Trumps home raided by fbi

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The fig leaf…..some boxes of old records………..that he didn’t return to the archives………just fucking vile
Because he was spied on for no reason; he was impeached twice for no reason... a series of three is enough to establish a pattern.
The FBI is not dumb enough to raid a former president and political candidate for NO reason. I don’t care what you think of their ethics. Let’s just face it: you think this simply because you support Trump. That’s it. You aren’t basing this opinion off of anything objective. You will defend this orange whiny little bitch regardless of what he does.
If that is true, then why wasn't it resolved in COURT?
Trump has been asked over & over & over again for months to return the fucking TOP SECRET documents. But because he's a no good fuck he refused.

Tough shit.
Trump lost his security clearance upon leaving the office. Only Joe Biden can grant Trump a security clearance.
This is like when Trump rescinded the security clearances of several former agency heads.
Nope. Presidents routinely retain their security clearance when they leave office.
In this case, it seems to be that you can't steal classified documents belonging to the government just because they incriminate you.
Riiight. They just claim he has “classified documents” yet won’t say what they are.
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