Trump's government shutdown is not a 'vacation' for federal workers like my husband

I've seen it reported that the federal contractors will not receive back-pay. They were just forced into limbo with no apparent way to recoup more than a month's lost wages.

Dear Wilbur Ross: My husband is a furloughed employee. We are a single-income family. Here's what the shutdown actually feels like.

Jan. 25, 2019, 9:03 AM PST
By Katherine Zimmerman

A few days into this snowballing disaster of a partial government shutdown, President Donald Trump’s chief economic adviser Kevin Hasset made the mind-bending statement that this involuntary cessation of work is like a vacation for federal workers. On Monday, Trump’s daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, said the shutdown was causing “a little bit of pain,” but that future generations would thank furloughed workers for their sacrifice. And then on Thursday, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross told Bloomberg he “didn’t understand” why the shutdown was forcing some furloughed federal workers to seek out food banks and suggested they simply go to a real bank and snap up a loan.

Well Secretary Ross, my husband is a furloughed USDA employee. We are a single-income family. And let me tell you, we are neither on a vacation nor suffering just a “a little bit of pain.”

Continued here
Opinion | Dear Wilbur Ross: Furloughed workers like my husband are not on a "vacation"
This year maybe stop buying Take Out three times a week. YOU go out and find a job!
If your choice instead is to sit on the couch and eat junk food and 'make another baby' don't blame anyone but yourself.
I've seen it reported that the federal contractors will not receive back-pay. They were just forced into limbo with no apparent way to recoup more than a month's lost wages.

Dear Wilbur Ross: My husband is a furloughed employee. We are a single-income family. Here's what the shutdown actually feels like.

Jan. 25, 2019, 9:03 AM PST
By Katherine Zimmerman

A few days into this snowballing disaster of a partial government shutdown, President Donald Trump’s chief economic adviser Kevin Hasset made the mind-bending statement that this involuntary cessation of work is like a vacation for federal workers. On Monday, Trump’s daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, said the shutdown was causing “a little bit of pain,” but that future generations would thank furloughed workers for their sacrifice. And then on Thursday, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross told Bloomberg he “didn’t understand” why the shutdown was forcing some furloughed federal workers to seek out food banks and suggested they simply go to a real bank and snap up a loan.

Well Secretary Ross, my husband is a furloughed USDA employee. We are a single-income family. And let me tell you, we are neither on a vacation nor suffering just a “a little bit of pain.”

Continued here
Opinion | Dear Wilbur Ross: Furloughed workers like my husband are not on a "vacation"

Here would have been my response

Dear Katherinne

I don't understand a few things. Such as if this. If you can afford to be a single income household, surely you had some savings put back in case the sole bread winner in your family was unable to work for a short time?

If not, then pretty dumb of you to be a single income family

Love Wilbur
I've seen it reported that the federal contractors will not receive back-pay. They were just forced into limbo with no apparent way to recoup more than a month's lost wages.

Dear Wilbur Ross: My husband is a furloughed employee. We are a single-income family. Here's what the shutdown actually feels like.

Jan. 25, 2019, 9:03 AM PST
By Katherine Zimmerman

A few days into this snowballing disaster of a partial government shutdown, President Donald Trump’s chief economic adviser Kevin Hasset made the mind-bending statement that this involuntary cessation of work is like a vacation for federal workers. On Monday, Trump’s daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, said the shutdown was causing “a little bit of pain,” but that future generations would thank furloughed workers for their sacrifice. And then on Thursday, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross told Bloomberg he “didn’t understand” why the shutdown was forcing some furloughed federal workers to seek out food banks and suggested they simply go to a real bank and snap up a loan.

Well Secretary Ross, my husband is a furloughed USDA employee. We are a single-income family. And let me tell you, we are neither on a vacation nor suffering just a “a little bit of pain.”

Continued here
Opinion | Dear Wilbur Ross: Furloughed workers like my husband are not on a "vacation"
You work for the government and know there is a continuing resolution every year. Prior planning if you don't have an emergency fund.
---------------------------------- yeah , if i understand your post correctly Prior Planning and Preparation is whats important . Its like these 'gov workers' expect that the Gravy Train that taxpayers provide will never end .
You should be writing to Nancy Pelosi to tell her to stop playing games with border security so another shutdown won't be necessary.

“If we don’t get what we want, one way or the other, whether it’s through you, through military, through anything you want to call, I will shut down the government. And I am proud. I’ll tell you what. I am proud to shut down the government for border security, Chuck. Because the people of this country don’t want criminals and people that have lots of problems and drugs pouring into our country. So I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. I’m not going to blame you for it. The last time you shut it down, it didn’t work. I will take the mantle of shutting down. I’m going to shut it down for border security.” ~ @realdonaldtrump, the government shut ‘er downer
So the question is, why was Pelosi playing games with border security when she knew it would lead to a shutdown? As you have previously pointed out, Schumer claimed he had offered Trump all the funding for border security he wanted in exchange for a path to citizenship for the so called "dreamers" so clearly the Democrats were not opposed to the border fence, so why did they force the shutdown over an issue they didn't oppose as a matter of policy?

“If we don’t get what we want, one way or the other, whether it’s through you, through military, through anything you want to call, I will shut down the government. And I am proud. I’ll tell you what. I am proud to shut down the government for border security, Chuck. Because the people of this country don’t want criminals and people that have lots of problems and drugs pouring into our country. So I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. I’m not going to blame you for it. The last time you shut it down, it didn’t work. I will take the mantle of shutting down. I’m going to shut it down for border security.” ~ @realdonaldtrump, the government shut ‘er downer
So the question is, why was Pelosi playing games with border security when she knew it would lead to a shutdown? As you have previously pointed out, Schumer claimed he had offered Trump all the funding for border security he wanted in exchange for a path to citizenship for the so called "dreamers" so clearly the Democrats were not opposed to the border fence, so why did they force the shutdown over an issue they didn't oppose as a matter of policy?
You have a mental disorder. I can’t help you there.

Trump shut the border down.

Your ignorance is getting in the way of your understanding again. In 2013, three years before Trump became President, Chuck Schumer presented a bill to the Senate (S. 744) that provided billions of dollars for hundreds of border fence, more billions of dollars for surveillance and communications equipment to make it a smart fence, more money to hire thousands more Border Patrol agents, that ended the visa lottery and chain immigration, and provided a point system that would change our immigration rules so that people will be vetted on their ability to contribute to America rather than on the basis of family. Pretty much all the things Trump wants and every Democrat in the Senate voted in favor of this bill, so why did the Democrats oppose the same thing now that Trump was President knowing full well it would lead to a shutdown? Clearly, the woman should have sent her letter of complaint to Pelosi and Schumer instead of the President.
”In 2013, three years before Trump became President, Chuck Schumer presented a bill to the Senate (S. 744) that provided billions of dollars for hundreds of border fence”

And they built it. Now trump wants to rebuild it.

No dice.
Once again, your understanding is limited by your ignorance. In 2006, the fence was built, but in 2013, the Democrats and Republicans wanted to build a better fence, but the bill included provisions for trying to find a path to citizenship for the estimated 11,000 illegals living in the US and while the bill passed the Senate by a large margin, the Republican controlled House refused to bring it to a vote and it never became law, but all the Democrats in the Senate, including many who serve in the Senate today supported everything that President Trump wants to do right up until the President said he wanted to do it. So clearly the Democrats' opposition to funding the fence has nothing to do with disagreeing with the President's policy on immigration but only with the fact there is a Republican in the WH now, and this shows the utter indifference of the Democrats and their supporters to the hardships caused by the shutdown, and that's why the letter should have been addressed to Pelosi and Schumer.
Now you’re flat out lying. Republicans killed that bill.

Then in 2018, Republicans killed another chance at a similar bill.

Now they’ve got shit.
I've seen it reported that the federal contractors will not receive back-pay. They were just forced into limbo with no apparent way to recoup more than a month's lost wages.

Dear Wilbur Ross: My husband is a furloughed employee. We are a single-income family. Here's what the shutdown actually feels like.

Jan. 25, 2019, 9:03 AM PST
By Katherine Zimmerman

A few days into this snowballing disaster of a partial government shutdown, President Donald Trump’s chief economic adviser Kevin Hasset made the mind-bending statement that this involuntary cessation of work is like a vacation for federal workers. On Monday, Trump’s daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, said the shutdown was causing “a little bit of pain,” but that future generations would thank furloughed workers for their sacrifice. And then on Thursday, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross told Bloomberg he “didn’t understand” why the shutdown was forcing some furloughed federal workers to seek out food banks and suggested they simply go to a real bank and snap up a loan.

Well Secretary Ross, my husband is a furloughed USDA employee. We are a single-income family. And let me tell you, we are neither on a vacation nor suffering just a “a little bit of pain.”

Continued here
Opinion | Dear Wilbur Ross: Furloughed workers like my husband are not on a "vacation"

Only losers depend on government contract work. No one cares. Better yet, how about you get another income coming into the home? A family is typically a team effort.
I don't care about government workers. They prospered and grew fat during the Obama years while people in the private sector lost their homes and lost their jobs.

That they did. They never experienced what the rest of the country did. They don't get fired. They don't get laid off. They get a cost of living increase each year. They live in a bubble and couldn't care less how everyone else had to live during those years.

As for back pay?? Anyone in the private sector ever get back pay when they were laid off or furloughed? I know they didn't.

I don't have a damn to give about their complaints.
No one in the private sector ever had their CEO make a bullshit promise that he knew was bullshit when he made it -- then to save face with people who DOES NOT even work for him, insist on not paying his employees while expecting them to continue working...

Oh by the way, the president is not the CEO....and federal employees DO NOT work for him.
I've seen it reported that the federal contractors will not receive back-pay. They were just forced into limbo with no apparent way to recoup more than a month's lost wages.

Dear Wilbur Ross: My husband is a furloughed employee. We are a single-income family. Here's what the shutdown actually feels like.

Jan. 25, 2019, 9:03 AM PST
By Katherine Zimmerman

A few days into this snowballing disaster of a partial government shutdown, President Donald Trump’s chief economic adviser Kevin Hasset made the mind-bending statement that this involuntary cessation of work is like a vacation for federal workers. On Monday, Trump’s daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, said the shutdown was causing “a little bit of pain,” but that future generations would thank furloughed workers for their sacrifice. And then on Thursday, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross told Bloomberg he “didn’t understand” why the shutdown was forcing some furloughed federal workers to seek out food banks and suggested they simply go to a real bank and snap up a loan.

Well Secretary Ross, my husband is a furloughed USDA employee. We are a single-income family. And let me tell you, we are neither on a vacation nor suffering just a “a little bit of pain.”

Continued here
Opinion | Dear Wilbur Ross: Furloughed workers like my husband are not on a "vacation"
banks were offering forebarence on mortgages. These workers were in no danger of losing their homes.
Let this be a lesson. Democrats care more about illegal aliens, drug dealers and sex traffickers than they do about you and what your pain means.

Let that guide you.

“If we don’t get what we want, one way or the other, whether it’s through you, through military, through anything you want to call, I will shut down the government. And I am proud. I’ll tell you what. I am proud to shut down the government for border security, Chuck. Because the people of this country don’t want criminals and people that have lots of problems and drugs pouring into our country. So I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. I’m not going to blame you for it. The last time you shut it down, it didn’t work. I will take the mantle of shutting down. I’m going to shut it down for border security.” ~ @realdonaldtrump, the government shut ‘er downer
So the question is, why was Pelosi playing games with border security when she knew it would lead to a shutdown? As you have previously pointed out, Schumer claimed he had offered Trump all the funding for border security he wanted in exchange for a path to citizenship for the so called "dreamers" so clearly the Democrats were not opposed to the border fence, so why did they force the shutdown over an issue they didn't oppose as a matter of policy?
So the question is, why was Pelosi playing games with border security when she knew it would lead to a shutdown? As you have previously pointed out, Schumer claimed he had offered Trump all the funding for border security he wanted in exchange for a path to citizenship for the so called "dreamers" so clearly the Democrats were not opposed to the border fence, so why did they force the shutdown over an issue they didn't oppose as a matter of policy?
You have a mental disorder. I can’t help you there.

Trump shut the border down.

Your ignorance is getting in the way of your understanding again. In 2013, three years before Trump became President, Chuck Schumer presented a bill to the Senate (S. 744) that provided billions of dollars for hundreds of border fence, more billions of dollars for surveillance and communications equipment to make it a smart fence, more money to hire thousands more Border Patrol agents, that ended the visa lottery and chain immigration, and provided a point system that would change our immigration rules so that people will be vetted on their ability to contribute to America rather than on the basis of family. Pretty much all the things Trump wants and every Democrat in the Senate voted in favor of this bill, so why did the Democrats oppose the same thing now that Trump was President knowing full well it would lead to a shutdown? Clearly, the woman should have sent her letter of complaint to Pelosi and Schumer instead of the President.
”In 2013, three years before Trump became President, Chuck Schumer presented a bill to the Senate (S. 744) that provided billions of dollars for hundreds of border fence”

And they built it. Now trump wants to rebuild it.

No dice.
Once again, your understanding is limited by your ignorance. In 2006, the fence was built, but in 2013, the Democrats and Republicans wanted to build a better fence, but the bill included provisions for trying to find a path to citizenship for the estimated 11,000 illegals living in the US and while the bill passed the Senate by a large margin, the Republican controlled House refused to bring it to a vote and it never became law, but all the Democrats in the Senate, including many who serve in the Senate today supported everything that President Trump wants to do right up until the President said he wanted to do it. So clearly the Democrats' opposition to funding the fence has nothing to do with disagreeing with the President's policy on immigration but only with the fact there is a Republican in the WH now, and this shows the utter indifference of the Democrats and their supporters to the hardships caused by the shutdown, and that's why the letter should have been addressed to Pelosi and Schumer.
Now you’re flat out lying. Republicans killed that bill.

Then in 2018, Republicans killed another chance at a similar bill.

Now they’ve got shit.
I didn't lie about anything, but you're just trying to dodge the fact that the Democrats supported President Trump's immigration reforms in 2013 and now have opposed them only because there is a Republican in the WH. If you want to find liars, look at the Democrats like Schuner or Sanders or Durbin and many more who are now trying to find arguments against the same policies they supported right up until President Trump also wanted them.
So the question is, why was Pelosi playing games with border security when she knew it would lead to a shutdown? As you have previously pointed out, Schumer claimed he had offered Trump all the funding for border security he wanted in exchange for a path to citizenship for the so called "dreamers" so clearly the Democrats were not opposed to the border fence, so why did they force the shutdown over an issue they didn't oppose as a matter of policy?
You have a mental disorder. I can’t help you there.

Trump shut the border down.

Your ignorance is getting in the way of your understanding again. In 2013, three years before Trump became President, Chuck Schumer presented a bill to the Senate (S. 744) that provided billions of dollars for hundreds of border fence, more billions of dollars for surveillance and communications equipment to make it a smart fence, more money to hire thousands more Border Patrol agents, that ended the visa lottery and chain immigration, and provided a point system that would change our immigration rules so that people will be vetted on their ability to contribute to America rather than on the basis of family. Pretty much all the things Trump wants and every Democrat in the Senate voted in favor of this bill, so why did the Democrats oppose the same thing now that Trump was President knowing full well it would lead to a shutdown? Clearly, the woman should have sent her letter of complaint to Pelosi and Schumer instead of the President.
”In 2013, three years before Trump became President, Chuck Schumer presented a bill to the Senate (S. 744) that provided billions of dollars for hundreds of border fence”

And they built it. Now trump wants to rebuild it.

No dice.
Once again, your understanding is limited by your ignorance. In 2006, the fence was built, but in 2013, the Democrats and Republicans wanted to build a better fence, but the bill included provisions for trying to find a path to citizenship for the estimated 11,000 illegals living in the US and while the bill passed the Senate by a large margin, the Republican controlled House refused to bring it to a vote and it never became law, but all the Democrats in the Senate, including many who serve in the Senate today supported everything that President Trump wants to do right up until the President said he wanted to do it. So clearly the Democrats' opposition to funding the fence has nothing to do with disagreeing with the President's policy on immigration but only with the fact there is a Republican in the WH now, and this shows the utter indifference of the Democrats and their supporters to the hardships caused by the shutdown, and that's why the letter should have been addressed to Pelosi and Schumer.
Now you’re flat out lying. Republicans killed that bill.

Then in 2018, Republicans killed another chance at a similar bill.

Now they’ve got shit.
I didn't lie about anything, but you're just trying to dodge the fact that the Democrats supported President Trump's immigration reforms in 2013 and now have opposed them only because there is a Republican in the WH. If you want to find liars, look at the Democrats like Schuner or Sanders or Durbin and many more who are now trying to find arguments against the same policies they supported right up until President Trump also wanted them.
You said Republicans were for it; when in fact, by more than 2-1, they voted against it in the Senate and killed the bill in the House.

And again, Democrats voted for it again in 2018, but again, couldn’t get Republicans to agree to what Democrats wanted along with the wall.

And again, it’s not needed because they already built the walls and fences.

And again, trump owned the shutdown.
I've seen it reported that the federal contractors will not receive back-pay. They were just forced into limbo with no apparent way to recoup more than a month's lost wages.

Dear Wilbur Ross: My husband is a furloughed employee. We are a single-income family. Here's what the shutdown actually feels like.

Jan. 25, 2019, 9:03 AM PST
By Katherine Zimmerman

A few days into this snowballing disaster of a partial government shutdown, President Donald Trump’s chief economic adviser Kevin Hasset made the mind-bending statement that this involuntary cessation of work is like a vacation for federal workers. On Monday, Trump’s daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, said the shutdown was causing “a little bit of pain,” but that future generations would thank furloughed workers for their sacrifice. And then on Thursday, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross told Bloomberg he “didn’t understand” why the shutdown was forcing some furloughed federal workers to seek out food banks and suggested they simply go to a real bank and snap up a loan.

Well Secretary Ross, my husband is a furloughed USDA employee. We are a single-income family. And let me tell you, we are neither on a vacation nor suffering just a “a little bit of pain.”

Continued here
Opinion | Dear Wilbur Ross: Furloughed workers like my husband are not on a "vacation"

Only losers depend on government contract work. No one cares. Better yet, how about you get another income coming into the home? A family is typically a team effort.

Yes. Especially them. So conditioned to the federal teet. They can build a super stealth jet drone, but they can’t make a buck unless it’s from the government ? So yeah, losers.
I don't care about government workers. They prospered and grew fat during the Obama years while people in the private sector lost their homes and lost their jobs.

That they did. They never experienced what the rest of the country did. They don't get fired. They don't get laid off. They get a cost of living increase each year. They live in a bubble and couldn't care less how everyone else had to live during those years.

As for back pay?? Anyone in the private sector ever get back pay when they were laid off or furloughed? I know they didn't.

I don't have a damn to give about their complaints.
No one in the private sector ever had their CEO make a bullshit promise that he knew was bullshit when he made it -- then to save face with people who DOES NOT even work for him, insist on not paying his employees while expecting them to continue working...

Oh by the way, the president is not the CEO....and federal employees DO NOT work for him.
Are you being funny here?
Your ignorance is getting in the way of your understanding again. In 2013, three years before Trump became President, Chuck Schumer presented a bill to the Senate (S. 744) that provided billions of dollars for hundreds of border fence, more billions of dollars for surveillance and communications equipment to make it a smart fence, more money to hire thousands more Border Patrol agents, that ended the visa lottery and chain immigration, and provided a point system that would change our immigration rules so that people will be vetted on their ability to contribute to America rather than on the basis of family. Pretty much all the things Trump wants and every Democrat in the Senate voted in favor of this bill, so why did the Democrats oppose the same thing now that Trump was President knowing full well it would lead to a shutdown? Clearly, the woman should have sent her letter of complaint to Pelosi and Schumer instead of the President.
”In 2013, three years before Trump became President, Chuck Schumer presented a bill to the Senate (S. 744) that provided billions of dollars for hundreds of border fence”

And they built it. Now trump wants to rebuild it.

No dice.
Once again, your understanding is limited by your ignorance. In 2006, the fence was built, but in 2013, the Democrats and Republicans wanted to build a better fence, but the bill included provisions for trying to find a path to citizenship for the estimated 11,000 illegals living in the US and while the bill passed the Senate by a large margin, the Republican controlled House refused to bring it to a vote and it never became law, but all the Democrats in the Senate, including many who serve in the Senate today supported everything that President Trump wants to do right up until the President said he wanted to do it. So clearly the Democrats' opposition to funding the fence has nothing to do with disagreeing with the President's policy on immigration but only with the fact there is a Republican in the WH now, and this shows the utter indifference of the Democrats and their supporters to the hardships caused by the shutdown, and that's why the letter should have been addressed to Pelosi and Schumer.
Now you’re flat out lying. Republicans killed that bill.

Then in 2018, Republicans killed another chance at a similar bill.

Now they’ve got shit.
I didn't lie about anything, but you're just trying to dodge the fact that the Democrats supported President Trump's immigration reforms in 2013 and now have opposed them only because there is a Republican in the WH. If you want to find liars, look at the Democrats like Schuner or Sanders or Durbin and many more who are now trying to find arguments against the same policies they supported right up until President Trump also wanted them.
You said Republicans were for it; when in fact, by more than 2-1, they voted against it in the Senate and killed the bill in the House.

And again, Democrats voted for it again in 2018, but again, couldn’t get Republicans to agree to what Democrats wanted along with the wall.

And again, it’s not needed because they already built the walls and fences.

And again, trump owned the shutdown.

wait, they've already built walls and fences along our border that are immoral, too expensive, don't work, and are just outright racist?
”In 2013, three years before Trump became President, Chuck Schumer presented a bill to the Senate (S. 744) that provided billions of dollars for hundreds of border fence”

And they built it. Now trump wants to rebuild it.

No dice.
Once again, your understanding is limited by your ignorance. In 2006, the fence was built, but in 2013, the Democrats and Republicans wanted to build a better fence, but the bill included provisions for trying to find a path to citizenship for the estimated 11,000 illegals living in the US and while the bill passed the Senate by a large margin, the Republican controlled House refused to bring it to a vote and it never became law, but all the Democrats in the Senate, including many who serve in the Senate today supported everything that President Trump wants to do right up until the President said he wanted to do it. So clearly the Democrats' opposition to funding the fence has nothing to do with disagreeing with the President's policy on immigration but only with the fact there is a Republican in the WH now, and this shows the utter indifference of the Democrats and their supporters to the hardships caused by the shutdown, and that's why the letter should have been addressed to Pelosi and Schumer.
Now you’re flat out lying. Republicans killed that bill.

Then in 2018, Republicans killed another chance at a similar bill.

Now they’ve got shit.
I didn't lie about anything, but you're just trying to dodge the fact that the Democrats supported President Trump's immigration reforms in 2013 and now have opposed them only because there is a Republican in the WH. If you want to find liars, look at the Democrats like Schuner or Sanders or Durbin and many more who are now trying to find arguments against the same policies they supported right up until President Trump also wanted them.
You said Republicans were for it; when in fact, by more than 2-1, they voted against it in the Senate and killed the bill in the House.

And again, Democrats voted for it again in 2018, but again, couldn’t get Republicans to agree to what Democrats wanted along with the wall.

And again, it’s not needed because they already built the walls and fences.

And again, trump owned the shutdown.

wait, they've already built walls and fences along our border that are immoral, too expensive, don't work, and are just outright racist?
I hate it when people build racist walls.
So the question is, why was Pelosi playing games with border security when she knew it would lead to a shutdown? As you have previously pointed out, Schumer claimed he had offered Trump all the funding for border security he wanted in exchange for a path to citizenship for the so called "dreamers" so clearly the Democrats were not opposed to the border fence, so why did they force the shutdown over an issue they didn't oppose as a matter of policy?
You have a mental disorder. I can’t help you there.

Trump shut the border down.

Your ignorance is getting in the way of your understanding again. In 2013, three years before Trump became President, Chuck Schumer presented a bill to the Senate (S. 744) that provided billions of dollars for hundreds of border fence, more billions of dollars for surveillance and communications equipment to make it a smart fence, more money to hire thousands more Border Patrol agents, that ended the visa lottery and chain immigration, and provided a point system that would change our immigration rules so that people will be vetted on their ability to contribute to America rather than on the basis of family. Pretty much all the things Trump wants and every Democrat in the Senate voted in favor of this bill, so why did the Democrats oppose the same thing now that Trump was President knowing full well it would lead to a shutdown? Clearly, the woman should have sent her letter of complaint to Pelosi and Schumer instead of the President.
”In 2013, three years before Trump became President, Chuck Schumer presented a bill to the Senate (S. 744) that provided billions of dollars for hundreds of border fence”

And they built it. Now trump wants to rebuild it.

No dice.
Once again, your understanding is limited by your ignorance. In 2006, the fence was built, but in 2013, the Democrats and Republicans wanted to build a better fence, but the bill included provisions for trying to find a path to citizenship for the estimated 11,000 illegals living in the US and while the bill passed the Senate by a large margin, the Republican controlled House refused to bring it to a vote and it never became law, but all the Democrats in the Senate, including many who serve in the Senate today supported everything that President Trump wants to do right up until the President said he wanted to do it. So clearly the Democrats' opposition to funding the fence has nothing to do with disagreeing with the President's policy on immigration but only with the fact there is a Republican in the WH now, and this shows the utter indifference of the Democrats and their supporters to the hardships caused by the shutdown, and that's why the letter should have been addressed to Pelosi and Schumer.
Now you’re flat out lying. Republicans killed that bill.

Then in 2018, Republicans killed another chance at a similar bill.

Now they’ve got shit.
I didn't lie about anything, but you're just trying to dodge the fact that the Democrats supported President Trump's immigration reforms in 2013 and now have opposed them only because there is a Republican in the WH. If you want to find liars, look at the Democrats like Schuner or Sanders or Durbin and many more who are now trying to find arguments against the same policies they supported right up until President Trump also wanted them.
Trump made immigration reforms in 2013? Who knew....

Can you tell me what they were and did they involve Mexico paying for a wall?
Your ignorance is getting in the way of your understanding again. In 2013, three years before Trump became President, Chuck Schumer presented a bill to the Senate (S. 744) that provided billions of dollars for hundreds of border fence, more billions of dollars for surveillance and communications equipment to make it a smart fence, more money to hire thousands more Border Patrol agents, that ended the visa lottery and chain immigration, and provided a point system that would change our immigration rules so that people will be vetted on their ability to contribute to America rather than on the basis of family. Pretty much all the things Trump wants and every Democrat in the Senate voted in favor of this bill, so why did the Democrats oppose the same thing now that Trump was President knowing full well it would lead to a shutdown? Clearly, the woman should have sent her letter of complaint to Pelosi and Schumer instead of the President.
”In 2013, three years before Trump became President, Chuck Schumer presented a bill to the Senate (S. 744) that provided billions of dollars for hundreds of border fence”

And they built it. Now trump wants to rebuild it.

No dice.
Once again, your understanding is limited by your ignorance. In 2006, the fence was built, but in 2013, the Democrats and Republicans wanted to build a better fence, but the bill included provisions for trying to find a path to citizenship for the estimated 11,000 illegals living in the US and while the bill passed the Senate by a large margin, the Republican controlled House refused to bring it to a vote and it never became law, but all the Democrats in the Senate, including many who serve in the Senate today supported everything that President Trump wants to do right up until the President said he wanted to do it. So clearly the Democrats' opposition to funding the fence has nothing to do with disagreeing with the President's policy on immigration but only with the fact there is a Republican in the WH now, and this shows the utter indifference of the Democrats and their supporters to the hardships caused by the shutdown, and that's why the letter should have been addressed to Pelosi and Schumer.
Now you’re flat out lying. Republicans killed that bill.

Then in 2018, Republicans killed another chance at a similar bill.

Now they’ve got shit.
I didn't lie about anything, but you're just trying to dodge the fact that the Democrats supported President Trump's immigration reforms in 2013 and now have opposed them only because there is a Republican in the WH. If you want to find liars, look at the Democrats like Schuner or Sanders or Durbin and many more who are now trying to find arguments against the same policies they supported right up until President Trump also wanted them.
Trump made immigration reforms in 2013? Who knew....

Can you tell me what they were and did they involve Mexico paying for a wall?
Are you too stupid to understand the conversation?
Because you appear to be.

But just in case you really are that stupid, which you could be, let me fix it for you:

"In 2013 the Democrats supported the same immigration forms that they now oppose."
I don't care about government workers. They prospered and grew fat during the Obama years while people in the private sector lost their homes and lost their jobs.
^christer conservative republican^
I've seen it reported that the federal contractors will not receive back-pay. They were just forced into limbo with no apparent way to recoup more than a month's lost wages.

Dear Wilbur Ross: My husband is a furloughed employee. We are a single-income family. Here's what the shutdown actually feels like.

Jan. 25, 2019, 9:03 AM PST
By Katherine Zimmerman

A few days into this snowballing disaster of a partial government shutdown, President Donald Trump’s chief economic adviser Kevin Hasset made the mind-bending statement that this involuntary cessation of work is like a vacation for federal workers. On Monday, Trump’s daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, said the shutdown was causing “a little bit of pain,” but that future generations would thank furloughed workers for their sacrifice. And then on Thursday, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross told Bloomberg he “didn’t understand” why the shutdown was forcing some furloughed federal workers to seek out food banks and suggested they simply go to a real bank and snap up a loan.

Well Secretary Ross, my husband is a furloughed USDA employee. We are a single-income family. And let me tell you, we are neither on a vacation nor suffering just a “a little bit of pain.”

Continued here
Opinion | Dear Wilbur Ross: Furloughed workers like my husband are not on a "vacation"

Here would have been my response

Dear Katherinne

I don't understand a few things. Such as if this. If you can afford to be a single income household, surely you had some savings put back in case the sole bread winner in your family was unable to work for a short time?

If not, then pretty dumb of you to be a single income family

Love Wilbur
Remember when conservative republicans approved of single income homes where wives stayed home and raised the kids?
”In 2013, three years before Trump became President, Chuck Schumer presented a bill to the Senate (S. 744) that provided billions of dollars for hundreds of border fence”

And they built it. Now trump wants to rebuild it.

No dice.
Once again, your understanding is limited by your ignorance. In 2006, the fence was built, but in 2013, the Democrats and Republicans wanted to build a better fence, but the bill included provisions for trying to find a path to citizenship for the estimated 11,000 illegals living in the US and while the bill passed the Senate by a large margin, the Republican controlled House refused to bring it to a vote and it never became law, but all the Democrats in the Senate, including many who serve in the Senate today supported everything that President Trump wants to do right up until the President said he wanted to do it. So clearly the Democrats' opposition to funding the fence has nothing to do with disagreeing with the President's policy on immigration but only with the fact there is a Republican in the WH now, and this shows the utter indifference of the Democrats and their supporters to the hardships caused by the shutdown, and that's why the letter should have been addressed to Pelosi and Schumer.
Now you’re flat out lying. Republicans killed that bill.

Then in 2018, Republicans killed another chance at a similar bill.

Now they’ve got shit.
I didn't lie about anything, but you're just trying to dodge the fact that the Democrats supported President Trump's immigration reforms in 2013 and now have opposed them only because there is a Republican in the WH. If you want to find liars, look at the Democrats like Schuner or Sanders or Durbin and many more who are now trying to find arguments against the same policies they supported right up until President Trump also wanted them.
Trump made immigration reforms in 2013? Who knew....

Can you tell me what they were and did they involve Mexico paying for a wall?
Are you too stupid to understand the conversation?
Because you appear to be.

But just in case you really are that stupid, which you could be, let me fix it for you:

"In 2013 the Democrats supported the same immigration forms that they now oppose."
Actually, you are the stupid one....first....not one single Democrat in 2013 said that they were going to build a wall, a big beautiful wall and make mexico pay for it -- you keep avoiding the bullshit your cult leader said; maybe because you know its bullshit....

Second of all....since you want to talk about what "democrats" already agreed to...Democrats, Republicans, and Trump had already agreed to a bill back in December....then what happened? Ann and Rush made Trump feel the sads....

But you sycophants also pretend that never happened...probably because you are stupid...

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