Trump's future hangs in the balance: Possible charges as Classified Documents Probe may be announced after Memorial Day

Do you know every single document you have in every box of old files you have? I sure as hell don't. When people leave office there is lot of stuff to pack up very quickly. I doubt they even do it themselves, they have aids or others do it for them.

It was careless, not criminal, unless the investigation finds evidence it was intentional.

Continually illegally takes documents? Where do you pull that from?

Speaking of "fitness", what's your excuse for Trump?

So you're going to just continue to believe anything from Democrats no matter how ridiculous is completely innocent with childlike belief while any Republican in any circumstance is the manifestation of evil. You're a shitty American, straight up. Trump was impeached twice, including one for a hoax started by Hillary and the other for supporting a coup without a single quote of his saying he supports a coup. Here's your objection. Oh wait, there isn't one ...
Trump is on tape saying he knew the documents were classified, talked about how difficult it is to declassify documents (which undercuts him saying he automatically declassified everything), and talked about how he wanted to share the classified information about an Iran invasion plan with people not cleared to view classified information.

This is looking worse and worse for Trump.
It's pretty funny that you're pounding through all these documents to find somethings to justify Biden while you don't care your compatriots completely ignore that Trump was President and there is zero question that he had the authority to take them.

Or are you arguing now the Senators and VP can but the President can't. It's incredible how far leftist nuts will go to just say any Democrat is fine, don't worry about the law. But if you're a Republican following the law, worry
Trump had no authority to take them: what a bald-faced lie you can't support.
It's pretty funny that you're pounding through all these documents to find somethings to justify Biden while you don't care your compatriots completely ignore that Trump was President and there is zero question that he had the authority to take them.

Trump had no authority to take them: what a bald-faced lie you can't support.

Technically you are both correct. Until Noon on January 20, 2021 President Trump did have the authority.

However at Noon on January 20, 2021 he was required by law to turn them back over to the NARA because they were (and remained) the property of the United States government. So technically he could take them when he was POTUS, but could not keep them as FPOTUS.

Carry on.

Technically you are both correct. Until Noon on January 20, 2021 President Trump did have the authority.

However at Noon on January 20, 2021 he was required by law to turn them back over to the NARA because they were (and remained) the property of the United States government. So technically he could take them when he was POTUS, but could not keep them as FPOTUS.

Carry on.

Ok why does a senator Biden have classified documents in his home?
I asked you a direct question
You never answered it
Do you believe high level employees handle classified documents any differently than low level employees with the same security clearance?
I did answer it but you cropped it out.

Yes. I do think it is different at the highest level of government. One caveat is that we aren’t talking about high level employees. We are talking about the vice president.

My response that you ignored and pretended like it didn’t exist:
There is Congressional testimony and numerous news stories about how the president and vice president operate with classified information in an open way, having these briefings and binders in their offices and residences without having to be confined to a SCIF.
It's pretty funny that you're pounding through all these documents to find somethings to justify Biden while you don't care your compatriots completely ignore that Trump was President and there is zero question that he had the authority to take them.

There is just one document which specifies that the VP has the same authority as the P when it comes to classified material. Why do you ignore it?

Trump had that authority while he was P (as well as Pence and Biden while VP) but NONE of them had it once they left office. How long are you going to go around and around on this?

Or are you arguing now the Senators and VP can but the President can't. It's incredible how far leftist nuts will go to just say any Democrat is fine, don't worry about the law. But if you're a Republican following the law, worry
Let's untangle this a bit.

The P and VP have the same authority regarding regarding classified material, but only while in office.

Not sure about Senators except they they do have the ability to classify and declassify material that originated with them or what ever investigations they are carrying out.
So you're going to just continue to believe anything from Democrats no matter how ridiculous is completely innocent with childlike belief while any Republican in any circumstance is the manifestation of evil. You're a shitty American, straight up. Trump was impeached twice, including one for a hoax started by Hillary and the other for supporting a coup without a single quote of his saying he supports a coup. Here's your objection. Oh wait, there isn't one ...
So...setting all the emotional blather aside, what is your excuse for Trump?
I did answer it but you cropped it out.

Yes. I do think it is different at the highest level of government. One caveat is that we aren’t talking about high level employees. We are talking about the vice president.

My response that you ignored and pretended like it didn’t exist:
I cut it out because it was irrelevant word salad of no value
What makes you believe high level employees handle classified documents differently than low level employees with the same classification clearance?
FYI it's no difference you have the clearance to handle classified documents you receive the same training as anyone else with the same security clearance
I cut it out because it was irrelevant word salad of no value
What makes you believe high level employees handle classified documents differently than low level employees with the same classification clearance?
FYI it's no difference you have the clearance to handle classified documents you receive the same training as anyone else with the same security clearance
It wasn’t a word salad, in fact if you had read it you wouldn’t be asking the questions I already answered.

There is Congressional testimony and numerous news stories

The president and vice president don’t operate in the same way low level government employees do. I don’t think that’s a controversial statement.
It wasn’t a word salad, in fact if you had read it you wouldn’t be asking the questions I already answered.

The president and vice president don’t operate in the same way low level government employees do. I don’t think that’s a controversial statement.
It was an irrelevant dodge consisting of word salad. Since you've already said you've never had a security clearance move on
It was an irrelevant dodge consisting of word salad. Since you've already said you've never had a security clearance move on
It precisely answered your question but you don’t want to acknowledge it. Instead you’ll pretend not to understand it, but it’s plain English anyone can read.

Have you ever worked in the office of the vice president?
I don't think the OP is very Conservative!

Just saying.
It precisely answered your question but you don’t want to acknowledge it. Instead you’ll pretend not to understand it, but it’s plain English anyone can read.

Have you ever worked in the office of the vice president?
No it wasn't you gave your lack of knowledge opinion whether than the actual training standards .

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