Trumps deportation plan would cost $100-$200 BILLION

Boss, I will make it easier for you to understand. You can not haul people out of the country unless they are an illegal alien. In order to determine if a person is an illegal alien, he must be found guilty in a court of law. Without this constitutional protection you would have the power to just pick up anyone and decide that he is not a citizen, and arbitrarily haul him off. You could do it to me, and my family has been here since 1647. You can not put the burden of proof, that I am a citizen, on me. The government has to prove in court that someone is not a citizen. Now, Boss, this is all covered in 8th grade Civics. Did you miss a lot of school growing up?

And let me make this clear for you... If you broke our laws and entered our country illegally, you have very limited constitutional rights, you are a criminal. This is why you don't see prisoners with handguns. They no longer have the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms, it was removed because they are criminals being punished. You also don't have the 4th amendment right to property and against seizure of property.

"As far back as 1896, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that:

“The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution is not confined to the protection of citizens. It says: ’Nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty or property without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law.’ These provisions are universal in their application to all persons within the territorial jurisdiction, without regard to any differences of race, of color, or nationality; and the equal protection of the laws is a pledge of the protection of equal laws.” 2

All persons in the U.S., therefore, have constitutional rights. Among these are the right to equal protection of the law and the right to due process.

Also, undocumented persons have a constitutional right under the Fourth Amendment to deny any officer from entering their residence without consent, absent a search warrant.

Further, the Supreme Court has held that all children, regardless of their immigration status, are entitled to free public education, as required under the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. 3

Additionally, under federal law publicly funded hospitals must provide emergency medical services to all patients, regardless of their immigration status. 4 Immigrants are also protected from workplace discrimination under state and federal laws.

Moreover, under federal law, a person may recover money damages for loss of property, personal injury or death where damages occurred as a result of the “negligent or wrongful act or omission of any employee of the Government while acting within the scope of his office or employment, under circumstances where the United States, if a private person, would be liable to the claimant in accordance with the law of the place where the act or omission occurred.” 5

These are just a few of the rights that our Constitution and federal laws grant to all persons living in the U.S. These rights are intended to protect all U.S. residents from discrimination and arbitrary government action. These rights are especially critical in times where hatred based on race, color, and national origin is on the rise. "

MALDEF: Undocumented Immigrants DO Have Legal Rights - VIDEO

Now you are jumping from what the Constitution says to what the SCOTUS has ruled. The SCOTUS once ruled slaves were property and had no constitutional rights. They ruled that failure to return slaves to their owner was a crime punishable by imprisonment. They ruled Jim Crow laws were constitutional. They upheld segregation as constitutional. Did the Constitution say that or did the SCOTUS rule that?
Where in the constitution does it exclude from its protections people who are not here legally? Where? Quote me the section where it contains that exclusion of shut the fuck up. You are making yourself look like an idiot, though, it that does not appear to be an unusual thing for you. In making those rulings they interpreted the words of the constitution. They did so incorrectly. Here when the Fourth Amendment says that no person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law there can be no doubt that illegal immigrants are persons. What more is there to conclude?

I can't show you in the Constitution where it says slaves aren't property. I can't show you where it says separate isn't equal. I can't show you were it says a woman has the right to commit infanticide on her unborn baby. SCOTUS can rule all kinds of things that I can't show you in the Constitution.
I can show you those. The 14th Amendment and 13th Amendment make it clear that a person cannot be a slave. And the equal protection clause clearly does not have an exception for separate facilities. And terminating a pregnancy is not infanticide; it is a medical procedure that a woman's right to liberty protects. .
Your constitutional rights are somewhat lessened. But, you have the right to Due Process before you are deemed a criminal.

Well okay, so you DON'T automatically have unfettered constitutional rights by standing on American soil. Which is precisely what I said!

You don't necessarily have the right to due process... I gave an example for that as well... you are a maniac shooting up a day care center... the sniper from SWAT puts a bullet through your brain... he doesn't have to give you a trial by jury or read your Miranda rights or appoint you an attorney if you cannot afford one. You are posing a threat to society and can be denied every single one of your constitutional rights.
What you said, you fucking retard, is that you don't have any constitutional rights. But, as I and the other poster have proven to your tiny brain over and over again, you do. A person charged with a crime has precisely the same rights whether citizen or illegal alien. A citizen and illegal alien have precisely the same rights to not have their property taken away. You moronic example of a cop shooting a man in the midst of a shooting spree proves nothing. The guy does have the right to a trial by jury and the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney. He just never got the point to assert those rights because he was killing people and needed to be stopped. The killing of a criminal in the act of trying to harm others does not deprive that criminal of their rights. As I said before, a cop can be sued for an unjust killing on the basis that the cop deprived the victim of due process of law. But, when the cop is faced with deadly force, he is justified in acting. Now, either you are a complete and utter moron or you are just pretending to be one to goad me. Either way, go the fuck away.
Despite the useless foul language, I agree with you. You would have sounded much more intelligent without the cussing.
Boss, I will make it easier for you to understand. You can not haul people out of the country unless they are an illegal alien. In order to determine if a person is an illegal alien, he must be found guilty in a court of law. Without this constitutional protection you would have the power to just pick up anyone and decide that he is not a citizen, and arbitrarily haul him off. You could do it to me, and my family has been here since 1647. You can not put the burden of proof, that I am a citizen, on me. The government has to prove in court that someone is not a citizen. Now, Boss, this is all covered in 8th grade Civics. Did you miss a lot of school growing up?

And let me make this clear for you... If you broke our laws and entered our country illegally, you have very limited constitutional rights, you are a criminal. This is why you don't see prisoners with handguns. They no longer have the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms, it was removed because they are criminals being punished. You also don't have the 4th amendment right to property and against seizure of property.

"As far back as 1896, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that:

“The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution is not confined to the protection of citizens. It says: ’Nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty or property without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law.’ These provisions are universal in their application to all persons within the territorial jurisdiction, without regard to any differences of race, of color, or nationality; and the equal protection of the laws is a pledge of the protection of equal laws.” 2

All persons in the U.S., therefore, have constitutional rights. Among these are the right to equal protection of the law and the right to due process.

Also, undocumented persons have a constitutional right under the Fourth Amendment to deny any officer from entering their residence without consent, absent a search warrant.

Further, the Supreme Court has held that all children, regardless of their immigration status, are entitled to free public education, as required under the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. 3

Additionally, under federal law publicly funded hospitals must provide emergency medical services to all patients, regardless of their immigration status. 4 Immigrants are also protected from workplace discrimination under state and federal laws.

Moreover, under federal law, a person may recover money damages for loss of property, personal injury or death where damages occurred as a result of the “negligent or wrongful act or omission of any employee of the Government while acting within the scope of his office or employment, under circumstances where the United States, if a private person, would be liable to the claimant in accordance with the law of the place where the act or omission occurred.” 5

These are just a few of the rights that our Constitution and federal laws grant to all persons living in the U.S. These rights are intended to protect all U.S. residents from discrimination and arbitrary government action. These rights are especially critical in times where hatred based on race, color, and national origin is on the rise. "

MALDEF: Undocumented Immigrants DO Have Legal Rights - VIDEO
And those rights cost us $100 billion a year. Time for them to go back to their homeland.
You do understand, moron, that it is the act of finding, arresting, detaining, processing and then deporting (i.e sending them back to their homeland) that costs the 100 billion you claim? And that trying to do that for all 11 million would be several hundred billion more and would result in the loss of the billions in taxes that illegals pay and the billions in economic activity they spur?
Your constitutional rights are somewhat lessened. But, you have the right to Due Process before you are deemed a criminal.

Well okay, so you DON'T automatically have unfettered constitutional rights by standing on American soil. Which is precisely what I said!

You don't necessarily have the right to due process... I gave an example for that as well... you are a maniac shooting up a day care center... the sniper from SWAT puts a bullet through your brain... he doesn't have to give you a trial by jury or read your Miranda rights or appoint you an attorney if you cannot afford one. You are posing a threat to society and can be denied every single one of your constitutional rights.
What you said, you fucking retard, is that you don't have any constitutional rights. But, as I and the other poster have proven to your tiny brain over and over again, you do. A person charged with a crime has precisely the same rights whether citizen or illegal alien. A citizen and illegal alien have precisely the same rights to not have their property taken away. You moronic example of a cop shooting a man in the midst of a shooting spree proves nothing. The guy does have the right to a trial by jury and the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney. He just never got the point to assert those rights because he was killing people and needed to be stopped. The killing of a criminal in the act of trying to harm others does not deprive that criminal of their rights. As I said before, a cop can be sued for an unjust killing on the basis that the cop deprived the victim of due process of law. But, when the cop is faced with deadly force, he is justified in acting. Now, either you are a complete and utter moron or you are just pretending to be one to goad me. Either way, go the fuck away.
Despite the useless foul language, I agree with you. You would have sounded much more intelligent without the cussing.
Why would your opinion matter to me? When dealing with lowlifes like Boss, you have to talk to them at their level.
Your constitutional rights are somewhat lessened. But, you have the right to Due Process before you are deemed a criminal.

Well okay, so you DON'T automatically have unfettered constitutional rights by standing on American soil. Which is precisely what I said!

You don't necessarily have the right to due process... I gave an example for that as well... you are a maniac shooting up a day care center... the sniper from SWAT puts a bullet through your brain... he doesn't have to give you a trial by jury or read your Miranda rights or appoint you an attorney if you cannot afford one. You are posing a threat to society and can be denied every single one of your constitutional rights.
What you said, you fucking retard, is that you don't have any constitutional rights. But, as I and the other poster have proven to your tiny brain over and over again, you do. A person charged with a crime has precisely the same rights whether citizen or illegal alien. A citizen and illegal alien have precisely the same rights to not have their property taken away. You moronic example of a cop shooting a man in the midst of a shooting spree proves nothing. The guy does have the right to a trial by jury and the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney. He just never got the point to assert those rights because he was killing people and needed to be stopped. The killing of a criminal in the act of trying to harm others does not deprive that criminal of their rights. As I said before, a cop can be sued for an unjust killing on the basis that the cop deprived the victim of due process of law. But, when the cop is faced with deadly force, he is justified in acting. Now, either you are a complete and utter moron or you are just pretending to be one to goad me. Either way, go the fuck away.

Well I'm not going away, sorry. I gave examples of people who did not get their Constitutional rights because they were on American soil. Just being on American soil doesn't give you automatic Constitutional protection. After presenting my example, you want to try and explain why your argument failed. But it failed because it is a bad argument and I illustrated it.
Your constitutional rights are somewhat lessened. But, you have the right to Due Process before you are deemed a criminal.

Well okay, so you DON'T automatically have unfettered constitutional rights by standing on American soil. Which is precisely what I said!

You don't necessarily have the right to due process... I gave an example for that as well... you are a maniac shooting up a day care center... the sniper from SWAT puts a bullet through your brain... he doesn't have to give you a trial by jury or read your Miranda rights or appoint you an attorney if you cannot afford one. You are posing a threat to society and can be denied every single one of your constitutional rights.
What you said, you fucking retard, is that you don't have any constitutional rights. But, as I and the other poster have proven to your tiny brain over and over again, you do. A person charged with a crime has precisely the same rights whether citizen or illegal alien. A citizen and illegal alien have precisely the same rights to not have their property taken away. You moronic example of a cop shooting a man in the midst of a shooting spree proves nothing. The guy does have the right to a trial by jury and the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney. He just never got the point to assert those rights because he was killing people and needed to be stopped. The killing of a criminal in the act of trying to harm others does not deprive that criminal of their rights. As I said before, a cop can be sued for an unjust killing on the basis that the cop deprived the victim of due process of law. But, when the cop is faced with deadly force, he is justified in acting. Now, either you are a complete and utter moron or you are just pretending to be one to goad me. Either way, go the fuck away.

Well I'm not going away, sorry. I gave examples of people who did not get their Constitutional rights because they were on American soil. Just being on American soil doesn't give you automatic Constitutional protection. After presenting my example, you want to try and explain why your argument failed. But it failed because it is a bad argument and I illustrated it.
No, you did not. I explained, twice now, that the only time a police killing denies a suspect their constitutional rights is if it is not justified. Here are a bunch of Court decisions that discuss this.

"The Fourth Amendment prohibition against unreasonable seizures permits law enforcement officers to use only such force to effect an arrest as is ‘objectively reasonable' under the circumstances." (Emphasis added; Id., at p. 1198.)

"A police officer may use force, including blocking a vehicle and displaying his or her weapon, to accomplish an otherwise lawful stop or detention as long as the force used is reasonable under the circumstances to protect the officer or members of the public or to maintain the status quo." (People v. McHugh (2004) 119 Cal.App.4th 202, 211.)

The use of force to effect an arrest is evaluated in light of the Fourth Amendment's prohibition on unreasonable seizures. (Graham v. Connor (1989) 490 U.S. 386 [104 L.Ed.2nd 443].)

"(A)cts by which cruel and sadistic purpose to harm another would be manifest" may also be a violation of the Eighth Amendment's proscription on "cruel and unusual" punishment. (Watts v. McKinney (9th Cir. 2005) 394 F.3rd 170; kicking a prisoner in the genitals.)

The reasonableness of the force used to effect a particular seizure is determined by a "careful balancing of ‘the nature and quality of the intrusion on the individual's Fourth Amendment interests' against the countervailing governmental interest at stake." (Graham v. Connor, supra, at p. 396 [104 L.Ed.2nd at p. 455], quoting Tennessee v. Garner(1985) 471 U.S. 1, 8 [85 L.Ed.2nd 1, 7]; Jackson v. City of Bremerton (9th Cir. 2001) 268 F.3rd 646.)

Read them and stop posting nonsense.
You do understand, moron, that it is the act of finding, arresting, detaining, processing and then deporting (i.e sending them back to their homeland) that costs the 100 billion you claim? And that trying to do that for all 11 million would be several hundred billion more and would result in the loss of the billions in taxes that illegals pay and the billions in economic activity they spur?

Again... here you are in all your stupid liberal glory, promoting the very thing that is killing jobs, keeping wages down across the board, bankrupting cities on the border, increasing crime and over-burdening emergency infrastructure. You blame "the rich" for all this but "the rich" are getting richer off the labor provided from illegals.
No, you did not. I explained, twice now, that the only time a police killing denies a suspect their constitutional rights is if it is not justified.

Huh? Look, I don't know about you but to me... putting a bullet through someone's head is a pretty strong violation on their right to live, to have a trial by jury, to be found guilty by a court, etc. What you are trying to say is that violating their rights is sometimes "justified" and that's basically the same argument for deporting illegal aliens.
You do understand, moron, that it is the act of finding, arresting, detaining, processing and then deporting (i.e sending them back to their homeland) that costs the 100 billion you claim? And that trying to do that for all 11 million would be several hundred billion more and would result in the loss of the billions in taxes that illegals pay and the billions in economic activity they spur?

Again... here you are in all your stupid liberal glory, promoting the very thing that is killing jobs, keeping wages down across the board, bankrupting cities on the border, increasing crime and over-burdening emergency infrastructure. You blame "the rich" for all this but "the rich" are getting richer off the labor provided from illegals.
Where is there a single fucking word in there about the rich? You want to kill jobs? Remove the billions that illegals put into the economies of the states where most of them live. Remove the billions in taxes they pay. Spend the hundreds of billions of dollars it will take to do this and to prevent them from returning You want to spend billions to bring about conditions that will cause billions in lost taxes and billions in reduced economic activity. All to remove some dark skinned folks who, for the most part, live law abiding, productive lives. There is less crime in border cities. Violent crimes drop overall in U.S. border cities
No, you did not. I explained, twice now, that the only time a police killing denies a suspect their constitutional rights is if it is not justified.

Huh? Look, I don't know about you but to me... putting a bullet through someone's head is a pretty strong violation on their right to live, to have a trial by jury, to be found guilty by a court, etc. What you are trying to say is that violating their rights is sometimes "justified" and that's basically the same argument for deporting illegal aliens.
No. I am saying that killing a person who is in the midst of killing others does not deprive him of his life "without due process of law." Which is what the law states. Violating someones' rights is never justified. There is no violation if the use of force is justified.
Where is there a single fucking word in there about the rich? You want to kill jobs? Remove the billions that illegals put into the economies of the states where most of them live. Remove the billions in taxes they pay. Spend the hundreds of billions of dollars it will take to do this and to prevent them from returning You want to spend billions to bring about conditions that will cause billions in lost taxes and billions in reduced economic activity. All to remove some dark skinned folks who, for the most part, live law abiding, productive lives. There is less crime in border cities. Violent crimes drop overall in U.S. border cities

No. I want to build a wall across our southern border so people can't cross into our country illegally. I want Mexico to pay for the wall AND reimburse all our expenses of having to care for and deal with illegal immigrants. I want American companies who hire illegal workers put out of business and their owners incarcerated or fined. I want illegal aliens deported when we catch them. I want their children deported as well.

I'm not concerned about the taxes they pay, they cost society more than they contribute. I'm not concerned with giving them IDs and making them voters, Democrats already have enough dead people voting for them. And most of all, I am not really concerned whether or not you like it. You don't have to like it.
No. I am saying that killing a person who is in the midst of killing others does not deprive him of his life "without due process of law." Which is what the law states. Violating someones' rights is never justified. There is no violation if the use of force is justified.

Again... HUH??? :dunno:

So you have rights which no one can justify violating unless the violation is justified?

....And that line made sense in your brain?
No. I am saying that killing a person who is in the midst of killing others does not deprive him of his life "without due process of law." Which is what the law states. Violating someones' rights is never justified. There is no violation if the use of force is justified.

Again... HUH??? :dunno:

So you have rights which no one can justify violating unless the violation is justified?

....And that line made sense in your brain?
The right, you moron, is to DUE PROCESS. You have the right to not be denied life, liberty or property WITHOUT DUE PROCESS. You do not have an absolute right to life, or liberty or property. You can be denied each of you are given due process. They cannot put you in prison unless you are convicted of a crime. They cannot take your property without notifying you why and giving you the chance to oppose it. Once again are you really this fucking stupid?
Where is there a single fucking word in there about the rich? You want to kill jobs? Remove the billions that illegals put into the economies of the states where most of them live. Remove the billions in taxes they pay. Spend the hundreds of billions of dollars it will take to do this and to prevent them from returning You want to spend billions to bring about conditions that will cause billions in lost taxes and billions in reduced economic activity. All to remove some dark skinned folks who, for the most part, live law abiding, productive lives. There is less crime in border cities. Violent crimes drop overall in U.S. border cities

No. I want to build a wall across our southern border so people can't cross into our country illegally. I want Mexico to pay for the wall AND reimburse all our expenses of having to care for and deal with illegal immigrants. I want American companies who hire illegal workers put out of business and their owners incarcerated or fined. I want illegal aliens deported when we catch them. I want their children deported as well.

I'm not concerned about the taxes they pay, they cost society more than they contribute. I'm not concerned with giving them IDs and making them voters, Democrats already have enough dead people voting for them. And most of all, I am not really concerned whether or not you like it. You don't have to like it.
You have the intellect of a three year old. "I want, I want, I want". And no clue how to accomplish what you want or any care for what it will cost. Just get rid of the darkies. You disgust me.
Where is there a single fucking word in there about the rich? You want to kill jobs? Remove the billions that illegals put into the economies of the states where most of them live. Remove the billions in taxes they pay. Spend the hundreds of billions of dollars it will take to do this and to prevent them from returning You want to spend billions to bring about conditions that will cause billions in lost taxes and billions in reduced economic activity. All to remove some dark skinned folks who, for the most part, live law abiding, productive lives. There is less crime in border cities. Violent crimes drop overall in U.S. border cities

No. I want to build a wall across our southern border so people can't cross into our country illegally. I want Mexico to pay for the wall AND reimburse all our expenses of having to care for and deal with illegal immigrants. I want American companies who hire illegal workers put out of business and their owners incarcerated or fined. I want illegal aliens deported when we catch them. I want their children deported as well.

I'm not concerned about the taxes they pay, they cost society more than they contribute. I'm not concerned with giving them IDs and making them voters, Democrats already have enough dead people voting for them. And most of all, I am not really concerned whether or not you like it. You don't have to like it.
Hope you aren't concerned about getting your way, since you won't.
the misinterpretation of the amendment started in the 1950s or 60's. it was NEVER meant to address immigration law. it was for black people who were former slaves who had already been here, sometimes for their whole lives, generations of their families even, not for people who come here just to drop a baby out.
Correct. Bush tried and push immigration reform with his GOPs that controlled both senate and congress. His own republicans abandoned him.
Obama push to immigration reform. He even address it on his last State of the Union. Exact word, not perfect but he will sign it. Nothing done. That is why you see all these EO.
No. I am saying that killing a person who is in the midst of killing others does not deprive him of his life "without due process of law." Which is what the law states. Violating someones' rights is never justified. There is no violation if the use of force is justified.

Again... HUH??? :dunno:

So you have rights which no one can justify violating unless the violation is justified?

....And that line made sense in your brain?
The right, you moron, is to DUE PROCESS. You have the right to not be denied life, liberty or property WITHOUT DUE PROCESS. You do not have an absolute right to life, or liberty or property. You can be denied each of you are given due process. They cannot put you in prison unless you are convicted of a crime. They cannot take your property without notifying you why and giving you the chance to oppose it. Once again are you really this fucking stupid?

So in my example of the maniac shooting, when exactly was he given "due process" rights? And remember, the argument began when the claim was made that you have protected Constitutional rights by being on American soil. I was told to go read the Constitution to find it... still haven't found it.

Again with property rights... If I am a prisoner and I have in my possession a shiv made from a spoon in the cafeteria... 1) I don't have the 4th Amendment right to not have that property taken from me and 2) I don't have any right to not be searched and have said property seized.
No. I am saying that killing a person who is in the midst of killing others does not deprive him of his life "without due process of law." Which is what the law states. Violating someones' rights is never justified. There is no violation if the use of force is justified.

Again... HUH??? :dunno:

So you have rights which no one can justify violating unless the violation is justified?

....And that line made sense in your brain?
The right, you moron, is to DUE PROCESS. You have the right to not be denied life, liberty or property WITHOUT DUE PROCESS. You do not have an absolute right to life, or liberty or property. You can be denied each of you are given due process. They cannot put you in prison unless you are convicted of a crime. They cannot take your property without notifying you why and giving you the chance to oppose it. Once again are you really this fucking stupid?

So in my example of the maniac shooting, when exactly was he given "due process" rights? And remember, the argument began when the claim was made that you have protected Constitutional rights by being on American soil. I was told to go read the Constitution to find it... still haven't found it.

Again with property rights... If I am a prisoner and I have in my possession a shiv made from a spoon in the cafeteria... 1) I don't have the 4th Amendment right to not have that property taken from me and 2) I don't have any right to not be searched and have said property seized.
You are hopelessly stupid.
Where is there a single fucking word in there about the rich? You want to kill jobs? Remove the billions that illegals put into the economies of the states where most of them live. Remove the billions in taxes they pay. Spend the hundreds of billions of dollars it will take to do this and to prevent them from returning You want to spend billions to bring about conditions that will cause billions in lost taxes and billions in reduced economic activity. All to remove some dark skinned folks who, for the most part, live law abiding, productive lives. There is less crime in border cities. Violent crimes drop overall in U.S. border cities

No. I want to build a wall across our southern border so people can't cross into our country illegally. I want Mexico to pay for the wall AND reimburse all our expenses of having to care for and deal with illegal immigrants. I want American companies who hire illegal workers put out of business and their owners incarcerated or fined. I want illegal aliens deported when we catch them. I want their children deported as well.

I'm not concerned about the taxes they pay, they cost society more than they contribute. I'm not concerned with giving them IDs and making them voters, Democrats already have enough dead people voting for them. And most of all, I am not really concerned whether or not you like it. You don't have to like it.
You have the intellect of a three year old. "I want, I want, I want". And no clue how to accomplish what you want or any care for what it will cost. Just get rid of the darkies. You disgust me.

You disgust me as well. Trying to imply this is about race when it's not about race at all. We should excommunicate you people... send you to some secluded island so you can conduct your social experimentation far away from the more rational people.

We see things from different perspectives. While you are busy being blinded by party loyalty... I see poor black families struggling to make ends meet because they can't find jobs or make decent wages. Much of this is due to 20 million illegals in the country who are taking the jobs and working for virtually nothing. I see legal Mexican families who can't get medical attention in an ER because it is over-crowded with illegal immigrants. I see failing school systems, failing infrastructures of entire cities, innocent American citizens being raped, robbed and murdered by thugs who have come across our border illegally. And I see your disgusting ass standing there waving the Constitution around defending them.

You disgust me because instead of wanting to do something to better the lives of actual American citizens, you'd rather PANDER to people here illegally because you see an opportunity to add a new constituency for your party.
Boss, I will make it easier for you to understand. You can not haul people out of the country unless they are an illegal alien. In order to determine if a person is an illegal alien, he must be found guilty in a court of law. Without this constitutional protection you would have the power to just pick up anyone and decide that he is not a citizen, and arbitrarily haul him off. You could do it to me, and my family has been here since 1647. You can not put the burden of proof, that I am a citizen, on me. The government has to prove in court that someone is not a citizen. Now, Boss, this is all covered in 8th grade Civics. Did you miss a lot of school growing up?

And let me make this clear for you... If you broke our laws and entered our country illegally, you have very limited constitutional rights, you are a criminal. This is why you don't see prisoners with handguns. They no longer have the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms, it was removed because they are criminals being punished. You also don't have the 4th amendment right to property and against seizure of property.

Nobody is a "criminal" until convicted of a crime in a court of law, Boss. deal with it.

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