Trump’s Cabinet Is Attending Weekly Bible Studies Led By A Conservative Pastor


President Donald Trump speaks during a cabinet meeting in the Cabinet Room of the White House in Washington, DC on Monday, July 31, 2017.

Bible studies are one of the foundational ways that Christians gather to learn about their faith. As a result, these small groups are a very common aspect of life for many American Christians.

But one particular Bible study group has been gaining notoriety in recent months, primarily because of the powerful people who are attending, and the controversial lessons being taught.

Members of President Donald Trump’s Cabinet ― some of the most powerful people in the United States ― have been gathering at a Bible study on Capitol Hill organized by the Christian pastor Ralph Drollinger, according to The Christian Broadcasting Network.

Drollinger is the president and founder of Capitol Ministries, a conservative Christian group that seeks to “evangelize elected officials and lead them toward maturity in Christ.” The group has planted Biblical ministries in state capitols across the country and holds Bible studies for Senators and members of the House of Representatives.

Since Trump arrived in the White House, Drollinger has also been meeting weekly with members of the White House Cabinet. The sessions have been taking place since at least April.

Capitol Ministries claims that key Trump advisors have sponsored Drollinger’s Bible studies ― people like Vice President Mike Pence, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and Department of Energy Secretary Rick Perry. In this context, sponsoring means that they helped Drollinger find a space to hold his Bible study. An outside group seeking to hold a special event in a Congressional building needs to reserve a room through a congressperson’s office.

In an interview with CBN News, Drollinger claims the class he leads for Cabinet members is the “best Bible study that I’ve ever taught in my life.”

“These are godly individuals that God has risen to a position of prominence in our culture,” Drollinger told CBN. “They are so teachable; they’re so noble; they’re so learned.”

Drollinger also suggested that the attendees have found practical ways to apply the lessons taught during these Bible studies.

More: Trump’s Cabinet Is Attending Weekly Bible Studies Led By A Conservative Pastor

I find this troubling on several levels (actually I find it scary as hell) - including that Christianity is the only religion represented. The founders gave us a "Godless" Constitution. What do you think?

Also, they are having their so-called "Bible Study" on government property - funded by all taxpayers. Are they attending on work time or personal time? Are they pressuring others to attend?

There is no separation of Church and State in the isn't even brought up...there is a Freedom of Religion protection in the First no, there isn't a problem here.
Dhaa, you really think that you have to point that out? The first amendment say a lot more than freedom of religion. The flip side of that coin is freedom of religion and that includes my government practicing religion.

Where in the Constitution is “Separation of Church and State”?

What the Constitution’s First Amendment does say is that government shall make no law “respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” It is well to attend to the actual words of the Constitution (an admirable obsession of some Tea Party folks, like Ms. O’Donnell). Nowhere is this more important than with the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment: forbidding an official establishment of religion is something quite different from the much looser, imprecise term “separation of church and state.” The Constitution only forbids government sponsorship and compulsion of religious exercise by individual citizens. It does not require hermetic “separation”—implying exclusion—of religion and religious persons from public affairs of state.

That does NOT mean that they can practice religion on my dime on public property
So in other words there is no separation of church and state....
Apparently you are not one to handle nuances very well. You seem to be fishing for a yes or no answer and there is none. There are few absolutes in Constitutional law, or for that matter, in life.

The point of the article that I posted was there is no absolute separation, there are obvious limits to the establishment clause. Never the less, not only must the government allow free exercise of religion, it also may not impose religious practices or beliefs on anyone, and that includes the right to not be subjected to religious rituals in public places and by public officials. That is why organized prayer in publics schools is uncnstitutional
To the snowflakes, public officers aren't entitled to First Amendment protections. The Constitution applies only to those whom they say it applies.
It looks like the government endorsing one specific religion, whether or not technically/legally that is what's happening.

It looks like a group of men
exercising their Constitutional rights...
whether or not you think otherwise!
What a freaking publicity stunt this is. It's a wet kiss to the Christian Right. Kinda the same reason Trump continues the ludicrous pep rallies .
He knows when Mueller's investigation uncovers his crimes and his family's he'll rely on the above groups to support him.

They'd support him if he was caught on video sanduskying a 10 year old boy..
And you know I'm right..
It looks like the government endorsing one specific religion, whether or not technically/legally that is what's happening.

It looks like a group of men
exercising their Constitutional rights...
whether or not you think otherwise!
Trump never goes to church nor has ever even faked any spirituality but you don't see how phony this stunt is.
You are a gullable one.
It looks like the government endorsing one specific religion, whether or not technically/legally that is what's happening.

It looks like a group of men
exercising their Constitutional rights...
whether or not you think otherwise!
Trump never goes to church nor has ever even faked any spirituality but you don't see how phony this stunt is.
You are a gullable one.

First of all, what NYc posted and my subsequent reply,
had absolutely, diddley squat to do with what your flinging!

Secondly, I find it comical, you would make the distinction,
that a man who doesn't go to church, let alone,
ever even fake spirituality, is clearly a phony
and attending a bible study group is obviously, a stunt

Because, clearly, men, such as Obama or Clinton,
who attended church regularly, weren't phonies,
and just attending church faithfully, as a stunt,
to fake spirituality, for those gullible, God centered voters

I'm sorry, whose gullible?

Obviously, your brain escaped through your ear,
and is hopelessly lost, wandering around the room!

President Donald Trump speaks during a cabinet meeting in the Cabinet Room of the White House in Washington, DC on Monday, July 31, 2017.

Bible studies are one of the foundational ways that Christians gather to learn about their faith. As a result, these small groups are a very common aspect of life for many American Christians.

But one particular Bible study group has been gaining notoriety in recent months, primarily because of the powerful people who are attending, and the controversial lessons being taught.

Members of President Donald Trump’s Cabinet ― some of the most powerful people in the United States ― have been gathering at a Bible study on Capitol Hill organized by the Christian pastor Ralph Drollinger, according to The Christian Broadcasting Network.

Drollinger is the president and founder of Capitol Ministries, a conservative Christian group that seeks to “evangelize elected officials and lead them toward maturity in Christ.” The group has planted Biblical ministries in state capitols across the country and holds Bible studies for Senators and members of the House of Representatives.

Since Trump arrived in the White House, Drollinger has also been meeting weekly with members of the White House Cabinet. The sessions have been taking place since at least April.

Capitol Ministries claims that key Trump advisors have sponsored Drollinger’s Bible studies ― people like Vice President Mike Pence, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and Department of Energy Secretary Rick Perry. In this context, sponsoring means that they helped Drollinger find a space to hold his Bible study. An outside group seeking to hold a special event in a Congressional building needs to reserve a room through a congressperson’s office.

In an interview with CBN News, Drollinger claims the class he leads for Cabinet members is the “best Bible study that I’ve ever taught in my life.”

“These are godly individuals that God has risen to a position of prominence in our culture,” Drollinger told CBN. “They are so teachable; they’re so noble; they’re so learned.”

Drollinger also suggested that the attendees have found practical ways to apply the lessons taught during these Bible studies.

More: Trump’s Cabinet Is Attending Weekly Bible Studies Led By A Conservative Pastor

I find this troubling on several levels (actually I find it scary as hell) - including that Christianity is the only religion represented. The founders gave us a "Godless" Constitution. What do you think?

Also, they are having their so-called "Bible Study" on government property - funded by all taxpayers. Are they attending on work time or personal time? Are they pressuring others to attend?

Christians practicing their faith? Oh the horror! Yet you morons wouldn't have any issue if it was a Dem practicing Islamic "Koran study".

It looks like a group of men
exercising their Constitutional rights.
whether or not you think otherwise!

Look up the meaning of THEOCRACY..........In Iran, "a group of men" are ALSO "exercising their [religious] rights."
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President Donald Trump speaks during a cabinet meeting in the Cabinet Room of the White House in Washington, DC on Monday, July 31, 2017.

Bible studies are one of the foundational ways that Christians gather to learn about their faith. As a result, these small groups are a very common aspect of life for many American Christians.

But one particular Bible study group has been gaining notoriety in recent months, primarily because of the powerful people who are attending, and the controversial lessons being taught.

Members of President Donald Trump’s Cabinet ― some of the most powerful people in the United States ― have been gathering at a Bible study on Capitol Hill organized by the Christian pastor Ralph Drollinger, according to The Christian Broadcasting Network.

Drollinger is the president and founder of Capitol Ministries, a conservative Christian group that seeks to “evangelize elected officials and lead them toward maturity in Christ.” The group has planted Biblical ministries in state capitols across the country and holds Bible studies for Senators and members of the House of Representatives.

Since Trump arrived in the White House, Drollinger has also been meeting weekly with members of the White House Cabinet. The sessions have been taking place since at least April.

Capitol Ministries claims that key Trump advisors have sponsored Drollinger’s Bible studies ― people like Vice President Mike Pence, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and Department of Energy Secretary Rick Perry. In this context, sponsoring means that they helped Drollinger find a space to hold his Bible study. An outside group seeking to hold a special event in a Congressional building needs to reserve a room through a congressperson’s office.

In an interview with CBN News, Drollinger claims the class he leads for Cabinet members is the “best Bible study that I’ve ever taught in my life.”

“These are godly individuals that God has risen to a position of prominence in our culture,” Drollinger told CBN. “They are so teachable; they’re so noble; they’re so learned.”

Drollinger also suggested that the attendees have found practical ways to apply the lessons taught during these Bible studies.

More: Trump’s Cabinet Is Attending Weekly Bible Studies Led By A Conservative Pastor

I find this troubling on several levels (actually I find it scary as hell) - including that Christianity is the only religion represented. The founders gave us a "Godless" Constitution. What do you think?

Also, they are having their so-called "Bible Study" on government property - funded by all taxpayers. Are they attending on work time or personal time? Are they pressuring others to attend?
What's your point?
I personally witnessed the mind control the progressive left has over its sheep. I was at Hillary HQ in Davenport,Iowa when they had their daily "group session." The den mother told all of the college kids working their what they were to do that day. They were to post a picture of themselves on Facebook with a sign in support of gay marriage. At end of meeting they held hands and chanted about "social justice now. " Totally Jim Jones cult shit.
It scares me when religious nuts are running the country. We had that same psycho shit with Boy Bush - and we know what that gave us.


Yeah, you leftists will believe any crap that is against a Republican. You are unbelievably stupid.

I don't like religious psychos - regardless of their politics - and I especially don't like them running the country. I suspect Ayatollah Pence has a lot to do with this.


President Donald Trump speaks during a cabinet meeting in the Cabinet Room of the White House in Washington, DC on Monday, July 31, 2017.

Bible studies are one of the foundational ways that Christians gather to learn about their faith. As a result, these small groups are a very common aspect of life for many American Christians.

But one particular Bible study group has been gaining notoriety in recent months, primarily because of the powerful people who are attending, and the controversial lessons being taught.

Members of President Donald Trump’s Cabinet ― some of the most powerful people in the United States ― have been gathering at a Bible study on Capitol Hill organized by the Christian pastor Ralph Drollinger, according to The Christian Broadcasting Network.

Drollinger is the president and founder of Capitol Ministries, a conservative Christian group that seeks to “evangelize elected officials and lead them toward maturity in Christ.” The group has planted Biblical ministries in state capitols across the country and holds Bible studies for Senators and members of the House of Representatives.

Since Trump arrived in the White House, Drollinger has also been meeting weekly with members of the White House Cabinet. The sessions have been taking place since at least April.

Capitol Ministries claims that key Trump advisors have sponsored Drollinger’s Bible studies ― people like Vice President Mike Pence, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and Department of Energy Secretary Rick Perry. In this context, sponsoring means that they helped Drollinger find a space to hold his Bible study. An outside group seeking to hold a special event in a Congressional building needs to reserve a room through a congressperson’s office.

In an interview with CBN News, Drollinger claims the class he leads for Cabinet members is the “best Bible study that I’ve ever taught in my life.”

“These are godly individuals that God has risen to a position of prominence in our culture,” Drollinger told CBN. “They are so teachable; they’re so noble; they’re so learned.”

Drollinger also suggested that the attendees have found practical ways to apply the lessons taught during these Bible studies.

More: Trump’s Cabinet Is Attending Weekly Bible Studies Led By A Conservative Pastor

I find this troubling on several levels (actually I find it scary as hell) - including that Christianity is the only religion represented. The founders gave us a "Godless" Constitution. What do you think?

Also, they are having their so-called "Bible Study" on government property - funded by all taxpayers. Are they attending on work time or personal time? Are they pressuring others to attend?
These people are nutcases.

President Donald Trump speaks during a cabinet meeting in the Cabinet Room of the White House in Washington, DC on Monday, July 31, 2017.

Bible studies are one of the foundational ways that Christians gather to learn about their faith. As a result, these small groups are a very common aspect of life for many American Christians.

But one particular Bible study group has been gaining notoriety in recent months, primarily because of the powerful people who are attending, and the controversial lessons being taught.

Members of President Donald Trump’s Cabinet ― some of the most powerful people in the United States ― have been gathering at a Bible study on Capitol Hill organized by the Christian pastor Ralph Drollinger, according to The Christian Broadcasting Network.

Drollinger is the president and founder of Capitol Ministries, a conservative Christian group that seeks to “evangelize elected officials and lead them toward maturity in Christ.” The group has planted Biblical ministries in state capitols across the country and holds Bible studies for Senators and members of the House of Representatives.

Since Trump arrived in the White House, Drollinger has also been meeting weekly with members of the White House Cabinet. The sessions have been taking place since at least April.

Capitol Ministries claims that key Trump advisors have sponsored Drollinger’s Bible studies ― people like Vice President Mike Pence, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and Department of Energy Secretary Rick Perry. In this context, sponsoring means that they helped Drollinger find a space to hold his Bible study. An outside group seeking to hold a special event in a Congressional building needs to reserve a room through a congressperson’s office.

In an interview with CBN News, Drollinger claims the class he leads for Cabinet members is the “best Bible study that I’ve ever taught in my life.”

“These are godly individuals that God has risen to a position of prominence in our culture,” Drollinger told CBN. “They are so teachable; they’re so noble; they’re so learned.”

Drollinger also suggested that the attendees have found practical ways to apply the lessons taught during these Bible studies.

More: Trump’s Cabinet Is Attending Weekly Bible Studies Led By A Conservative Pastor

I find this troubling on several levels (actually I find it scary as hell) - including that Christianity is the only religion represented. The founders gave us a "Godless" Constitution. What do you think?

Also, they are having their so-called "Bible Study" on government property - funded by all taxpayers. Are they attending on work time or personal time? Are they pressuring others to attend?
These people are nutcases.

You should identify with them very well then.
What a freaking publicity stunt this is. It's a wet kiss to the Christian Right. Kinda the same reason Trump continues the ludicrous pep rallies .
He knows when Mueller's investigation uncovers his crimes and his family's he'll rely on the above groups to support him.

They'd support him if he was caught on video sanduskying a 10 year old boy..
And you know I'm right..
Damned right! These people are dangerous and delusional

Does anyone know about this?

POTUS Shield: Trump’s Dominionist Prayer Warriors and the ‘Prophetic Order of the United States’ | Right Wing Watch

In the early morning hours of November 9, 2016, God told Frank Amedia that with Donald Trump having been elected president, Amedia and his fellow Trump-supporting “apostles” and “prophets” had a new mission. Thus was born POTUS Shield, a network of Pentecostal leaders devoted to helping Trump bring about the reign of God in America and the world.

Amedia described the divine origins of POTUS Shield during a gathering that spread over three days in March 2017 at the northeastern Ohio church he pastors. Interspersed with Pentecostal worship, liturgical dancing, speaking in tongues, shofar blowing, and Israeli flag waving, Amedia and other POTUS Shield leaders put forth their vision for a Christian America and their plans to bring it to fruition through prayer, political engagement and organizing in all 50 states. Among the many decrees made at the event was that Islam must be “completely broken down.”
What a freaking publicity stunt this is. It's a wet kiss to the Christian Right. Kinda the same reason Trump continues the ludicrous pep rallies .
He knows when Mueller's investigation uncovers his crimes and his family's he'll rely on the above groups to support him.

They'd support him if he was caught on video sanduskying a 10 year old boy..
And you know I'm right..
Damned right! These people are dangerous and delusional

Does anyone know about this?

POTUS Shield: Trump’s Dominionist Prayer Warriors and the ‘Prophetic Order of the United States’ | Right Wing Watch

In the early morning hours of November 9, 2016, God told Frank Amedia that with Donald Trump having been elected president, Amedia and his fellow Trump-supporting “apostles” and “prophets” had a new mission. Thus was born POTUS Shield, a network of Pentecostal leaders devoted to helping Trump bring about the reign of God in America and the world.

Amedia described the divine origins of POTUS Shield during a gathering that spread over three days in March 2017 at the northeastern Ohio church he pastors. Interspersed with Pentecostal worship, liturgical dancing, speaking in tongues, shofar blowing, and Israeli flag waving, Amedia and other POTUS Shield leaders put forth their vision for a Christian America and their plans to bring it to fruition through prayer, political engagement and organizing in all 50 states. Among the many decrees made at the event was that Islam must be “completely broken down.”

Mm, sounds like some illuminati shit to me.
"Trump’s Cabinet Is Attending Weekly Bible Studies Led By A Conservative Pastor"


Pissed that they're not attending services at your mosque?

Or am I wrong about that....should it rather be your First Universal Church of Global-Whatever?

Would you be a little happier if they just mailed in checks?

Ralph Drollinger is a former NBA basketball player and an evangelical Christian. He’s pictured here, circa 1985.

Christian pastor Ralph Drollinger has some scary beliefs - including...

The minister has reportedly claimed that mothers who work while leaving children at home are sinful and that Catholicism is the “world’s largest false religion.” He’s also a climate-change denier and virulently anti-queer.

I see, that makes him bad. Not agreeing with the science of climate change is something a lot of people do. As far as being anti-queer the Bible says homosexuality is a sin. Does he oppose the sin or the sinners? It should be the sin.

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