Trump's Explanation of Why He Fired Yevgeny (Eugene) Vindman

Minor problem here.

this is the BROTHER of the guy you are slandering

Being a scum-sucking, two-timing, back-stabbing, self-appointed, pompous, disloyal traitor to the President of the USA conspiring behind his back with delusions of godhood that he somehow knew better and was in charge of deciding foreign policy rather than merely carrying it out and with a creepy name like Yevgeny Vindman is good enough for me.

The very fact that had this crumb betrayed and tried to wrest authority and control over policy and testified against Obama, Biden or Hillary for any of their foreign crimes that we know happened in large number, you'd be on here today denouncing him as the lowest of the low!

So, Jack Daniels, I suggest you take Vindman since you love him so much, and go lick his ball sweat and lap up the dingles hanging off his ass. The very fact that you join here to defend him is proof positive that firing him was the absolute right thing to do because once again, Donald has stuck your plans in the dumper.

One more POS inside democrat confidant traitor leaker not to have to worry about. Notice is now served to all.
i see the REPLY button still confuses you.

Don't mind him, he's highly educated.

He must have sat behind Admiral Rockwell Tory and copied notes.

You do pretty well for someone expelled from public school!

You're really just begging to be put on Ignore by a lot of people aren't you? Now that no one here takes a damn thing you say seriously either, Bag of Hot Air? Any time you want me to test you on math, science, education or electronics, all topics you allege to be expert in, just let me know. That should be pretty funny.
“Loyal”? We have mutual respect and love. But no we are not “loyal”. We have plenty of disagreements. That’s marriage.

Wow, you are not loyal to your wife, so you fuck around on her and she on you?

By the way, one can have disagreements and still be loyal.

Interesting also that you do not think that a member of the military should be loyal to their country.

Do you have any issue with American citizens that spy on their country and give data to other countries?

Do you mean like Vindman did?
Ha! You see. This is the thing with you. It’s never enough. You demand a source. I provide a source. You demand 2. You demand testimony about Trump. Then you demand documentary evidence.

There’s no pleasing you. You’re mind is made up. Totally closed to new information. Like information about how Clinton’s email retention policy was only changed after she was told work related emails were submitted to State
heh I "demand" it because I know you can't profive it. and when I ask 6 times and get "it's in the wheat field" yes I stop taking you off ignore.

I should stop doing that.

I show you they were asking for her mails before her "retention" policy and you call my source a hack. so what is the point of providing them to you when this is what youll do with them.

Atkinson is a hack. She is misleading and a bit of a goofball since she keeps suing the government claiming they’re spying on her. That’s not normal behavior.

Anyway, you’re correct about one thing. The State Dept did ask for her emails before she deleted anything. And she handed them over. After she handed them over, she changed her retention policy since she had no obligation to preserve anything at that point. This is an important detail that you’re are leaving out.

Also of note, no one issued her any subpoena prior to March 2015. She changed her retention policy in December 2014. Hard to claim she defied a subpoena she hadn’t even gotten. Impossible one might say.

This was all documented in the FBI report which I’ve pointed pages and paragraphs for you already.

The retention policy was not hers to change, dumbass!
Yes it was. It was her server.

I work for the US Army.
A fact I'm sure the Army would deny and certainly not want to advertise bragging to our enemies.

What do you think would happen to me if I kept all of my work emails on my own server?
I think you'd have to first actually do some work, actually have a server, not to mention you're not toe jam compared to Hillary Clinton. But if you apply yourself, in 10-20 years, I bet they'll let you change her diapers.
i see the REPLY button still confuses you.

Don't mind him, he's highly educated.

He must have sat behind Admiral Rockwell Tory and copied notes.

You do pretty well for someone expelled from public school!

You're really just begging to be put on Ignore by a lot of people aren't you? Now that no one here takes a damn thing you say seriously either, Bag of Hot Air? Any time you want me to test you on math, science, education or electronics, all topics you allege to be expert in, just let me know. That should be pretty funny.

Why would that be funny? You would just be embarrassed and slink off to another thread until I show and bust your balloon again!

Besides, you have proven repeatedly that you are one of the biggest dumbasses and liars on this message board. You'd have gard time passing a GED, much less trying to test me.
heh I "demand" it because I know you can't profive it. and when I ask 6 times and get "it's in the wheat field" yes I stop taking you off ignore.

I should stop doing that.

I show you they were asking for her mails before her "retention" policy and you call my source a hack. so what is the point of providing them to you when this is what youll do with them.

Atkinson is a hack. She is misleading and a bit of a goofball since she keeps suing the government claiming they’re spying on her. That’s not normal behavior.

Anyway, you’re correct about one thing. The State Dept did ask for her emails before she deleted anything. And she handed them over. After she handed them over, she changed her retention policy since she had no obligation to preserve anything at that point. This is an important detail that you’re are leaving out.

Also of note, no one issued her any subpoena prior to March 2015. She changed her retention policy in December 2014. Hard to claim she defied a subpoena she hadn’t even gotten. Impossible one might say.

This was all documented in the FBI report which I’ve pointed pages and paragraphs for you already.

The retention policy was not hers to change, dumbass!
Yes it was. It was her server.

I work for the US Army.
A fact I'm sure the Army would deny and certainly not want to advertise bragging to our enemies.

What do you think would happen to me if I kept all of my work emails on my own server?
I think you'd have to first actually do some work, actually have a server, not to mention you're not toe jam compared to Hillary Clinton. But if you apply yourself, in 10-20 years, I bet they'll let you change her diapers.

Really? I was a computer science major for most of my college career. You do know what a computer is, don't you? It is a piece of electronics WITHOUT a tube!
Ha! You see. This is the thing with you. It’s never enough. You demand a source. I provide a source. You demand 2. You demand testimony about Trump. Then you demand documentary evidence.

There’s no pleasing you. You’re mind is made up. Totally closed to new information. Like information about how Clinton’s email retention policy was only changed after she was told work related emails were submitted to State
heh I "demand" it because I know you can't profive it. and when I ask 6 times and get "it's in the wheat field" yes I stop taking you off ignore.

I should stop doing that.

I show you they were asking for her mails before her "retention" policy and you call my source a hack. so what is the point of providing them to you when this is what youll do with them.

Atkinson is a hack. She is misleading and a bit of a goofball since she keeps suing the government claiming they’re spying on her. That’s not normal behavior.

Anyway, you’re correct about one thing. The State Dept did ask for her emails before she deleted anything. And she handed them over. After she handed them over, she changed her retention policy since she had no obligation to preserve anything at that point. This is an important detail that you’re are leaving out.

Also of note, no one issued her any subpoena prior to March 2015. She changed her retention policy in December 2014. Hard to claim she defied a subpoena she hadn’t even gotten. Impossible one might say.

This was all documented in the FBI report which I’ve pointed pages and paragraphs for you already.

The retention policy was not hers to change, dumbass!
Yes it was. It was her server.

It was NOT her server to use with government emails!

I work for the US Army. What do you think would happen to me if I kept all of my work emails on my own server? I hear Fort Leavenworth gets cold in the winter!

There is no law that forbids people from using private email to conduct government business.
i see the REPLY button still confuses you.

Don't mind him, he's highly educated.

He must have sat behind Admiral Rockwell Tory and copied notes.

You do pretty well for someone expelled from public school!

You're really just begging to be put on Ignore by a lot of people aren't you? Now that no one here takes a damn thing you say seriously either, Bag of Hot Air? Any time you want me to test you on math, science, education or electronics, all topics you allege to be expert in, just let me know. That should be pretty funny.

You would just be embarrassed and slink off to another thread until I show and bust your balloon again!
WAIT! TOO FUNNY! SHOW US where you EVER busted my balloon, you stupid, lying, fraudulent PIECE OF CRAP? You are the one that just crawled away disappearing on another thread after saying all sort of unprovable trash and getting schooled in education and electronics. BTW, didn't you claim in another thread that you worked in education and public schools as an administrator? What kind of "work" do you do for the Army, write up promotional enlistment ads for new recruits? Help educate confused soldiers on gender non-discrimination and why big hairy men should take showers with little girls?

Besides, you have proven repeatedly that you are one of the biggest dumbasses and liars on this message board. You'd have gard time passing a GED, much less trying to test me.
What board is that? That little crayon one you keep under your bed you lying fuck? I can already see the pee running down your leg looking for an excuse to get out of my testing your "expertise" in math, science or electronics.

You're a little fucking bitch, you should just admit it and join the cowardly democrats because that's where you belong, you queer.
heh I "demand" it because I know you can't profive it. and when I ask 6 times and get "it's in the wheat field" yes I stop taking you off ignore.

I should stop doing that.

I show you they were asking for her mails before her "retention" policy and you call my source a hack. so what is the point of providing them to you when this is what youll do with them.

Atkinson is a hack. She is misleading and a bit of a goofball since she keeps suing the government claiming they’re spying on her. That’s not normal behavior.

Anyway, you’re correct about one thing. The State Dept did ask for her emails before she deleted anything. And she handed them over. After she handed them over, she changed her retention policy since she had no obligation to preserve anything at that point. This is an important detail that you’re are leaving out.

Also of note, no one issued her any subpoena prior to March 2015. She changed her retention policy in December 2014. Hard to claim she defied a subpoena she hadn’t even gotten. Impossible one might say.

This was all documented in the FBI report which I’ve pointed pages and paragraphs for you already.

The retention policy was not hers to change, dumbass!
Yes it was. It was her server.

It was NOT her server to use with government emails!

I work for the US Army. What do you think would happen to me if I kept all of my work emails on my own server? I hear Fort Leavenworth gets cold in the winter!

There is no law that forbids people from using private email to conduct government business.

Oh, my fucking GOD! Just how stupid are you?

That's it! I have had enough of your fucktard delusions! Go fuck a goat somewhere! The goat might enjoy it!
Faithful and loyal are not the same thing in my world. If you’re loyal in my world you do not disagree, you’re a sycophant. Now give me your childish smiley and run along. Btw - the Sanders example was just that. My wife cannot stand him.

So, you are saying that members of the military are sycophants, since you seem to expect them to be loyal?
No. I said there are different rules for military and police, CIA, etc. There is a chain of command where loyalty is law. Are you being stupid on purpose? Don’t be a dick.

Yet, even in that we someone in your chain of command gives an unlawful order, it is not to be followed.

You have no understanding of what actual loyalty is.

Unlawful order is against the law. Aren't you ex military? You're such an idiot.

That is what I jsut said moron, but according to you there is this sycophant loyalty to the chain of command, so we would follow them anyhow.

You have no idea what the word means. You are just a fucking idiot.
You obviously have never worked in the business world. If I am the CEO and you publicly question me you are gone. In private sure. You’re just trolling now. Go and vote for Bernie Sanders.

I work in the "business world" right now, I just do not work for a fucking moron like you seem to work for. Only an insecure child is afraid of a discussion.

Bullshit. You sound like a child.

The only child is the one that thinks loyalist means never, ever having a single disagreement.
Atkinson is a hack. She is misleading and a bit of a goofball since she keeps suing the government claiming they’re spying on her. That’s not normal behavior.

Anyway, you’re correct about one thing. The State Dept did ask for her emails before she deleted anything. And she handed them over. After she handed them over, she changed her retention policy since she had no obligation to preserve anything at that point. This is an important detail that you’re are leaving out.

Also of note, no one issued her any subpoena prior to March 2015. She changed her retention policy in December 2014. Hard to claim she defied a subpoena she hadn’t even gotten. Impossible one might say.

This was all documented in the FBI report which I’ve pointed pages and paragraphs for you already.

The retention policy was not hers to change, dumbass!
Yes it was. It was her server.

It was NOT her server to use with government emails!

I work for the US Army. What do you think would happen to me if I kept all of my work emails on my own server? I hear Fort Leavenworth gets cold in the winter!

There is no law that forbids people from using private email to conduct government business.

Oh, my fucking GOD! Just how stupid are you?

That's it! I have had enough of your fucktard delusions! Go fuck a goat somewhere! The goat might enjoy it!

Smarter than you. Better looking too
The retention policy was not hers to change, dumbass!
Yes it was. It was her server.

It was NOT her server to use with government emails!

I work for the US Army. What do you think would happen to me if I kept all of my work emails on my own server? I hear Fort Leavenworth gets cold in the winter!

There is no law that forbids people from using private email to conduct government business.

Oh, my fucking GOD! Just how stupid are you?

That's it! I have had enough of your fucktard delusions! Go fuck a goat somewhere! The goat might enjoy it!

Smarter than you. Better looking too

The goat may be better looking than me, but it will not be smarter!
You obviously have never worked in the business world. If I am the CEO and you publicly question me you are gone. In private sure. You’re just trolling now. Go and vote for Bernie Sanders.

I work in the "business world" right now, I just do not work for a fucking moron like you seem to work for. Only an insecure child is afraid of a discussion.

Bullshit. You sound like a child.

The only child is the one that thinks loyalist means never, ever having a single disagreement.

I said in public. Learn to read, dickhead.
So, you are saying that members of the military are sycophants, since you seem to expect them to be loyal?
No. I said there are different rules for military and police, CIA, etc. There is a chain of command where loyalty is law. Are you being stupid on purpose? Don’t be a dick.

Yet, even in that we someone in your chain of command gives an unlawful order, it is not to be followed.

You have no understanding of what actual loyalty is.

Unlawful order is against the law. Aren't you ex military? You're such an idiot.

That is what I jsut said moron, but according to you there is this sycophant loyalty to the chain of command, so we would follow them anyhow.

You have no idea what the word means. You are just a fucking idiot.

Keep giving smileys like a child. You're a pathetic old fool. Is that what you "jsut" said? Idiot.

Oh no! I had a typo! how can I ever recover from that!

And that, is the best that you have.

I truly do pity you
You obviously have never worked in the business world. If I am the CEO and you publicly question me you are gone. In private sure. You’re just trolling now. Go and vote for Bernie Sanders.

I work in the "business world" right now, I just do not work for a fucking moron like you seem to work for. Only an insecure child is afraid of a discussion.

Bullshit. You sound like a child.

The only child is the one that thinks loyalist means never, ever having a single disagreement.

I said in public. Learn to read, dickhead.

You said that you are not loyal to your wife because you have disagreed with her in the past, do try and remember what you post from one post to the next.
Atkinson is a hack. She is misleading and a bit of a goofball since she keeps suing the government claiming they’re spying on her. That’s not normal behavior.

Anyway, you’re correct about one thing. The State Dept did ask for her emails before she deleted anything. And she handed them over. After she handed them over, she changed her retention policy since she had no obligation to preserve anything at that point. This is an important detail that you’re are leaving out.

Also of note, no one issued her any subpoena prior to March 2015. She changed her retention policy in December 2014. Hard to claim she defied a subpoena she hadn’t even gotten. Impossible one might say.

This was all documented in the FBI report which I’ve pointed pages and paragraphs for you already.

The retention policy was not hers to change, dumbass!
Yes it was. It was her server.

I work for the US Army.
A fact I'm sure the Army would deny and certainly not want to advertise bragging to our enemies.

What do you think would happen to me if I kept all of my work emails on my own server?
I think you'd have to first actually do some work, actually have a server, not to mention you're not toe jam compared to Hillary Clinton. But if you apply yourself, in 10-20 years, I bet they'll let you change her diapers.

Really? I was a computer science major for most of my college career. You do know what a computer is, don't you? It is a piece of electronics WITHOUT a tube!

Computer science major!
Public School Administrator!
Radar Technician!
US Army employ!!
Math expert!
Electronics Expert!
Man of All Seasons!

Anything else you want to add to your resume! You're almost as erudite as Charwin who owns two homes in CA, one in Florida, his own business, does community and charity work, has his own fleet of yachts and schooners and has invited people to see the good work he does, but no one has ever taken him up on his fantasy!

Computer? I have one sitting right here beside, me jackass. An $8,000 Apple Mac Pro bought in 2011 running El Capitan, with a 3.4GHz W3565 Xeon quad-core processor w/ 4 2TB Hitachi HDDs set up as a RAID 5 array, using a 27" Apple LED Cinema Display. I'd be glad to copy and post the sales receipt for it if you like!

Whatcha got there, mate, a smartphone or maybe a Best Buy laptop with a rubber band?
You obviously have never worked in the business world. If I am the CEO and you publicly question me you are gone. In private sure. You’re just trolling now. Go and vote for Bernie Sanders.

I work in the "business world" right now, I just do not work for a fucking moron like you seem to work for. Only an insecure child is afraid of a discussion.

Bullshit. You sound like a child.

The only child is the one that thinks loyalist means never, ever having a single disagreement.

I said in public. Learn to read, dickhead.

You said that you are not loyal to your wife because you have disagreed with her in the past, do try and remember what you post from one post to the next.

Yes. Marriage is not loyalty, LOL. Marriage is love and faithfulness and agreeing to disagree.
He must have sat behind Admiral Rockwell Tory and copied notes.

You do pretty well for someone expelled from public school!

You're really just begging to be put on Ignore by a lot of people aren't you? Now that no one here takes a damn thing you say seriously either, Bag of Hot Air? Any time you want me to test you on math, science, education or electronics, all topics you allege to be expert in, just let me know. That should be pretty funny.

You would just be embarrassed and slink off to another thread until I show and bust your balloon again!
WAIT! TOO FUNNY! SHOW US where you EVER busted my balloon, you stupid, lying, fraudulent PIECE OF CRAP? You are the one that just crawled away disappearing on another thread after saying all sort of unprovable trash and getting schooled in education and electronics. BTW, didn't you claim in another thread that you worked in education and public schools as an administrator?

Besides, you have proven repeatedly that you are one of the biggest dumbasses and liars on this message board. You'd have gard time passing a GED, much less trying to test me.
What board is that? That little crayon one you keep under your bed you lying fuck? I can already see the pee running down your leg looking for an excuse to get out of my testing your "expertise" in math, science or electronics.

You're a little fucking bitch, you should just admit it and join the cowardly democrats because that's where you belong, you queer.

Fuck off, retard!
You're a little bitch with yellow stained panties. No one here believes or respects a single word you say. I have more respect for Deanrd, Care4All and Skews13 than I do for little lying shit stains like you! Not one person here Left or Right has an ounce of respect for you.

Tell us, Douche bag, what is the theory behind a Darlington-coupled bipolar transistor?

What is the difference between a JK, RS flip-flop and a bistable multivibrator?

How does one best address the problem of CMOS latch-up?

How does one best increase resolution in a radar system? You ARE a radar technician, right?

Why is a vinculum a sign of grouping?

What is the similarity in principle between active radar and a cable-domain time-based reflectometer?
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