Trump’s Former WH Lawyer “Trump in Serious Legal Water”


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Not because of the documents but because of his attempt to overturn the election.

As for Trump's legal future, Cobb said he does not believe the documents investigation is the biggest threat.​

"I think the president is in serious legal water, not so much because of the search, but because of the obstructive activity he took in connection with the Jan. 6 proceeding," Cobb said. "I think that and the attempts to interfere in the election count in Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania and perhaps Michigan. That was the first time in American history that a president unconstitutionally attempted to remain in power illegally."​

Cobb says he thinks the possibility of an indictment against Trump is "very high."​

In response to a question about Trump's attempts to deny the outcome of the 2020 election and overturn the results, Cobb, based on his extensive working relationship with Trump, said, "I believe former President Trump to be a deeply wounded narcissist, and he is often incapable of acting other than in his perceived self-interest or for revenge," Cobb said. "I think those are the two compelling instincts that guide his actions."​

Cobb also thinks that Trump's actions around the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol could lead him to be barred from running for the presidency again.​

"There is a simple way to disqualify President Trump," Cobb said. "He clearly violated the 14th Amendment of the Constitution's Article III when he gave aid and comfort and three hours of inaction with regard to what was happening on the grounds of the Capitol. That clearly gave aid and comfort to the insurrectionists."​

That clearly gave aid and comfort to the insurrectionists."
Are you so mental that you think they can make a case that he supplied weapons to the protesters so they could take over the country? REALLY? Save yourself some embarrassment and read a bit:

The Cliff's Notes read like this: You have to actually make war against America OR you have to supply material or weapons, IOW an overt act of helping others MAKE WAR AGAINST AMERICA.

If you think your guy can make THAT case then, God bless ya...
Trump wants to announce his candidacy for president - he figures that way, he can claim that the investigation is a sham ploy to prevent his re-election campaign. If he waits too long, the DoJ indicts him and then he gets preempted and it's quite possible that the big money donors start actively steering the GOP away from his toxic reelection and toward either DeSantis, Cruz, or Youngkin.

I see Trump's brain (however small it is) working: he wants to preempt the DoJ's indictment. Problem for him is, GOP insists that he hold off until after the midterms. They don't want him to blow their shot at retaking the House - he may have already cost them the Senate and even the governorship of PA.
Former Trump White House lawyer Ty Cobb called ex-President Donald Trump a "deeply wounded narcissist" who acted in a "criminal" manner when he pushed then-Vice President Mike Pence to block Congress from certifying President Joe Biden's 2020 election win.

It's amazing that no matter how many people in Trump's inner circle step forward and reveal the true face of this man his cult will still stand by and defend him in complete denial. Trump was right. He really could walk up and shoot someone on the street and his cult would still support him
Not because of the documents but because of his attempt to overturn the election.

As for Trump's legal future, Cobb said he does not believe the documents investigation is the biggest threat.​

"I think the president is in serious legal water, not so much because of the search, but because of the obstructive activity he took in connection with the Jan. 6 proceeding," Cobb said. "I think that and the attempts to interfere in the election count in Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania and perhaps Michigan. That was the first time in American history that a president unconstitutionally attempted to remain in power illegally."​

Cobb says he thinks the possibility of an indictment against Trump is "very high."​

In response to a question about Trump's attempts to deny the outcome of the 2020 election and overturn the results, Cobb, based on his extensive working relationship with Trump, said, "I believe former President Trump to be a deeply wounded narcissist, and he is often incapable of acting other than in his perceived self-interest or for revenge," Cobb said. "I think those are the two compelling instincts that guide his actions."​

Cobb also thinks that Trump's actions around the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol could lead him to be barred from running for the presidency again.​

"There is a simple way to disqualify President Trump," Cobb said. "He clearly violated the 14th Amendment of the Constitution's Article III when he gave aid and comfort and three hours of inaction with regard to what was happening on the grounds of the Capitol. That clearly gave aid and comfort to the insurrectionists."​

Former Trump White House lawyer thinks Trump violated 14th Amendment​

"It is about the bigger picture, the Jan. 6 issues, the fake electors, the whole scam with regard to the 'big lie' and the attempts to…cling to the presidency in a desperate fashion," Cobb said on this week's episode of "The Takeout" podcast.

It's amazing that no matter how many people in Trump's inner circle step forward and reveal the true face of this man his cult will still stand by and defend him in complete denial. Trump was right. He really could walk up and shoot someone on the street and his cult would still support him
Just be glad he has supporters who are willing to share his downfall, and misery loves company.
the attempts to interfere in the election count in Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania and perhaps Michigan. That was the first time in American history that a president unconstitutionally attempted to remain in power illegally."
Trump’s efforts to intimidate Georgia elections officials to enter into a criminal conspiracy with Trump to commit election fraud in an effort to remain in power is clearly Trump’s most egregious and reprehensible criminal acts.
Not because of the documents but because of his attempt to overturn the election.

As for Trump's legal future, Cobb said he does not believe the documents investigation is the biggest threat.​

"I think the president is in serious legal water, not so much because of the search, but because of the obstructive activity he took in connection with the Jan. 6 proceeding," Cobb said. "I think that and the attempts to interfere in the election count in Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania and perhaps Michigan. That was the first time in American history that a president unconstitutionally attempted to remain in power illegally."​

Cobb says he thinks the possibility of an indictment against Trump is "very high."​

In response to a question about Trump's attempts to deny the outcome of the 2020 election and overturn the results, Cobb, based on his extensive working relationship with Trump, said, "I believe former President Trump to be a deeply wounded narcissist, and he is often incapable of acting other than in his perceived self-interest or for revenge," Cobb said. "I think those are the two compelling instincts that guide his actions."​

Cobb also thinks that Trump's actions around the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol could lead him to be barred from running for the presidency again.​

"There is a simple way to disqualify President Trump," Cobb said. "He clearly violated the 14th Amendment of the Constitution's Article III when he gave aid and comfort and three hours of inaction with regard to what was happening on the grounds of the Capitol. That clearly gave aid and comfort to the insurrectionists."​

This lawyer needs disbarred for gross misconduct.
Democrats are truly desperate. House to house searches are next. Disloyalty to the party will not be tolerated.
Red herring fallacy – a failed attempt to deflect.

The thread is about Trump’s criminality and the likelihood of his being prosecuted.

The topic is not lying about Democrats.
Red herring fallacy – a failed attempt to deflect.

The thread is about Trump’s criminality and the likelihood of his being prosecuted.

The topic is not lying about Democrats.
Actually, the topic is the wildly unethical conduct of Trump's lawyer, who should be disbarred.
Trump’s efforts to intimidate Georgia elections officials to enter into a criminal conspiracy with Trump to commit election fraud in an effort to remain in power is clearly Trump’s most egregious and reprehensible criminal acts.
totally…ahi we’re these co-conspirators from GA?
Not because of the documents but because of his attempt to overturn the election.

As for Trump's legal future, Cobb said he does not believe the documents investigation is the biggest threat.​

"I think the president is in serious legal water, not so much because of the search, but because of the obstructive activity he took in connection with the Jan. 6 proceeding," Cobb said. "I think that and the attempts to interfere in the election count in Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania and perhaps Michigan. That was the first time in American history that a president unconstitutionally attempted to remain in power illegally."​

Cobb says he thinks the possibility of an indictment against Trump is "very high."​

In response to a question about Trump's attempts to deny the outcome of the 2020 election and overturn the results, Cobb, based on his extensive working relationship with Trump, said, "I believe former President Trump to be a deeply wounded narcissist, and he is often incapable of acting other than in his perceived self-interest or for revenge," Cobb said. "I think those are the two compelling instincts that guide his actions."​

Cobb also thinks that Trump's actions around the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol could lead him to be barred from running for the presidency again.​

"There is a simple way to disqualify President Trump," Cobb said. "He clearly violated the 14th Amendment of the Constitution's Article III when he gave aid and comfort and three hours of inaction with regard to what was happening on the grounds of the Capitol. That clearly gave aid and comfort to the insurrectionists."​

All these investigations are serious. They point to one common denominator; CORRUPTION FOR TRUMP.
totally…ahi we’re these co-conspirators from GA?
Powell and Giuliani are first hand witnesses, along with others like Eastman who was the architect.

Trump was so desperate, he exposed everything and everybody.

He needed to be president for a second term because of all his business deals.
Powell and Giuliani are first hand witnesses, along with others like Eastman who was the architect.

Trump was so desperate, he exposed everything and everybody.
so there wasn’t anyone from GA?

Eastman was a lawyer that wrote a legal theory…your demafasict gonna start prosecuting lawyers for giving legal advice you dislike?
Actually, the topic is the wildly unethical conduct of Trump's lawyer, who should be disbarred.
That's true, but where did that conduct come from? The head of the snake is going to be Trump. Just wait.
so there wasn’t anyone from GA?

Eastman was a lawyer that wrote a legal theory…your demafasict gonna start prosecuting lawyers for giving legal advice you dislike?
That theory was followed through by Trump himself, remember;

You got anymore stupid questions you want to ask?
Actually, the topic is the wildly unethical conduct of Trump's lawyer, who should be disbarred.
Any lawyer in opposition to the party is unethical. Any vote not for the party is an attack on the one party democratic rule, therefore treason.

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