Trumps home raided by fbi

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What, Republicans not being above the law?
That depends ENTIRELY on Proof.Nothing short.
The Left { Dimocrats } are Stalinists. Now being emboldened
by their silly ass passing of their LIE ...
- The Inflation Reduction act - a $ 740 Billion bill that
does nothing of the sort.It spends that moola { Printed money
and debt } on mostly Climate Change bullcrap.
The Left has been found out.Our major Agencies have been
Weaponized.Alex Jones has been right all along.
This is a Major piece of the New World Order puzzle.
To take out our Middle Class with IRS Hunting.
To weaken or eliminate the Dollar as reserve currency.
" We Have crossed the Rubicon "
He can be trusted a lot more than Biden, Galand and Co. You fucking prog douchebags will excuse anything, so long as a Democrat is doing it.
Bad timing. A few days ago Trump could have run & hid up his buddy Viktor Orban's ass down at CPAC.

Oh well.
What’s up with this
All the problems dems cause and this is the final solution

Lol, poor wittle idiot upset the pos is getting what he has coming. We like it. We love it. We want more of it! Hope fully they made a mess of the place going through it. Would have been nice if they handcuffed old Trumpy boy through the whole thing. Hope fully that kgb tramp wife of his also.
The moment the political momentum started to turn against Trump, this is what was always going to happen.
Trump no longer has the support needed to rally his criminal supporters.
Lol, poor wittle idiot upset the pos is getting what he has coming. We like it. We love it. We want more of it! Hope fully they made a mess of the place going through it. Would have been nice if they handcuffed old Trumpy boy through the whole thing. Hope fully that kgb tramp wife of his also.
What a fucking NAZI.
Its a sad day for our nation and a sad day for justice and a scary day for freedom loving people..... if they can do this to a former president just think what they can do to you.....
The war for America is being fought by one side only and they are winning......
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