Trumps home raided by fbi

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Would not matter if he did, having a clearance is only half the equation. you still are required to have "need to know".

I had a clearance my whole time in the Marine Corps, that did not mean I could look at all classified documents.
EX-AG Whitaker said that there had to be a "serious predicate" for the search warrant. Not just a fishing expedition.
Back in 1861 my Great, Great, Great Grandfather became so distrustful of the Federal Government that he was willing to take up arms to defend against the oppression.

I understand why. Enough is enough. The Democrats have turned this country into a banana republic. They have to go. We can't depend up the election process to clear the bastards out because they steal elections.

It is time to show that we have backbone and do what our Founding Fathers expected us to do when it becomes this bad.
He can if the current president gives him the security clearance to do so.

I doubt Joe Biden granted Trump a top secret clearance.

Obama may have one.
You must think Joe Biden is really busy granting security clearances to everyone who needs to have one.
The FBI is not dumb enough to raid a former president and political candidate for NO reason.
They did it because Trump is a Republican and Biden told them to.

I don’t care what you think of their ethics. Let’s just face it: you think this simply because you support Trump. That’s it. You aren’t basing this opinion off of anything objective. You will defend this orange whiny little bitch regardless of what he does.
Nope. We know it happened simply because 69 million Americans support Trump.
EX-AG Whitaker said that there had to be a "serious predicate" for the search warrant. Not just a fishing expedition.

And I agree with him. I am watching him speak right now.
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