Trumps deportation plan would cost $100-$200 BILLION

The problem Boss is just like others. You have this attitudes I want, I want, I want just like Paddy mentioned. Then you you and others keep saying I don't care, I don't care. When the fuck of the matter is you YOU don't have any specific how to handle this problem. You don't even understand the logistics. And yet you keep insisting the bullshit from this bullshiter.
Everyone wants to solve this problem. Now if you can tell us the specific how to solve this problem will be glad to shut.
For now, since you don't have any clue what you are talking about. Shut the fuck up.

Well if you go back and read the thread, you'll find that my assertion of what "I want" is presented in response to someone implying I wanted "to kick out brown people." Since that was NOT what I want, I felt strongly compelled to set the record straight. I'm sorry if my setting the record straight offended you in some way. As for now, we live in a free and open society and you do not have the authority to tell me to shut up.

Now... You want specifics...

We're going to build a wall across our southern border.
All logistics have been considered and it can be done.
This solves the problem of illegals crossing our southern border.
The wall will be paid for by Mexico who depend on US trade.

That's about as specific as we can be.
"We're going to build a wall across our southern border.
All logistics have been considered and it can be done.
This solves the problem of illegals crossing our southern border.
The wall will be paid for by Mexico who depend on US trade."

Nothing there is specific. What will it cost? How will it benefit us? No logistics have been considered. You just make shit up and post it. It will not solve the problem of illegals since close to 40% entered legally and stayed. And Mexico will not pay for it. We depend on their trade as much as they depend on ours and we currently have a treaty that cannot be abridged. The rest of this hemisphere would not stand for us trying to bully Mexico. Your posts reveal more and more stupidity on your part.

Puhleeze. The details aren't that important. it will solve 60% of the problem with illegals. That makes it more than worth doing. No one has claimed that the wall will solve the entire problem. That's purely an diversion by open borders/amnesty assholes who want to destroy this country.

And, no, we don't depend on trade with them as much as they depend on trade with us. Only a fool would make such a claim. America is the biggest market in the world, and cutting yourself off from that market is economic suicide.

Any treaty can be abridged. All we have to do is quit respecting the treaty. What is the rest of the hemisphere going to do about it, have a big temper tantrum? What leverage do the hold over us?

Almost everything you post is so stupid an 8-year-old child could see through it.
I live about 35 miles from the border, and cross it regularly. I find it more than a little amusing that anyone would think that a fence would stop someone who has already made up his mind to walk for at least 3 days across a desert full of cactus and rattlesnakes, with little or no water and food, in scorching heat, with no shade, guide, or even a pair of boots. In AZ, we find about 200 bodies per year of those that fail to make it. It is beyond absurd. Besides that, few actually walk from the border to Phoenix. They are usually driven through the border in a truck or van and dropped off on the other side, to fend for themselves against the elements. Then, of course there is the other half of them who come over on visa's and simply don't go back. Down in Nogales, a bus fell through the pavement of a street, because it caused a tunnel under the border to collapse. The fact that China built the world's largest wall, which failed, over 1,000 years ago does not discourage Trump or his fans either.

The whole thing is just a continuation of the movement to keep the (Irish), (blacks), (Italians), (Chinese), (Jews), (Muslims), (Latinos) out.

Is there any other nation that provides taxpayer benefits to those immigrants who have extended their stay or violated their immigration laws? Yet, how many are able to do so without building a fence? We are living in a time where terrorists are looking for a way to infiltrate and hide within the United States with the predetermined notion of killing its citizens, however enforcement is not an option to many. The United States government is not a world charity organization for all who desire to sneak across our borders, we are a nation that lives and is governed by laws... it's time we start acting like one.

Well, that settles it, then. It is against the law to profile Latinos and pull them over and demand proof of citizenship, without probable cause that they committed a crime. If you don't believe me, ask Sheriff Joe. That being the case, Trump obviously has no plan on how to deport any of them that are not engaged in criminal activity.
You gotta love these people.

They have all the answers to all the problems yet they sit around here day in and day out spouting their nonsense when they could be putting their energy into actually doing something useful.
I live about 35 miles from the border, and cross it regularly. I find it more than a little amusing that anyone would think that a fence would stop someone who has already made up his mind to walk for at least 3 days across a desert full of cactus and rattlesnakes, with little or no water and food, in scorching heat, with no shade, guide, or even a pair of boots. In AZ, we find about 200 bodies per year of those that fail to make it. It is beyond absurd. Besides that, few actually walk from the border to Phoenix. They are usually driven through the border in a truck or van and dropped off on the other side, to fend for themselves against the elements. Then, of course there is the other half of them who come over on visa's and simply don't go back. Down in Nogales, a bus fell through the pavement of a street, because it caused a tunnel under the border to collapse. The fact that China built the world's largest wall, which failed, over 1,000 years ago does not discourage Trump or his fans either.

The whole thing is just a continuation of the movement to keep the (Irish), (blacks), (Italians), (Chinese), (Jews), (Muslims), (Latinos) out.

Is there any other nation that provides taxpayer benefits to those immigrants who have extended their stay or violated their immigration laws? Yet, how many are able to do so without building a fence? We are living in a time where terrorists are looking for a way to infiltrate and hide within the United States with the predetermined notion of killing its citizens, however enforcement is not an option to many. The United States government is not a world charity organization for all who desire to sneak across our borders, we are a nation that lives and is governed by laws... it's time we start acting like one.

Well, that settles it, then. It is against the law to profile Latinos and pull them over and demand proof of citizenship, without probable cause that they committed a crime. If you don't believe me, ask Sheriff Joe. That being the case, Trump obviously has no plan on how to deport any of them that are not engaged in criminal activity.
Employers would be fined heavily for hiring illegals. When illegals show up to the welfare offices, an ICE officer would be there to help show them to the nearest police station. A great many would self deport as they did during Operation Wetback.
You disgust me because you are too fucking stupid to be a citizen. We were talking about your idiotic claims about the constitution. It is possible to pass a law to remove all aliens. It will simply cost too much. And it will not only cost money, it will reduces taxes they pay and economic activity they create. All to remove people who do no harm.

My only claim was that the Constitution says nothing about soil or you having any rights by being on it. That claim will stand until it is disproved. If you want to switch subjects or call me names, that is fine too... it doesn't disprove my claim in the least.

I've never said "pass a law to remove all aliens" and I'm not sure that would be possible anyway. We passed a law back in the 1830s to "remove all Indians" but we never removed them all... some remained. We removed a lot of them, it's known today as "the trail of tears" and oh by the way... The SCOTUS ruled it unconstitutional and President Jackson did it anyway.

But here, that's "extremist rhetoric" from either side... we're not going to pass any such law today. We ARE going to build a wall and secure the border. The cost is not an issue because Mexico will pay for it. At the same time, while we are constructing this wall, we are going to deport captured illegals who have broken other laws. We will keep doing this even after the wall is built. Once we have a wall and have stopped virtually all illegal border crossings, we can have a reasonable conversation about what we can do with the remaining law-abiding illegals who are here. That conversation is not going to happen until the wall is finished.
We are not going to build a wall. Will never happen because it would be a profound waste of money. And the notion that Mexico will pay anything is incredibly stupid. Why would they?

What do you think is preventing people from sneaking into countries like Iran and North Korea? Does the Mexican government treat illegals the same as we do in this country? Why are other nation's willing to enforce their borders and immigration laws but the United States can't? Are we serious about providing Americans and "legal" immigrants with an opportunity to achieve economic prosperity and opportunity? .... or do we want to continue wasting taxpayer dollars coming up with excuses as to why we must freely give to those illegal immigrants who don't respect our system of government, the way other immigrants who ALSO desire to become citizens do?
What do I think is preventing people from sneaking into North Korea? The fact that it is a totalitarian shit hole where people are starving to death might be a start. The mines and fences along the DMZ is to prevent people from LEAVING. Other nations enforce their immigration laws in much the same way we do. They do not call children fleeing violence and poverty "invaders". And, it is the biggest lie that illegals are a drain on our economy. They are a net benefit and removing them, in addition to costing hundreds of billions and turning us into more of a police state, would COST US lost taxes and lost economic activity. If every illegal in Texas or Arizona disappeared tomorrow, those states would suffer economically.
The problem Boss is just like others. You have this attitudes I want, I want, I want just like Paddy mentioned. Then you you and others keep saying I don't care, I don't care. When the fuck of the matter is you YOU don't have any specific how to handle this problem. You don't even understand the logistics. And yet you keep insisting the bullshit from this bullshiter.
Everyone wants to solve this problem. Now if you can tell us the specific how to solve this problem will be glad to shut.
For now, since you don't have any clue what you are talking about. Shut the fuck up.

Utter horseshit. No one believes you want to solve this problem. When anyone proposes a solution you claim that either it won't work or that it's cruel an unjust. You have one excuse after another for doing nothing.
Okay brifart. Give me specific how are you going to solve this problem? Logistics? Don't even worry about the cost and their contributions to the economy.
Give me something to believe you. But Don't give me this I don't care bullshit. I'm waiting.

I've already explained that many times. Simply enforce our immigration laws. Rescind Obama's Executive Orders re immigration. Deport all illegal aliens whenever they are discovered. Insect employers to ensure they are compliant with our immigration laws. Build a wall on the border and hire sufficient personnel to staff it.
Sure you know what specific means. Those are not specific. How do you know which ones are illegals? Are you going to issue ID for membership? How do you round them up? Are you just deport illegal parents and leave the kids on the streets? Are you going to raid houses, schools, malls, groceries etc.? Logistics?
So try again.

Yes, those are pretty damned specific. They are certainly specific enough to judge a candidate by.

What is your SPECIFIC solution to the problem, other than doing nothing.
For stupid fucks like you, sure that is all YOU need. Normal people need to know things like how much money will it cost; how much will it damage our economy; who will take the millions of jobs that will suddenly not be filled; what will it do to our relations with the rest of the world.
The problem Boss is just like others. You have this attitudes I want, I want, I want just like Paddy mentioned. Then you you and others keep saying I don't care, I don't care. When the fuck of the matter is you YOU don't have any specific how to handle this problem. You don't even understand the logistics. And yet you keep insisting the bullshit from this bullshiter.
Everyone wants to solve this problem. Now if you can tell us the specific how to solve this problem will be glad to shut.
For now, since you don't have any clue what you are talking about. Shut the fuck up.

Well if you go back and read the thread, you'll find that my assertion of what "I want" is presented in response to someone implying I wanted "to kick out brown people." Since that was NOT what I want, I felt strongly compelled to set the record straight. I'm sorry if my setting the record straight offended you in some way. As for now, we live in a free and open society and you do not have the authority to tell me to shut up.

Now... You want specifics...

We're going to build a wall across our southern border.
All logistics have been considered and it can be done.
This solves the problem of illegals crossing our southern border.
The wall will be paid for by Mexico who depend on US trade.

That's about as specific as we can be.
"We're going to build a wall across our southern border.
All logistics have been considered and it can be done.
This solves the problem of illegals crossing our southern border.
The wall will be paid for by Mexico who depend on US trade."

Nothing there is specific. What will it cost? How will it benefit us? No logistics have been considered. You just make shit up and post it. It will not solve the problem of illegals since close to 40% entered legally and stayed. And Mexico will not pay for it. We depend on their trade as much as they depend on ours and we currently have a treaty that cannot be abridged. The rest of this hemisphere would not stand for us trying to bully Mexico. Your posts reveal more and more stupidity on your part.

Puhleeze. The details aren't that important. it will solve 60% of the problem with illegals. That makes it more than worth doing. No one has claimed that the wall will solve the entire problem. That's purely an diversion by open borders/amnesty assholes who want to destroy this country.

And, no, we don't depend on trade with them as much as they depend on trade with us. Only a fool would make such a claim. America is the biggest market in the world, and cutting yourself off from that market is economic suicide.

Any treaty can be abridged. All we have to do is quit respecting the treaty. What is the rest of the hemisphere going to do about it, have a big temper tantrum? What leverage do the hold over us?

Almost everything you post is so stupid an 8-year-old child could see through it.
Good god. Cutting them off from this market would harm US too. We have exported 117 billion to Mexico so far this year. They have exported 145 billion to us. And you think ending that trade will not effect us?
"As far back as 1896, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that:

“The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution is not confined to the protection of citizens. It says: ’Nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty or property without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law.’ These provisions are universal in their application to all persons within the territorial jurisdiction, without regard to any differences of race, of color, or nationality; and the equal protection of the laws is a pledge of the protection of equal laws.” 2

All persons in the U.S., therefore, have constitutional rights. Among these are the right to equal protection of the law and the right to due process.

Also, undocumented persons have a constitutional right under the Fourth Amendment to deny any officer from entering their residence without consent, absent a search warrant.

Further, the Supreme Court has held that all children, regardless of their immigration status, are entitled to free public education, as required under the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. 3

Additionally, under federal law publicly funded hospitals must provide emergency medical services to all patients, regardless of their immigration status. 4 Immigrants are also protected from workplace discrimination under state and federal laws.

Moreover, under federal law, a person may recover money damages for loss of property, personal injury or death where damages occurred as a result of the “negligent or wrongful act or omission of any employee of the Government while acting within the scope of his office or employment, under circumstances where the United States, if a private person, would be liable to the claimant in accordance with the law of the place where the act or omission occurred.” 5

These are just a few of the rights that our Constitution and federal laws grant to all persons living in the U.S. These rights are intended to protect all U.S. residents from discrimination and arbitrary government action. These rights are especially critical in times where hatred based on race, color, and national origin is on the rise. "

MALDEF: Undocumented Immigrants DO Have Legal Rights - VIDEO
And those rights cost us $100 billion a year. Time for them to go back to their homeland.
You do understand, moron, that it is the act of finding, arresting, detaining, processing and then deporting (i.e sending them back to their homeland) that costs the 100 billion you claim? And that trying to do that for all 11 million would be several hundred billion more and would result in the loss of the billions in taxes that illegals pay and the billions in economic activity they spur?

The government benefits they consume is what costs us $130 billion a year. The cost of deporting them would be about $200 billion, if we have to go through the full legal process to deport every one of them. However, once they realize they can't get a job or escape the deportation schedule, most of them will self-deport.
It will cost much more than 200 billion. And it will mean billions in lost taxes and economic activity. All to assuage assholes like you who cannot offer up a rational basis why we should hunt down and remove 11 million folks who are harming no one and do more to benefit us that pricks like you do.
So what if it costs 200 million. Illegals cost this country $100 million EVERY YEAR. It would be paid for in just a matter of a few years. Employing more ICE people, construction workers for the wall, and tax paying citizens taking the jobs the illegals left will enhance our economic situation.
200 billion and, no, they do not cost 100 million a year. They bring in billions in taxes and economic activity. They are net positive to our economy.
The problem Boss is just like others. You have this attitudes I want, I want, I want just like Paddy mentioned. Then you you and others keep saying I don't care, I don't care. When the fuck of the matter is you YOU don't have any specific how to handle this problem. You don't even understand the logistics. And yet you keep insisting the bullshit from this bullshiter.
Everyone wants to solve this problem. Now if you can tell us the specific how to solve this problem will be glad to shut.
For now, since you don't have any clue what you are talking about. Shut the fuck up.

Well if you go back and read the thread, you'll find that my assertion of what "I want" is presented in response to someone implying I wanted "to kick out brown people." Since that was NOT what I want, I felt strongly compelled to set the record straight. I'm sorry if my setting the record straight offended you in some way. As for now, we live in a free and open society and you do not have the authority to tell me to shut up.

Now... You want specifics...

We're going to build a wall across our southern border.
All logistics have been considered and it can be done.
This solves the problem of illegals crossing our southern border.
The wall will be paid for by Mexico who depend on US trade.

That's about as specific as we can be.
"We're going to build a wall across our southern border.
All logistics have been considered and it can be done.
This solves the problem of illegals crossing our southern border.
The wall will be paid for by Mexico who depend on US trade."

Nothing there is specific. What will it cost? How will it benefit us? No logistics have been considered. You just make shit up and post it. It will not solve the problem of illegals since close to 40% entered legally and stayed. And Mexico will not pay for it. We depend on their trade as much as they depend on ours and we currently have a treaty that cannot be abridged. The rest of this hemisphere would not stand for us trying to bully Mexico. Your posts reveal more and more stupidity on your part.
We don't need trade from Mexico. Anything we build in Mexico can be built here, just cost a bit more. We don't sell much shit over there so fuck it, screw em, and charge em. And your 40% entered legally is a bullshit outdated number that doesn't take into consideration how it's happening in the current situation. And if true gives us reason to stop letting them in legally too.
Our trade with Mexico amounts to over 300 billion, 117 billion in shit we sell over there, and you think we do not need that trade. How fucking stupid do you have to be to make that comment.
You disgust me because you are too fucking stupid to be a citizen. We were talking about your idiotic claims about the constitution. It is possible to pass a law to remove all aliens. It will simply cost too much. And it will not only cost money, it will reduces taxes they pay and economic activity they create. All to remove people who do no harm.

My only claim was that the Constitution says nothing about soil or you having any rights by being on it. That claim will stand until it is disproved. If you want to switch subjects or call me names, that is fine too... it doesn't disprove my claim in the least.

I've never said "pass a law to remove all aliens" and I'm not sure that would be possible anyway. We passed a law back in the 1830s to "remove all Indians" but we never removed them all... some remained. We removed a lot of them, it's known today as "the trail of tears" and oh by the way... The SCOTUS ruled it unconstitutional and President Jackson did it anyway.

But here, that's "extremist rhetoric" from either side... we're not going to pass any such law today. We ARE going to build a wall and secure the border. The cost is not an issue because Mexico will pay for it. At the same time, while we are constructing this wall, we are going to deport captured illegals who have broken other laws. We will keep doing this even after the wall is built. Once we have a wall and have stopped virtually all illegal border crossings, we can have a reasonable conversation about what we can do with the remaining law-abiding illegals who are here. That conversation is not going to happen until the wall is finished.
We are not going to build a wall. Will never happen because it would be a profound waste of money. And the notion that Mexico will pay anything is incredibly stupid. Why would they?

What do you think is preventing people from sneaking into countries like Iran and North Korea? Does the Mexican government treat illegals the same as we do in this country? Why are other nation's willing to enforce their borders and immigration laws but the United States can't? Are we serious about providing Americans and "legal" immigrants with an opportunity to achieve economic prosperity and opportunity? .... or do we want to continue wasting taxpayer dollars coming up with excuses as to why we must freely give to those illegal immigrants who don't respect our system of government, the way other immigrants who ALSO desire to become citizens do?
What do I think is preventing people from sneaking into North Korea? The fact that it is a totalitarian shit hole where people are starving to death might be a start. The mines and fences along the DMZ is to prevent people from LEAVING. Other nations enforce their immigration laws in much the same way we do. They do not call children fleeing violence and poverty "invaders". And, it is the biggest lie that illegals are a drain on our economy. They are a net benefit and removing them, in addition to costing hundreds of billions and turning us into more of a police state, would COST US lost taxes and lost economic activity. If every illegal in Texas or Arizona disappeared tomorrow, those states would suffer economically.
You disgust me because you are too fucking stupid to be a citizen. We were talking about your idiotic claims about the constitution. It is possible to pass a law to remove all aliens. It will simply cost too much. And it will not only cost money, it will reduces taxes they pay and economic activity they create. All to remove people who do no harm.

My only claim was that the Constitution says nothing about soil or you having any rights by being on it. That claim will stand until it is disproved. If you want to switch subjects or call me names, that is fine too... it doesn't disprove my claim in the least.

I've never said "pass a law to remove all aliens" and I'm not sure that would be possible anyway. We passed a law back in the 1830s to "remove all Indians" but we never removed them all... some remained. We removed a lot of them, it's known today as "the trail of tears" and oh by the way... The SCOTUS ruled it unconstitutional and President Jackson did it anyway.

But here, that's "extremist rhetoric" from either side... we're not going to pass any such law today. We ARE going to build a wall and secure the border. The cost is not an issue because Mexico will pay for it. At the same time, while we are constructing this wall, we are going to deport captured illegals who have broken other laws. We will keep doing this even after the wall is built. Once we have a wall and have stopped virtually all illegal border crossings, we can have a reasonable conversation about what we can do with the remaining law-abiding illegals who are here. That conversation is not going to happen until the wall is finished.
We are not going to build a wall. Will never happen because it would be a profound waste of money. And the notion that Mexico will pay anything is incredibly stupid. Why would they?

What do you think is preventing people from sneaking into countries like Iran and North Korea? Does the Mexican government treat illegals the same as we do in this country? Why are other nation's willing to enforce their borders and immigration laws but the United States can't? Are we serious about providing Americans and "legal" immigrants with an opportunity to achieve economic prosperity and opportunity? .... or do we want to continue wasting taxpayer dollars coming up with excuses as to why we must freely give to those illegal immigrants who don't respect our system of government, the way other immigrants who ALSO desire to become citizens do?
What do I think is preventing people from sneaking into North Korea? The fact that it is a totalitarian shit hole where people are starving to death might be a start. The mines and fences along the DMZ is to prevent people from LEAVING. Other nations enforce their immigration laws in much the same way we do. They do not call children fleeing violence and poverty "invaders". And, it is the biggest lie that illegals are a drain on our economy. They are a net benefit and removing them, in addition to costing hundreds of billions and turning us into more of a police state, would COST US lost taxes and lost economic activity. If every illegal in Texas or Arizona disappeared tomorrow, those states would suffer economically.

Expensive Aliens: How Much Do Illegal Immigrants Really Cost?

Expensive Aliens: How Much Do Illegal Immigrants Really Cost?
The problem Boss is just like others. You have this attitudes I want, I want, I want just like Paddy mentioned. Then you you and others keep saying I don't care, I don't care. When the fuck of the matter is you YOU don't have any specific how to handle this problem. You don't even understand the logistics. And yet you keep insisting the bullshit from this bullshiter.
Everyone wants to solve this problem. Now if you can tell us the specific how to solve this problem will be glad to shut.
For now, since you don't have any clue what you are talking about. Shut the fuck up.

Well if you go back and read the thread, you'll find that my assertion of what "I want" is presented in response to someone implying I wanted "to kick out brown people." Since that was NOT what I want, I felt strongly compelled to set the record straight. I'm sorry if my setting the record straight offended you in some way. As for now, we live in a free and open society and you do not have the authority to tell me to shut up.

Now... You want specifics...

We're going to build a wall across our southern border.
All logistics have been considered and it can be done.
This solves the problem of illegals crossing our southern border.
The wall will be paid for by Mexico who depend on US trade.

That's about as specific as we can be.
"We're going to build a wall across our southern border.
All logistics have been considered and it can be done.
This solves the problem of illegals crossing our southern border.
The wall will be paid for by Mexico who depend on US trade."

Nothing there is specific. What will it cost? How will it benefit us? No logistics have been considered. You just make shit up and post it. It will not solve the problem of illegals since close to 40% entered legally and stayed. And Mexico will not pay for it. We depend on their trade as much as they depend on ours and we currently have a treaty that cannot be abridged. The rest of this hemisphere would not stand for us trying to bully Mexico. Your posts reveal more and more stupidity on your part.

Puhleeze. The details aren't that important. it will solve 60% of the problem with illegals. That makes it more than worth doing. No one has claimed that the wall will solve the entire problem. That's purely an diversion by open borders/amnesty assholes who want to destroy this country.

And, no, we don't depend on trade with them as much as they depend on trade with us. Only a fool would make such a claim. America is the biggest market in the world, and cutting yourself off from that market is economic suicide.

Any treaty can be abridged. All we have to do is quit respecting the treaty. What is the rest of the hemisphere going to do about it, have a big temper tantrum? What leverage do the hold over us?

Almost everything you post is so stupid an 8-year-old child could see through it.
Good god. Cutting them off from this market would harm US too. We have exported 117 billion to Mexico so far this year. They have exported 145 billion to us. And you think ending that trade will not effect us?
It isn't ending that trade, it is altering the trade agreements so the US does not experience the deficit.
You disgust me because you are too fucking stupid to be a citizen. We were talking about your idiotic claims about the constitution. It is possible to pass a law to remove all aliens. It will simply cost too much. And it will not only cost money, it will reduces taxes they pay and economic activity they create. All to remove people who do no harm.

My only claim was that the Constitution says nothing about soil or you having any rights by being on it. That claim will stand until it is disproved. If you want to switch subjects or call me names, that is fine too... it doesn't disprove my claim in the least.

I've never said "pass a law to remove all aliens" and I'm not sure that would be possible anyway. We passed a law back in the 1830s to "remove all Indians" but we never removed them all... some remained. We removed a lot of them, it's known today as "the trail of tears" and oh by the way... The SCOTUS ruled it unconstitutional and President Jackson did it anyway.

But here, that's "extremist rhetoric" from either side... we're not going to pass any such law today. We ARE going to build a wall and secure the border. The cost is not an issue because Mexico will pay for it. At the same time, while we are constructing this wall, we are going to deport captured illegals who have broken other laws. We will keep doing this even after the wall is built. Once we have a wall and have stopped virtually all illegal border crossings, we can have a reasonable conversation about what we can do with the remaining law-abiding illegals who are here. That conversation is not going to happen until the wall is finished.
We are not going to build a wall. Will never happen because it would be a profound waste of money. And the notion that Mexico will pay anything is incredibly stupid. Why would they?

What do you think is preventing people from sneaking into countries like Iran and North Korea? Does the Mexican government treat illegals the same as we do in this country? Why are other nation's willing to enforce their borders and immigration laws but the United States can't? Are we serious about providing Americans and "legal" immigrants with an opportunity to achieve economic prosperity and opportunity? .... or do we want to continue wasting taxpayer dollars coming up with excuses as to why we must freely give to those illegal immigrants who don't respect our system of government, the way other immigrants who ALSO desire to become citizens do?
What do I think is preventing people from sneaking into North Korea? The fact that it is a totalitarian shit hole where people are starving to death might be a start. The mines and fences along the DMZ is to prevent people from LEAVING. Other nations enforce their immigration laws in much the same way we do. They do not call children fleeing violence and poverty "invaders". And, it is the biggest lie that illegals are a drain on our economy. They are a net benefit and removing them, in addition to costing hundreds of billions and turning us into more of a police state, would COST US lost taxes and lost economic activity. If every illegal in Texas or Arizona disappeared tomorrow, those states would suffer economically.
You are full of shit. Every comment you made is total, unsupportable garbage.
And those rights cost us $100 billion a year. Time for them to go back to their homeland.
You do understand, moron, that it is the act of finding, arresting, detaining, processing and then deporting (i.e sending them back to their homeland) that costs the 100 billion you claim? And that trying to do that for all 11 million would be several hundred billion more and would result in the loss of the billions in taxes that illegals pay and the billions in economic activity they spur?

The government benefits they consume is what costs us $130 billion a year. The cost of deporting them would be about $200 billion, if we have to go through the full legal process to deport every one of them. However, once they realize they can't get a job or escape the deportation schedule, most of them will self-deport.
It will cost much more than 200 billion. And it will mean billions in lost taxes and economic activity. All to assuage assholes like you who cannot offer up a rational basis why we should hunt down and remove 11 million folks who are harming no one and do more to benefit us that pricks like you do.
So what if it costs 200 million. Illegals cost this country $100 million EVERY YEAR. It would be paid for in just a matter of a few years. Employing more ICE people, construction workers for the wall, and tax paying citizens taking the jobs the illegals left will enhance our economic situation.
200 billion and, no, they do not cost 100 million a year. They bring in billions in taxes and economic activity. They are net positive to our economy.
Expensive Aliens: How Much Do Illegal Immigrants Really Cost?

Policy makers and pundits who want tougher policies against illegal immigrants argue that they cost American taxpayers billions of dollars. Those on the other side of the debate counter that illegal immigrants create demand and jobs that promote economic growth.

So which one is it?

Jack Martin, director of special projects for FAIR, says the group is still working on its estimate, but believes undocumented workers leave taxpayers with a fat bill, considering that the government spends money on the workers, and they almost never pay income taxes.

"The study of the fiscal effects of illegal immigration clearly demonstrates that it is a burden on the American taxpayer," says Martin. More forceful implementation of immigration laws could save each U.S. household "in the neighborhood of a couple of thousand dollars a year."

Cost estimates usually only measure the fiscal cost, which weighs government spending (such as on public schools, medical care, incarceration and unemployment benefits) against government income (from income, property and sales taxes.)

States usually bear the brunt of the burden.

Arizona state treasurer Dean Martin says his state loses between $1.3 billion and $2.5 billion each year on illegal immigrants.

Expensive Aliens: How Much Do Illegal Immigrants Really Cost?
I live about 35 miles from the border, and cross it regularly. I find it more than a little amusing that anyone would think that a fence would stop someone who has already made up his mind to walk for at least 3 days across a desert full of cactus and rattlesnakes, with little or no water and food, in scorching heat, with no shade, guide, or even a pair of boots. In AZ, we find about 200 bodies per year of those that fail to make it. It is beyond absurd. Besides that, few actually walk from the border to Phoenix. They are usually driven through the border in a truck or van and dropped off on the other side, to fend for themselves against the elements. Then, of course there is the other half of them who come over on visa's and simply don't go back. Down in Nogales, a bus fell through the pavement of a street, because it caused a tunnel under the border to collapse. The fact that China built the world's largest wall, which failed, over 1,000 years ago does not discourage Trump or his fans either.

The whole thing is just a continuation of the movement to keep the (Irish), (blacks), (Italians), (Chinese), (Jews), (Muslims), (Latinos) out.

Is there any other nation that provides taxpayer benefits to those immigrants who have extended their stay or violated their immigration laws? Yet, how many are able to do so without building a fence? We are living in a time where terrorists are looking for a way to infiltrate and hide within the United States with the predetermined notion of killing its citizens, however enforcement is not an option to many. The United States government is not a world charity organization for all who desire to sneak across our borders, we are a nation that lives and is governed by laws... it's time we start acting like one.

Well, that settles it, then. It is against the law to profile Latinos and pull them over and demand proof of citizenship, without probable cause that they committed a crime. If you don't believe me, ask Sheriff Joe. That being the case, Trump obviously has no plan on how to deport any of them that are not engaged in criminal activity.

If illegals are suspected to work at a specific sight or through an employer, government agents have every right under their authority of upholding "the law", to go in and investigate the same as officers that enforce our drug laws. We don't offer them asylum like sanctuary cities and give excuses to ignore the law
Trump seems to think that all you have to do is to pick Juan up off the street and drive him to Nuevo Laredo. He seems to have forgotten details, like the constitutionally required trial, and conviction, first (for which we would most likely have to pay Juan's attorney).

But, he has no problem with throwing the Constitution out the window.

Indeed, although the rabid RWs say they value the US Constitution, they're lying. They're always the first ones to want it changed. Or, as we see above, they don't know what it says.

The US caused this and we continue to cause it.

Hey, prick, why are you so fucking hostile to the United States? Assuming that your asinine allegations are true, and Republicans "caused" the current illegal alien problem, then:

1. Who gives a shit? A problem is a problem, and it needs to be fixed. Concluding that one group's solution to a problem is necessarily flawed solely because that group caused the problem in the first place is illogical, and may be indicative of an intellectual short-coming and defect on the part of the proponent thereof (I am talking about you, Ludfuck. I feel I must point this out because one of such an obviously paltry IQ as you are cursed to possess probably needs such directive.). and

2. Any real "cause" of illegal alien presence in our nation would be the fact that Republicans promote policies that lead to economic freedom and prosperity, whereas the leftist progressive liberal scum are ideologically centered around the patently stupid idea that the role of the federal government is to tax people and entities to fund the welfare of others - completely constitutionally ultra vires (Luddy, that means that it is not provided for in the constitution). The brown people are attracted to our economy, stupid!
And let me make this clear for you... If you broke our laws and entered our country illegally, you have very limited constitutional rights, you are a criminal. This is why you don't see prisoners with handguns. They no longer have the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms, it was removed because they are criminals being punished. You also don't have the 4th amendment right to property and against seizure of property.

"As far back as 1896, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that:

“The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution is not confined to the protection of citizens. It says: ’Nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty or property without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law.’ These provisions are universal in their application to all persons within the territorial jurisdiction, without regard to any differences of race, of color, or nationality; and the equal protection of the laws is a pledge of the protection of equal laws.” 2

All persons in the U.S., therefore, have constitutional rights. Among these are the right to equal protection of the law and the right to due process.

Also, undocumented persons have a constitutional right under the Fourth Amendment to deny any officer from entering their residence without consent, absent a search warrant.

Further, the Supreme Court has held that all children, regardless of their immigration status, are entitled to free public education, as required under the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. 3

Additionally, under federal law publicly funded hospitals must provide emergency medical services to all patients, regardless of their immigration status. 4 Immigrants are also protected from workplace discrimination under state and federal laws.

Moreover, under federal law, a person may recover money damages for loss of property, personal injury or death where damages occurred as a result of the “negligent or wrongful act or omission of any employee of the Government while acting within the scope of his office or employment, under circumstances where the United States, if a private person, would be liable to the claimant in accordance with the law of the place where the act or omission occurred.” 5

These are just a few of the rights that our Constitution and federal laws grant to all persons living in the U.S. These rights are intended to protect all U.S. residents from discrimination and arbitrary government action. These rights are especially critical in times where hatred based on race, color, and national origin is on the rise. "

MALDEF: Undocumented Immigrants DO Have Legal Rights - VIDEO
And those rights cost us $100 billion a year. Time for them to go back to their homeland.
You do understand, moron, that it is the act of finding, arresting, detaining, processing and then deporting (i.e sending them back to their homeland) that costs the 100 billion you claim? And that trying to do that for all 11 million would be several hundred billion more and would result in the loss of the billions in taxes that illegals pay and the billions in economic activity they spur?

The government benefits they consume is what costs us $130 billion a year. The cost of deporting them would be about $200 billion, if we have to go through the full legal process to deport every one of them. However, once they realize they can't get a job or escape the deportation schedule, most of them will self-deport.
It will cost much more than 200 billion. And it will mean billions in lost taxes and economic activity. All to assuage assholes like you who cannot offer up a rational basis why we should hunt down and remove 11 million folks who are harming no one and do more to benefit us that pricks like you do.

I doubt it. Based on the cost of the Israeli wall around the West bank it will be cheap. The cost of that wall is estimated at 3.67 million per mile. For an 1800 million wall, that only comes to less than $8 billion. Open Borders assholes grossly overestimate the cost of any proposed solution because they don't want a solution.

What "lost taxes and economic activity?" Unless you're counting smuggling drugs and illegal aliens, it won't stop an iota of economic activity, and it will vastly reduce the burden on taxpayers of paying for all these new mouths to feed, cloth, house and educate.

The excuses for not building the wall are so pathetic and weak that it's hard to believe anyone is shameless enough to utter them in a public forum.
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I live about 35 miles from the border, and cross it regularly. I find it more than a little amusing that anyone would think that a fence would stop someone who has already made up his mind to walk for at least 3 days across a desert full of cactus and rattlesnakes, with little or no water and food, in scorching heat, with no shade, guide, or even a pair of boots. In AZ, we find about 200 bodies per year of those that fail to make it. It is beyond absurd. Besides that, few actually walk from the border to Phoenix. They are usually driven through the border in a truck or van and dropped off on the other side, to fend for themselves against the elements. Then, of course there is the other half of them who come over on visa's and simply don't go back. Down in Nogales, a bus fell through the pavement of a street, because it caused a tunnel under the border to collapse. The fact that China built the world's largest wall, which failed, over 1,000 years ago does not discourage Trump or his fans either.

The whole thing is just a continuation of the movement to keep the (Irish), (blacks), (Italians), (Chinese), (Jews), (Muslims), (Latinos) out.

The fence will easily stop anyone trying to walk across the border. Do you imagine they are going to carry a 60 ft ladder with them? And that would only get them across the first barrier. The wall envisaged would have three barriers. Plus it would have guard towers every half or quarter mile. Do you imagine the guards are just going to sit tight and watch people climb over the wall?

All you open borders assholes think people are stupid. Democrats may be this stupid, but Trump won't be putting any Democrats of building and managing the wall.
And those rights cost us $100 billion a year. Time for them to go back to their homeland.
You do understand, moron, that it is the act of finding, arresting, detaining, processing and then deporting (i.e sending them back to their homeland) that costs the 100 billion you claim? And that trying to do that for all 11 million would be several hundred billion more and would result in the loss of the billions in taxes that illegals pay and the billions in economic activity they spur?

The government benefits they consume is what costs us $130 billion a year. The cost of deporting them would be about $200 billion, if we have to go through the full legal process to deport every one of them. However, once they realize they can't get a job or escape the deportation schedule, most of them will self-deport.
It will cost much more than 200 billion. And it will mean billions in lost taxes and economic activity. All to assuage assholes like you who cannot offer up a rational basis why we should hunt down and remove 11 million folks who are harming no one and do more to benefit us that pricks like you do.
So what if it costs 200 million. Illegals cost this country $100 million EVERY YEAR. It would be paid for in just a matter of a few years. Employing more ICE people, construction workers for the wall, and tax paying citizens taking the jobs the illegals left will enhance our economic situation.
200 billion and, no, they do not cost 100 million a year. They bring in billions in taxes and economic activity. They are net positive to our economy.

FAIR estimates the cost at $113 billion/year, only a small part of which is offset by the taxes they pay.

The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers (2013)
  • Illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers about $113 billion a year at the federal, state and local level. The bulk of the costs — some $84 billion — are absorbed by state and local governments.
  • The annual outlay that illegal aliens cost U.S. taxpayers is an average amount per native-headed household of $1,117. The fiscal impact per household varies considerably because the greatest share of the burden falls on state and local taxpayers whose burden depends on the size of the illegal alien population in that locality
  • Education for the children of illegal aliens constitutes the single largest cost to taxpayers, at an annual price tag of nearly $52 billion. Nearly all of those costs are absorbed by state and local governments.
  • At the federal level, about one-third of outlays are matched by tax collections from illegal aliens. At the state and local level, an average of less than 5 percent of the public costs associated with illegal immigration is recouped through taxes collected from illegal aliens.
  • Most illegal aliens do not pay income taxes. Among those who do, much of the revenues collected are refunded to the illegal aliens when they file tax returns. Many are also claiming tax credits resulting in payments from the U.S. Treasury.
The problem Boss is just like others. You have this attitudes I want, I want, I want just like Paddy mentioned. Then you you and others keep saying I don't care, I don't care. When the fuck of the matter is you YOU don't have any specific how to handle this problem. You don't even understand the logistics. And yet you keep insisting the bullshit from this bullshiter.
Everyone wants to solve this problem. Now if you can tell us the specific how to solve this problem will be glad to shut.
For now, since you don't have any clue what you are talking about. Shut the fuck up.

Well if you go back and read the thread, you'll find that my assertion of what "I want" is presented in response to someone implying I wanted "to kick out brown people." Since that was NOT what I want, I felt strongly compelled to set the record straight. I'm sorry if my setting the record straight offended you in some way. As for now, we live in a free and open society and you do not have the authority to tell me to shut up.

Now... You want specifics...

We're going to build a wall across our southern border.
All logistics have been considered and it can be done.
This solves the problem of illegals crossing our southern border.
The wall will be paid for by Mexico who depend on US trade.

That's about as specific as we can be.
"We're going to build a wall across our southern border.
All logistics have been considered and it can be done.
This solves the problem of illegals crossing our southern border.
The wall will be paid for by Mexico who depend on US trade."

Nothing there is specific. What will it cost? How will it benefit us? No logistics have been considered. You just make shit up and post it. It will not solve the problem of illegals since close to 40% entered legally and stayed. And Mexico will not pay for it. We depend on their trade as much as they depend on ours and we currently have a treaty that cannot be abridged. The rest of this hemisphere would not stand for us trying to bully Mexico. Your posts reveal more and more stupidity on your part.

Puhleeze. The details aren't that important. it will solve 60% of the problem with illegals. That makes it more than worth doing. No one has claimed that the wall will solve the entire problem. That's purely an diversion by open borders/amnesty assholes who want to destroy this country.

And, no, we don't depend on trade with them as much as they depend on trade with us. Only a fool would make such a claim. America is the biggest market in the world, and cutting yourself off from that market is economic suicide.

Any treaty can be abridged. All we have to do is quit respecting the treaty. What is the rest of the hemisphere going to do about it, have a big temper tantrum? What leverage do the hold over us?

Almost everything you post is so stupid an 8-year-old child could see through it.
Good god. Cutting them off from this market would harm US too. We have exported 117 billion to Mexico so far this year. They have exported 145 billion to us. And you think ending that trade will not effect us?
It isn't ending that trade, it is altering the trade agreements so the US does not experience the deficit.
That is not what the other idiot posted. He said that we do not depend upon trade with them and that is ridiculously false. Your response is even more idiotic.

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