Trumps home raided by fbi

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You’re not going to do a damn thing, drama queen.
People being killed and maimed is vengeance for those screwed over. At some point the ghettos will be dealt with. Garland the moderate. Get it. Garland the moderate. Groups will be killed again. And with it the innoicent....saying never again...never again...never again..
What’s up with this
All the problems dems cause and this is the final solution

What’s up with this
All the problems dems cause and this is the final solution

Der Fuehrer Thief in Chief Biden ZEIG HEIL!! ZEIG HEIL!!
Did the FBI find any damning evidence when they raided Obama's home looking for evidence of his drug cartel gun running scheme? Oh that's right, the FBI was just fine with Fast and Furious. Heck, only one border agent was murdered....that we know of. And what harm could there be in giving the drug cartels 4000 semi-automatic weapons?
Whaaaa Whaaaaaa......our king has been hurt.
Just reported: The raid was planned and executed by the FBI DC Field Office.

No, I don't think Trump will ever see prison. The logistics of it are just too difficult. I do think he'll agree to some kind of plea bargain.
Maybe, yet when and if he testifies under oath he's sure to piss off the judiciary and he will dig another hole deeper and deeper.
People being killed and maimed is vengeance for those screwed over. At some point the ghettos will be dealt with. Garland the moderate. Get it. Garland the moderate. Groups will be killed again. And with it the innoicent....saying never again...never again...never again..

Take a few deep breaths, Trumpster.
You are vile……this is a persecution by the political party in power using the FBI as their gestapo……this is a nightmare for this countr and it is no surprise that you support it…

Anything for power……you democrats are scum
This only proves that Democrats are Communists.....because this is the shit Putin does.
Did the FBI find any damning evidence when they raided Obama's home looking for evidence of his drug cartel gun running scheme? Oh that's right, the FBI was just fine with Fast and Furious. Heck, only one border agent was murdered....that we know of. And what harm could there be in giving the drug cartels 4000 semi-automatic weapons?
Poor Trump. I bet he's shitting HIS pants.
Keep talking motherfucker.
So what's the master plan here, Trumpcucks? Cry at the liberals even harder? Be even bigger little bitches? Rage even more on a message board SafeSpace?

Oooh. Scary.

Remember, from you all, threatening to act even worse isn't actually a threat, given how you all already act as badly as it's possible for humans to act.
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