context, sponsoring means that they helped Drollinger find a space to hold his Bible study. An outside group seeking to hold a special event in a Congressional building needs to reserve a room through a congressperson’s office.

In an interview with CBN News, Drollinger claims the class he leads for Cabinet members is the “best Bible study that I’ve ever taught in my life.”

“These are godly individuals that God has risen to a position of prominence in our culture,” Drollinger told CBN. “They are so teachable; they’re so noble; they’re so learned.”

Drollinger also suggested that the attendees have found practical ways to apply the lessons taught during these Bible studies.

More: Trump’s Cabinet Is Attending Weekly Bible Studies Led By A Conservative Pastor

I find this troubling on several levels (actually I find it scary as hell) - including that Christianity is the only religion represented. The founders gave us a "Godless" Constitution. What do you think?

Also, they are having their so-called "Bible Study" on government property - funded by all taxpayers. Are they attending on work time or personal time? Are they pressuring others to attend?

There is no separation of Church and State in the isn't even brought up...there is a Freedom of Religion protection in the First no, there isn't a problem here.

President Donald Trump speaks during a cabinet meeting in the Cabinet Room of the White House in Washington, DC on Monday, July 31, 2017.

Bible studies are one of the foundational ways that Christians gather to learn about their faith. As a result, these small groups are a very common aspect of life for many American Christians.

But one particular Bible study group has been gaining notoriety in recent months, primarily because of the powerful people who are attending, and the controversial lessons being taught.

Members of President Donald Trump’s Cabinet ― some of the most powerful people in the United States ― have been gathering at a Bible study on Capitol Hill organized by the Christian pastor Ralph Drollinger, according to The Christian Broadcasting Network.

Drollinger is the president and founder of Capitol Ministries, a conservative Christian group that seeks to “evangelize elected officials and lead them toward maturity in Christ.” The group has planted Biblical ministries in state capitols across the country and holds Bible studies for Senators and members of the House of Representatives.

Since Trump arrived in the White House, Drollinger has also been meeting weekly with members of the White House Cabinet. The sessions have been taking place since at least April.

Capitol Ministries claims that key Trump advisors have sponsored Drollinger’s Bible studies ― people like Vice President Mike Pence, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and Department of Energy Secretary Rick Perry. In this context, sponsoring means that they helped Drollinger find a space to hold his Bible study. An outside group seeking to hold a special event in a Congressional building needs to reserve a room through a congressperson’s office.

In an interview with CBN News, Drollinger claims the class he leads for Cabinet members is the “best Bible study that I’ve ever taught in my life.”

“These are godly individuals that God has risen to a position of prominence in our culture,” Drollinger told CBN. “They are so teachable; they’re so noble; they’re so learned.”

Drollinger also suggested that the attendees have found practical ways to apply the lessons taught during these Bible studies.

More: Trump’s Cabinet Is Attending Weekly Bible Studies Led By A Conservative Pastor

I find this troubling on several levels (actually I find it scary as hell) - including that Christianity is the only religion represented. The founders gave us a "Godless" Constitution. What do you think?

Also, they are having their so-called "Bible Study" on government property - funded by all taxpayers. Are they attending on work time or personal time? Are they pressuring others to attend?

There is no separation of Church and State in the isn't even brought up...there is a Freedom of Religion protection in the First no, there isn't a problem here.
Dhaa, you really think that you have to point that out? The first amendment say a lot more than freedom of religion. The flip side of that coin is freedom of religion and that includes my government practicing religion.

Where in the Constitution is “Separation of Church and State”?

What the Constitution’s First Amendment does say is that government shall make no law “respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” It is well to attend to the actual words of the Constitution (an admirable obsession of some Tea Party folks, like Ms. O’Donnell). Nowhere is this more important than with the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment: forbidding an official establishment of religion is something quite different from the much looser, imprecise term “separation of church and state.” The Constitution only forbids government sponsorship and compulsion of religious exercise by individual citizens. It does not require hermetic “separation”—implying exclusion—of religion and religious persons from public affairs of state.

That does NOT mean that they can practice religion on my dime on public property

President Donald Trump speaks during a cabinet meeting in the Cabinet Room of the White House in Washington, DC on Monday, July 31, 2017.

Bible studies are one of the foundational ways that Christians gather to learn about their faith. As a result, these small groups are a very common aspect of life for many American Christians.

But one particular Bible study group has been gaining notoriety in recent months, primarily because of the powerful people who are attending, and the controversial lessons being taught.

Members of President Donald Trump’s Cabinet ― some of the most powerful people in the United States ― have been gathering at a Bible study on Capitol Hill organized by the Christian pastor Ralph Drollinger, according to The Christian Broadcasting Network.

Drollinger is the president and founder of Capitol Ministries, a conservative Christian group that seeks to “evangelize elected officials and lead them toward maturity in Christ.” The group has planted Biblical ministries in state capitols across the country and holds Bible studies for Senators and members of the House of Representatives.

Since Trump arrived in the White House, Drollinger has also been meeting weekly with members of the White House Cabinet. The sessions have been taking place since at least April.

Capitol Ministries claims that key Trump advisors have sponsored Drollinger’s Bible studies ― people like Vice President Mike Pence, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and Department of Energy Secretary Rick Perry. In this context, sponsoring means that they helped Drollinger find a space to hold his Bible study. An outside group seeking to hold a special event in a Congressional building needs to reserve a room through a congressperson’s office.

In an interview with CBN News, Drollinger claims the class he leads for Cabinet members is the “best Bible study that I’ve ever taught in my life.”

“These are godly individuals that God has risen to a position of prominence in our culture,” Drollinger told CBN. “They are so teachable; they’re so noble; they’re so learned.”

Drollinger also suggested that the attendees have found practical ways to apply the lessons taught during these Bible studies.

More: Trump’s Cabinet Is Attending Weekly Bible Studies Led By A Conservative Pastor

I find this troubling on several levels (actually I find it scary as hell) - including that Christianity is the only religion represented. The founders gave us a "Godless" Constitution. What do you think?

Also, they are having their so-called "Bible Study" on government property - funded by all taxpayers. Are they attending on work time or personal time? Are they pressuring others to attend?

Lakhota, I invite you to study the Bible yourself. You will see there is no need to fear.

President Donald Trump speaks during a cabinet meeting in the Cabinet Room of the White House in Washington, DC on Monday, July 31, 2017.

Bible studies are one of the foundational ways that Christians gather to learn about their faith. As a result, these small groups are a very common aspect of life for many American Christians.

But one particular Bible study group has been gaining notoriety in recent months, primarily because of the powerful people who are attending, and the controversial lessons being taught.

Members of President Donald Trump’s Cabinet ― some of the most powerful people in the United States ― have been gathering at a Bible study on Capitol Hill organized by the Christian pastor Ralph Drollinger, according to The Christian Broadcasting Network.

Drollinger is the president and founder of Capitol Ministries, a conservative Christian group that seeks to “evangelize elected officials and lead them toward maturity in Christ.” The group has planted Biblical ministries in state capitols across the country and holds Bible studies for Senators and members of the House of Representatives.

Since Trump arrived in the White House, Drollinger has also been meeting weekly with members of the White House Cabinet. The sessions have been taking place since at least April.

Capitol Ministries claims that key Trump advisors have sponsored Drollinger’s Bible studies ― people like Vice President Mike Pence, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and Department of Energy Secretary Rick Perry. In this context, sponsoring means that they helped Drollinger find a space to hold his Bible study. An outside group seeking to hold a special event in a Congressional building needs to reserve a room through a congressperson’s office.

In an interview with CBN News, Drollinger claims the class he leads for Cabinet members is the “best Bible study that I’ve ever taught in my life.”

“These are godly individuals that God has risen to a position of prominence in our culture,” Drollinger told CBN. “They are so teachable; they’re so noble; they’re so learned.”

Drollinger also suggested that the attendees have found practical ways to apply the lessons taught during these Bible studies.

More: Trump’s Cabinet Is Attending Weekly Bible Studies Led By A Conservative Pastor

I find this troubling on several levels (actually I find it scary as hell) - including that Christianity is the only religion represented. The founders gave us a "Godless" Constitution. What do you think?

Also, they are having their so-called "Bible Study" on government property - funded by all taxpayers. Are they attending on work time or personal time? Are they pressuring others to attend?

There is no separation of Church and State in the isn't even brought up...there is a Freedom of Religion protection in the First no, there isn't a problem here.
Dhaa, you really think that you have to point that out? The first amendment say a lot more than freedom of religion. The flip side of that coin is freedom of religion and that includes my government practicing religion.

Where in the Constitution is “Separation of Church and State”?

What the Constitution’s First Amendment does say is that government shall make no law “respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” It is well to attend to the actual words of the Constitution (an admirable obsession of some Tea Party folks, like Ms. O’Donnell). Nowhere is this more important than with the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment: forbidding an official establishment of religion is something quite different from the much looser, imprecise term “separation of church and state.” The Constitution only forbids government sponsorship and compulsion of religious exercise by individual citizens. It does not require hermetic “separation”—implying exclusion—of religion and religious persons from public affairs of state.

That does NOT mean that they can practice religion on my dime on public property
So in other words there is no separation of church and state....

President Donald Trump speaks during a cabinet meeting in the Cabinet Room of the White House in Washington, DC on Monday, July 31, 2017.

Bible studies are one of the foundational ways that Christians gather to learn about their faith. As a result, these small groups are a very common aspect of life for many American Christians.

But one particular Bible study group has been gaining notoriety in recent months, primarily because of the powerful people who are attending, and the controversial lessons being taught.

Members of President Donald Trump’s Cabinet ― some of the most powerful people in the United States ― have been gathering at a Bible study on Capitol Hill organized by the Christian pastor Ralph Drollinger, according to The Christian Broadcasting Network.

Drollinger is the president and founder of Capitol Ministries, a conservative Christian group that seeks to “evangelize elected officials and lead them toward maturity in Christ.” The group has planted Biblical ministries in state capitols across the country and holds Bible studies for Senators and members of the House of Representatives.

Since Trump arrived in the White House, Drollinger has also been meeting weekly with members of the White House Cabinet. The sessions have been taking place since at least April.

Capitol Ministries claims that key Trump advisors have sponsored Drollinger’s Bible studies ― people like Vice President Mike Pence, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and Department of Energy Secretary Rick Perry. In this context, sponsoring means that they helped Drollinger find a space to hold his Bible study. An outside group seeking to hold a special event in a Congressional building needs to reserve a room through a congressperson’s office.

In an interview with CBN News, Drollinger claims the class he leads for Cabinet members is the “best Bible study that I’ve ever taught in my life.”

“These are godly individuals that God has risen to a position of prominence in our culture,” Drollinger told CBN. “They are so teachable; they’re so noble; they’re so learned.”

Drollinger also suggested that the attendees have found practical ways to apply the lessons taught during these Bible studies.

More: Trump’s Cabinet Is Attending Weekly Bible Studies Led By A Conservative Pastor

I find this troubling on several levels (actually I find it scary as hell) - including that Christianity is the only religion represented. The founders gave us a "Godless" Constitution. What do you think?

Also, they are having their so-called "Bible Study" on government property - funded by all taxpayers. Are they attending on work time or personal time? Are they pressuring others to attend?
Friend of mine led worship to the Presidents cabinet twice.

But that was the Obama years, so your fake tears are meaningless.

Carlos Whittaker Leads Worship at White House Easter Breakfast
It must gnaw at a snowflake's craw to learn of America's Christian heritage and then to discover that this heritage is canonized in the DoI.

Even more painful to them must be to learn that the Constitution provides for an observance of the Sabbath in its Presentment Clause.

Christianity cannot be separated from America, except to make America a soft and divided target. A snowflake's wet dream.
Also, they are having their so-called "Bible Study" on government property - funded by all taxpayers. Are they attending on work time or personal time? Are they pressuring others to attend?

And the first amendment prohibits the government from stopping bible study
The fake Kristians in the US are constantly looking for ways to force their religious beliefs on everyone else and their first motis operandi is getting control of the government.

Where true Christianity says "render unto Caesar that which is Caesars, i.e. the government, the fake Kristians view government just as the church did in old Europe where the government and the church were interchangeable. The very reason the founders of the United States insisted on a separation of church and state.

But current day Kristians seek the opposite. The seek to make the US government a defacto Christian theocracy that forces Christianity to be the dominant religion and forces all other religions into hiding.

It is against Christ and it is against democracy. But these people don't care about either of those, they act as if theirs is a divine mission from god. Look to the mideast to see equivalents.

If you'd like, I have some tin foil for sale

President Donald Trump speaks during a cabinet meeting in the Cabinet Room of the White House in Washington, DC on Monday, July 31, 2017.

Bible studies are one of the foundational ways that Christians gather to learn about their faith. As a result, these small groups are a very common aspect of life for many American Christians.

But one particular Bible study group has been gaining notoriety in recent months, primarily because of the powerful people who are attending, and the controversial lessons being taught.

Members of President Donald Trump’s Cabinet ― some of the most powerful people in the United States ― have been gathering at a Bible study on Capitol Hill organized by the Christian pastor Ralph Drollinger, according to The Christian Broadcasting Network.

Drollinger is the president and founder of Capitol Ministries, a conservative Christian group that seeks to “evangelize elected officials and lead them toward maturity in Christ.” The group has planted Biblical ministries in state capitols across the country and holds Bible studies for Senators and members of the House of Representatives.

Since Trump arrived in the White House, Drollinger has also been meeting weekly with members of the White House Cabinet. The sessions have been taking place since at least April.

Capitol Ministries claims that key Trump advisors have sponsored Drollinger’s Bible studies ― people like Vice President Mike Pence, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and Department of Energy Secretary Rick Perry. In this context, sponsoring means that they helped Drollinger find a space to hold his Bible study. An outside group seeking to hold a special event in a Congressional building needs to reserve a room through a congressperson’s office.

In an interview with CBN News, Drollinger claims the class he leads for Cabinet members is the “best Bible study that I’ve ever taught in my life.”

“These are godly individuals that God has risen to a position of prominence in our culture,” Drollinger told CBN. “They are so teachable; they’re so noble; they’re so learned.”

Drollinger also suggested that the attendees have found practical ways to apply the lessons taught during these Bible studies.

More: Trump’s Cabinet Is Attending Weekly Bible Studies Led By A Conservative Pastor

I find this troubling on several levels (actually I find it scary as hell) - including that Christianity is the only religion represented. The founders gave us a "Godless" Constitution. What do you think?

Also, they are having their so-called "Bible Study" on government property - funded by all taxpayers. Are they attending on work time or personal time? Are they pressuring others to attend?

There is no separation of Church and State in the isn't even brought up...there is a Freedom of Religion protection in the First no, there isn't a problem here.
Dhaa, you really think that you have to point that out? The first amendment say a lot more than freedom of religion. The flip side of that coin is freedom of religion and that includes my government practicing religion.

Where in the Constitution is “Separation of Church and State”?

What the Constitution’s First Amendment does say is that government shall make no law “respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” It is well to attend to the actual words of the Constitution (an admirable obsession of some Tea Party folks, like Ms. O’Donnell). Nowhere is this more important than with the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment: forbidding an official establishment of religion is something quite different from the much looser, imprecise term “separation of church and state.” The Constitution only forbids government sponsorship and compulsion of religious exercise by individual citizens. It does not require hermetic “separation”—implying exclusion—of religion and religious persons from public affairs of state.

That does NOT mean that they can practice religion on my dime on public property
So in other words there is no separation of church and state....

Yeah, technically, they can. They have freedom of religion just like you do.....
Can you imagine if an administration started holding Quran classes in the Whitehouse? Right wingers would loose their crap. Lol

Why ? Sure some would but they would be ignored . But why would they freak?

Apparently they think we would have a problem with Muslim staff members studying their religion.

Seems silly to be scared of that
I am sorry, why should I care if a group of people in Trump's administration hold a weekly Bible study? I am trying to muster some "give a fucks", but I am having a bit of trouble.

Isn't it obvious? If they study their faith they might try to *gasp* live it in their personal lives.

Honesty in Washington? Making decisions bases on common sense and wisdom? The horror!
The fake Kristians in the US are constantly looking for ways to force their religious beliefs on everyone else and their first motis operandi is getting control of the government.

Where true Christianity says "render unto Caesar that which is Caesars, i.e. the government, the fake Kristians view government just as the church did in old Europe where the government and the church were interchangeable. The very reason the founders of the United States insisted on a separation of church and state.

But current day Kristians seek the opposite. The seek to make the US government a defacto Christian theocracy that forces Christianity to be the dominant religion and forces all other religions into hiding.

It is against Christ and it is against democracy. But these people don't care about either of those, they act as if theirs is a divine mission from god. Look to the mideast to see equivalents.

If you'd like, I have some tin foil for sale

No need to deprive you of a good supply of tin-foil hats. You have them custom fit to your head and all, so best you keep them in your closet as usual.
Progressives need to take CA and GO! Just fucking leave! Have your no God, Guns or rich people Utopia
The fake Kristians in the US are constantly looking for ways to force their religious beliefs on everyone else and their first motis operandi is getting control of the government.

Where true Christianity says "render unto Caesar that which is Caesars, i.e. the government, the fake Kristians view government just as the church did in old Europe where the government and the church were interchangeable. The very reason the founders of the United States insisted on a separation of church and state.

But current day Kristians seek the opposite. The seek to make the US government a defacto Christian theocracy that forces Christianity to be the dominant religion and forces all other religions into hiding.

It is against Christ and it is against democracy. But these people don't care about either of those, they act as if theirs is a divine mission from god. Look to the mideast to see equivalents.

If you'd like, I have some tin foil for sale

No need to deprive you of a good supply of tin-foil hats. You have them custom fit to your head and all, so best you keep them in your closet as usual.

Nah. I use ton foil for food. Hats don't fit on my head right

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