Trump's Explanation of Why He Fired Yevgeny (Eugene) Vindman

I work in the "business world" right now, I just do not work for a fucking moron like you seem to work for. Only an insecure child is afraid of a discussion.

Bullshit. You sound like a child.

The only child is the one that thinks loyalist means never, ever having a single disagreement.

I said in public. Learn to read, dickhead.

You said that you are not loyal to your wife because you have disagreed with her in the past, do try and remember what you post from one post to the next.

Yes. Marriage is not loyalty, LOL. Marriage is love and faithfulness and agreeing to disagree.

I feel sorry for your wife, to be married to a man that is not loyal to her.
Bullshit. You sound like a child.

The only child is the one that thinks loyalist means never, ever having a single disagreement.

I said in public. Learn to read, dickhead.

You said that you are not loyal to your wife because you have disagreed with her in the past, do try and remember what you post from one post to the next.

Yes. Marriage is not loyalty, LOL. Marriage is love and faithfulness and agreeing to disagree.

I feel sorry for your wife, to be married to a man that is not loyal to her.

Since Azog can't seem to get through that thick head of yours, give this a shot!

Your definition of "loyalty" is wrong!
The only child is the one that thinks loyalist means never, ever having a single disagreement.

I said in public. Learn to read, dickhead.

You said that you are not loyal to your wife because you have disagreed with her in the past, do try and remember what you post from one post to the next.

Yes. Marriage is not loyalty, LOL. Marriage is love and faithfulness and agreeing to disagree.

I feel sorry for your wife, to be married to a man that is not loyal to her.

Since Azog can't seem to get through that thick head of yours, give this a shot!

Your definition of "loyalty" is wrong!

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faith·ful | \ ˈfāth-fəl \
Definition of faithful
(Entry 1 of 2)

1: steadfast in affection or allegiance : Loyal: faithful friend

Definition of FAITHFUL
You do know what a computer is, don't you? It is a piece of electronics WITHOUT a tube!

Oh and BTW, you worthless bag of shit, the first computers DID use tubes! One of my instructors actually worked on the ENIAC!


The only reason why tubes are not used for computers now dummass is not because they wouldn't do the job, but because they simply take up too much space, size, weight, power, current, cost, maintenance, and generate a lot of heat! But a semiconductor junction transistor is nothing but a tube in miniature built to operate on very low voltages and current. Tubes are still an ideal audion valve though, whereas transistors make better switching devices.

So tell us Ace, what can you tell us about junction capacitance, space charge, or the advantages and drawbacks of Class A pentode operation vs, triode? Huh? Anything?
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I said in public. Learn to read, dickhead.

You said that you are not loyal to your wife because you have disagreed with her in the past, do try and remember what you post from one post to the next.

Yes. Marriage is not loyalty, LOL. Marriage is love and faithfulness and agreeing to disagree.

I feel sorry for your wife, to be married to a man that is not loyal to her.

Since Azog can't seem to get through that thick head of yours, give this a shot!

Your definition of "loyalty" is wrong!

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faith·ful | \ ˈfāth-fəl \
Definition of faithful
(Entry 1 of 2)

1: steadfast in affection or allegiance : Loyal: faithful friend

Definition of FAITHFUL

Engaging in sex only with one's spouse or only with one's partner in a sexual relationship. That is what I mean by faithful to my wife. It doesn't mean I 100% agree with everything she says or does.
You said that you are not loyal to your wife because you have disagreed with her in the past, do try and remember what you post from one post to the next.

Yes. Marriage is not loyalty, LOL. Marriage is love and faithfulness and agreeing to disagree.

I feel sorry for your wife, to be married to a man that is not loyal to her.

Since Azog can't seem to get through that thick head of yours, give this a shot!

Your definition of "loyalty" is wrong!

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faith·ful | \ ˈfāth-fəl \
Definition of faithful
(Entry 1 of 2)

1: steadfast in affection or allegiance : Loyal: faithful friend

Definition of FAITHFUL

Engaging in sex only with one's spouse or only with one's partner in a sexual relationship. That is what I mean by faithful to my wife. It doesn't mean I 100% agree with everything she says or does.

Loyalty does not require 100% agreement with everything someone does.
The only child is the one that thinks loyalist means never, ever having a single disagreement.

I said in public. Learn to read, dickhead.

You said that you are not loyal to your wife because you have disagreed with her in the past, do try and remember what you post from one post to the next.

Yes. Marriage is not loyalty, LOL. Marriage is love and faithfulness and agreeing to disagree.

I feel sorry for your wife, to be married to a man that is not loyal to her.

Since Azog can't seem to get through that thick head of yours, give this a shot!

Your definition of "loyalty" is wrong!

Really...well here is my definition....please tell me where I went wrong

giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance
You said that you are not loyal to your wife because you have disagreed with her in the past, do try and remember what you post from one post to the next.

Yes. Marriage is not loyalty, LOL. Marriage is love and faithfulness and agreeing to disagree.

I feel sorry for your wife, to be married to a man that is not loyal to her.

Since Azog can't seem to get through that thick head of yours, give this a shot!

Your definition of "loyalty" is wrong!

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faith·ful | \ ˈfāth-fəl \
Definition of faithful
(Entry 1 of 2)

1: steadfast in affection or allegiance : Loyal: faithful friend

Definition of FAITHFUL

Engaging in sex only with one's spouse or only with one's partner in a sexual relationship. That is what I mean by faithful to my wife. It doesn't mean I 100% agree with everything she says or does.

That’s not wha loyal means.


Trump owes no explanation of why he fired Alexander Vindman. No more than that other sissy bitch. These people serve at his pleasure. Trump can fire these people for ANY reason, NO reason, or because he simply didn't like his breakfast McMuffin.

Did anyone ever ask Obama why he fired anyone?

We have a real good idea why Alexander the Shitheel was let go. If his brother Genie went too, tough noogies. We all know that anything the brother knew would be getting back to the other brother. Then from there out the door right back leaked to the liberal press.
Yes. Marriage is not loyalty, LOL. Marriage is love and faithfulness and agreeing to disagree.

I feel sorry for your wife, to be married to a man that is not loyal to her.

Since Azog can't seem to get through that thick head of yours, give this a shot!

Your definition of "loyalty" is wrong!

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faith·ful | \ ˈfāth-fəl \
Definition of faithful
(Entry 1 of 2)

1: steadfast in affection or allegiance : Loyal: faithful friend

Definition of FAITHFUL

Engaging in sex only with one's spouse or only with one's partner in a sexual relationship. That is what I mean by faithful to my wife. It doesn't mean I 100% agree with everything she says or does.

Loyalty does not require 100% agreement with everything someone does.

To me it does.
Yes. Marriage is not loyalty, LOL. Marriage is love and faithfulness and agreeing to disagree.

I feel sorry for your wife, to be married to a man that is not loyal to her.

Since Azog can't seem to get through that thick head of yours, give this a shot!

Your definition of "loyalty" is wrong!

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faith·ful | \ ˈfāth-fəl \
Definition of faithful
(Entry 1 of 2)

1: steadfast in affection or allegiance : Loyal: faithful friend

Definition of FAITHFUL

Engaging in sex only with one's spouse or only with one's partner in a sexual relationship. That is what I mean by faithful to my wife. It doesn't mean I 100% agree with everything she says or does.

That’s not wha loyal means.

It does to me. Either you're loyal or you aren't. Loyalty is for dogs unless you're in a military or para-military organization.
I feel sorry for your wife, to be married to a man that is not loyal to her.

Since Azog can't seem to get through that thick head of yours, give this a shot!

Your definition of "loyalty" is wrong!

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faith·ful | \ ˈfāth-fəl \
Definition of faithful
(Entry 1 of 2)

1: steadfast in affection or allegiance : Loyal: faithful friend

Definition of FAITHFUL

Engaging in sex only with one's spouse or only with one's partner in a sexual relationship. That is what I mean by faithful to my wife. It doesn't mean I 100% agree with everything she says or does.

Loyalty does not require 100% agreement with everything someone does.

To me it does.

I cannot help it if you like to make up your own meanings to words.

Plus, you are not even consistent about it. You say that military people are supposed to be loyal to the country and their chain of command, which means they could never, ever disagree with anything the country did or their chain of command did.

Trust me when I tell you that military people disagree with their chain of command all the damn time, bitching about the brass is a major pastime.
I feel sorry for your wife, to be married to a man that is not loyal to her.

Since Azog can't seem to get through that thick head of yours, give this a shot!

Your definition of "loyalty" is wrong!

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faith·ful | \ ˈfāth-fəl \
Definition of faithful
(Entry 1 of 2)

1: steadfast in affection or allegiance : Loyal: faithful friend

Definition of FAITHFUL

Engaging in sex only with one's spouse or only with one's partner in a sexual relationship. That is what I mean by faithful to my wife. It doesn't mean I 100% agree with everything she says or does.

That’s not wha loyal means.

It does to me. Either you're loyal or you aren't. Loyalty is for dogs unless you're in a military or para-military organization.

Since Azog can't seem to get through that thick head of yours, give this a shot!

Your definition of "loyalty" is wrong!

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faith·ful | \ ˈfāth-fəl \
Definition of faithful
(Entry 1 of 2)

1: steadfast in affection or allegiance : Loyal: faithful friend

Definition of FAITHFUL

Engaging in sex only with one's spouse or only with one's partner in a sexual relationship. That is what I mean by faithful to my wife. It doesn't mean I 100% agree with everything she says or does.

That’s not wha loyal means.

It does to me. Either you're loyal or you aren't. Loyalty is for dogs unless you're in a military or para-military organization.


Simply amazing he thinks being loyal to one's spouse is a bad thing.
Since Azog can't seem to get through that thick head of yours, give this a shot!

Your definition of "loyalty" is wrong!

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faith·ful | \ ˈfāth-fəl \
Definition of faithful
(Entry 1 of 2)

1: steadfast in affection or allegiance : Loyal: faithful friend

Definition of FAITHFUL

Engaging in sex only with one's spouse or only with one's partner in a sexual relationship. That is what I mean by faithful to my wife. It doesn't mean I 100% agree with everything she says or does.

Loyalty does not require 100% agreement with everything someone does.

To me it does.

I cannot help it if you like to make up your own meanings to words.

Plus, you are not even consistent about it. You say that military people are supposed to be loyal to the country and their chain of command, which means they could never, ever disagree with anything the country did or their chain of command did.

Trust me when I tell you that military people disagree with their chain of command all the damn time, bitching about the brass is a major pastime.

Not publicly.
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faith·ful | \ ˈfāth-fəl \
Definition of faithful
(Entry 1 of 2)

1: steadfast in affection or allegiance : Loyal: faithful friend

Definition of FAITHFUL

Engaging in sex only with one's spouse or only with one's partner in a sexual relationship. That is what I mean by faithful to my wife. It doesn't mean I 100% agree with everything she says or does.

That’s not wha loyal means.

It does to me. Either you're loyal or you aren't. Loyalty is for dogs unless you're in a military or para-military organization.


Simply amazing he thinks being loyal to one's spouse is a bad thing.

Never said it was a bad thing.
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faith·ful | \ ˈfāth-fəl \
Definition of faithful
(Entry 1 of 2)

1: steadfast in affection or allegiance : Loyal: faithful friend

Definition of FAITHFUL

Engaging in sex only with one's spouse or only with one's partner in a sexual relationship. That is what I mean by faithful to my wife. It doesn't mean I 100% agree with everything she says or does.

That’s not wha loyal means.

It does to me. Either you're loyal or you aren't. Loyalty is for dogs unless you're in a military or para-military organization.


Simply amazing he thinks being loyal to one's spouse is a bad thing.

When you trap yourself into a rhetorical corner, it just gets dumber and dumber.
Engaging in sex only with one's spouse or only with one's partner in a sexual relationship. That is what I mean by faithful to my wife. It doesn't mean I 100% agree with everything she says or does.

That’s not wha loyal means.

It does to me. Either you're loyal or you aren't. Loyalty is for dogs unless you're in a military or para-military organization.


Simply amazing he thinks being loyal to one's spouse is a bad thing.

Never said it was a bad thing.

you compared it to being a dog...that seems like a bad thing.

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