Trumps home raided by fbi

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Lara Trump on FoxNews saying that trump collected magazines and news clippings and he had every right to take them with him.

Lara, are you sure it was just magazines and news articles?
Even ABC and MSNBC channels on youtube, this is a common theme. As one guy said essentially on an ABC channel, "no matter what you think of Trump or what political side you are on, this should frighten all Americans".

The Establishment are essentially trying to protect their monarchy. Where a Clinton or a Bush runs for offices with heavy support for no other reason than their bloodline. If it weren't the case, other politicians would have been charged LONG ago.
That's a lot of bluster from someone who has no idea why they are raiding the place or what evidence they have. Does this not embarrass you? It should.
. . . but the rest of our constitutional processes works reasonably well. Do we use the remaining democracy to try and change the part about not getting to pick the president, while being happy that at least we get a say in representatives, who can try to protect us against the worse excesses of an illegitimately elected executive? Or does armed resistance then become the only option for self-respecting patriotic Americans?

I don't have any doubt that there was enough cheating in the presidential election in 2020 that the election was arguably stolen. I think there is a strong likelihood that, if not for the cheating - almost entirely by one side - the election would have come out differently. I have seen nothing to convince me that we have a plan to keep that from happening in 2026.

Can we accept that we really don't get our choice for president? At least not if that choice is Donald Trump? Or do we think that next it will be not Trump and not anyone like Trump (such as De Santis), and finally only a Democrat, or a Cheney/Bush/Romney type Republican would be allowed a fair election?

What say you? Ready to lock and load, or ready to swallow your pride and say don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good?
What’s up with this
All the problems dems cause and this is the final solution

Problems with dems? When, and I'm sure you know, was the last time a Democrat President tried to steal an election by having his cult members invade the Capital of the United States.

I'm waiting.........
Lara Trump on FoxNews saying that trump collected magazines and news clippings and he had every right to take them with him.

Lara, are you sure it was just magazines and news articles?
Hunter collects videos.... although they're of him raping 10-year old Chinese girls....

Oops.... Russian disinformation.
Rest of the world in shock. This must be El Salvador right? Congo?

Lol this is a criminal investigation. A Trump appointed judge signed off on it.. and you know the warrant is flawless.

The Traitor wanted know why his General's (Trump's) to be loyal only to him, wanted them.
Clinton kept government documents on her personal computer and home server.

The D.O.J, does not issue warrants on lying asshole ex-president's without cause. We know he classified documents when was he was kicked out of the WH.

It's standard cult thinking to declare that the cult is perfect, the cult is always right, and that anyone who inconveniences the cult is evil by definition.

And we're seeing it here from the Trump cult. They're off the rails. They literally don't care about the evidence. DearLeader was attacked, so all cultists are commanded to go on a hate-jihad.
DNC cultists say the most ignorant things.
The Traitor wanted know why his General's (Trump's) to be loyal only to him, wanted them.

The D.O.J, does not issue warrants on lying asshole ex-president's without cause. We know he classified documents when was he was kicked out of the WH.

Bullshit FISA court dumbass
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