Trumps deportation plan would cost $100-$200 BILLION

Paddy, I gave up reading Boss's posts, because I was starting to get the same familiar feeling that I used to get when I was a kid, after riding the Tilt-a-Whirl at the county fair.
Where is there a single fucking word in there about the rich? You want to kill jobs? Remove the billions that illegals put into the economies of the states where most of them live. Remove the billions in taxes they pay. Spend the hundreds of billions of dollars it will take to do this and to prevent them from returning You want to spend billions to bring about conditions that will cause billions in lost taxes and billions in reduced economic activity. All to remove some dark skinned folks who, for the most part, live law abiding, productive lives. There is less crime in border cities. Violent crimes drop overall in U.S. border cities

No. I want to build a wall across our southern border so people can't cross into our country illegally. I want Mexico to pay for the wall AND reimburse all our expenses of having to care for and deal with illegal immigrants. I want American companies who hire illegal workers put out of business and their owners incarcerated or fined. I want illegal aliens deported when we catch them. I want their children deported as well.

I'm not concerned about the taxes they pay, they cost society more than they contribute. I'm not concerned with giving them IDs and making them voters, Democrats already have enough dead people voting for them. And most of all, I am not really concerned whether or not you like it. You don't have to like it.
You have the intellect of a three year old. "I want, I want, I want". And no clue how to accomplish what you want or any care for what it will cost. Just get rid of the darkies. You disgust me.

You disgust me as well. Trying to imply this is about race when it's not about race at all. We should excommunicate you people... send you to some secluded island so you can conduct your social experimentation far away from the more rational people.

We see things from different perspectives. While you are busy being blinded by party loyalty... I see poor black families struggling to make ends meet because they can't find jobs or make decent wages. Much of this is due to 20 million illegals in the country who are taking the jobs and working for virtually nothing. I see legal Mexican families who can't get medical attention in an ER because it is over-crowded with illegal immigrants. I see failing school systems, failing infrastructures of entire cities, innocent American citizens being raped, robbed and murdered by thugs who have come across our border illegally. And I see your disgusting ass standing there waving the Constitution around defending them.

You disgust me because instead of wanting to do something to better the lives of actual American citizens, you'd rather PANDER to people here illegally because you see an opportunity to add a new constituency for your party.
You disgust me because you are too fucking stupid to be a citizen. We were talking about your idiotic claims about the constitution. It is possible to pass a law to remove all aliens. It will simply cost too much. And it will not only cost money, it will reduces taxes they pay and economic activity they create. All to remove people who do no harm.
You disgust me because you are too fucking stupid to be a citizen. We were talking about your idiotic claims about the constitution. It is possible to pass a law to remove all aliens. It will simply cost too much. And it will not only cost money, it will reduces taxes they pay and economic activity they create. All to remove people who do no harm.

My only claim was that the Constitution says nothing about soil or you having any rights by being on it. That claim will stand until it is disproved. If you want to switch subjects or call me names, that is fine too... it doesn't disprove my claim in the least.

I've never said "pass a law to remove all aliens" and I'm not sure that would be possible anyway. We passed a law back in the 1830s to "remove all Indians" but we never removed them all... some remained. We removed a lot of them, it's known today as "the trail of tears" and oh by the way... The SCOTUS ruled it unconstitutional and President Jackson did it anyway.

But here, that's "extremist rhetoric" from either side... we're not going to pass any such law today. We ARE going to build a wall and secure the border. The cost is not an issue because Mexico will pay for it. At the same time, while we are constructing this wall, we are going to deport captured illegals who have broken other laws. We will keep doing this even after the wall is built. Once we have a wall and have stopped virtually all illegal border crossings, we can have a reasonable conversation about what we can do with the remaining law-abiding illegals who are here. That conversation is not going to happen until the wall is finished.
Boss, I will make it easier for you to understand. You can not haul people out of the country unless they are an illegal alien. In order to determine if a person is an illegal alien, he must be found guilty in a court of law. Without this constitutional protection you would have the power to just pick up anyone and decide that he is not a citizen, and arbitrarily haul him off. You could do it to me, and my family has been here since 1647. You can not put the burden of proof, that I am a citizen, on me. The government has to prove in court that someone is not a citizen. Now, Boss, this is all covered in 8th grade Civics. Did you miss a lot of school growing up?

And let me make this clear for you... If you broke our laws and entered our country illegally, you have very limited constitutional rights, you are a criminal. This is why you don't see prisoners with handguns. They no longer have the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms, it was removed because they are criminals being punished. You also don't have the 4th amendment right to property and against seizure of property.

Bold is your's Boss. not mine.
Where is there a single fucking word in there about the rich? You want to kill jobs? Remove the billions that illegals put into the economies of the states where most of them live. Remove the billions in taxes they pay. Spend the hundreds of billions of dollars it will take to do this and to prevent them from returning You want to spend billions to bring about conditions that will cause billions in lost taxes and billions in reduced economic activity. All to remove some dark skinned folks who, for the most part, live law abiding, productive lives. There is less crime in border cities. Violent crimes drop overall in U.S. border cities

No. I want to build a wall across our southern border so people can't cross into our country illegally. I want Mexico to pay for the wall AND reimburse all our expenses of having to care for and deal with illegal immigrants. I want American companies who hire illegal workers put out of business and their owners incarcerated or fined. I want illegal aliens deported when we catch them. I want their children deported as well.

I'm not concerned about the taxes they pay, they cost society more than they contribute. I'm not concerned with giving them IDs and making them voters, Democrats already have enough dead people voting for them. And most of all, I am not really concerned whether or not you like it. You don't have to like it.
You have the intellect of a three year old. "I want, I want, I want". And no clue how to accomplish what you want or any care for what it will cost. Just get rid of the darkies. You disgust me.

You disgust me as well. Trying to imply this is about race when it's not about race at all. We should excommunicate you people... send you to some secluded island so you can conduct your social experimentation far away from the more rational people.

We see things from different perspectives. While you are busy being blinded by party loyalty... I see poor black families struggling to make ends meet because they can't find jobs or make decent wages. Much of this is due to 20 million illegals in the country who are taking the jobs and working for virtually nothing. I see legal Mexican families who can't get medical attention in an ER because it is over-crowded with illegal immigrants. I see failing school systems, failing infrastructures of entire cities, innocent American citizens being raped, robbed and murdered by thugs who have come across our border illegally. And I see your disgusting ass standing there waving the Constitution around defending them.

You disgust me because instead of wanting to do something to better the lives of actual American citizens, you'd rather PANDER to people here illegally because you see an opportunity to add a new constituency for your party.
The problem Boss is just like others. You have this attitudes I want, I want, I want just like Paddy mentioned. Then you you and others keep saying I don't care, I don't care. When the fuck of the matter is you YOU don't have any specific how to handle this problem. You don't even understand the logistics. And yet you keep insisting the bullshit from this bullshiter.
Everyone wants to solve this problem. Now if you can tell us the specific how to solve this problem will be glad to shut.
For now, since you don't have any clue what you are talking about. Shut the fuck up.
I understand better than you. So do the numerous judges who have held that those born here are citizens.

Right, some leftist judge knows better than the guy who wrote it. Does it hurt to be that gullible?
More than one guy wrote it. Many contributed to it. Its meaning was then debated. Are you suggesting that the Courts are bound by what one person construed it to mean? Sheer idiocy. Of course, what he wrote above is consistent with what the Courts have held; unless born to an ambassador or his wife or a member of his family who are here as diplomats and therefore "not subject to the jurisdiction" of the laws of the United States, a person born here is a citizen upon birth. So, if you want to apply the Amendment consistent with the intent of one of its drafters, then the Court have been getting it right all of this time.

More than one concurred with the definition, in fact American Indians were excluded under the 14th because they owed allegiance to their tribal nations. That didn't change until the 1920's when congress made them US citizens, by law, what makes illegals any different?

American Indians already occupied this nation, Congress only rightly acknowledged their shared claim to this land that they had previous ownership of. Illegal aliens migrated from another country, have no respect for the laws in this country, and in exchange believe they are entitled to what other immigrants had to endure through the long process of obtaining proper "legal" citizenship. There my friend, is the difference.
They have demonstrated respect for the laws of this country by committing less crime, per capita, than the native born.

They shit on the law when they entered the country illegally.

Who are you trying to kid?

And they don't commit less crime than native born Americans.
Where is there a single fucking word in there about the rich? You want to kill jobs? Remove the billions that illegals put into the economies of the states where most of them live. Remove the billions in taxes they pay. Spend the hundreds of billions of dollars it will take to do this and to prevent them from returning You want to spend billions to bring about conditions that will cause billions in lost taxes and billions in reduced economic activity. All to remove some dark skinned folks who, for the most part, live law abiding, productive lives. There is less crime in border cities. Violent crimes drop overall in U.S. border cities

No. I want to build a wall across our southern border so people can't cross into our country illegally. I want Mexico to pay for the wall AND reimburse all our expenses of having to care for and deal with illegal immigrants. I want American companies who hire illegal workers put out of business and their owners incarcerated or fined. I want illegal aliens deported when we catch them. I want their children deported as well.

I'm not concerned about the taxes they pay, they cost society more than they contribute. I'm not concerned with giving them IDs and making them voters, Democrats already have enough dead people voting for them. And most of all, I am not really concerned whether or not you like it. You don't have to like it.
You have the intellect of a three year old. "I want, I want, I want". And no clue how to accomplish what you want or any care for what it will cost. Just get rid of the darkies. You disgust me.

You disgust me as well. Trying to imply this is about race when it's not about race at all. We should excommunicate you people... send you to some secluded island so you can conduct your social experimentation far away from the more rational people.

We see things from different perspectives. While you are busy being blinded by party loyalty... I see poor black families struggling to make ends meet because they can't find jobs or make decent wages. Much of this is due to 20 million illegals in the country who are taking the jobs and working for virtually nothing. I see legal Mexican families who can't get medical attention in an ER because it is over-crowded with illegal immigrants. I see failing school systems, failing infrastructures of entire cities, innocent American citizens being raped, robbed and murdered by thugs who have come across our border illegally. And I see your disgusting ass standing there waving the Constitution around defending them.

You disgust me because instead of wanting to do something to better the lives of actual American citizens, you'd rather PANDER to people here illegally because you see an opportunity to add a new constituency for your party.
The problem Boss is just like others. You have this attitudes I want, I want, I want just like Paddy mentioned. Then you you and others keep saying I don't care, I don't care. When the fuck of the matter is you YOU don't have any specific how to handle this problem. You don't even understand the logistics. And yet you keep insisting the bullshit from this bullshiter.
Everyone wants to solve this problem. Now if you can tell us the specific how to solve this problem will be glad to shut.
For now, since you don't have any clue what you are talking about. Shut the fuck up.

Utter horseshit. No one believes you want to solve this problem. When anyone proposes a solution you claim that either it won't work or that it's cruel an unjust. You have one excuse after another for doing nothing.
The Constitution applies to everyone on American soil. look it up for yourself.

I don't have to look it up, I carry a copy in my wallet. The Constitution says nothing about soil. Prisoners do not have the right to bear arms... they are on American soil. A maniac with a gun, randomly shooting innocent people, loses their right to due process as a sniper puts a bullet through their head to stop their carnage... they are on American soil. We put people in the electric chair and take away their right to live... on American soil.

Boss, I will make it easier for you to understand. You can not haul people out of the country unless they are an illegal alien. In order to determine if a person is an illegal alien, he must be found guilty in a court of law. Without this constitutional protection you would have the power to just pick up anyone and decide that he is not a citizen, and arbitrarily haul him off. You could do it to me, and my family has been here since 1647. You can not put the burden of proof, that I am a citizen, on me. The government has to prove in court that someone is not a citizen. Now, Boss, this is all covered in 8th grade Civics. Did you miss a lot of school growing up?

Wrong. A court hearing is the only thing required by due process. Illegal are not entitled to a trial by jury. The determination of whether someone is a citizen is not a complex matter. Every single legal citizen of this country can produce a birth certificate or valid immigration documents. The inability to produce such documents is all the evidence needed to deport an suspected alien.
Where is there a single fucking word in there about the rich? You want to kill jobs? Remove the billions that illegals put into the economies of the states where most of them live. Remove the billions in taxes they pay. Spend the hundreds of billions of dollars it will take to do this and to prevent them from returning You want to spend billions to bring about conditions that will cause billions in lost taxes and billions in reduced economic activity. All to remove some dark skinned folks who, for the most part, live law abiding, productive lives. There is less crime in border cities. Violent crimes drop overall in U.S. border cities

No. I want to build a wall across our southern border so people can't cross into our country illegally. I want Mexico to pay for the wall AND reimburse all our expenses of having to care for and deal with illegal immigrants. I want American companies who hire illegal workers put out of business and their owners incarcerated or fined. I want illegal aliens deported when we catch them. I want their children deported as well.

I'm not concerned about the taxes they pay, they cost society more than they contribute. I'm not concerned with giving them IDs and making them voters, Democrats already have enough dead people voting for them. And most of all, I am not really concerned whether or not you like it. You don't have to like it.
You have the intellect of a three year old. "I want, I want, I want". And no clue how to accomplish what you want or any care for what it will cost. Just get rid of the darkies. You disgust me.

You disgust me as well. Trying to imply this is about race when it's not about race at all. We should excommunicate you people... send you to some secluded island so you can conduct your social experimentation far away from the more rational people.

We see things from different perspectives. While you are busy being blinded by party loyalty... I see poor black families struggling to make ends meet because they can't find jobs or make decent wages. Much of this is due to 20 million illegals in the country who are taking the jobs and working for virtually nothing. I see legal Mexican families who can't get medical attention in an ER because it is over-crowded with illegal immigrants. I see failing school systems, failing infrastructures of entire cities, innocent American citizens being raped, robbed and murdered by thugs who have come across our border illegally. And I see your disgusting ass standing there waving the Constitution around defending them.

You disgust me because instead of wanting to do something to better the lives of actual American citizens, you'd rather PANDER to people here illegally because you see an opportunity to add a new constituency for your party.
The problem Boss is just like others. You have this attitudes I want, I want, I want just like Paddy mentioned. Then you you and others keep saying I don't care, I don't care. When the fuck of the matter is you YOU don't have any specific how to handle this problem. You don't even understand the logistics. And yet you keep insisting the bullshit from this bullshiter.
Everyone wants to solve this problem. Now if you can tell us the specific how to solve this problem will be glad to shut.
For now, since you don't have any clue what you are talking about. Shut the fuck up.

Utter horseshit. No one believes you want to solve this problem. When anyone proposes a solution you claim that either it won't work or that it's cruel an unjust. You have one excuse after another for doing nothing.
Okay brifart. Give me specific how are you going to solve this problem? Logistics? Don't even worry about the cost and their contributions to the economy.
Give me something to believe you. But Don't give me this I don't care bullshit. I'm waiting.
Boss, I will make it easier for you to understand. You can not haul people out of the country unless they are an illegal alien. In order to determine if a person is an illegal alien, he must be found guilty in a court of law. Without this constitutional protection you would have the power to just pick up anyone and decide that he is not a citizen, and arbitrarily haul him off. You could do it to me, and my family has been here since 1647. You can not put the burden of proof, that I am a citizen, on me. The government has to prove in court that someone is not a citizen. Now, Boss, this is all covered in 8th grade Civics. Did you miss a lot of school growing up?

And let me make this clear for you... If you broke our laws and entered our country illegally, you have very limited constitutional rights, you are a criminal. This is why you don't see prisoners with handguns. They no longer have the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms, it was removed because they are criminals being punished. You also don't have the 4th amendment right to property and against seizure of property.

"As far back as 1896, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that:

“The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution is not confined to the protection of citizens. It says: ’Nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty or property without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law.’ These provisions are universal in their application to all persons within the territorial jurisdiction, without regard to any differences of race, of color, or nationality; and the equal protection of the laws is a pledge of the protection of equal laws.” 2

All persons in the U.S., therefore, have constitutional rights. Among these are the right to equal protection of the law and the right to due process.

Also, undocumented persons have a constitutional right under the Fourth Amendment to deny any officer from entering their residence without consent, absent a search warrant.

Further, the Supreme Court has held that all children, regardless of their immigration status, are entitled to free public education, as required under the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. 3

Additionally, under federal law publicly funded hospitals must provide emergency medical services to all patients, regardless of their immigration status. 4 Immigrants are also protected from workplace discrimination under state and federal laws.

Moreover, under federal law, a person may recover money damages for loss of property, personal injury or death where damages occurred as a result of the “negligent or wrongful act or omission of any employee of the Government while acting within the scope of his office or employment, under circumstances where the United States, if a private person, would be liable to the claimant in accordance with the law of the place where the act or omission occurred.” 5

These are just a few of the rights that our Constitution and federal laws grant to all persons living in the U.S. These rights are intended to protect all U.S. residents from discrimination and arbitrary government action. These rights are especially critical in times where hatred based on race, color, and national origin is on the rise. "

MALDEF: Undocumented Immigrants DO Have Legal Rights - VIDEO
And those rights cost us $100 billion a year. Time for them to go back to their homeland.
You do understand, moron, that it is the act of finding, arresting, detaining, processing and then deporting (i.e sending them back to their homeland) that costs the 100 billion you claim? And that trying to do that for all 11 million would be several hundred billion more and would result in the loss of the billions in taxes that illegals pay and the billions in economic activity they spur?

The government benefits they consume is what costs us $130 billion a year. The cost of deporting them would be about $200 billion, if we have to go through the full legal process to deport every one of them. However, once they realize they can't get a job or escape the deportation schedule, most of them will self-deport.
No. I want to build a wall across our southern border so people can't cross into our country illegally. I want Mexico to pay for the wall AND reimburse all our expenses of having to care for and deal with illegal immigrants. I want American companies who hire illegal workers put out of business and their owners incarcerated or fined. I want illegal aliens deported when we catch them. I want their children deported as well.

I'm not concerned about the taxes they pay, they cost society more than they contribute. I'm not concerned with giving them IDs and making them voters, Democrats already have enough dead people voting for them. And most of all, I am not really concerned whether or not you like it. You don't have to like it.
You have the intellect of a three year old. "I want, I want, I want". And no clue how to accomplish what you want or any care for what it will cost. Just get rid of the darkies. You disgust me.

You disgust me as well. Trying to imply this is about race when it's not about race at all. We should excommunicate you people... send you to some secluded island so you can conduct your social experimentation far away from the more rational people.

We see things from different perspectives. While you are busy being blinded by party loyalty... I see poor black families struggling to make ends meet because they can't find jobs or make decent wages. Much of this is due to 20 million illegals in the country who are taking the jobs and working for virtually nothing. I see legal Mexican families who can't get medical attention in an ER because it is over-crowded with illegal immigrants. I see failing school systems, failing infrastructures of entire cities, innocent American citizens being raped, robbed and murdered by thugs who have come across our border illegally. And I see your disgusting ass standing there waving the Constitution around defending them.

You disgust me because instead of wanting to do something to better the lives of actual American citizens, you'd rather PANDER to people here illegally because you see an opportunity to add a new constituency for your party.
The problem Boss is just like others. You have this attitudes I want, I want, I want just like Paddy mentioned. Then you you and others keep saying I don't care, I don't care. When the fuck of the matter is you YOU don't have any specific how to handle this problem. You don't even understand the logistics. And yet you keep insisting the bullshit from this bullshiter.
Everyone wants to solve this problem. Now if you can tell us the specific how to solve this problem will be glad to shut.
For now, since you don't have any clue what you are talking about. Shut the fuck up.

Utter horseshit. No one believes you want to solve this problem. When anyone proposes a solution you claim that either it won't work or that it's cruel an unjust. You have one excuse after another for doing nothing.
Okay brifart. Give me specific how are you going to solve this problem? Logistics? Don't even worry about the cost and their contributions to the economy.
Give me something to believe you. But Don't give me this I don't care bullshit. I'm waiting.

I've already explained that many times. Simply enforce our immigration laws. Rescind Obama's Executive Orders re immigration. Deport all illegal aliens whenever they are discovered. Insect employers to ensure they are compliant with our immigration laws. Build a wall on the border and hire sufficient personnel to staff it.
the misinterpretation of the amendment started in the 1950s or 60's. it was NEVER meant to address immigration law. it was for black people who were former slaves who had already been here, sometimes for their whole lives, generations of their families even, not for people who come here just to drop a baby out.
Correct. Bush tried and push immigration reform with his GOPs that controlled both senate and congress. His own republicans abandoned him.
Obama push to immigration reform. He even address it on his last State of the Union. Exact word, not perfect but he will sign it. Nothing done. That is why you see all these EO.
Bush favored "comprehensive immigration reform" - amnesty in other words. The entire American public abandoned him.
The problem Boss is just like others. You have this attitudes I want, I want, I want just like Paddy mentioned. Then you you and others keep saying I don't care, I don't care. When the fuck of the matter is you YOU don't have any specific how to handle this problem. You don't even understand the logistics. And yet you keep insisting the bullshit from this bullshiter.
Everyone wants to solve this problem. Now if you can tell us the specific how to solve this problem will be glad to shut.
For now, since you don't have any clue what you are talking about. Shut the fuck up.

Well if you go back and read the thread, you'll find that my assertion of what "I want" is presented in response to someone implying I wanted "to kick out brown people." Since that was NOT what I want, I felt strongly compelled to set the record straight. I'm sorry if my setting the record straight offended you in some way. As for now, we live in a free and open society and you do not have the authority to tell me to shut up.

Now... You want specifics...

We're going to build a wall across our southern border.
All logistics have been considered and it can be done.
This solves the problem of illegals crossing our southern border.
The wall will be paid for by Mexico who depend on US trade.

That's about as specific as we can be.
Trumps deportation plan would cost $100-$200 BILLION

Worth every damn cent and then some...
It would be nice if we finally get a President that would just enforce the immigration laws......................

Ya no..............Honor their Oath of office..................That would simply be amazing wouldn't it.......
That includes everyone 16 and older. Many of those teens are being screwed out of fast food jobs. Because we have parasites here using those as careers. And there are also many Americans who are no longer counted. Because they dropped off the roles.
When you have even a basic understanding of how the BLS produces those numbers you might be able to address this intelligently. Now, you are just making shit up.

Sorry but you are the one who doesn't understand these numbers. You want to live in a lawless country? Go find another one. The silent majority is rising to the top, feel the burn~!
Didn't you just say you did not believe in statistics? And now you are saying someone does not use statistics properly?

Why not just cut to the chase. You hate immigrants the same way every other American who is at the bottom of the socio-economic ladder has hated immigrants.

Where did I ever say I didn't believe in statistics? I said I don't believe cooked statistics. Maybe English 101 would help?
So, you don't believe the BLS claim that there are 90 million Americans of working age who do not work?

No I believe that one obviously. If we can't get past the childish questions, how can we ever be friends?
Evidently you don't understand english composition, when terms are separated by a comma they stand alone. What is it you didn't understand when he said: And "jurisdiction" did not mean simply subject to the laws of the United States or subject to the jurisdiction of its courts. Rather, "jurisdiction" meant exclusive "allegiance" to the United States."
I understand better than you. So do the numerous judges who have held that those born here are citizens.

Right, some leftist judge knows better than the guy who wrote it. Does it hurt to be that gullible?
More than one guy wrote it. Many contributed to it. Its meaning was then debated. Are you suggesting that the Courts are bound by what one person construed it to mean? Sheer idiocy. Of course, what he wrote above is consistent with what the Courts have held; unless born to an ambassador or his wife or a member of his family who are here as diplomats and therefore "not subject to the jurisdiction" of the laws of the United States, a person born here is a citizen upon birth. So, if you want to apply the Amendment consistent with the intent of one of its drafters, then the Court have been getting it right all of this time.

More than one concurred with the definition, in fact American Indians were excluded under the 14th because they owed allegiance to their tribal nations. That didn't change until the 1920's when congress made them US citizens, by law, what makes illegals any different?

American Indians already occupied this nation, Congress only rightly acknowledged their shared claim to this land that they had previous ownership of. Illegal aliens migrated from another country, have no respect for the laws in this country, and in exchange believe they are entitled to what other immigrants had to endure through the long process of obtaining proper "legal" citizenship. There my friend, is the difference.

The point was Indians were not covered by the 14th because they didn't owe total allegiance to the US, illegals are no different in that respect.

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