Trumps home raided by fbi

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Not for Trump it wasen't. As a matter of fact the head of the CIA warned against giving Trump courtesy intel briefings afforded to all former POTUS because the fat fuck can't be trusted.
He can be trusted a lot more than Biden, Galand and Co. You fucking prog douchebags will excuse anything, so long as a Democrat is doing it.
Watching Fox News.

So much whataboutism.......



  1. the technique or practice of responding to an accusation or difficult question by making a counteraccusation or raising a different issue.

The FBI will have to be reformed.
They are not supposed to be the corrupt Democrat Party's Secret Police.
We need new laws to de-politicize FBI and DOJ.
There is really something evil going on with the Democrats.
They cannot be reformed; they can only be defunded 100% and have it happen immediately. Shut off the power to their offices world wide. Lock the doors. US Marshals go to the house of every agent and recover all government property and documents and get sworn statements that it was all returned.

THere's not a single federal criminal case worth this. Every federal criminal investigation may stop but that's the price.
Sure, I'm vile, I do make posts that are very unpleasant to you. The truth is out there, and that is what you can't rebut.

The democrats revealing exactly who they are……this is the beginning of mass graves and you fools don’t even understand that
The Jan 6 Soviet show trial was a flop… they got nothing from it…so now they send in the democrat party gestapo for more heavy handed, last ditch attempt to arrest Trump…

Do you left wing asshats not see the problem here? Trump is the first President to have his home raided by the other political party using fake warrants…..

This is just evil
Yep. Fake warrants always hold up in court. :cuckoo:
HE could VIEW classified material if the sitting President approves.

He can not TAKE them to his house
Correct. Remember how members of Congress, even with clearance, had to go to a special, secure room to view classified material, and were not allowed to bring even a pencil inside with them? Yet, there is video of Trump discussing classified info at a Mar a Lago PARTY, with people all around him.
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