Trumps home raided by fbi

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Well RNC... what are you losers going to do about this?....
Boxes (at least a dozen) of classified documents taken from the White House by an EX President

He still has top security clearance.

And they classify their wives grocery list in DC. They classify anything they don't want We the People to know that could make them look bad.
Just reported: The raid was planned and executed by the FBI DC Field Office.


Biden should be arrested for using the FBI to knock out his political opponent. This is unprecedented and is like a banana republic.

They'll sta Biden isn't going t run in 2024 (which he isn't going to do) to get around that.
You are vile……this is a persecution by the political party in power using the FBI as their gestapo……this is a nightmare for this countr and it is no surprise that you support it…

Anything for power……you democrats are scum
Sure, I'm vile, I do make posts that are very unpleasant to you. The truth is out there, and that is what you can't rebut.
i was over @ Politics and couldn't find the REASON given for raiding Trump's home

I mean, you know.. other than the obvious one

He is Trump

America is gone. No one abides by the Constitution so America is just gone...

This is what Trump wanted, he wanted everyone to suspect that if he got in trouble with the police, it wasn't HIS fault. It must be the FBI's fault.
He's willing to destroy the trust in US institutions in order to do this. He only cares about himself.
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