Trumps home raided by fbi

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Suppose? Why wouldn't the Sorocrats ever lose a necessary election again??? Has anything changed? Will we be voting on Dominion machines again? With Smartmatic software? Obama isn't going to take any chances until the transfer to the New Liberal Order is complete. I don't know if a groundswell of anti-liberal voters is enough to overcome the corruption. It wasn't last time...
Trump stole nothing and this raid was fraudulent. They are literally shitting their pants that Trump will run and win.
A dozen or more boxes of classified material taken from the WH to Mar A Lago

Yea he did
. . . but the rest of our constitutional processes works reasonably well. Do we use the remaining democracy to try and change the part about not getting to pick the president, while being happy that at least we get a say in representatives, who can try to protect us against the worse excesses of an illegitimately elected executive? Or does armed resistance then become the only option for self-respecting patriotic Americans?

I don't have any doubt that there was enough cheating in the presidential election in 2020 that the election was arguably stolen. I think there is a strong likelihood that, if not for the cheating - almost entirely by one side - the election would have come out differently. I have seen nothing to convince me that we have a plan to keep that from happening in 2026.

Can we accept that we really don't get our choice for president? At least not if that choice is Donald Trump? Or do we think that next it will be not Trump and not anyone like Trump (such as De Santis), and finally only a Democrat, or a Cheney/Bush/Romney type Republican would be allowed a fair election?

What say you? Ready to lock and load, or ready to swallow your pride and say don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good?
Well shoot. We didn't get to pick the president last time. Trump won by a landslide, but they stole it for the idiot nobody wanted, and who clearly isn't up to the job.
You see, this is where we differ. I have been plenty critical of Trump at times, separating his personality from his policies.

I wonder what you believe is "good and honorable" about career politicians who are worth hundreds of millions, former SOS walking free, former presidents living in expansive mansions or family members of high ranking politicians being given a pass even though the security risk is clear.

This is six years and all the allegations against him, and worse, the person making the false allegations gets a pass. It might even be argued that this 24/7 anti-Russian narrative cornered Russia into war.

Go ahead and check youtube, most of the channels I view are left leaning. Check foreign media, SKY News, DW, WION etc. Read the comments from world citizens.
That vapid, useless rant in no way lends any support whatsoever to you pretending to know anything about the raid.

And where we differ is you suck trumps butt every day. It's on this board, for all to see, no matter how many times you try to lie about it.
Get your facts straight. Since you are mentally challenged, I'll help you out. The Lord of the Lies, donald trump, started the war on January 6! Bigly!!!
Biden started the goddamn war when he stole the election from the American people in 2020.

The war was actually started when The Worthless Negro used the IRS to go after Conservative opposition groups and directed the fucking piece of shit FBI to let Crooked Hillary off the hook for her enormous crimes. Then the FBI and CIA were used dishonestly to undermine Trump with that Russia bullshit.
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