Trump's future hangs in the balance: Possible charges as Classified Documents Probe may be announced after Memorial Day

Technically you are both correct. Until Noon on January 20, 2021 President Trump did have the authority.

However at Noon on January 20, 2021 he was required by law to turn them back over to the NARA because they were (and remained) the property of the United States government. So technically he could take them when he was POTUS, but could not keep them as FPOTUS.

Carry on.


Bull shit, you have no basis to claim the FBI can "take them back." You're full of shit. No wonder there is no link to your stupid crap.

Trump took the documents when he was President. End of story. But to you leftists, Biden having them all over his residence when he WAS NOT PRESIDENT, silence ...
Technically you are both correct. Until Noon on January 20, 2021 President Trump did have the authority.

However at Noon on January 20, 2021 he was required by law to turn them back over to the NARA because they were (and remained) the property of the United States government. So technically he could take them when he was POTUS, but could not keep them as FPOTUS.

Carry on.


Bull shit, you have no basis to claim the FBI can "take them back." You're full of shit. No wonder there is no link to your stupid crap.

Trump took the documents when he was President. End of story. But to you leftists, Biden having them all over his residence when he WAS NOT PRESIDENT, silence ...

I didn't mention the FBI in my post at all. Yet you claim I did and then call it full of shit.


However, the NARA/FBI DID have a basis for "taking them back" which is that under the Presidential Records Act of 1978 Presidential Records are the property of the United States (first link) let alone being in possession of classified documents. See image below.


As a result the NARA/FBI DID have a basis for "taking them back" embodied in the search warrant issued by a court of law based on presentation of probable cause.

There is just one document which specifies that the VP has the same authority as the P when it comes to classified material. Why do you ignore it?
Because none of you leftists making that claim have ever backed it up, including you

Trump had that authority while he was P (as well as Pence and Biden while VP) but NONE of them had it once they left office. How long are you going to go around and around on this?
Right, Trump had the authority and took them while President.

Biden took them as a Senator then VP when he did not have that authority. I know you made the unsubstantiated claim that he did have the authority as VP, but you ignored the Senator ones and didn't prove the VP ones, which no one knows about apparently but leftists

Let's untangle this a bit.

The P and VP have the same authority regarding regarding classified material, but only while in office.

Again, claim with no evidence
Not sure about Senators except they they do have the ability to classify and declassify material that originated with them or what ever investigations they are carrying out.

Senators can see classified documents, but they cannot remove them. Like the VP. I think what you're confusing is that the entire White House is a SCIF. Which means that within the White House, they are the same. But the VP cannot declassify them and/or remove them.

But I don't know what you're confusing since you've provided no link
I didn't mention the FBI in my post at all. Yet you claim I did and then call it full of shit.


Talk about ramming an irrelevant point up your own ass. That he returns them to the FBI wasn't part of any point. But you enjoy making yourself squeal like a pig


However, the NARA/FBI DID have a basis for "taking them back" which is that under the Presidential Records Act of 1978 Presidential Records are the property of the United States (first link) let alone being in possession of classified documents. See image below.

View attachment 790761

As a result the NARA/FBI DID have a basis for "taking them back" embodied in the search warrant issued by a court of law based on presentation of probable cause.


What is with you idiots and the 500 page eye charts? If you can't dazzle them with your wit, baffle them with your bull
So...setting all the emotional blather aside, what is your excuse for Trump?

God, and you lose it in another emotional melt down. There is zero emotional in my post, pull the sick out. I can't believe a mod is spewing that kind of bull. You're emotional! You're emotional! Grow up
Talk about ramming an irrelevant point up your own ass. That he returns them to the FBI wasn't part of any point. But you enjoy making yourself squeal like a pig

What is with you idiots and the 500 page eye charts? If you can't dazzle them with your wit, baffle them with your bull

That's OK Kaz.

:itsok: :itsok:

You should pace yourself, the next year is going to be pretty rough on you.

Awww, poor widdle guy. There there, cry your wittle eyes out.


I'm not crying my eyes out because Trump was caught on tape discussion classified documents in his possession after he left office.

:itsok: :itsok:

This must be a very hard time for you. You have my sincere condolences.

I'm not crying my eyes out because Trump was caught on tape discussion classified documents in his possession after he left office.

:itsok: :itsok:

This must be a very hard time for you. You have my sincere condolences.


World Watcher the emotional fag loses it again. Funny stuff, queer. Your little eyes are drowning in tears again. Awwww. We both know you're full of shit, which is why you're deflecting by obsessing over your girlish emotions. There there, baby girl, there there.

This is fun to you, huh? Faggot
A rogue leftist grand jury can ignore a lot of things
Call it what you want, it doesn’t change the legal validity of it, not to mention the repercussions of choosing to defy it.
Bull shit, you have no basis to claim the FBI can "take them back." You're full of shit. No wonder there is no link to your stupid crap.

Trump took the documents when he was President. End of story. But to you leftists, Biden having them all over his residence when he WAS NOT PRESIDENT, silence ...
Biden made an honest mistake. Trump said he could do whatever he wanted with the documents: watched a clip of him telling Caitlan Collins that exact thing.

kaz, you are getting your butt busted as you post almost every time, but you don't learn, because you are infectedwith Trump Devotional Syndrome.
Call it what you want, it doesn’t change the legal validity of it, not to mention the repercussions of choosing to defy it.

Well, we are almost done as a country if your party is successful in criminalizing political disagreement, and you're almost there. You'd be losing your mind if Republicans were trying to arrest Biden and he is a criminal. When you win, asshat, you'll have no more freedom than I do
Biden made an honest mistake. Trump said he could do whatever he wanted with the documents: watched a clip of him telling Caitlan Collins that exact thing.

kaz, you are getting your butt busted as you post almost every time, but you don't learn, because you are infectedwith Trump Devotional Syndrome.

John Edgar Slow Horses: Biden made an honest mistake, seven times

Fixed it for you. I mean shit man, documents were all over. There is no point that your brain performs critical thinking, is there?
Well, we are almost done as a country if your party is successful in criminalizing political disagreement, and you're almost there. You'd be losing your mind if Republicans were trying to arrest Biden and he is a criminal. When you win, asshat, you'll have no more freedom than I do
This has nothing to do with a political disagreement. It’s Trump believing that he is above the law and can’t be touched.

I think we all should have the same freedoms. None of us have the freedom to defy a grand jury subpoena.

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