Trumps home raided by fbi

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Word is that it's about classified documents even though the President still has a security clearance and has a federally approved secure space in his home.

As President, he was the absolute, without question or appeal, final word on all things classified.. If he said it was legal for him to take then it was legal for him to take from a classification standard.

I don't think Trump has ongoing security clearance. I think classified information is granted as a courtesy to ex presidents.
What if some damning evidence is found, are you going to deny it?

I can hear it all now. Threaten with violence. It's all in your mind. Unless you are like the goons that went crazy on Jan. 6
Did the FBI find any damning evidence when they raided Obama's home looking for evidence of his drug cartel gun running scheme? Oh that's right, the FBI was just fine with Fast and Furious. Heck, only one border agent was murdered....that we know of. And what harm could there be in giving the drug cartels 4000 semi-automatic weapons?
BULLSHIT. The only real plan was to violate the Constitution, murder the Vice President and Speaker of the House and take over the White House with a Coup.

You are vile……this is a persecution by the political party in power using the FBI as their gestapo……this is a nightmare for this countr and it is no surprise that you support it…

Anything for power……you democrats are scum
i was over @ Politics and couldn't find the REASON given for raiding Trump's home

I mean, you know.. other than the obvious one

He is Trump

America is gone. No one abides by the Constitution so America is just gone...

...because they can.

We officially have the type of government 2A was designed to defend against
I don't think Trump has ongoing security clearance. I think classified information is granted as a courtesy to ex presidents.

Would not matter if he did, having a clearance is only half the equation. you still are required to have "need to know".

I had a clearance my whole time in the Marine Corps, that did not mean I could look at all classified documents.
Having a security clearance is not enough. You still have to have a reason to access the classified information.
Trump lost his security clearance upon leaving the office. Only Joe Biden can grant Trump a security clearance.
This is like when Trump rescinded the security clearances of several former agency heads.
i was over @ Politics and couldn't find the REASON given for raiding Trump's home

I mean, you know.. other than the obvious one

He is Trump

America is gone. No one abides by the Constitution so America is just gone...
Why should you be told anything. That is not the way the DOJ works. are a trumpsters. You would tip his mob off. This may be the end for the trump Mafia.
The Biden family gets rich commiting significant corruption and then steals an election and the fucking FBI shitheads raid Trump's property???? Really?

Just like the BLM filth spends six months destroying this country in over 200 American cities in their demented insurrection but only the Patriots that protested for four hours against the Democrats stealing the election get arrested.

Banana Republic shit here.
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