Trumps home raided by fbi

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What difference would it make whether Trump mentioned Biden?
Because that’s the only source of info we are going off of at this point. Either way, your rightwing rags would definitely be talking about it if the evidence was there. You are basing this off NOTHING.
It's not about Trump the man. It's about what the filthy Liberals are doing to the very fabric of the Republic.
IF the raid is about the TOP SECRET documents that Trump stole from the W.H. he was given the oppurtunity to return them. He refused.

Or were the Federal Archives supposed to kiss his ass to cooperate?
How do you know they are top secret?
I guarantee that this warrant is as legally bulletproof as a warrant could be. I doubt anyone at DOJ is taking this any other way but deadly serious. This will of course have to stand the most scrutiny in history.
You know and I know that there must be some fire here otherwise they wouldn't have raided an ex-president's residence even though the ex-president was the worst in history.
Actually anyone granted a security clearance under penalty of law, has to follow the requirements for securing classified material.
They can take them home if they transport them in a secure fashion, get permission to have them in their home, and verify that they have the proper equipment to secure them.

Except for hillary, right?
I guarantee that this warrant is as legally bulletproof as a warrant could be. I doubt anyone at DOJ is taking this any other way but deadly serious. This will of course have to stand the most scrutiny in history.
Your guarantees mean absolutely nothing.

And, the warrant might withstand legal scrutiny anyway. But if it doesn’t, it’s probably going to be on the basis of the affidavits in support of the application. If they get revealed to be in any way fictional or fudged, the whole fascade could come crashing down. But by then it may be too late.

And I’m wondering if that’s not the whole point here.
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But you would trust biden and palosi
Trump hasn’t proven to be a security risk
On May 10, 2017, U.S. President Donald Trump disclosed classified information to Russian government representatives, creating political and security concerns in the United States and its allies, especially Israel
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