Trump's Defense Dept. spent millions on lobsters, booze, and golf carts to avoid future budget cuts

Daryl Hunt

Your Worst Nightmare
Oct 22, 2014
This has been going on for much longer than Trump. We did the same thing when I was in the AF. But it just wasn't this huge. And it's gotten worse every year. At the last count (2018 fiscal year) it was a 93 billion dollar buy off.

This has been going on for much longer than Trump. We did the same thing when I was in the AF. But it just wasn't this huge. And it's gotten worse every year. At the last count (2018 fiscal year) it was a 93 billion dollar buy off.

So you're saying the great men that chose to protect us don't deserve some perks while the companies that get most of the budget get paid 5 times what they make?

I say double the pay of everyone who volunteers to serve our country.
This has been going on for much longer than Trump. We did the same thing when I was in the AF. But it just wasn't this huge. And it's gotten worse every year. At the last count (2018 fiscal year) it was a 93 billion dollar buy off.

So you're saying the great men that chose to protect us don't deserve some perks while the companies that get most of the budget get paid 5 times what they make?

I say double the pay of everyone who volunteers to serve our country.

That is Billion, not Million or Dollars. It's 93 Billion for just the Defense department. We aren't talking about paying the money to any individual, we are talking about spending the money for the offices, etc..

For instance, we would have to spend 3400 bucks before the end of the fiscal year. It didn't go to any of us. It didn't go to beer or parties. We bought office supplies, office equipment, supplies, etc.. When I was in the field, I wasn't aware of this. But when I was ""Kicked" upstairs one becomes part of it. Use it or Lose it. The Motor Pool bought brand new vehicles, tools and such. Most of which we did without and did need. But some things were downright frivolous when we ran out of ideas for the things that we could actually use. And, yes, the breakroom fridge was well stocked when that happened.

The higher the rank, the more frivolous the purchase will be. Including may recreational items and supplies. And take it from me, Generals and Presidents get paid plenty where they don't have to depend on those extra funds. If a General wants Lobster from Maine, he just has to say he wants it and an off station training flight goes and get it on the Government dime without him having to dip into the over fund funds. But when he needs to spend that money to keep from losing it on the next budget, instead of a box of Lobster Tails, he has a few pallets of live lobsters flown in. But the flight is still on the books as an off station training flight. The difference between the two is, the General pays for the case of Lobster Tails while the Extra Funds pays for the pallets of live lobsters. The higher the rank the more frivolous the spending of those funds.
This has been going on for much longer than Trump. We did the same thing when I was in the AF. But it just wasn't this huge. And it's gotten worse every year. At the last count (2018 fiscal year) it was a 93 billion dollar buy off.

But the federal government is supposed to run healthcare for everyone.......
Curious, since you admit it’s been going on for years, why did you single Trump out in your title?
Here's a news flash for you. Defense budgets have been inflated for decades. I don't know where your "slush fund" numbers come from but if you are going to make accusations that they have suddenly spiked under Trump, then let's see what you base that on.
This has been going on for much longer than Trump. We did the same thing when I was in the AF. But it just wasn't this huge. And it's gotten worse every year. At the last count (2018 fiscal year) it was a 93 billion dollar buy off.


Careful, Rustbucket. posting just the stupid graphics is considered Spamming. But if you want to comment on it and then post it, no one cares. I just got into that with a Mod who tried to bully his way around things. He was wrong and called him a fruitcake and hit him with my favorite piece of graphics like I am getting ready to do here. It seems that he was wrong according to the other moderators. But all of them agreed that just posting the graphics was spamming. So Spammer, beware.

And here is your fruitcake and you can eat it too.

And because it's you, you get a few Bronze Oak Leaf Clusters.

This has been going on for much longer than Trump. We did the same thing when I was in the AF. But it just wasn't this huge. And it's gotten worse every year. At the last count (2018 fiscal year) it was a 93 billion dollar buy off.

But the snowflakes are grasping at any lie now that their witch hunt has blown up in their faces....
But the federal government is supposed to run healthcare for everyone.......

Just have the VA take over the health care for all. Simple as that. The VA works and works much better than the sillyvillian health care system. I am developing Cateracts, yes. And they are dragging their feet. But after I give them a swift kick in the butt, they will get on it. I think they have had enough time. It's time to pay a little visit in person. But the VA system does work. And it's something that could be used as a template for all Sillyvillian Universal Health Care Programs.
This has been going on for much longer than Trump. We did the same thing when I was in the AF. But it just wasn't this huge. And it's gotten worse every year. At the last count (2018 fiscal year) it was a 93 billion dollar buy off.

But the snowflakes are grasping at any lie now that their witch hunt has blown up in their faces....

It's not a lie. Those that have served at a certain rank or higher knows this goes on every fiscal year. And it's astounding that it goes on and it's just too easy to fix. Care to ask how we fix it? Or are you going to play "I Hate Dems" game some more and get nothing done.
But the federal government is supposed to run healthcare for everyone.......

Just have the VA take over the health care for all. Simple as that. The VA works and works much better than the sillyvillian health care system. I am developing Cateracts, yes. And they are dragging their feet. But after I give them a swift kick in the butt, they will get on it. I think they have had enough time. It's time to pay a little visit in person. But the VA system does work. And it's something that could be used as a template for all Sillyvillian Universal Health Care Programs.
Yeah, sure-

307,000 vets may have died awaiting VA care, report says - CNNPolitics
Curious, since you admit it’s been going on for years, why did you single Trump out in your title?

He's the one in Charge. For instance, Obama owns the 60+ billion 3 years ago. Trump owns the 93 billion in 2018. So he made the claim that he was going to make sure the money was spent very carefully. It was except for 93 billion of it. Since he is the Commander in Chief, he gets the blame or the credit on everything good and bad with the Military. It appears that Congress needs to take a long hard look at the budget for 2020.
But the federal government is supposed to run healthcare for everyone.......

Just have the VA take over the health care for all. Simple as that. The VA works and works much better than the sillyvillian health care system. I am developing Cateracts, yes. And they are dragging their feet. But after I give them a swift kick in the butt, they will get on it. I think they have had enough time. It's time to pay a little visit in person. But the VA system does work. And it's something that could be used as a template for all Sillyvillian Universal Health Care Programs.
Yeah, sure-

307,000 vets may have died awaiting VA care, report says - CNNPolitics

That was from 4 years ago. Trust me, things have changed. And I do like the title that contains "May". But that report had a profound change in the way the VA operates. Like I said, today, if they drag their feet, I get on my feet and go visit them up close and personal. The last thing they want right now is for me to report they are doing a bad job. And when they realize that I am serious, they will fall all over themselves to correct the problem.
This has been going on for much longer than Trump. We did the same thing when I was in the AF. But it just wasn't this huge. And it's gotten worse every year. At the last count (2018 fiscal year) it was a 93 billion dollar buy off.

But the snowflakes are grasping at any lie now that their witch hunt has blown up in their faces....

It's not a lie. Those that have served at a certain rank or higher knows this goes on every fiscal year. And it's astounding that it goes on and it's just too easy to fix. Care to ask how we fix it? Or are you going to play "I Hate Dems" game some more and get nothing done.

it is something that happens every year, & the lie is that snowflakes are trying to make it appear it is only happening now because of's a lie.
But the federal government is supposed to run healthcare for everyone.......

Just have the VA take over the health care for all. Simple as that. The VA works and works much better than the sillyvillian health care system. I am developing Cateracts, yes. And they are dragging their feet. But after I give them a swift kick in the butt, they will get on it. I think they have had enough time. It's time to pay a little visit in person. But the VA system does work. And it's something that could be used as a template for all Sillyvillian Universal Health Care Programs.
What you describe from your personal experience does not sound like it's 'working'. That is what every Vet experiences, extremely long delays, and poor care when they get it. My brother is a 24 year Navy Vet and he buys his own insurance because of what he has endured with the VA.
This has been going on for much longer than Trump. We did the same thing when I was in the AF. But it just wasn't this huge. And it's gotten worse every year. At the last count (2018 fiscal year) it was a 93 billion dollar buy off.

And now they’re spending our money at trump hotels.
Curious, since you admit it’s been going on for years, why did you single Trump out in your title?

He's the one in Charge. For instance, Obama owns the 60+ billion 3 years ago. Trump owns the 93 billion in 2018. So he made the claim that he was going to make sure the money was spent very carefully. It was except for 93 billion of it. Since he is the Commander in Chief, he gets the blame or the credit on everything good and bad with the Military. It appears that Congress needs to take a long hard look at the budget for 2020.
Right, that’s why Obama was called out for it.

obama dod spends frivilously to wipe out budget at DuckDuckGo

Not one article.
EVERY govt agency, not just the military, rushes to spend their budgets before the end if the fiscal year for fear of 'Use it or Lose it' budget mentality.

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