Trump's Heart of Stone

Donald Trump and Melania entered the Welcome Concert yesterday with the Rolling Stones hit "Heart of Stone" blasting from the loudspeakers. I saw it on Fox. Neil Cavuto was puzzled as to why that song--didn't know what to make of it, he said. What a dope.
I've seen reactions on Facebook with people saying he is tone deaf, the song is about stalking girls on the street, blah blah blah.
I know exactly why he chose that song. Do you know?

'Cause you'll never break, never break, never break, never break
This heart of stone, oh no, no, you'll never break this heart of stone darling

No no this heart of stone
You'll never break it darling
You won't break this heart of stone oh no no no
You better go, you better go home
'Cause you'll, you'll never break this heart of stone
You better, you better drive on home

I feel so much better knowing that Trump is giving all his opponents the finger, spitting on their shoes, so to speak. You can be mean and refuse to perform at his party, refuse to be seen in association with him, but you will never break his heart. I'm off the hook. Pity for the old bastard isn't necessary.
Drive on home folks. He's not going to let it hurt him.

"Trump's Heart of Stone"

Trump's Balls of Steel :smoke:

The world now awaits the day when Don's balls, accompanied by a small peritoneal tube (the so-called hernia sac), passes through internal ring, inguinal canal, and external ring to take its normal position in the scrotum.
Are you trying to be funny here flashing your vast knowledge of male anatomy? (not surprising for obvious reasons) What else do you know about male reproductive organs....on second thought, please don't share it, I am about to have breakfast and don't want my appetite ruined....

Biologists kinda learn that stuff shoog.

Fenton is a Biologist?
Yes, specializing in male reproductive organs...
"Trump's Heart of Stone"

Trump's Balls of Steel :smoke:

The world now awaits the day when Don's balls, accompanied by a small peritoneal tube (the so-called hernia sac), passes through internal ring, inguinal canal, and external ring to take its normal position in the scrotum.
Are you trying to be funny here flashing your vast knowledge of male anatomy? (not surprising for obvious reasons) What else do you know about male reproductive organs....on second thought, please don't share it, I am about to have breakfast and don't want my appetite ruined....

Biologists kinda learn that stuff shoog.

Fenton is a Biologist?
Yes, specializing in male reproductive organs...

"Yes, specializing in male reproductive organs..."

Which is why I should have become one :hitit::gs:
"Trump's Heart of Stone"

Trump's Balls of Steel :smoke:

The world now awaits the day when Don's balls, accompanied by a small peritoneal tube (the so-called hernia sac), passes through internal ring, inguinal canal, and external ring to take its normal position in the scrotum.
Are you trying to be funny here flashing your vast knowledge of male anatomy? (not surprising for obvious reasons) What else do you know about male reproductive organs....on second thought, please don't share it, I am about to have breakfast and don't want my appetite ruined....

Biologists kinda learn that stuff shoog.

Fenton is a Biologist?

Must be dealing with tiny....hmmm... people
I used an electron microscope once to try and read a worn hallmark on a piece of antique silver.
At least I think that's what they called it--electron microscope. You know you're a Klutz when you have trouble looking through a microscope. Kept blanking out altogether on me.
Good for you, Fenton!
We're in Current Events, folks. Wouldn't mind keeping it there.
Donald Trump and Melania entered the Welcome Concert yesterday with the Rolling Stones hit "Heart of Stone" blasting from the loudspeakers. I saw it on Fox. Neil Cavuto was puzzled as to why that song--didn't know what to make of it, he said. What a dope.
I've seen reactions on Facebook with people saying he is tone deaf, the song is about stalking girls on the street, blah blah blah.
I know exactly why he chose that song. Do you know?

'Cause you'll never break, never break, never break, never break
This heart of stone, oh no, no, you'll never break this heart of stone darling

No no this heart of stone
You'll never break it darling
You won't break this heart of stone oh no no no
You better go, you better go home
'Cause you'll, you'll never break this heart of stone
You better, you better drive on home

I feel so much better knowing that Trump is giving all his opponents the finger, spitting on their shoes, so to speak. You can be mean and refuse to perform at his party, refuse to be seen in association with him, but you will never break his heart. I'm off the hook. Pity for the old bastard isn't necessary.
Drive on home folks. He's not going to let it hurt him.

"Trump's Heart of Stone"

Trump's Balls of Steel :smoke:

The world now awaits the day when Don's balls, accompanied by a small peritoneal tube (the so-called hernia sac), passes through internal ring, inguinal canal, and external ring to take its normal position in the scrotum.
Are you trying to be funny here flashing your vast knowledge of male anatomy? (not surprising for obvious reasons) What else do you know about male reproductive organs....on second thought, please don't share it, I am about to have breakfast and don't want my appetite ruined....

Biologists kinda learn that stuff shoog.
So that's what you call your extremely deep interest in male reproductive organs... learning something new every day...biologists.... taking oral and rectal temperatures with their probes....

Sorry, limiting myself to adults today.
I used an electron microscope once to try and read a worn hallmark on a piece of antique silver.
At least I think that's what they called it--electron microscope. You know you're a Klutz when you have trouble looking through a microscope. Kept blanking out altogether on me.
Good for you, Fenton!

Never have required one of those; I'm sure I would have been just as klutzy with one. Most places will have imaging specialists if that’s required for a study direction. It was a bit of an accident, I didn't go to college until age 31. Thought I was going into computers, wound up with a masters in this stuff and been in research ever since; both academic and big pharma. Cystic fibrosis, infectious diseases, hep C and neuroscience mostly. Guess it was either this or a real job. Had a few of those, never much cared for 'em, nor they for me. Anyone could do this stuff really, just a matter of perseverance. And you know, burning your bridges so there’s no way back doesn’t hurt either.
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"Trump's Heart of Stone"

Trump's Balls of Steel :smoke:

The world now awaits the day when Don's balls, accompanied by a small peritoneal tube (the so-called hernia sac), passes through internal ring, inguinal canal, and external ring to take its normal position in the scrotum.
Are you trying to be funny here flashing your vast knowledge of male anatomy? (not surprising for obvious reasons) What else do you know about male reproductive organs....on second thought, please don't share it, I am about to have breakfast and don't want my appetite ruined....

Biologists kinda learn that stuff shoog.
So that's what you call your extremely deep interest in male reproductive organs... learning something new every day...biologists.... taking oral and rectal temperatures with their probes....

Sorry, limiting myself to adults today.
Considering the context above, I will leave this one alone.....I am certain you understand why
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Donald Trump and Melania entered the Welcome Concert yesterday with the Rolling Stones hit "Heart of Stone" blasting from the loudspeakers. I saw it on Fox. Neil Cavuto was puzzled as to why that song--didn't know what to make of it, he said. What a dope.
I've seen reactions on Facebook with people saying he is tone deaf, the song is about stalking girls on the street, blah blah blah.
I know exactly why he chose that song. Do you know?

'Cause you'll never break, never break, never break, never break
This heart of stone, oh no, no, you'll never break this heart of stone darling

No no this heart of stone
You'll never break it darling
You won't break this heart of stone oh no no no
You better go, you better go home
'Cause you'll, you'll never break this heart of stone
You better, you better drive on home

I feel so much better knowing that Trump is giving all his opponents the finger, spitting on their shoes, so to speak. You can be mean and refuse to perform at his party, refuse to be seen in association with him, but you will never break his heart. I'm off the hook. Pity for the old bastard isn't necessary.
Drive on home folks. He's not going to let it hurt him.

"Trump's Heart of Stone"

Trump's Balls of Steel :smoke:

The world now awaits the day when Don's balls, accompanied by a small peritoneal tube (the so-called hernia sac), passes through internal ring, inguinal canal, and external ring to take its normal position in the scrotum.
Are you trying to be funny here flashing your vast knowledge of male anatomy? (not surprising for obvious reasons) What else do you know about male reproductive organs....on second thought, please don't share it, I am about to have breakfast and don't want my appetite ruined....

The world now awaits the day when Don's balls, accompanied by a small peritoneal tube (the so-called hernia sac), passes through internal ring, inguinal canal, and external ring to take its normal position in the scrotum.
Are you trying to be funny here flashing your vast knowledge of male anatomy? (not surprising for obvious reasons) What else do you know about male reproductive organs....on second thought, please don't share it, I am about to have breakfast and don't want my appetite ruined....

Biologists kinda learn that stuff shoog.
So that's what you call your extremely deep interest in male reproductive organs... learning something new every day...biologists.... taking oral and rectal temperatures with their probes....

Sorry, limiting myself to adults today.
Considering the context above, I will live this one alone.....I am certain you understand why

Sure pard, live it alone.
See COMMUNIST do not like to hear the truth as TRUMP GIVES AMERICA BACK TO THE PEOPLE!!!!
Communist do not like to hear someone who is SENSITIVE to the AMERICAN PEOPLE as being " ONE" not separated by politically correct bs of you are black, you are white, Bs

The establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country. Their victories have not been your victories. Their triumphs have not been your triumphs. And while they celebrated in our nation’s capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land.

That all changes starting right here and right now, because this moment is your moment.

It belongs to you.

It belongs to everyone gathered here today and everyone watching all across America.

This is your day.

This is your celebration.

And this, the United States of America, is your country.

What truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people.

January 20th, 2017, will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again.

The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer. Everyone is listening to you now. You came by the tens of millions to become part of a historic movement, the likes of which the world has never seen before.

We will follow two simple rules; buy American and hire American.

We will seek friendship and goodwill with the nations of the world, but we do so with the understanding that it is the right of all nations to put their own interests first. We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone, but rather to let it shine as an example. We will shine for everyone to follow.

We will reinforce old alliances and form new ones and unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate from the face of the Earth.

At the bedrock of our politics will be a total allegiance to the United States of America, and through our loyalty to our country, we will rediscover our loyalty to each other. When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice.

Full Text, Video: President Trump’s Inaugural Speech
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Are you trying to be funny here flashing your vast knowledge of male anatomy? (not surprising for obvious reasons) What else do you know about male reproductive organs....on second thought, please don't share it, I am about to have breakfast and don't want my appetite ruined....

Biologists kinda learn that stuff shoog.
So that's what you call your extremely deep interest in male reproductive organs... learning something new every day...biologists.... taking oral and rectal temperatures with their probes....

Sorry, limiting myself to adults today.
Considering the context above, I will live this one alone.....I am certain you understand why

Sure pard, live it alone.
Uh... a proof reader for one autospell induced mistake.... I may just correct it. Thank you professor....
Biologists kinda learn that stuff shoog.
So that's what you call your extremely deep interest in male reproductive organs... learning something new every day...biologists.... taking oral and rectal temperatures with their probes....

Sorry, limiting myself to adults today.
Considering the context above, I will live this one alone.....I am certain you understand why

Sure pard, live it alone.
Uh... a proof reader for one autospell induced mistake.... I may just correct it. Thank you professor....

The least of your mistakes grasshopper.

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