Trumps home raided by fbi

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This bad news for DearLeader has left you particularly hysterical, revealing just how deep your emotional attachment to the Trump cult is.

Not that you ever really hid it well before.
Really? Show me an example of it. Quote even one post - EVER.
Can you imagine if he gets back into office? It will be fucking glorious.
There is no doubt he will that is why a crime will be invented. The FBI could have planted evidence. They are no longer credible and have not been for quite awhile.
Not for Trump it wasen't. As a matter of fact the head of the CIA warned against giving Trump courtesy intel briefings afforded to all former POTUS because the fat fuck can't be trusted.

That's true. Trump can't keep his mouth shut.
It's standard cult thinking to declare that the cult is perfect, the cult is always right, and that anyone who inconveniences the cult is evil by definition.

And we're seeing it here from the Trump cult. They're off the rails. They literally don't care about the evidence. DearLeader was attacked, so all cultists are commanded to go on a hate-jihad.
This bad news for DearLeader has left you particularly hysterical, revealing just how deep your emotional attachment to the Trump cult is.

Not that you ever really hid it well before.
I guess you have never ead his posts. You are a fool.
To all of you left wingers cheering. This has the potential to be the sinking of the Lithuania. Be careful what you hope for.

Even ABC and MSNBC channels on youtube, this is a common theme. As one guy said essentially on an ABC channel, "no matter what you think of Trump or what political side you are on, this should frighten all Americans".

The Establishment are essentially trying to protect their monarchy. Where a Clinton or a Bush runs for offices with heavy support for no other reason than their bloodline. If it weren't the case, other politicians would have been charged LONG ago.
Rest of the world in shock. This must be El Salvador right? Congo?

Wrong. The current president has to specifically grant them a security clearance. Usually so they can ask the former president for advice, and keep them updated on national security.

Such as Biden might have talked to Barack Obama about taking out the head of Al Qaeda.
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