Trumps deportation plan would cost $100-$200 BILLION

If the government really expects to pay $12,500 per illegal sent out of the country I want that contract. Holy shit I will make a fortune.
Not that it matters, because, as a sovereign nation, they are not going to be dictated to by the likes of Donald Trump.

For a "sovereign nation" like Mexico, they don't seem to mind it when their citizens violate the sovereignty of another. It's time they be punished for that.
The freaking ICE deputy director thinks it costs $12,500 to deport a single illegal alien? Maybe he is mixed up on the cost of keeping the criminal in the U.S. on the dole for a year. No wonder we are going broke. You could take a 1st class vacation to Hawaii for 12 grand.
The solution is AmTrak. Load 'em up, cross the border at Juarez and drop them about half way to Mexico City.
Soon enough, the ones not rounded up will leave on their own.

EXACTLY how would you do that?

Be specific.


It is more expensive to travel on AMTRAK than it is to fly. The tracks are in such bad shape that they never replaced the ones leading from New Orleans to Florida after Katrina. I assume that the poster is not even serious about crossing the border on a nonexistent train track into a foreign country to offload people who may not even be Mexican citizens. Then again, I don't think that Trump is so stupid that he really means any of this anyway.
Another thing that Trump chooses to ignore is that it is unconstitutional to profile latinos. You can't just stop one on the street and demand his papers. As Sheriff Joe found out (belatedly), you can not detain someone unless you have probable cause to suspect that he has broken a law. Speaking Spanish, or being brown is NOT probable cause.
If the government really expects to pay $12,500 per illegal sent out of the country I want that contract. Holy shit I will make a fortune.
12K to 25K is the cost of doing business Wetback Mike, jump in...
Kind of funny you keep calling me that when you are in favor of the actual wetbacks...or more commonly known as illegals. My family was here well before yours even thought about it. None of mine had to sneak in.
NOt including the fence, that Mexico does not have the money to pay for, and would not pay for, even if they did, especially since a large % of illegals are from other countries.

"Back in 2011, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deputy director Kumar Kibble said it costs $12,500 to deport an individual undocumented immigrant.

So when you multiply that cost for the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S., that comes to $137.5 billion."

Donald Trump s Deportation Plan Would Cost 100-200 Billion - NBC News
I forget, how much did we just give Iran?
What is the cost of welfare, special education (English as a second language), and locking up illegals annualy?
We gave Iran nothing.

Give nothing, get nothing.
If the government really expects to pay $12,500 per illegal sent out of the country I want that contract. Holy shit I will make a fortune.
12K to 25K is the cost of doing business Wetback Mike, jump in...
Kind of funny you keep calling me that when you are in favor of the actual wetbacks...or more commonly known as illegals. My family was here well before yours even thought about it. None of mine had to sneak in.
You might think they were here before my family was but that's only in the wetback parts we took by force. I call you what you are to the GOP, and most white Americans, just another ******-lite holding a rake or changing the sheets. They'd deport you just as easily as the guy still drying off from his wade across the river, given a choice. Once a wetback, always a wetback.
How the hell do you determine if someone is an illegal without a trial?

Papers please?
Yeah, that won't work either as papers aren't required here and we aren't only going to stop the brown ones when they are.

Since Americans are as dumb as dog shit we might as well chip them up like dogs.
Papers are required if you're here on a visa or work permit. Try again.
Well 315 million people aren't of that status, but feel free to stop and ask them anyway. I dare you...
If the government really expects to pay $12,500 per illegal sent out of the country I want that contract. Holy shit I will make a fortune.
12K to 25K is the cost of doing business Wetback Mike, jump in...
Kind of funny you keep calling me that when you are in favor of the actual wetbacks...or more commonly known as illegals. My family was here well before yours even thought about it. None of mine had to sneak in.
You might think they were here before my family was but that's only in the wetback parts we took by force. I call you what you are to the GOP, and most white Americans, just another ******-lite holding a rake or changing the sheets. They'd deport you just as easily as the guy still drying off from his wade across the river, given a choice. Once a wetback, always a wetback.
Interesting you think you speak not only for the GOP but for all white Americans. With every post you prove the racism of the left. It's getting to the point of uncontrolled maniacal proportions. Go ahead and just say it. You hate all who aren't like you but are willing to tolerate them as long as they hold your political views. And by tolerate I mean just barely stomach having them around and if you didn't need their votes you wouldn't even be that accomodating.
So no reply to my links Vandalshandle?

Ernie, there is absolutely no point in arguing with someone who is convinced that government statistics have been faked by a corrupt administration through some vast democratic government conspiracy. You will have to play wack-a-mole with somebody else.


This is exactly true.

They know the facts. They know the truth. But, it doesn't fit in with their agenda so they ignore it.

Drumpf knows that and is trading on it. He's all used-car-salesman, pie-in-the-sky and lies. He never answers a question, always moves sideways and says "trust me" and "I'm really rich" and the dummies eat it up.
Whatever.............I looked at those articles as well. They are counting the salaries and budgets of ICE PERIOD..................Operating Budget.............which fluctuates a little each year...........If none got deported next year they'd still have a similar budget...................which means that OH NO...........IT COSTS EVEN MORE.

Let's say we deport double the number...........for the same budget................Holy shit man it's half price deportation man................

Get a clue..................It's manipulation by the Gov't. What they have become good at.

As the article states, ICE has the capacity to deport 400,000 annually. it is presently deporting 330,000 annually. Beyond the 400,000 number, they would have to build all new facilities and transportation, as well as expand human resources, detention facilities, courts, judges, attornies, while paying for food, medicine, and even clothing. Only a fool thinks that limited resources are capable of handling almost unlimited aliens.
Never said we wouldn't have to build more facilities and hire more people. I just quoted how they figured the amount per deportation................and that the 200 Billion is BS................You could double the agents to 40,000 as it has 20,000 now and that would only cost about 2 Billion per their site..........The facilities would cost a bit more to build, but the operating budget now is 5.8 BILLION a year.

Finally, they wouldn't be deporting 11 million at one time anyway.............Now would they..............

The dollar amount is BS...............and since they use our Social Safety net services we would still be saving a ton of money.

Do it legal to come here or not at all............

Finally, even Trump has said that we have to secure the border first and then deal with the illegals here has most of the nominees.............But he has stated that he WOULD ENFORCE THE ICE LAWS.....................

Doesn't mean our country will go door to door kicking them in asking for papers now does it.
Right. You, who have no fucking clue how to run a governmental agency, are in a better position than the head of ICE to tell us what these operations will cost. Can you even balance your own checkbook? And, they do not use our social safety net since illegal immigrants are not eligible for those services.

And, they do not use our social safety net since illegal immigrants are not eligible for those services.

When they have US citizen children, they become eligible.
And even if they don't, we let the illegal kids go to school, $11-$12,000 a pop here in Illinois, not to mention the medical bills at our ERs and the prison costs for the hundreds of thousands of illegals in jail.
No. They don't become eligible. Their American citizen children are.

Yeah, if their American citizen kids get money for food and housing, guess who else benefits.
Not to mention medical and prison expenses.
Trump seems to think that all you have to do is to pick Juan up off the street and drive him to Nuevo Laredo. He seems to have forgotten details, like the constitutionally required trial, and conviction, first (for which we would most likely have to pay Juan's attorney).

That's ok, we can confiscate everything Juan has to help pay the bill. Fruits of an ongoing criminal enterprise don'cha know.

Confiscation of Juan's assets for a misdemeanor? Then let's do the same thing for people who roll a stop sign.

Confiscation of Juan's assets for a misdemeanor

Absolutely. And if he comes back, throw him in jail.
Dont have to profile...truck drivers, IRS and and other Govt agencies alrdy know where they ...set up a hot line.

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