Trumps home raided by fbi

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No. And neither is Brandon. Or Shrillary. Or the damn FBI. Or Pelosi. Investigate and impeach them all. Arrest them. Indict them. Give them a fair trial but hand down real tough sentences. Remove those vermin from office. If it’s a political war they want, I say fuck it. Let’s go.
Right sure does have a short memory. Rump & co did try to get Hillary & the Bidens.

Remember the chant "Lock her Up"? LOL You guys were ecstatic then, weren't you? Where was the due process then?

Unfortunately for you idiots, the right could find nothing on the Dems. :itsok:
Show us the warrant.
Who are you..that you need to see the warrant...LoL~ Trump saw the can believe did his lawyers.

In good time, as a matter of public record....anyone who's interested will see the warrant..abscent any classified redaction listing classified info.
Back in February, it was "reported" that the National Archives removed 15 boxes of documents from Mar-A-Lago, and some were marked "Top Secret."

I am thinking that the reason we did not hear more about this, was because it was complete BS, just like the latest raid.

Have we ever seen the Democrats so scared of their future? All of their policies fail, to they have to resort to tried-and-true Communist techniques of persecuting their idological opponents.
So, when you idiots invaded the Capitol and tried to hang poor VP Pence, the gloves were on?
You idiots use the plural way too cavalierly. Nobody I know trespassed at the Capitol. And nobody tried to hang VP Pence.

Are you always this stupid or did you just have a lobotomy today?
Would you like to see just how "extreme" Trump-supporters can be? This is how civil wars are started and brother, you'd better hope for cooler heads to prevail. Because if they don't, I'm going to personally own your ass.
Oh we know how violent Rump-supporters can be. We have it on video.
Who are you..that you need to see the warrant...LoL~ Trump saw the can believe did his lawyers.

In good time, as a matter of public record....anyone who's interested will see the warrant..abscent any classified redaction listing classified info.
Trump was in New York
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