Trump's future hangs in the balance: Possible charges as Classified Documents Probe may be announced after Memorial Day

It is amazing we have people retarded enough to believe Donald Trump has the power to declassify even our nation's nuclear codes with his magical mind.

I mean...if you ever needed proof these people never actually THINK, there it is.
The painting of GW praying in the snow on his knees is an undocumented evangelical fantasy.
I see that you never bothered to visit the Library of Congress and read a few of President Washington's speeches asking God to bless this nation's people. I'd try it if you have anything meaningful to say after you read his speeches, of which there were many in his time of being our first President and the only President who received a 100% plurality vote.
It is amazing we have people retarded enough to believe Donald Trump has the power to declassify even our nation's nuclear codes with his magical mind.

I mean...if you ever needed proof these people never actually THINK, there it is.
That's what they're told in their world, so...

That's that.
I see that you never bothered to visit the Library of Congress and read a few of President Washington's speeches asking God to bless this nation's people. I'd try it if you have anything meaningful to say after you read his speeches, of which there were many in his time of being our first President and the only President who received a 100% plurality vote.
I have read almost everything that President Washington wrote or was recorded. He worshipped God, but he clearly was no proto-evangelical at all. He even refused to take communion during the service, walking on the grounds until that part of Holy Eucharist was concluded. He was a man of the Enlightenment rather than that of Enthusiasm.
DeSantis should have given Trump the opportunity to let him be his VP running mate. That would have given Trump the 4 year term, and
DeSantis would get his 8 years after that. It would have been great for America. The left is panting, nay, slobbering to turn America into a sociocommunist hellhole with them as the emperor with experiencing telling their presidential candidate what he can and cannot say and learn to time mischief for Republican candidates with more, more and many more lies of false witness to throw mud and the doubt that goes with it to the public at large who may be unaware they've been manipulated with manufactured narritives that haven't a lick of truth amongst them and th paid-for press reporters who haven't told the truthin their careers, because lying pays them so well by silicone valley moguls and narcissists like Soros. :cranky:
I agree but I think they can't both be from the same state by law...
You might be thinking of the 12th Amendment, but it doesn't place any limites on the President and Vice-Presidential candidates. The limit is placed on the EC Electors if both are from the same state.

Thank you...
This has nothing to do with impeachment or January 6th.

This is about Trump who walked off with classified government documents and refused to give them back.

He’s not the victim here. This is happening because he made this problem for himself.
You didn't know that President Trump had the right to declassify those documents? He did exactly that and he did absolutely no harm, no foul, and his haters want to rewrite the Constitution so they can take over the world and send this nation down to the Communist hellhole they masterbate over. The deep state Democrat liars are NOT NICE PEOPLE. Get it? If you don't maybe you enjoy being a hater too and you are not going to win. From President Trump's enthusiastic Iowa supporters I saw tonight, the Democrats need to stop being dogs and they need to go down, boy, down.
You didn't know that President Trump had the right to declassify those documents? He did exactly that and he did absolutely no harm, no foul, and his haters want to rewrite the Constitution so they can take over the world and send this nation down to the Communist hellhole they masterbate over. The deep state Democrat liars are NOT NICE PEOPLE. Get it? If you don't maybe you enjoy being a hater too and you are not going to win. From President Trump's enthusiastic Iowa supporters I saw tonight, the Democrats need to stop being dogs and they need to go down, boy, down.
Whether Trump did or didn’t declassify those documents isn’t relevant.

He didn’t have a right to lie to the government about complying with a subpoena.

That’s called obstruction of justice and is a crime.
No, he did not have the power, no matter what he says, or what you say.
He certainly did have that power. He was the President of the United States of America. He did no wrong whatever. The Democrats have this nasty little habit of pretending that President Trump broke the law. There was no law that was broken there. Trump acted withing the paradigm of correct behaviors at all times. The dirty trick demmies who are your leaders have fooled you, and they'll do it again, you can bank on that because they are unaware of how their greed for power is clear to the American people, and if Iowa is a good thermostat for supporting President Trump, the judicial branch of the government may consider returning to justice that weighs issues, will not be pushing their thumb down on the scale of Justice. Should they make that mistake, they'll be answering to the Supreme Court who will do the absolute right thing, which means the Democrat lies will subject their dereliction of duty to the corruption that says Republicans have no rights, but Democrats do. When this happens, there is going to be a monumental flood of borderline Democrats walking away from the criminals pushing people around from the Democrat nidus where the corrupt leaders plan their omerta crimes to make their rivals look bad. That's what Democrats do and have been doing since the mid nineteenth century when one of them assassinated President Lincoln. :cranky:
Trump had the right as President to declassify documents. That ended on January 2,1, 2021.

He had no right to take documents home when he left office. He had no right to discuss them with anyone after he left the office. He had no right to lie to the records office or the FBI about them. Whether classified or not is immaterial.

I don't think convictions on J6 or the NY business accusations will jail him.

I do think convictions on the records fiasco and the George election interference will jail him.
Because none of you leftists making that claim have ever backed it up, including you

I've provided the link to Obama's EO, as have others, why do you ignore it? Here is an article that gives a fuller explanation:

Right, Trump had the authority and took them while President.

From the article above:

Under this order, classification levels, standards, handling and declassification procedures are spelled out and subjects everyone in the federal government, including the president, to following these standards...

...An individual needing to see a Top Secret document often must sign the document out and sign it back in on return, often times to only be used in a Sensitive Compartment Information Facility (SCIF).

Both the President and VP are subject to those rules and have the authority.

Biden took them as a Senator then VP when he did not have that authority.
As noted before, both Biden and Pence, who was also found to have classified material, have that authority. If Senators have the appropriate security clearance, they have the authority to take and return classified material, and have to follow the same procedures.

I know you made the unsubstantiated claim that he did have the authority as VP, but you ignored the Senator ones and didn't prove the VP ones, which no one knows about apparently but leftists

So...what exactly do you consider to be "substantiating" a claim? I provided Obama's EO, which makes all the rules around classified material uniform, and I suppied an article explaining it.

Again, claim with no evidence

See above.

Senators can see classified documents, but they cannot remove them. Like the VP. I think what you're confusing is that the entire White House is a SCIF. Which means that within the White House, they are the same. But the VP cannot declassify them and/or remove them.
You are wrong about that as per Obama's EO,.

SCI, from what I understand is a particular sub-classification of SOME Top Secret material. I think you are confused in thinking all classified or TS material is subject to SCI rules.

Source: Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) Program.

Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) is information about certain intelligence sources and methods and can include information pertaining to sensitive collection systems, analytical processing, and targeting, or which is derived from it. Access to SCI is only granted to individuals who have a need-to-know, have been granted a Top Secret clearance by Personnel Security (PerSec), and are approved by the Department of Commerce’s Intelligence Community granting agency, and only upon completion of a separate Nondisclosure Agreement, the IC Form 4414.

Information that has been determined to be SCI may only be stored and used in a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF). SCIFs have specific construction requirements, and their subsequent accreditation is separate from those for Controlled Areas and is coordinated by the Department’s Special Security Officer (SSO).

But I don't know what you're confusing since you've provided no link
I've provided the link to Obama's EO, as have others, why do you ignore it? Here is an article that gives a fuller explanation:

From the article above:

Under this order, classification levels, standards, handling and declassification procedures are spelled out and subjects everyone in the federal government, including the president, to following these standards...

...An individual needing to see a Top Secret document often must sign the document out and sign it back in on return, often times to only be used in a Sensitive Compartment Information Facility (SCIF).

Both the President and VP are subject to those rules and have the authority.

As noted before, both Biden and Pence, who was also found to have classified material, have that authority. If Senators have the appropriate security clearance, they have the authority to take and return classified material, and have to follow the same procedures.

So...what exactly do you consider to be "substantiating" a claim? I provided Obama's EO, which makes all the rules around classified material uniform, and I suppied an article explaining it.

See above.

You are wrong about that as per Obama's EO,.

SCI, from what I understand is a particular sub-classification of SOME Top Secret material. I think you are confused in thinking all classified or TS material is subject to SCI rules.

Source: Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) Program.

Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) is information about certain intelligence sources and methods and can include information pertaining to sensitive collection systems, analytical processing, and targeting, or which is derived from it. Access to SCI is only granted to individuals who have a need-to-know, have been granted a Top Secret clearance by Personnel Security (PerSec), and are approved by the Department of Commerce’s Intelligence Community granting agency, and only upon completion of a separate Nondisclosure Agreement, the IC Form 4414.

Information that has been determined to be SCI may only be stored and used in a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF). SCIFs have specific construction requirements, and their subsequent accreditation is separate from those for Controlled Areas and is coordinated by the Department’s Special Security Officer (SSO).

Wow,, so it made sense that Biden had documents all around his beach house and genuinely didn't know they were there!!!!!

What a load of bull. You slice hairs all over, but nothing you said changes that Biden had them all over his house and in the garage and attacked Trump for having secret documents he didn't return and was innocent as the driven snow as you ridiculously claim
Wow,, so it made sense that Biden had documents all around his beach house and genuinely didn't know they were there!!!!!

What a load of bull. You slice hairs all over, but nothing you said changes that Biden had them all over his house and in the garage and attacked Trump for having secret documents he didn't return and was innocent as the driven snow as you ridiculously claim
kaz, give it up.
Wow,, so it made sense that Biden had documents all around his beach house and genuinely didn't know they were there!!!!!

What a load of bull. You slice hairs all over, but nothing you said changes that Biden had them all over his house and in the garage and attacked Trump for having secret documents he didn't return and was innocent as the driven snow as you ridiculously claim

Oh for heaven's sakes, your post is an emotional catastrophe that conveniently avoided every point I made.and showed what of time it is to provide sources and facts.

I guess I'll go back to my original question: What is uour excuse for Trump? ....and, let's add - what about Pence?
That's a lie. The Vice President can't declassify the documents, only the President can. So only the President can declassify them and take them himself. The VP would have to ASK the President to declassify them to take them IF the President agrees. The VP otherwise cannot remove them from the White House.

Aren't you reading about any of this?

And as Senator, it's even worse. Senators cannot remove them. They don't pat them down, but they look through their bags and look at what they are taking. The only think Biden could have done is LITERALLY stick them in his clothing to hide them. LITERALLY that's the only way to get them out.

Again, aren't you reading any articles about any of this? There's plenty on it if you look
The VP can declassify documents. See Obama's executive order.

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