Trump's future hangs in the balance: Possible charges as Classified Documents Probe may be announced after Memorial Day

This has nothing to do with a political disagreement. It’s Trump believing that he is above the law and can’t be touched.

I think we all should have the same freedoms. None of us have the freedom to defy a grand jury subpoena.

Trump was impeached for January 6 and also that is the basis of the primary charges against him.

Provide one quote from Trump that he supported the rioting on January 6 either before or after
Trump was impeached for January 6 and also that is the basis of the primary charges against him.

Provide one quote from Trump that he supported the rioting on January 6 either before or after
This has nothing to do with impeachment or January 6th.

This is about Trump who walked off with classified government documents and refused to give them back.

He’s not the victim here. This is happening because he made this problem for himself.
This has nothing to do with impeachment or January 6th.

This is about Trump who walked off with classified government documents and refused to give them back.

He’s not the victim here. This is happening because he made this problem for himself.

And as President, he had that power. Of course Democrats believe you get to nix Trump having the powers of the Presidency, but you don't. There's nothing that you get to approve his powers no matter how much you believe there is
And as President, he had that power. Of course Democrats believe you get to nix Trump having the powers of the Presidency, but you don't. There's nothing that you get to approve his powers no matter how much you believe there is
No, he did not have the power, no matter what he says, or what you say.
And as President, he had that power. Of course Democrats believe you get to nix Trump having the powers of the Presidency, but you don't. There's nothing that you get to approve his powers no matter how much you believe there is
Trump HAD that power when he was president but and LOST that power January 20th 2021.

Democrats didn’t mix Trump’s power of the presidency. The constitution did.
No, he did not have the power, no matter what he says, or what you say.

OOPS. Hey, sorry about crushing your balls there, LOL. Gawd you're stupid
World Watcher the emotional fag loses it again. Funny stuff, queer. Your little eyes are drowning in tears again. Awwww. We both know you're full of shit, which is why you're deflecting by obsessing over your girlish emotions. There there, baby girl, there there.

This is fun to you, huh? Faggot

I respond without emotion, make factual statements and post links.

You are having a meltdown and are reduced to sitting in the corner calling people names.

:itsok: :itsok:

I know it will get worse for you over the next few months, just know we are here to help.

I respond without emotion

Dude, you've responded with nothing but your female emotional baggage. Is it that time of the month? Shit, what's wrong with you, girl friend? We were discussing the topic and you had to run and put on a tampon
Dude, you've responded with nothing but your female emotional baggage. Is it that time of the month? Shit, what's wrong with you, girl friend? We were discussing the topic and you had to run and put on a tampon
:itsok: :itsok:

I know it will get worse for you over the next few months, just know we are here to help.

The problem for Ron is when the left attacks Trump.... Trump gets stronger....
DeSantis should have given Trump the opportunity to let him be his VP running mate. That would have given Trump the 4 year term, and
DeSantis would get his 8 years after that. It would have been great for America. The left is panting, nay, slobbering to turn America into a sociocommunist hellhole with them as the emperor with experiencing telling their presidential candidate what he can and cannot say and learn to time mischief for Republican candidates with more, more and many more lies of false witness to throw mud and the doubt that goes with it to the public at large who may be unaware they've been manipulated with manufactured narritives that haven't a lick of truth amongst them and th paid-for press reporters who haven't told the truthin their careers, because lying pays them so well by silicone valley moguls and narcissists like Soros. :cranky:
DeSantis should have given Trump the opportunity to let him be his VP running mate. That would have given Trump the 4 year term, and
DeSantis would get his 8 years after that.

So which one (Trump or DeSantis) would have either:

#1 Moved out of Florida to established residency in another state (Trump could move or DeSantis could resign as Governor and move),


#2 Given up the Electoral College vote from Florida (30 of 535 votes)?

DeSantis should have given Trump the opportunity to let him be his VP running mate. That would have given Trump the 4 year term, and
DeSantis would get his 8 years after that. It would have been great for America. The left is panting, nay, slobbering to turn America into a sociocommunist hellhole with them as the emperor with experiencing telling their presidential candidate what he can and cannot say and learn to time mischief for Republican candidates with more, more and many more lies of false witness to throw mud and the doubt that goes with it to the public at large who may be unaware they've been manipulated with manufactured narritives that haven't a lick of truth amongst them and th paid-for press reporters who haven't told the truthin their careers, because lying pays them so well by silicone valley moguls and narcissists like Soros. :cranky:
The painting of GW praying in the snow on his knees is an undocumented evangelical fantasy.
Thank you gay boy, but I'm good

It's OK Kaz, denial is the first stage of grief.


It will get better.


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