Trumps home raided by fbi

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I assume a judge signed off on it.

And that doesn’t mean the basis for the warrant was valid.

Banana republic shit doesn’t smell any better just because a judge has ok an search warrant application.
I guarantee that this warrant is as legally bulletproof as a warrant could be. I doubt anyone at DOJ is taking this any other way but deadly serious. This will of course have to stand the most scrutiny in history.
Actually anyone granted a security clearance under penalty of law, has to follow the requirements for securing classified material.
They can take them home if they transport them in a secure fashion, get permission to have them in their home, and verify that they have the proper equipment to secure them.
None of which happened here. Trump essentially stole them
Actually anyone granted a security clearance under penalty of law, has to follow the requirements for securing classified material.
They can take them home if they transport them in a secure fashion, get permission to have them in their home, and verify that they have the proper equipment to secure them.
Unless your Hillary of course.
CNN is repeating the same mantra that have repeated over and over, it is insulting, "no one is above the law".

How ghoulish must ones soul be to repeat that with a straight face when witnessing the full court press against Trump for six years compared to "their side'.

How much more damage to Americas reputation are the old, Establishing going to accept? There appears to be daily endorsements of the methods by Russia and other enemies to the point that they are making enemy states seem normal.
Riiight. They just claim he has “classified documents” yet won’t say what they are.

Jesse waters first tonight stated that Trump has too secret clearance, a SCiff room….. and is legally able to have those documents
Damn boi, did you say this about those Clinton emails?

They were under Federal Subpoena and she destroyed them….
Would not matter if he did, having a clearance is only half the equation. you still are required to have "need to know".

I had a clearance my whole time in the Marine Corps, that did not mean I could look at all classified documents.

They are reporting it's a criminal investigation... Rico. Trump is in NYC at Trump Tower.
And FoxNews is talking about Hunter Biden!

Hannity's tan just turned white.
Its a sad day for our nation and a sad day for justice and a scary day for freedom loving people..... if they can do this to a former president just think what they can do to you.....
The war for America is being fought by one side only and they are winning......

Yeah….not anymore…. They crossed a line tonight.
Can the faaaaaaaaaaaar left be so clueless as to not realize if they keep this shit up, no one but the most zombie extremists among themselves will vote for them in the midterms?
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