Trumps deportation plan would cost $100-$200 BILLION

That's because the perpetrators are brown. If a black man robs a bank, the police aren't being racist by describing the suspect as "black."

You're a moron, of course. That's why these things have to be explained to you.
If they were little whitey brats you wouldn't mind nearly as much, and if their parents voted GOP you be handing out voter ID like condoms on the first day of college...

I don't care what color their skin is. The fact that they are eager to work for wages that are a lot lower than what Americans are accustomed to makes them a threat to every American worker.
Capitalists love cheap labor, that's why the door has been open for 60 years...

By "capitalists" you mean crony capitalists. You don't mean people who believe in capitalism. In reality, surveys have show that most business owners don't support amnesty or open borders.
What they support is cheap labor, and they aren't too worried about where it comes from. If they were there wouldn't so many undocumented workers here. Wink wink, nod nod...

Only the kind of crony capitalists that give money to Obama support "cheap labor." They aren't supporters of capitalism. Like most liberals, lhey are supporters of lining their own pockets at the expense of the country.
Meaning you just make stuff up.
No need, I just say what you're afraid to...

What you don't seem to understand is that I have no desire to say those things. You do.

If I was prejudiced against brown people, then explain why I'm married to a Colombian woman.

You really are a stupid fucking racist moron.
No family please, mod rule, but I had a couple of good ones...

The rule is that you are not allowed to attack my family. I'm sure you had all kinds of despicable insults in mind. However, I can insult you and point out that you're a racist pig.
That doesn't insult me since all humans are racist.

They aren't pigs like you.
No need, I just say what you're afraid to...

What you don't seem to understand is that I have no desire to say those things. You do.

If I was prejudiced against brown people, then explain why I'm married to a Colombian woman.

You really are a stupid fucking racist moron.
No family please, mod rule, but I had a couple of good ones...

The rule is that you are not allowed to attack my family. I'm sure you had all kinds of despicable insults in mind. However, I can insult you and point out that you're a racist pig.
That doesn't insult me since all humans are racist.

They aren't pigs like you.
Pigs would be a hearty step up for most of them. Human litter the universe will soon be rid of...
Only the kind of crony capitalists that give money to Obama support "cheap labor."....

For a free market fanatic you sure have a funny view of what makes capitalists tick

Capitalists care about profit, and only about profit. Cheap labor means more $$$ so they hire illegal immigrants instead of american workers who they have to pay at least the minimum wage.

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Trump will never be President And his plan is not constitutional and would never happen. How is this useless 42 page thread going for everyone?

it's going about as good as you believing anybody cares what you say is going
So not very good. Trump will never be President. Please feel free to bookmark the thread.

you act like i want him to be; assuming again. so typical
Your think I could care less what you want. So typical. You must be a Millennial.
Trump will never be President And his plan is not constitutional and would never happen. How is this useless 42 page thread going for everyone?

it's going about as good as you believing anybody cares what you say is going
So not very good. Trump will never be President. Please feel free to bookmark the thread.

you act like i want him to be; assuming again. so typical
Your think I could care less what you want. So typical. You must be a Millennial.


but that's clearly not what your post implied.
How about we address the root causes?

Personally, I recommend the following...

1 - Declare war on Mexico.
2 - Clear out the cartels with the full force of the US military.
3 - Criminalize illegal presence in the US.
4 - Establish 15 year military occupation of country, dismantling Mexican military and police organizations, establishing American military personnel for five years in those roles for five years, and civil authority administrators over the country, phasing in Mexican civil personnel beginning after 10 years.
For a free market fanatic you sure have a funny view of what makes capitalists tick

Capitalists care about profit, and only about profit. Cheap labor means more $$$ so they hire illegal immigrants instead of american workers who they have to pay at least the minimum wage.

But you are completely wrong. Corporatists want to use the leverage of government to give themselves advantage over other free market capitalists. These are NOT free market capitalists. A true free market capitalist has no interest in diminishing the income of his consumers... it defeats his entire purpose of existing. He wants you to have lots of money in your pocket to buy his stuff. A free market capitalist cannot survive if everyone is poor. The demand for his product or service declines with less expendable income. A corporatist, on the other hand, makes money through exploitation and manipulation, made possible by 'owning' politicians.

I am a free market capitalist. I have owned numerous businesses over the years and one thing has been consistent in my businesses... I paid my employees well and had exceptional people working for me. I never minded paying a little higher than industry standard because my people were worth it. It made my business more profitable. Could I have gotten away with paying them less? I suppose, but it would have resulted in disgruntled employees who weren't happy with their pay. I found that my business did much better with happy employees who enjoyed working for me and were satisfied with their pay.
How do you find and deport 11 million people? And what legal theory allows the deportation to Mexico of American citizens?

Who's talking about deporting American citizens?
Trump. The children of undocumented.
'anchor babies' are all about citizenship and 'anchoring' extended families....meaning practically whole villages come here because they are 'related' to the 'anchor baby' and we wouldn't want to deny the baby his 'family'......a totally insane practice....also called 'chain migration'.....

'anchor babies' is a fraud cooked up via an insane Justice Brennan footnote in a 1982 case....even Harry Reid thought it crazy as he introduced a bill in 1993 to end citizenship for babies of illegals....
Justice Brennan's Footnote Gave Us Anchor Babies | Human Events
Bullshit. Natural born citzenship
Trump. The children of undocumented.

Was it Ok with you when Harry said it?
“no sane country” would give automatic citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants.
I do not care what a Senator said. The Constitution states otherwise.

Our 14th Amendment was for Slaves not illegals who come here to give birth.
The 14th Amendment, you constitutionally illiterate asshole, was for all citizens. It prohibits states from denying due process or equal rights to any citizen, defined as anyone born in the United States.

Nope. A citizen is someone born under the "jurisdiction" of the United States. That means the legal jurisdiction. Note. That didn't include Indians and it didn't include the children of ambassadors, so why should it include the children of illegal aliens?
You know, debating with someone as stupid and narrow minded as you is pointless. The legal principle that a person born in a nation is considered a citizen of that nation, unless the parents were there as official representatives of another nation, is centuries old. The 14 amendment was interpreted to provide citizenship to person born here at the end of the 19th century in cases involving Chinese immigrants. If has never been construed otherwise in any court. One of the drafters that you morons quote correctly stated that it does not create citizenship if the children are born to foreigners, aliens, who are here as representatives of another nation. A child born to illegal immigrant parents is subject to the jurisdiction of the United States from birth. The parents are subject to our jurisdiction. The only foreigners not subject to our jurisdiction are ambassadors and other diplomatic personnel and their families. Indians were considered foreign because of the creation of reservations that were considered sovereign nations for some purposes.
You might want to read what the writers of the 14th Amendment had to say on the subject.

Before the adoption of the Fourteenth Amendment, citizens of the states were automatically considered citizens of the United States. In 1857, the Dred Scott v. Sanford decision had held that no black of African descent (even a freed black) could be a citizen of the United States. The Fourteenth Amendment was thus necessary to overturn Dred Scott and to settle the question of the citizenship of the newly freed slaves. The Fourteenth Amendment made United States citizenship primary and state citizenship derivative. The primacy of federal citizenship made it impossible for states to prevent former slaves from becoming United States citizens by withholding state citizenship. States could no longer prevent any black from United States citizenship or from state citizenship either.

The Civil Rights Act of 1866 had previously asserted that "All persons born in the United States and not subject to any foreign power, excluding Indians not taxed, are hereby declared to be citizens of the United States." The immediate impetus for the Fourteenth Amendment was to constitutionalize and validate the Civil Rights Act because some had questioned whether the Thirteenth Amendment was a sufficient basis for its constitutionality. A constitutional amendment would also have the advantage of preventing a later unfriendly Congress from repealing it.

One conspicuous departure from the language of the Civil Rights Act was the elimination of the phrase "Indians not taxed." Senator Jacob Howard of Ohio, the author of the Citizenship Clause, defended the new language against the charge that it would make Indians citizens of the United States. Howard assured skeptics that "Indians born within the limits of the United States, and who maintain their tribal relations, are not, in the sense of this amendment, born subject to the jurisdiction of the United States." Senator Lyman Trumbull, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, supported Howard, contending that "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" meant "not owing allegiance to anybody else...subject to the complete jurisdiction of the United States." Indians, he concluded, were not "subject to the jurisdiction" of the United States because they owed allegiance—even if only partial allegiance—to their tribes. Thus, two requirements were set for United States citizenship: born or naturalized in the United States and subject to its jurisdiction.

By itself, birth within the territorial limits of the United States, as the case of the Indians indicated, did not make one automatically "subject to the jurisdiction" of the United States. And "jurisdiction" did not mean simply subject to the laws of the United States or subject to the jurisdiction of its courts. Rather, "jurisdiction" meant exclusive "allegiance" to the United States. Not all who were subject to the laws owed allegiance to the United States. As Senator Howard remarked, the requirement of "jurisdiction," understood in the sense of "allegiance," "will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States."

Guide to the Constitution
Since the Supreme Court has ruled against you, more than 100 years ago, now what?
You clearly have a trouble with comprehension. The only persons born in the US who would not be considered citizens, by virtue of their birth would be. "foreigners, alien, WHO BELONG TO THE FAMILIES OF AMBASSADORS OR FOREIGN MINISTERS..." Only foreigners who are the children of ambassadors or foreign ministers here on official duty would not be considered to be natural born citizens.

Evidently you don't understand english composition, when terms are separated by a comma they stand alone. What is it you didn't understand when he said: And "jurisdiction" did not mean simply subject to the laws of the United States or subject to the jurisdiction of its courts. Rather, "jurisdiction" meant exclusive "allegiance" to the United States."
I understand better than you. So do the numerous judges who have held that those born here are citizens.

Right, some leftist judge knows better than the guy who wrote it. Does it hurt to be that gullible?
More than one guy wrote it. Many contributed to it. Its meaning was then debated. Are you suggesting that the Courts are bound by what one person construed it to mean? Sheer idiocy. Of course, what he wrote above is consistent with what the Courts have held; unless born to an ambassador or his wife or a member of his family who are here as diplomats and therefore "not subject to the jurisdiction" of the laws of the United States, a person born here is a citizen upon birth. So, if you want to apply the Amendment consistent with the intent of one of its drafters, then the Court have been getting it right all of this time.
Who's talking about deporting American citizens?
Trump. The children of undocumented.
'anchor babies' are all about citizenship and 'anchoring' extended families....meaning practically whole villages come here because they are 'related' to the 'anchor baby' and we wouldn't want to deny the baby his 'family'......a totally insane practice....also called 'chain migration'.....

'anchor babies' is a fraud cooked up via an insane Justice Brennan footnote in a 1982 case....even Harry Reid thought it crazy as he introduced a bill in 1993 to end citizenship for babies of illegals....
Justice Brennan's Footnote Gave Us Anchor Babies | Human Events
Bullshit. Natural born citzenship
Was it Ok with you when Harry said it?
“no sane country” would give automatic citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants.
I do not care what a Senator said. The Constitution states otherwise.

Our 14th Amendment was for Slaves not illegals who come here to give birth.
The 14th Amendment, you constitutionally illiterate asshole, was for all citizens. It prohibits states from denying due process or equal rights to any citizen, defined as anyone born in the United States.

Nope. A citizen is someone born under the "jurisdiction" of the United States. That means the legal jurisdiction. Note. That didn't include Indians and it didn't include the children of ambassadors, so why should it include the children of illegal aliens?
You know, debating with someone as stupid and narrow minded as you is pointless. The legal principle that a person born in a nation is considered a citizen of that nation, unless the parents were there as official representatives of another nation, is centuries old. The 14 amendment was interpreted to provide citizenship to person born here at the end of the 19th century in cases involving Chinese immigrants. If has never been construed otherwise in any court. One of the drafters that you morons quote correctly stated that it does not create citizenship if the children are born to foreigners, aliens, who are here as representatives of another nation. A child born to illegal immigrant parents is subject to the jurisdiction of the United States from birth. The parents are subject to our jurisdiction. The only foreigners not subject to our jurisdiction are ambassadors and other diplomatic personnel and their families. Indians were considered foreign because of the creation of reservations that were considered sovereign nations for some purposes.

it was intended to protect the rights of recently-freed slaves. no amount of you being a silly crybaby douchebag calling other people ignorant while willfully misrepresenting the intended purpose of the 14th amendment will change the facts.........................

Post-Civil War reforms focused on injustices to African Americans. The 14th Amendment was ratified in 1868 to protect the rights of native-born Black Americans, whose rights were being denied as recently-freed slaves. It was written in a manner so as to prevent state governments from ever denying citizenship to blacks born in the United States. But in 1868, the United States had no formal immigration policy, and the authors therefore saw no need to address immigration explicitly in the amendment.
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Only the kind of crony capitalists that give money to Obama support "cheap labor." They aren't supporters of capitalism. Like most liberals, lhey are supporters of lining their own pockets at the expense of the country.
Capitalism isn't patriotic. How long before you learn that?
Of course it is. Capitalism is the system of Founding Fathers setup.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
Only the kind of crony capitalists that give money to Obama support "cheap labor."....

For a free market fanatic you sure have a funny view of what makes capitalists tick

Capitalists care about profit, and only about profit. Cheap labor means more $$$ so they hire illegal immigrants instead of american workers who they have to pay at least the minimum wage.

A corporation will make the same profit if the cost of labor is $100/hr as it will if the cost is $10/hr.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
Only the kind of crony capitalists that give money to Obama support "cheap labor."....

For a free market fanatic you sure have a funny view of what makes capitalists tick

Capitalists care about profit, and only about profit. Cheap labor means more $$$ so they hire illegal immigrants instead of american workers who they have to pay at least the minimum wage.

A corporation will make the same profit if the cost of labor is $100/hr as it will if the cost is $10/hr.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
Good idea, raise the minimum wage.
Only the kind of crony capitalists that give money to Obama support "cheap labor." They aren't supporters of capitalism. Like most liberals, lhey are supporters of lining their own pockets at the expense of the country.
Capitalism isn't patriotic. How long before you learn that?
Of course it is. Capitalism is the system of Founding Fathers setup.
Nope, that's idiotic, but fully expected. Capitalism cares about the bottom line, no the border line. That's why all this cheap brown labor is here...
Only the kind of crony capitalists that give money to Obama support "cheap labor."....

For a free market fanatic you sure have a funny view of what makes capitalists tick

Capitalists care about profit, and only about profit. Cheap labor means more $$$ so they hire illegal immigrants instead of american workers who they have to pay at least the minimum wage.

A corporation will make the same profit if the cost of labor is $100/hr as it will if the cost is $10/hr.
That's utterly idiotic. Learn basic capitalism, that ain't it.
liberals- ok with aborting millions of innocent babies every year who are already here. but dont like illegals being deported alive with their families.
1. Not babies.
2. Not millions.
3. Not related.

Good work.

1. Yes, according to DNA and, you know, science, they are.
2. Yes.. 50 million and counting since Roe v. Wade.
3. Very related.
Having human DNA doesn't make you a person...
For a free market fanatic you sure have a funny view of what makes capitalists tick

Capitalists care about profit, and only about profit. Cheap labor means more $$$ so they hire illegal immigrants instead of american workers who they have to pay at least the minimum wage.

But you are completely wrong. Corporatists want to use the leverage of government to give themselves advantage over other free market capitalists. These are NOT free market capitalists. A true free market capitalist has no interest in diminishing the income of his consumers... it defeats his entire purpose of existing. He wants you to have lots of money in your pocket to buy his stuff. A free market capitalist cannot survive if everyone is poor. The demand for his product or service declines with less expendable income. A corporatist, on the other hand, makes money through exploitation and manipulation, made possible by 'owning' politicians.

I am a free market capitalist. I have owned numerous businesses over the years and one thing has been consistent in my businesses... I paid my employees well and had exceptional people working for me. I never minded paying a little higher than industry standard because my people were worth it. It made my business more profitable. Could I have gotten away with paying them less? I suppose, but it would have resulted in disgruntled employees who weren't happy with their pay. I found that my business did much better with happy employees who enjoyed working for me and were satisfied with their pay.

You're both wrong. And both idiots.

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