Trump's future hangs in the balance: Possible charges as Classified Documents Probe may be announced after Memorial Day

The VP can declassify documents. See Obama's executive order.

Obama said that they could take out documents and leave them in their garages and around the house like Biden did? Oh, and Obama said they could have already taken the documents like all the ones Biden took as Senator? You'd be melting down if it was Trump. You idiots already impeached him for the Ukraine crap started by .... Hillary ....
Trump had the right as President to declassify documents. That ended on January 2,1, 2021.

He had no right to take documents home when he left office. He had no right to discuss them with anyone after he left the office. He had no right to lie to the records office or the FBI about them. Whether classified or not is immaterial.

I don't think convictions on J6 or the NY business accusations will jail him.

I do think convictions on the records fiasco and the George election interference will jail him.
If the President says he declassified them, they are declassified. His title of President is for life, or didn't you know that? The documents were on his watch. This constitutional privilege has never before been challenged, and it's only being challenged because the deep state Democrats want far more power than they have ever had, and they treat the Constitution like it isn't important to them. It is to others, and the Constitution does not specify when the President declassifies documents. There is a reason the founders used speech in the most truthful of ways that generations later can understand that if it is confusing, just follow the language definitions of the truth. President Trump has always behaved himself in a truthful way, and the demonic among Democrats, usually the deep state merely use their smears on the Constitution as gospel truth when nothing could be further from the truth than the deep state Demonrats who only respect power when they are in charge. You have been had, dear gentle horseman. Don't let the Democrat liars fool you with their fast-paced false narrative and false witness for the sole and only purpose of taking away the rights and power of opposition Presidents. Their evil never ends until they go to the happy hunting grounds where they can enjoy not having power obsessiveness. It's like a war, but under the Constitution they can't be totalitarians, and that hurts their little feewings. :rolleyes-41:
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This has nothing to do with a political disagreement. It’s Trump believing that he is above the law and can’t be touched.

I think we all should have the same freedoms. None of us have the freedom to defy a grand jury subpoena.
The Constitution does not support a totalitarian party the Democrats have created and embraced. That's your sociocommunist leader's real problems. They create narratives that appeal to people who are inconvenienced by the brotherhood it takes to accept people on the other side of the aisle in Congress. This one follows Mr.s Clinton's obsession that the Alinsky method be used against the people of America to be a domineering poop on their backs, picking their pockets for pet rock projects, and smearing anyone who tells them there is a better way called the Constitution. Boy does that piss the leaders of the Democrat party off. They don't want no stinking give-and-take. They want all the power, and they want all the power right now, no negotiations, no consideration for the people whose pockets they pick, and getting a sick man to tell the entire nation how much he hates his opponents, and smears them from the bully pulpit. You can have the bastard. Don't expect good people to lick his dirty feet, mired in the mud of selfishness, illegal extortions, and robbing the foreign aid package with threats against those who receive the packages for 30% of their take because they can.
Did Trump? He's pretty cavalier about confidential documents and national security.

Your smear doesn't matter to the Constitution. President Trump has lived within the confines of the Constitution, and it pisses the hell out of Chuckie, Nancy, Maxiner, Joe, and Hillary the sociocommunists who make unconscionable demands they'd never expect from themselves even. Bleh.
The MAGAs hate having to comply with the law. But they will, and many already have gone to jail. Obama gave the VP the authority to declassify documents. If Trump had immediately returned the documents when requested, there would not be the certainity that he will be going to trial: dead certainity.
If the President says he declassified them, they are declassified. His title of President is for life, or didn't you know that? The documents were on his watch. This constitutional privilege has never before been challenged, and it's only being challenged because the deep state Democrats want far more power than they have ever had, and they treat the Constitution like it isn't important to them. It is to others, and the Constitution does not specify when the President declassifies documents. There is a reason the founders used speech in the most truthful of ways that generations later can understand that if it is confusing, just follow the language definitions of the truth. President Trump has always behaved himself in a truthful way, and the demonic among Democrats, usually the deep state merely use their smears on the Constitution as gospel truth when nothing could be further from the truth than the deep state Demonrats who only respect power when they are in charge. You have been had, dear gentle horseman. Don't let the Democrat liars fool you with their fast-paced false narrative and false witness for the sole and only purpose of taking away the rights and power of opposition Presidents. Their evil never ends until they go to the happy hunting grounds where they can enjoy not having power obsessiveness. It's like a war, but under the Constitution they can't be totalitarians, and that hurts their little feewings. :rolleyes-41:
Trump's authority to have documents ended with his Presidency, which is certainly not for life. It ended January 20, 2021.

He is going to trial, beautress.
The MAGAs hate having to comply with the law. But they will, and many already have gone to jail. Obama gave the VP the authority to declassify documents. If Trump had immediately returned the documents when requested, there would not be the certainity that he will be going to trial: dead certainity.
President Trump declassified the documents when he took them. You don't understand how this works. The President says "Declassified" and it's done.
Trump's authority to have documents ended with his Presidency, which is certainly not for life. It ended January 20, 2021.

He is going to trial, beautress.
He shouldn't be going to court based on exercising his privileges as President. Other presidents took home papers that were important to them. The trouble with the Demonrats objecting and punishing, objecting and punishing, objecting and punishing, is a bad thing for American children who get the impression that if you lie on a constant basis, you can get what you want in life. It's satanic, and the Democrats worship money and power, and they don't realize that extorting American gifts in foreign aid packages is a serious crime, and they are defending it by playing like their opponent did something--anything wrong, when their president and vice president did a lot more than that. It won't be the first time the Democrats have used their satanic pitchfork on a Republican, pretending he broke a law they manufactured in their little dungeon in the safety of the basement of the Capitol building, excluding Republicans from decision-making, and then having their anger made public with their apparatchiks in their p'ownership with millions of Soros and Silicon Valley billionaires' dollars attached to the carrot sticks they push in the media faces who will do anything for money. They're all jazzed up about their success in fooling the people with a bombardment of paid-for creepsisters in the press making a killing off lies furnished by the punitive branch of the Demonrat party. It's a crummy world when the Democrats follow Hillary's Alinsky method of powermongering. They love to roll people in their mud and call them names, and they do it for power and narcissistic traits of true satanic demons.
President Trump declassified the documents when he took them. You don't understand how this works. The President says "Declassified" and it's done.

So if Trump declassified the documents in January 2021 prior to leaving office...

And a subpoena was issued by a court of law in June 2022 for the return of classified documents...
Why didn't Trump simply respond to the subpoena and notify the court that there were no classified documents at MAL since he had declassified everything?

If Trump had declassified everything, there should have been no documents to surrender. (But we know that he did surrender a redwall of classified documents in partially complying with the subpoena.)

So if Trump declassified the documents in January 2021 prior to leaving office...

And a subpoena was issued by a court of law in June 2022 for the return of classified documents...
Why didn't Trump simply respond to the subpoena and notify the court that there were no classified documents at MAL since he had declassified everything?

If Trump had declassified everything, there should have been no documents to surrender. (But we know that he did surrender a redwall of classified documents in partially complying with the subpoena.)

He had been giving them documents when requested. It's all staged to make Trump look bad.
He had been giving them documents when requested. It's all staged to make Trump look bad.
No he didn’t.

If he did, the FBI wouldn’t have found dozens of classified documents when they searched his property.
So if Trump declassified the documents in January 2021 prior to leaving office...

And a subpoena was issued by a court of law in June 2022 for the return of classified documents...
Why didn't Trump simply respond to the subpoena and notify the court that there were no classified documents at MAL since he had declassified everything?

If Trump had declassified everything, there should have been no documents to surrender. (But we know that he did surrender a redwall of classified documents in partially complying with the subpoena.)

Not quite. Whether a document was classified or declassified did not matter. Trump, like all Presidents, is subject to the records act, blew right through it, and said he could do whatever he wanted. No, he as a former President is not above the law in this matter.

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