Trump's ego can't handle the hacking truth

There was no proof of russia effecting the election. Just gullible loons like you who believe in such propaganda.

Then why did Russia and Wikileaks hack and release private DNC emails? Their goal was obviously to plant seeds of doubt against Hillary. Nothing that Russia and Wikileaks released was negative about Trump. What other conclusions could a sane person extrapolate?

/--- Nor did Hildabeast or Podesta claim any of the emails were forgeries. Got your PASSWORD password?

How would you like someone to hack and publish your personal and work-related emails?

If it revealed my corruption, I'd be as sad as Hillary.
There was no proof of russia effecting the election. Just gullible loons like you who believe in such propaganda.

Then why did Russia and Wikileaks hack and release private DNC emails? Their goal was obviously to plant seeds of doubt against Hillary. Nothing that Russia and Wikileaks released was negative about Trump. What other conclusions could a sane person extrapolate?

That's not hacking the election, that's DNC dirty laundry coming out in the open.

And the MSM more than handled the negativity towards Trump. Hell even some of the right leaning media joined in.

and she still lost.
There was no proof of russia effecting the election. Just gullible loons like you who believe in such propaganda.

Then why did Russia and Wikileaks hack and release private DNC emails? Their goal was obviously to plant seeds of doubt against Hillary. Nothing that Russia and Wikileaks released was negative about Trump. What other conclusions could a sane person extrapolate?

/--- Nor did Hildabeast or Podesta claim any of the emails were forgeries. Got your PASSWORD password?

How would you like someone to hack and publish your personal and work-related emails?

If it revealed my corruption, I'd be as sad as Hillary.

What "corruption" was revealed? Please provide "credible" proof that can be verified as factual.
There was no proof of russia effecting the election. Just gullible loons like you who believe in such propaganda.

Then why did Russia and Wikileaks hack and release private DNC emails? Their goal was obviously to plant seeds of doubt against Hillary. Nothing that Russia and Wikileaks released was negative about Trump. What other conclusions could a sane person extrapolate?

/--- Nor did Hildabeast or Podesta claim any of the emails were forgeries. Got your PASSWORD password?

How would you like someone to hack and publish your personal and work-related emails?

If it revealed my corruption, I'd be as sad as Hillary.

What "corruption" was revealed? Please provide "credible" proof that can be verified as factual.
Be specific, Marty. Let's see objective factual evidence, hmmm.
There was no proof of russia effecting the election. Just gullible loons like you who believe in such propaganda.
Now you are abandoning the hacking charge and backing up while saying, "no harm, no foul."

Amen! NaziCons are notorious shapeshifters.
Yup in the last thirty years the KKK shapeshifited from the Dem cons to the Pub cons.

Amen! That's a fact that NaziCons love to ignore!
Then why did Russia and Wikileaks hack and release private DNC emails? Their goal was obviously to plant seeds of doubt against Hillary. Nothing that Russia and Wikileaks released was negative about Trump. What other conclusions could a sane person extrapolate?

/--- Nor did Hildabeast or Podesta claim any of the emails were forgeries. Got your PASSWORD password?

How would you like someone to hack and publish your personal and work-related emails?

If it revealed my corruption, I'd be as sad as Hillary.

What "corruption" was revealed? Please provide "credible" proof that can be verified as factual.
Be specific, Marty. Let's see objective factual evidence, hmmm.

how about you learn to quote the right person, dippy?
/--- Nor did Hildabeast or Podesta claim any of the emails were forgeries. Got your PASSWORD password?

How would you like someone to hack and publish your personal and work-related emails?

If it revealed my corruption, I'd be as sad as Hillary.

What "corruption" was revealed? Please provide "credible" proof that can be verified as factual.
Be specific, Marty. Let's see objective factual evidence, hmmm.

how about you learn to quote the right person, dippy?
How about you meeting up to the requirements of providing a factual premise, some solid evidence, and then conclusions that are worth are reading.

You don't want to make Lakhota go on the warpath, do you?
Trump Says Focus on Russian Hacking Is a ‘Political Witch Hunt’

WASHINGTON — President-elect Donald J. Trump said in an interview Friday morning that the storm surrounding Russian hacking during the presidential campaign was a political witch hunt being carried out by his adversaries, who he said were embarrassed by their loss to him in the election last year.

More: Trump Rages Against ‘Political Witch Hunt’

His ego can't accept the fact that he may be an illegitimate president - thanks to foreign intervention. He calls it a "political witch hunt". Well, no one should know more about "political witch hunts" than Trump - his most notorious one being his "political witch hunt" about President Obama being an illegitimate president. Trump would be singing a different tune if the Russian/Wikileaks hacking had been in favor of Hillary.
Two problems with this:
1) Jullian Asange (sp?) recently came out to say that the Russians had nothing to do with the Wikileaks release of DNC emails. Gee, kinda puts a whole in the theory there doesn't it?
2) During the 2008 Democrat Primary it was Hillary Clinton who first raised questions about Obama's place of birth, and thus eligibility to be President. Trump picked it up AFTER Clinton "broke" the (non) "story". Why is it that so many libs want to put this at Trump's feet when it was Clinton that started it? What end would this serve? Why has virtually no-one in the MSM brought this up? Things that make you go "Hummmm".
This has nothing to do with Trump's over-inflated ego, this has to do with facts. Something libs, and especially the MSM, apparently struggle with. Interesting isn't it, that the MSM wants us to believe that they have the only "real" news and yet they struggle with facts and telling the truth in an unbiased way. I guess that is why their ratings are at historic lows. No-one trusts them anymore.
Trump Says Focus on Russian Hacking Is a ‘Political Witch Hunt’

WASHINGTON — President-elect Donald J. Trump said in an interview Friday morning that the storm surrounding Russian hacking during the presidential campaign was a political witch hunt being carried out by his adversaries, who he said were embarrassed by their loss to him in the election last year.

More: Trump Rages Against ‘Political Witch Hunt’

His ego can't accept the fact that he may be an illegitimate president - thanks to foreign intervention. He calls it a "political witch hunt". Well, no one should know more about "political witch hunts" than Trump - his most notorious one being his "political witch hunt" about President Obama being an illegitimate president. Trump would be singing a different tune if the Russian/Wikileaks hacking had been in favor of Hillary.

Hillary's and the DNC's corruption was unfairly revealed. Waaaaaa.

Why wasn't Trump's and the RNC's corruption unfairly revealed?
There was no proof of russia effecting the election. Just gullible loons like you who believe in such propaganda.

Then why did Russia and Wikileaks hack and release private DNC emails? Their goal was obviously to plant seeds of doubt against Hillary. Nothing that Russia and Wikileaks released was negative about Trump. What other conclusions could a sane person extrapolate?

The seeds of doubt about Hillary were already myriad. Most voters made their decision two years ago.
The goal of Putin and Assange was to bombard American voters with seeds of doubt about Hillary. No sane person can say this didn't have some affect on the outcome.
There was no proof of russia effecting the election. Just gullible loons like you who believe in such propaganda.

Then why did Russia and Wikileaks hack and release private DNC emails? Their goal was obviously to plant seeds of doubt against Hillary. Nothing that Russia and Wikileaks released was negative about Trump. What other conclusions could a sane person extrapolate?

The seeds of doubt about Hillary were already myriad. Most voters made their decision two years ago.

That's a lie that can't be supported with "credible" proof.
The goal of Putin and Assange was to bombard American voters with seeds of doubt about Hillary. No sane person can say this didn't have some affect on the outcome.
Amend that to "The goal of Putin and Assange and Trump was . . .".
There was no proof of russia effecting the election. Just gullible loons like you who believe in such propaganda.

Then why did Russia and Wikileaks hack and release private DNC emails? Their goal was obviously to plant seeds of doubt against Hillary. Nothing that Russia and Wikileaks released was negative about Trump. What other conclusions could a sane person extrapolate?

/--- Nor did Hildabeast or Podesta claim any of the emails were forgeries. Got your PASSWORD password?

How would you like someone to hack and publish your personal and work-related emails?

If it revealed my corruption, I'd be as sad as Hillary.

What "corruption" was revealed? Please provide "credible" proof that can be verified as factual.
well if there wasn't anything revealed what did the russians supposedly do then? Can't have it both ways batman.
/--- Nor did Hildabeast or Podesta claim any of the emails were forgeries. Got your PASSWORD password?

How would you like someone to hack and publish your personal and work-related emails?

If it revealed my corruption, I'd be as sad as Hillary.

What "corruption" was revealed? Please provide "credible" proof that can be verified as factual.
Be specific, Marty. Let's see objective factual evidence, hmmm.

how about you learn to quote the right person, dippy?
How would you like someone to hack and publish your personal and work-related emails?

If it revealed my corruption, I'd be as sad as Hillary.

What "corruption" was revealed? Please provide "credible" proof that can be verified as factual.
Be specific, Marty. Let's see objective factual evidence, hmmm.

how about you learn to quote the right person, dippy?
How about you meeting up to the requirements of providing a factual premise, some solid evidence, and then conclusions that are worth are reading.

You don't want to make Lakhota go on the warpath, do you?
he did, he quoted you quoting the wrong person. duhhhhhhh come on man are you that lame?

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